Prince Rupert Daily Ncwi Monday. November 19, 1951 CALGARY '(P No fewer than 10 different varieties of mink were exhibited at the Calgary and District for breeders' field day held here. CARPENTERS (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) ' Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. Please retrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per insertion, minimum charge 5Cc. Birth Notices 50c. Cards uf Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Nutiees, Marriage find Engagement Announn-iuents $2 00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. FOR SALE 1939 Prices in Toledo Cafe TOLEDO, Ohio. Toledans lined up three deep to eat a club steak dinner for 85 cents or a breaded pork chop dinner for 50 cents. The occa-sion was the 12th anniversary of a restaurant here. To mark the event, the management dug out the menu served on the same November day in 1939, prices and all, for just one dav. Hundreds of persons slor;e.-l through snow and wind to stow away 120 pies, at 12 cents a cut; almost 1000 pork shops, on the 50-cent plate lunch; about 200 pounds of beef, at 85 cents per broiled club .steak. Some of the other bargains: vegetable luncheon, 35 cents; CUU Of mushroom snnrk ntvt for RALE Wine b.)bv carriage. like new. Phone Red 825. i274pi FOR SALE Remington portable typewriter. PhoL 352 before a. t274pi FOR SALE Larse size Coleman oil heater in pood condition. Phone Blatk 240. t270p' FOR KENT FOR i'EMT -, Sleeping room. ! Red 80(1. (270pi ROOM FOR RFNT Girls pre-lerred. I 221 Street. (lipi j FOR KENT Room and board j for gentleman Phone 123 Taxi. I i274pi I FOR A NEW HERTZ U-Drive phone 530. Bus Terminal. 2nd anil 2nd. ' 283p : : FOR KENT General Electric I l.uor Duli.htTs. $1 ner dav. ; 1'none Blue M2. Pacific Electric, ! (tfl j U-PR1VE CARS. Phone 41. j '1 1 (irenvllle Court. (tfl I va.t:i TO KENT WANTED TO RENT Urgent.) Bonne, furnl.-hed or uufurn-j ished. Couple with baby. Cel-anesc worker. Box 230 Daily News. (270p) WANTED TO RENT Two bed- i room furnished house crj aoarnneut'for six months. Call Mr. Pliner at Columbia Cellulose. (275pij i:O iKI AND ROOM BO.M.'I) AND ROOM for -working man. Phone Mack G00. itf.-i I keal estate FOR SALE Six room house with! glas-i verandah. Full cement l isment villi hot air furnace. Ptir'lv furnished. All in excellent condition. Owner leaving lown. Plume 10,). i271ei FOR KALE -Industrial lots 48 and 4!t. block 17, Ke-lion 1. Next Imncriul Machine Works. Lol.s are cleared and lilled. Aimlv Standaru Machine .Shun -(Hi CARS FOR SAl.Ii FOR KALE 1948 Ermlitih Fold panel i-ton truck. Best of fur for ca-sh. Room 18, Savov Hotel 1270;;) IFOR SAIE-I - Half-ton Kftide-i baker. Call at 1425 11th Ave. I alter : . (274'H ; Rare til of four aawk fil4 on our prvriFtrin niftrhint, Mfrhintrallr accural jumt. luff, tiling a A anttnt. ThTll ul ctoanar, truer, faalar. PRECISION SAW FILING ' 1.14,1 PKJGOTT PLACE Box 1C11 Station B (Agent: Bus Terminal) Irrrarc Rulldert Siinpl) John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs.:. 10:30-12:30, 2:00-S:00 Eves.: by appointment only 21-23 Besner Block Phonp Bine 442 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Fames Block 608 3rd Ae. W. Prinee Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 1 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 Colussi's Music Store . Agents for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 -4tn Kt Ph. Blnek 3R9 GEORGE RORIE& CO. ACCOUNTANTS ft AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all Us branches 204 -4th Street Phone 855 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 678 214 4th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dawes, Sid Alexander Train Schedule For the Fast Dally except Sunday 8 p.m. From the Fast Dally except Monday 10:05 p.m. MARGARET M. orroMETRir Room io STONE BUTijy PH0SE BLUE 59: po.boxiu ELECTfioa. R. W. COLU Phone Blue 970 E fot renulna paru a: Phft1 0t asrlW ! TERMINA; iii jLinU Phone CM All deliveries fully Photic K. SORE Blue 8i alter t Brick, Stone and B: Tile Setting and P. HANDYM; HOME SLR' GENERAL CONTM Euililing and Rep: kiiiJt ROOFS - cm OIL BURSI PHONES: P.O. Box 1670, SIDNEY GO' optometr: Complete Visual ; OFFICE HOI 9 a m to 5 ; Oeo. Conk's Jew MAHSO" UrilOLSTEF.: Phone Blue 126. P 234 3rd n Prince Rupfl' H. G. HELGE LIMITED REAL ESTATE & IS Phone 96 Evenings Oil Heatma S LAWRIE MACK- Blue 187 - Br Complete service in burners and a Stoves. Heaters, S Eddie's Beouh Permanents and B 731) -2nd Avt PHONE REE PO E CKoiMit: u.wi:m AUCTIONEER Phone C.reen 811 and Ked 1?7 RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AND ELECTRIC K A NOES PACIFIC ELECTRIC Phone Blue 992 PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STTDIO 216-4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 31J Prince Pupert JOHN H. i BULGER Oro John Sulger Ltd. Third Avcnu. Chinese DISHES Chop Sucy - Qiow Mein Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Out jitle Orders Phone 133 7 fori jor i ii (j Ladies ofd Gentlemen LING i, the tailor 220 Sixth St. Phone 949 PLUMBING end HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith SEIkins ltd. P.O. Box 274 . t iW, 'i I I I .71 I I I i Ir-k ' Distilled, Blended and . Bottled in Scotland' 76"i ot bolllM Thin amrprtlwment not putillshi'il or tli.spllivt by the Liquor Control Board or b? the Oovi-nimint ol BrttLsh BrltLsh Columbia. Columbia. Closed for Alterations e Watch for re-opening date Commodore Cafe 'PERSONALIZED yriCirr,!!"" See our large selection of Holiday Cards in imaginative designs Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK fftNTHj Boh Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Prinee Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 VANCOUVER VICTORIA Chlleotln 8 p.m. November 11 and 25 Chileotin midnight, Nov. 18 Tuesday, 12 Noon Camnsun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m." FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS November 23 fs. Chileotin miilnicht FOR SOUTH Ql TEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chileotin. Nov. 16 and 30 nitilninht FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert ARent Third Avenue Phone 508 PHOTO v WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVEIXDPING, PRINTINO ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Green 136 Box 478 FOR SALE 1935 Chev Master j end of November to attend for-sedan very good triwisporta- , pstry conventions. Foresters from tion. Reasonable. Phone Green 'British Columbia, Washington, 785 after 6 p.m. (271p Orea01, California. Montana and ANNOUNCEMENTS I.O.D.E. fan Bazaar Novembei ! 22. Registered's A.-viocia tion dance, Friday, Nov. 23. j St. Peters Fa:: Bazaar, No- vember 29. Catholic card party, Nov. 29. Job's Daughters Scotch dance, Friday, November 30, Armories. U.F.A.W.U. W.A. will hold a dance November 30, Oddfellows' Hall. Dancing 10-2. Lutheran Fish Dinner, Dec. 1. Salvation Army Home League sale and tea, Dec. 5, Salvation Army Hall. United church W. A. Kail Bazaar, Dec. 6. LKSONAI. 41 IMPORTANT NOTICE In view of ths fact thct an increase of taxi rates has recently been suggested by the Prince Ruoert Taxi Owners' ! Association, we wish to make it clear that this company is in no way connected with the said association nor do we anticipate any raise in fares to our customers. 99 TAXI CO. LIMITED I U NF.RAL NOTICE HOBILL In the city, Thursday, November 15, 1951, William, age 73 years, of Stewart. BC. Rev. Canon Basil S. Prockter will conduct services at Gren-ville Court Chapel at 2 p.m. i Tuesday, November 20. Inter- i merit to follow in Fairvirw Cem- etery. B. C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements.' Utct j BIRTH NOTICE MURRAY Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Murray, November i 14, 1951, a son, Donald Harvey, brother for Nancy. (Hpi SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Watchman or janitor job in city only. Reference if needed. Write P.O. Box 221, No. 50 Cow Bay. i270pi WILL do typing at home. Box 239, Daily News. i272pl HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Reliable woman to look after one baby and three children for one-month period. Interview at 1440 8th Fast. (274p) APPLICATIONS 'in writino are invited for the position of receptionist, Civic Centre, immediately. Please state age. business experience and names of references. Applications to be sent to General Secretary, Civic Centre. Box 340. All replies confidential. t275c) HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced office clerk to work part time in local construction office. If you are the right person we have a job for you immediately. Apply in writing to Box 238. Daily News. (tfl , '4 . FOR S ALE FURNITURE for Sale-Bedroom rugs, radios, chest of drawers, "' airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete, cribs, etc. Lowest pos-sible prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tfl NATIONAL Machinery Co. Limited. Distributors for: Mining, Sawmill, Logging and Contractors' Equipment. Enquiries invited. Granville Island, Vancouver 1, B.C. FOR SALE Chesterfield suite, bedroom suite, two single and one double beds, dresser, kitchen range oil burner, end tables, etc. 142 Fifth Ave. Ea-t. (272c) FOR QUICK SALE-Rcasonable: B-tube G.E. radio with record P'oyer, unci one Quebec healer. V,),jlv 813 Fraser St. or phone .ed 548. (270c) FOR SALE Boys' and Rills' all-wool lined jackets, coats and ski pants, very attractively tailored. Less than faetorv cost. B. C. Clothiers, Third Ave. 00 RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject tt Change) MONDAY p M. ! 00 IntPrr.nttmvil Commentary 5 10 (Vnsl niii.s -Si'al CuiiipaiKii 5:30 Dixifiantl J:i.'". BOO Slipper Srrcnadp 6:15 MiLiiial Airs B.30 Milsu-iil Vaia lics fi .r Sillily tsunirtle Show 7 110 C'llc: News 7.15 CHI' News Roundup 7::)U Fit Yon 7 4.S Hi u!utinn In V I. 8 1)0 Limu-r Awhile 8 :)il Natn nal t,;uiii U.hIio Forum 9 Oi l .Mi i.ulv Irom the .sky a so Sim.s' I V Norman Harper 10:00 CEO fps 10.10 CliC News 1015 Hrnvliii'lal Affairs Hon. VV. T Htraitn 10:30 tlirrv Peter's Varieties 1 1 00 Weather Heport anil .Sin-nll Tt'KSDAY A M 7 oo Ml'Mrnl Clock Hon I'llC New Kill Here's Hill (ioi.d H 15 M'lMOil Sot!!' K 30 Murmni; Drvtlioiis 1! 4f I. nth- t'one'-rt , 9:00 bH; H!':(! rr'mn!ent;i-e 9:15 Musle fur MiHlerns 9 :30 Sunrise Siileimde 9:50 Dorothy lHaij-lus Show 0 Hreoidrd 1 nurl title 9 59 Peenrtlecl Interlude Time SiLMial 1 0 00 Mornimr Visit 10.15 M,.nwtie Melodies 10 30 This Week s Art 1st. 10 45 tn tuition tn the Waltz 1 1 :00 Kiiirlei i:arleii ol Ihc Air 11:15 R'e.llulvip "1 line 1 1 ::) Weather R port 1 1 31 Messaue tvnod 11 33-I Recorded Interlude 1 i.t Heal id ma v tan Melodies V M 1 2 :O0 Med-day Melndles 12 15 C'HC News 12:25 Pnmram Itestnne 12 30 BC Farm hloadeasl. is Recorded Intel tude 1 :(I0 Afternoon Concert 1 :15 Allison Orent : Commentary 2 00 BC. SehiKil Isnjadeiist 2 30 Pe iilds tit Hand' i, n 3 (III 'Che Mieie Box 3 1 5 rrnlrliiin :) !0 Cine Lump or Two 3 45 Sol Ullest 4 00 Sunshine Society 4 30 Advent gn-s of .John Tanner tock Quotations; Interlude CIIC N: lis To Attend Forest Meet in Portland M. W. Gormely, district fores ter for the Prince Rupert area, and C. R. Telford, chief forester for Columbia Cellulose Company. I will jourr.ev to Portland at the Idaho will gather for the West ern Forestry and Conservation Association meeting on Ncvem- her 28. 29 and 30; and for the j American PhotoArammetrical ; Society convention on November I 27. " I Mrs. Telford will accompany her husband to Portland. ' Following the Portland meet- , ing Mr. Gormely will juurney to victoria for a District toresters meeting. ADVERTISING IN, THE DAILY . NEWS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MEANS PLUS BUSINESS FOR YOU FOUNDED IN 1910 The Ctirl Onide movement was founded in 1910 by Lord Baden-Powell a,s a parallel organization to the Boy Scouts. HUNTS AT 85 STRAFFORDV1LLE, Ont. W Among the first in this western Ontario district to head north lor the hunting season was Will Howcy, 80 years younK. He insists on doing his share of the chores for the party, including making flapjacks. French Guinea is a colony on the west coast of Africa, with a population of 2,125,000 in an area of 90,000 square miles. minced ham sandwich, 25 cents; hamburger, 15 cents; roast be-f sandwich with gravy, 25 cents, wtiner on a bun. 12 cents. NEUTRAL ARTIST Henry William Bunbury, famous English cartoonist who died in 1811, never attempted to draw political subjects. Moving, Paedin, Crating, , Shipping and Central Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phones (i() anil (18 sTeamer- Prince George SAILS FOR Vancouver anil Intermediate Torts ; Each Thursday at 11:1.) p.m. For KETCHIKAN .1 WEDNESDAY MIDMC.I11 Luxury at Low Cost Fur Reservations ' Write or Call CITY OK DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 'Wings ever the Interior' la Mm lo Terrace to PttaW and Intermediate Points Three Days Weekly To Kitimat and Kemano Doit Except Fridays from TERRACE B.C. ' LTD. Crawford Moore, Agent Trince liupert Terrace Phone Black 907 Phor.e 133 Call 363 FOB ISF.TTL'R ... Planning Building or . Repairing MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMrTID Builders & Contractors FLOOR SANDING D . ni have VOUr fM sanded by experts GREER & BRIDDEN LI 215 1st Avenue West WANTED WANTED . TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scran iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc Honest eroding Prompt pav-ment made. Atlas Iron 5 Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. B. C. Phone PAcific. 6357. (tf) CASH for S",ran oast, brats, Conner, batteries nnd radiators. Phone S43. Hall fi29 6th Avenue West. City. (tf) j WANTED Twin buggy in fair condition Aoply 517 7th Ave. West Black 890. (275pi i WANTED Good homes for four j beautiful kittens. Phone Black j 924. (275pl LOST LOST . Lady's beige colored purse in Rupert or between Rupert and Port Edward. ' Finder keep money and return I papers to Paramount Cale, Port Edward, B.C. (271c) FOUND FOUND Lady's gold pendant. Call at Bowling Alley. (270pi I R REPAIRS EXPERT fur repairs and remodelling. Past .service and low cost. Fowiie. & Rutlle Ltd. Phone 522. (tf) ACCOUNTANTS PURLIC ACCOUNTANT Income T;-.x sneciri'ist S Ct Fork. Stone Ruildinq. Red 593. (20ml OOVrcHNMENT LIQUOR ACT (Section 27) NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF BEER LICENCE NOTICE 1m hereby given thftt on tlio 3rd. dtiy or December next, the undersigned Intends to RPP'V to the Liquor Control Hoard for consent to ti-imsfer of Heer Licence number 1170. Issued in respect of premises benni purt of n building linown as Siivoy HoU'l. situate at 618 h'raser Street.. In the Citv of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Colunibi i. upon the liuiils described as Lots tl la. IS. 14 and IS. BlivK 3S. Kectlon 1. Citv of Prince Rupert. Map number 9". Prince Rupert Land Rels- j tration District. In the Province of j British Columbia, from Willis I,, j Woods to Hurt Investments Ltd . nf i 426 H(nlrd Btiildinit. 510 West; Hastings .Street. Vancouver, British. Colonihin, the transferee. DATED at. Prince Kuwrt. British Columbia, this 5th day of November.' A D. nisi HART INVESTMENTS LTD. Applicant una Transferee. By: Max Osten. Ksq., 4-.!fl Standard Bllildlnft, Vancouver. BC its Solicitor. (27!)ri ! j Hull, Que., was originally, known as WriRhttown after Phi-lemon Wright, who led 60 Mas-1 sachusetts settlors to the site ia j moo. Phone !)09 Baptone Basic Ton In 10 deep base colors that make modern decorative color schemes easy to obtain. Thompson Hardware Co, I I -- BLONDIF How Wos Hero Know? JlSS f" ),( I'M GOING TO PUT I V s ilSLOH(tfe, UpWJ?tr5EsT!1 CPPV - S ti WHAT APE ) A i ) AND TM PEAS YOU KNOW THE MOPE EMPTYING rTC)WT C CORN AND THE StoawI XH- 9 4CTHE rAPPT '4 WHATS SPAGHETTI INTO -t THE eETTER IT TASTES &Zr CJt) 1 SWEEPS' l' w-t