Prince Rupert Daily Ncvvs Monday, November 19, lfl.rl SMALL TALK CONCERNING MOTHER-IN-LAW YOUR by Syms cat, lot Anfll Mr. ami .Mrs. W. L. Woods HwMs AliuarU Mearurr Camosun r,. j".' ti' a P ' Vfc ficfure (hey sailed last night to j make a trip to Alice Arm and! :il-w: 'irt Hi,d on to Vancouver w h.Tc th- y will f pend the win- j ?:r and Mrs. W. L. Woods' enter! aincd some sixty friends at ; a cliimc pi.rty aboard the steam- j er Cam-jiiun. It was a pleasant ' rxrui novel farewell party, giving Mr. and Mrs. Woods the opportunity no', only to fay au revoir ' 3fore,ue 1?or3e CalheJrat (Srule JiffonS and tjlon Vol a Pal, to Self 1- A -'-..". .' ..''': Mr Prince Rurjert-hnrn m - i I ON DON t Although eager women form long queues every Blena Morse, daughter of .! hu, to rcc. ive the best wishes of "Land sake, Nellie . . . your drpu unn. , ... i lme fomeone whispers nylons. "JL 'IU J in e !Hl.lT..;.: ..... .I...!- ..: i.. - . "I mustn't blow my top, I mustn't blow my top, I mustn't blow my top . . ." ". . . try to be nice to Mother, fche's only going to be here three weeks." . .. ' Paw never got away with anything like that." sen became ihe lne hriHo brl(le 'f , i, iomisn manuiacturers are wjr- "" menus wno expressed con-, . . Norman rierl h t1 fmn nnn ,wu ,v... tiller bone th k. "imam lverson ,.r. nr - .... i ' -.-.wxw.vto .... j uc rnonv0' llTnitLVU ce;e-' "oneonhe Labor governments r' luni,!i!; to m;ike tlie.i home in : the north (Mr wnxls ucentiy steamer where music was dis-sold his Savoy Holt', busine-g pensed by an orchestra consist- i .?. J. Mimtsnko, Mr. and Mrs. Kinnon. Miss Olga Zabudney, l Tony Bussanich, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. Jean Mendels. C. J. Gustaf- mMf.i ing of Mis. Nora Thompson, M:ke K. Ogilvie, Mr. and Mrs. Jack son, Don McAra, Robert Ritchie, eamcurai Rev Canon R-n.ii I a i " . Piockter li.L ,n...:ls , s; .a!ity nylons by one pair in 10. In a rent sreern. ajjivor II F. Colussi and Percy Curllc. ', Rltchif. Mr. and Mrs. William Lome Heath, O. L. Youngman, Glassey voiced the senlime.its of Guests included: ! Dale. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McLean, Victor Grant, t. M. Bertrand. the ceremony In the r " . ,Ve .on? are PB P by the tho ,..' , ... .. nunai.-as i in export warehouses, the cornnanv assemhleH navinv Mayor and Mrs. II. F. Olassrv. Mr. and Mrs G. Srheldel Mr. Perev Curie Mik. CoIursI and u, uuin one-, and due to overseas tales resistance, tribute to the good citizenship Mr. and Mrs. Edwa-d Gladding, : and Mrs. R. S. Collinsor. Aid. O'en Eyford I. groom. The bride wore a whiio , . , e aa OI one mg nrm ln 01 Ml ani Mrs Woods together Mr. and Mrs. William Mallett. i ' and Mrs. George Casey, Mr. ind "We have 200.000 with annreciat Ion nf their r,n- M . and and Mrs. II. nrv Dickens. NAVAL PICMEi'R ding dress of nvlon net nv tuf.i Mrs. Hans Kosh (Terrace), Mr. The first naval vessel to use , pairs o nyions we ennnot sell pitality. and expression of the and Mrs. G. A. Hunter, Mr bwidod tla'ra and TeU B'0VM' ; abroad and cannot release for the .Wpe that they would return and Mrs Richardson, Mr.' and ; and M;s' B- J- Bacon- Mr- and 'team was the Ushtning. built .."me nidi ivci,. ; soon. . ivilo. t ri.ect t auiuUig, .lr. ai.U ini:ir?ij"'jii, lrriTH iviit- hi urpnui u, cn;iaiiu, ii xoo. The matron of honor Mrc r Chief Steward Norman David- Mrs. William McKenzie. Mr. and j COLONY'S EXPORTS GROW jT-This Royal Sapphire fox cape was presented to Elizabeth at Charlotte town by Premier J. Walter Jones. , arc ol select grade with a very pronounced blue or tulor throughout. Four pelts were used in the making i?e. (CP PHOTO) son elfic.ently upheld the Union Mrs. Don Main. Mr. a.-.d Mrs J. Hadland, chose teal blu- figured taffeta with pink acccssois and nosegay of carnation:, Junior bridesmaid was Miss VICTORIA, Seychelles Islands i Steamship Co.'s traditional re- t Hori, Mr or, mr a t-. Oi- Exports of this British col- I cord of hospitality in the man- ' ..' ' ... ' In the I in vance- Mr- an1 Lee Sl"g. ony Indian Ocean were ner which arrangements were ..! i rrr. . ., , 1.. .... . . yf Arc T "..Viti JIlTr ,1 mi Anorea Veitch, niece of the bride ODDS & ENDS 51(11 hihiiomiin. ',1.1.1 , ' ""U l .ou,Jo ounng iau, : maue iur inj party. Activities " ""w, n. nu flnwer ic '!i a p K an Increase of more than 200.- centred in the social hall of the Mrs. F. C. KcEwen, Mr. and Mrs. J ?'so carrvlng 1 nosegay I 000 over th previous vear. Coora l - ---- - - ( all u lira ( (J3a of carnations. zaav is is tne most important product Arthur T. Hanberg was g.'ooms- and the islands have benefitted since the war from grants made under the Colonial Development and Welfare Acts. Color fit f, Cli vis li niassii The Cathedral ceremony was followed by a reception in Valhalla hall where Canon Prockter proposed a toast to the bride Ladies' Shoes The CNR maDOino in a rof. , and gold, the colors of the Caledonia Dio-uimn's Auxiliary, mingled with Christmassy n Saturday afternoon at the Cathedral with the groom responding. The i erence to the bus service between evening was spent in duncing j Prince Rupert and Smithers, des-with accordian music by Chris cribes the recent change wherein Fossum. Refreshments featured i the davliuhf u'ripriiil-o hummae SAVE 50 on fuel bills with the new improved patented "BOOKER" Folder showing 4 models nf BOOKHK heaters or furnaces free on request at ONE WEEK ONLY $1.95 (,,r..aJM- W- Gormely, and Mrs. a beautiful wedding cake which j effective. This. It is stated, is a W.jwas duly out by the bride and feature which should prove ; Broorn. popular, since many requests , i itougnan. iny wets were receW-- Christmas shopper, found a Mr. and Mrs. lverson will re- I were made hv the rnmmiinitiPB p ir ,.r lovely ar.-ay of gift suggestions ! side at Oona River served for such a revision. The bus now leaves Prince Rupert at irom wnic.n to choose. ble. which was cov-; The sewing stall was presided i b.'S'Jlifu: dolh or over by Mrs. A. M. Rlvett Mrs .r linen wi'h drawn- R. Q. Moare'and Mrs. A. Martin rk. w ;id:irr'd by red the knitting by Mrs. R. E. Glad- v "nklen chrysan-. dina and Mrs w i.inii- rt Fashion Footwear ead Island City Builder's Supply ers 8 a.m. Sundays and Fridays, arriving ln Smithers at 6:40 p.m. Departure from Smithers is 8 ft.m. Mondays and Saturdays, arriving in Prince Rupert at 6:40 pm. Phone Blue 820 505 .McBride Street and by taper of red the novelties by Mis D McNab 1 LeR'on card party Wednes- ! Mrs. W. E. Simmons and Mrs. c'j day night' 8 harP- , 272c) t'H ttrrc Mrs. J. B j Price. vartptv hin n i V dN'MP,1 chArheanfhU,pSVaVW1iS Bird and Mrs W. B i charge of Mrs. B. E. Eyolfsonj'at THE TOTEM POI F CtFr : Christmas ca ds were ln charge 8HOP . p if the ta room was ot ' Mrs- w- L. Hitchcock and at YES, IT'S REALLY HERE- I. r inn Prcnarlng the tn" rarcei rosi stall was Mrs. w I special meeting of all mem-:s . W C R Jones, Mrs. J- Scott. ! bers of 300 Club will be held in a: -! Mrs. J Prtfm.-ui' A andy stall was in charge of the Legion auditorium, Novem-i"iii-; -rf Mrs K.:Mr- R- O. Farmer. jber 26, 8 p.m. . iitcl '! R. nnvids'in Mim' On two small Christmas trees' . M- !' b niter Mrs! 'here were gailv wranped sur- Annunciation home and ' prise packages for the children ! scho' bake sale, Mrs. McLsr- r These were in charge of Mrs A ten music Snore featurday, No- O. Bartlett and Mrs. Lane. ivemoer t. iz74;-i A rlmt stull was presided ovci m Meetimr ,,f p,i,, n,,,,..,-. I if f by Rodney Phillip.son. i FLshlng Vessel Owners' A.ssoeia-1 Mdle, at the afternoon branch Uon at Civic Centre Monday, 81 of the Women s Auxiliary, weie AU - p m. members plcasc attPllJ u t left for Vancouver! Rtai. Thev were Mrs. L. A. N. 270U I 'f 'Chhcolin. Pctte-ton. M-s. O. E. Moore, Mrs. Invest in Kitimat Another B. B'a;k Mrs. J. Ridsdile, ! group Is being formed to pur-! Mis. 0 Mostar! are iielKlav trip to Van-ulir.g unlay on the Mr F Paulding and Mrs. F. E.! land in Kitimat near! i"f!eH. i Alcan plant site. Contact T. ; "ast'i, r for thi afternoon was Norton Younij.s, opposite Post Mrs N. E Arnold. i Office, phone 451 and ;48. i271ci I WDM?! it'll' I" 'I in' ' in ii. urn run mi i nn w mi muni 'imi i"'iii'iiiiii'iii!iii'iiiniii i iiiiiini i lift 'it nii'iin mi inn tin it l i ' HI INI i ' Hliii iim lililll llillilnit hliil ill I mill H, Hi 1H iinlil ni iiiiillnli linn uiiiill lie.'-nn. toiim'rlv ttK-fr for the Prince Hii't nnw st :t tinned is:f-vistling this city Layavvay Now Malcolm, manager for :i,a!l Fishiim Co. at, nd Mrs. Malcolm, rc-Butcrtaii. nn tiro Camo-'liay after a trip to Automatic Cooking that's easier, faster, safer, cleaner and so satisfying! For surface cooking, you just touch the jcwtl-colotii cd bullous to select ilie heals you need -for baking, you turn a dial and push a button. And when you want lo see exactly what's ( tMik-ittj; wirrc and hmv fast, Ilotpohifs illuminated tf9M &: to buy htm a watcli for ' Mrs. Grant McColl, a visit here, returned llf I'liilcotii, (0 Bue-p Mr McColl js tm. Canadian Fishing Co. Colours' tell you the whole savoury slory at a glance: Cooking's tluit easy with the sensational new I lot point Pushbutton Range. Ik sure to see ill A Fine Selection to choose f;om: GRUEN BULOVA ROLE MIDO FONTAINE ELGIN and many others Enquire today about our Loyaway Plan GEORGE COOK J..JL ad. who entered hos- few weeks ago after '' 'rm London where summer, s now in He was able to be ' 'ate last week. Mrs. Hans Koch of f Wing a brief busl-0111(1 r't.v. They arriv-' Twterday afternoon in'Mior and will be """'f on tonight's PRINCE RUPERT and TERRACE !j !!ilSl!iiIi!!i!l!!lilliil!lBiiilfl " '" i of Mr Stephen Kin t Island nnri i M'ss - R N.. ()f Vancouver. f'itvon the Cnmo-vallermwm. Fo.mer h!rV';''- """"--t. th-y r' f'ir the next few HOTP01NT COOKS YOUR ENTIRE MEAL WHILE YOU'RE OUT SHOPPING Yes, with lloipoint's Automatic Oven, you can he the cook who wasn't there. You just push a button and set the Automatic Timer to turn the oven on at the right tiiiiKTMture and oil again at the end of the desired cooking time. When you come home, the roast's ready to serve. Anil Motpoint's Automatic Oven is really three ovens in one. It's a master-size oven for big meals. Speed-oven heats so fast, no preheating is nccdnl saves time, electricity! cim-iv fiici,.i, , W inelit on theChll-,a ''' " the Ocean ',.on "f'ielai business . '2 l"'""0"d to Port- '! i forestry confer-I ,f!; '" prlme.,tal s in Vic'o-ii, u,v,m PLUS every convenience you've ever dreamed of! e -i "nnoiiy, itotjioinj" lia'sencer l.raf -iger. U',... , Thr evens in one a master ovtn, a speed oven and a super-broiler. Hi-speed Calrod heating elements give instant hear. Triple-Service Thrift Cooker - It'i a deepwell cooker, a 6-qt. preiiurs cooker and an extra surface unh all in one. K , region. Hi-speed broiler. Minute Minder te time surface cooking. Two appliance outlets one timed by clock control. Two storage drawers. Warming Oven. Full vision surface lighting; oven light i . "o icaiiwnv.Q i t Wtl S. M. Oreeno .,. ' riiLi.i. --"- ..... . APPLIANCES Disfn'bufec by RCA Victor Company Ltd. ' l course 0f a tour 41' 1 Uh st"P-" at 7 gmLOTV . CURED FOODS w fJ """oik, general the Ae th trip ant, tonl , M , r ' r Gres?ne WHh who Mr AAcRAE LT ,7'Slit '-tss Norah for Vancouver . (