Pnnce Rupert Dud v NL,... AS I SKI If (Continued Irom page T Mr. and Mis. Oscal' biiiltlt fti ailhig tonight ou the Princess Norah for a vacation trip to Monday. Octou-r 16, lt thev been hr'.rl there mioht. never have been a Korean war.'.-ence, Fred Orimble will relieve The best answer of the night' as collector of customs. was on the race and color ques-1 ; tion,- when Mr. Churchill pointed All had to be repeated into his i out it was beside the point to var bv the chairman. Chinese dishes Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - S:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 (CLOSl'ItE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising is payable in advance. Fiease retrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards uf Thanks, Death Notice. Funeral Notices, Marriage ra:d Eneagemenr. Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. ask It In Britain, where it do. '3 not exist. But he gave quite a little talk about equality ami freedom. ; He is obviously quite deaf. He did not hear a single question, FOR SALE Fpipoieri nnrebred ' CASH for scrap cast, brass, cop-Lt Keaiiieren pureoreu , batteries and uidiators. Labrador puppies, eight; Prione 543. Can B2 fltli Avenue ELECTROLUX World's Most Famous and Imitated Cleaner See the amazing new invention combining floor polishing with cleaning. Before purchasing a cleaner or a polisher have this wonderful combination proved to you in your own home. FOB A DEMONSTRATION Phone Blue 970 or write Box No. 1626 tf tisiness CARPENTERS Hftvt 11 f your wtw flW on our ttirfiMtn mm-Uin. Mwh.ntifttlly a-vuru juinU fnu, Klin un i anting. They'll rut elrr V, truer, Lr. PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 PIGGOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B (Agent: Dus Terminal) Irrrarr litnlilrr Kupph CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES DC. 21 - 23 Bener Block Phone Blue 442 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT fame Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. "horn? 347 P.O. Box 874 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 41 h Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 ANNOl NCEMEXTS Lutheran Tea, October 13 Catholic card party. Oct. 18. Rbekah hazaar. October 20 LOB A Fail Eazaar, Octo- ber 26. Women's Hospital Auxiliary Hallowe'en Tea, October 31, at home of Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, 43'J Fourth Avenue West. Sonja Bazaar, November 2. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, No- vember 7. Presbyterian Church Bazaar, November 15. The Women of the Moose Fall Bazaar, November 16. Cathedral Bazaar, Nov. 17. LOD E, Full Butaar iMovemoei 22. St. Peters Fan Bazaar, Nu- vember 29. Victoria. During Mr. bmltn s ao- But the whole crowd inside and out gave him a tremendous chPtr as he drove off. I would be very much surprised if his majority is not increased In his home riding. Phone Green 217 USED CAR SALE 1 1949 Studeboker Sedan 1 1941 Mercury Sedan 11541 Ford Sedan 1 1951 Austin Sedan, 3000 miles, new condition. 1 1947 Monarch Sedan 1 1946 Ford Sedan 1 1947 Crosley Coach 1 1947 Forgo 3-ton Superior Auto Service Ltd. United Church VV. A. Fill Bazaar, Dec. 6. . , Eastern Star Ball, Nov. 8 at Masonic Temple. X," Childrens Church Service at St. Andrew's C'utnedral caiied lor 2 p.m. tomorrow, Sunday. Parents welcome. i Third Ave. W. MARGARET J Room 10 "TONEBlUjfc PH0NK BLUE 593 pO-BoXiIJ ELECTR0U-;; 6-1163 and Sen 4 R.W.C0UH Phone Blue 670 M for genuine par!. I Ph"tie or write J TERMINA MESSENGLl Phoin 6 All deliver!! uaf . FOR YOUR . Bi Ick. Stone and I Tile Setting P. i Phone K 60E J Blue 869 alter Si H. G. HUGE LIMITS I REAL ESTATES Phone 96 Iveninj Train Sch for Hie Eiit Dailv exrpl Sir From the F.t Daily exce;it M p.m. r.o. CARD OF THANKS Oisli Joh son and iamily wish to express sincere appreciation to tneir many lrieiids and neighbors lor their kindness and sympathy extended to them at the cleatn ol a beioved wife and mother; alo their deepest thanks for the beautiful lioial tributes. Special thanks to Canon Basil S. Prockter for his comforting words. Those sending flowers were: the loving husoand. chrissio and Herman; Jon. Margaret and family; Walter. ;r, Asta Asta and and Betty Betty; ; Sara. Harry and the boys. Vio-: toria; Mr. and Mrs. P." Bjorn-son and family; John and Doris Eyollson; J. Kempster; George. Lil and Rodney; Margaret and Haftor; Tommie. Una and Mrs. Carlson, New Westminster; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Macmilian; Krist-jan and Sigridur Eir.&rsson; Mr. Colussi's Music Store Agents for tire flnet HANDYV.-, in Musical Instrument HOME SER. PIANOS, TUNED AND RECONDITIONED GENERAL (X)K 2'0-4t" St rh B,nfl 389 IhiiklingandR RORIE & LAIRD Kopra - ch:; ACCOCNTANT3 AUDITORS 0IL BUE;;i Besnor Block Phone 387 , PHONES P O Bo 130 I P,0 Bo IP HELEN'S I I SIDNEY GC EEAUTY SHOP onroirii! Permanent Waving Complete Visual 1 Beauty Culture in all OFFICE HO: Its branches 9 am to S: I 204 4th St 't Phone 655 Geo Cook's j I we rent MATT5C! ; TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS. , X'KIOUW j CONCRETE MIXERS . ,.' , 1 Phone Blue 1.1 r By hour, day or month 234-Jrd is Phone Biue 939 prtn-Bmw JOHN H. BULGER Optometrist John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PP.INTINO ENLARGING . EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Grerr 136 Hot 478 ANNUAL CLEARANCE USED CARS Last week's advertised specials have been sold. 1949 FOKD Custom Sedan 1950 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1940 WILLYS Station Wagon 1942 CIIKVKOLKT Sedan 1917 WILLYS Station Wagon 1942 PLYMOUTH Sedan TRUCK SPECIALS 1950 FORD 3-tn 17G W. B. 1949 FOKD S-ton 176 W. B. 1947 FORI) 3-ton 158 W. B. Offers considered on 1939 C1IEV. Svdan Delivery. Ail reconditioned ready to go Boh Parker Ltd. FOKO - MONARCH DKAI.LRS Trince Rupert, B.C. S THE BEST 1 QUALITY k Craftsmanship In Type... i Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 234 Dibb Printing Co. BL'SNER BLOCK PLUMBING end HEATING The Relioblc and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smilh&Elkinslld. P.O. Box 274 and Mrs.' C. Carrell. Mission;'FOR SALE 193i' Dodee. good Alma and Victor; Freda and condition, $100.00. Black 991. John Phillipson; Annie and I i 'i241r Henry, Selkirk. Man.; Emma and ' - Arthur; Eric and Valla, Selkirk, 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Man.; John and Lily Selkirk, FOR SALE Three Sisters Cafe. Man., Barney and Josephine; ,,,-, fr ict Tiinocc CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Notice re Voters' List Registration of Householders ad License-holders for the Municipal' Voters' List closes at 5 p.m. October 3 1st, 1951. Voters who have previously registered in either of these capacities and who have paid Poll Tax or Trades Licens,v fees for the current year do not need to re-register. New licens:'ho!ders or payers of Poll Tax should register at the City Hall between 9 am. and 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. All registrants must be British Subjects of the, full age of 21 years, and in the case of Poll Tax payers must have resided in Prince Rupert continuously since January 1st, 1951. It W rJCvng, .CITY QLERK. h WANTED West. Cnv. ttli WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scran Iron.! steel, brass, enpuer. lead, etc. I Honest eradine. Promnt oav-, nient made. Atlas Iron fc i Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St..'Van- , rouver B. C. Phone PAcific 6357. (tf t ; MALE HELP WANTED WANTED Watchman for East sawmill. Contact OorUon -.,,,, Little, , ilt: Trr-iff terrace, B.C. n r (243ci jnvTrn' R'ANTLD-Rehuble w -..m man as o Raw- nisfii i" n i i i m r r necessary. A fine oooortunitv to steo into profitable Business where Kawlemh Products have been sold for vears. Write Raw-leiah's DeDt. WO-J-166-163 Win.iijee. HELP WANTED Manager for Canadian Legion, Prince Rupert. B.C. Duties to commence November 1. Ability to prepare! financial statements in recognized form. Some experience in staff management. State salary expected and details of experience to Box 628 by October 29. t243) HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Exuerienced officn eierk for consiruction panv offe Must have short- bnil A'mlv n writine to Box 207 Dailv Nev.s. tf REAL ESTATE BUSY coffee shop for sale on easy terms or will rent to reliable operator. Box 223 Dailv News. (243c i HANDY MAN'S SPECIAL NEW house partly finished, living room, Pembroke bathroom, two bedrooms, large kitchen wired for range, utility I room. Two lots. Price reduced to S4000. $1500 cash handles. Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342, Black 197. (242c FOR SALE Semi-furnished cne room with oil stove. Also small float. Phone Biack 232. (242pi FOR SALE 4 room house. 1060 8th East. (245pi FOR SALE 4 room house on float 40 ft. x 20 ft. Contains two bedrooms with bed and mattress first class stove. For further Information write S G. Furk, Box 1639. Prince Rupert or phone Red 593. (245c) FOR SALE 2'j room cabin at Port Edward. Apply 1516 Overlook. Phone Biue 872. (241pi FOR SALE Wartime Six, semi-furnished. 1461 Piggott Place. (241p WEHAVE CUSTOMERS Bring us your house listing for quiCK results. T. NORTON YOUNGS Real Estate & Insurance. Phone 451 or 48. (242c) THE EXCHANGE BLOCK Situ ated riunt in the heart ol trie Business District ot the Citv of Prince Kunert. Attractive nrice manes lor a good investment. A Room residencewith full cement basement. Situated at 8 (16 Fra.ser St. in Citv of Prince Hupert. Price is verv attractive. Vacant lot on 3rd Avenue in Citv of Prince Rupert. This is a gift. For particulars apply to: JOHN GURVICH Phone 32. or Red 511 Prince Rupert. B.C. (241P) FURNACE OVERHAUL OIL HEATING SERVICE'S -Lawrie Mackav Mirr. Phone Blue 187. PO. Box 687. The service that's different, clean efficient workmanship combining a thorough knowledge of equipment and fieir attendant problems. (This ad. temoorarv nenriine oneninn of shoo -and displav room. Watch this soace). (tf "accountants PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income Tax snecialist. S. fi. Furk, Stone Buildin". Red 593: (20m) RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES PACIFIC ELECTRIC Phone Blue 992 WELDING Government Certified Operators High Pressure Tanks Refrigeration Stacks and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225 1st E. Phone Green 884 RAMSGATE, England (CP) As a larewell committee sang "Let the Rest of the yorld Go By' a train steamed out of Rams-gate station. On board was 81- year-old Tom Miles, emigrating I to Australia after working in. coal mines for 53 years. FOR SAL Black weeks old. Write Mrs. A. E Zorn, Box 43. Smilhers, B C. (244c) NATIONAL! KNOWN NAMES Lin-beit Speeder Shovels; Cranes; Draglines; Adams Road Graders: Littieford Bros. Black Too Road Maintenance EouiDment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock a.-apo'es T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers Clark Forklift Trucks; Nelson ?kLmnvil,-rT?i? ? I and fenow Removal. Rice Port- Por able Cenlrifusal Pumps: Na- tional Draeline Scrapers and ( Buckets; Nallonal All Steel . Qi bo line Hoists: National ; PfirfahS 0'irYV"" "JTTinm Rotarv Screens ana Conveyors Full information from Na tional Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.U tf) New 30-lb. Rail 20-LB RELAY RAIL 80 and 120-LB. NEW RAIL Transformer1, rtK.r-Ts and electric power-plants for immediate shipment. Car loads of 2, 4 and 6-liich pipes. VANCOUVER SALES & APPRAISALS LTD. New DC n:ul 8 Caterpillar Trae-Ujrs. OstT'.ocl Shovels For immediate dcllory from United States ituck. 346 Beach Ave. Vancouver. BO. (244' ) BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE 40-foot trolling boat "Myrtle V." For inspection apply boat K.O. at Fairview F.oats or phone Green 968. 249p CARS FOR SALE ONE 194C Dodge panel truck. 2-wheel trailer, 1949 1-ton Chevrolet pickup and one receiving tank. Industrial Welding Co. Phone Green 384. (tf) FOR SALE Trade 0 House iaa1 c,, ',..., 'i-.,i dcor sedan, heater, radio, cigarette lighter, clock, white sldewall tires, fender skirts, seat covers, low mileage, excellent condition throughout. Apply R. H. Dowscn, rear of Style Beauty Shop, between 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. 243pi selling. Apply on the premises. . (242o WOODWORKING SHOP - Fully equinped. Front store and hobby shop. A going business. Low down pavment. T. NORTON YOUNGS Real Estate & Insurance Phone 451 or 648. I242c FOWLIE & RUTTLE Expert Fur Repairs and Remodelling Fine Work and Fast Service at Low Cost All Work Guaranteed' Phone 522 today for Estimates WATCH REPAIRS Prompt ef. ficient service. Georue Coo i Jeweller. Satisfaction Kuartm teed. FOR KENT FOR RENT - - Large apartment' with sale of fundi ure. Red 892. ( 24 1 p ) 41 U-DRIVE CARS. Phone 41 711 OrenvlUe Court. (tf) room FOR RENT Gentleman only. 1021 2nd West. (243p) - . FOR A NEW HERTZ U-Drlve pnone wo. Bus terminal. 2nd and 2nd. (24fio) FOR RENT General Electr'.e fioor polishers. $1 ner day Phone Blue 99J2. Pacific Electric, (tf) WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bedroom home No objection to location. Box 222 Daily News. (246c) FURNISHED suite or hous,' urgently required by three younj businessmen, employees of Columbia Cellulose. All offers considered. Box 219, Daily News. 243p) WANTED TO RENT Construc tion superintendent desires two or three bedroom house. Long term lease if desirable. Box 220, Dally News. (243p) Wanted to Rent UNFURNISHED FOUR OR FIVE ROOM APARTMENT Required by local machinery firm for employee being transferred from Vancouver office. Phone577 or write Box 1324 (tf) QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden HeeU and Worn Boles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 678 214 4th Street Proprietors: Ed Dawes, Sid Alvxanrler NOW- is the time to plan for 1 IT'S HERE NEW McCULLOCH STORM WINDOW Mcculloch SEE GREER & BRIDDEN U CHAIN SAWS WITH CUSHIONED fOmt 21.V-1st Avenue Phone 909 n1tJlTS- Ckng; B,Cassiari Cannery; Oiy. Clara, Frances. ! Oeoree and Carl: Hester, Joe. Dan, Winnie and Eiin; Mr. and Mrs. John Simundson; Imtt and Bill Way; O Vaccher and L. T. JohnSnn; Wilf Thompson; Mr. and Mrs. Knut Rystad; Primo and Ella and iamily; Charles end Kay Ormiston: Siaurvei; Johnson; Luther, Thtira and Robert; Joan. 0iar. Margaret and Harry Eyolfscn; George and Lawrence DuplKse; Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Evolfson; Ernie and Agnes Eyollson; Mr. and Mrs. Nels An-tonen; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. J. Fre-1-heim; Mr. and Mrs. Thnr; Mrs. F. M. Crosby; Mrs. Jennie, Morgan, Vancouver: Rose and Silver Oddson and Dennis: Edaar. Mvrtle and fam ily: Mrs. Ineur Snidal and Sami Rnirli : Karln Oly. Jpan. KMth and Jerry: Mr. and Mrs. Thor Jensen and family. PERSONAL SLICED wiapped bread" from Rupert Banery on sale at all grocery .stoies. (tfl Will take orders to crotchet I doilies, cpntre-pieees,. runners, buffet sets, chair sets. etc. Phone Green 997, or apply 740 7th Ave. West. (245p) Anyone having any information of the whereabouts of a trunk , with personal effects left in' Prince Rupert by the late James R. Hooner. Dlease ohone Blue; C50 or write to Mrs. A. Wylie, Jasper, Alberta. 245p) 'JET' The oniy polish for hot stoves. Won't blacken. No brushes. Get JET' You're all set. All Stores. FOR SALE FOR SALE Table model Rem-mington typewriter, $50. Phone Black 610. (245c) FOR SALE Prince Rupert Warehouse 6", 8", 10" and 12" cast iron drain p:pe also 8" and 10" steel pipe. (245p) FURNITURE for Sale Bedroom rugs, radios, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete, cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tfl BOYS' ALL WOOL jackets and windbreakers, all sizes, less than factory prices. B. C. Clothiers, Third Ave. (tf) FOR SALE Model 70 Winches ter. rifle. .270 calibre, K4 Weaver scone, detachable top mounts. 309 2nd West before 3:30 ' - (242p) FOR SALE Trolling boat "Overtime." For information write OSfnrpe White, Port Simpson, B.C. (242p) -Home. Helps- Kl.,nff Absorcne p..t.I. Tabic C AMAZING SMOOTHNESS cushioned powereasy to use all day. POWER, LIGHT WEIGHT-Full 7 horsepower yet weighs only 55 pounds. FAST STARTING Automatic rewind starter, push button starter. EASY OPERATION Chain oiK'r and tank built In. SAFETY Full automatic centrifugal clutch disengages chain when engine is idling. We cany a full line of spare parts fur all McCulloch Saws AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE Pacific Electric Prince Hupert, B.C. Box 1399. Phone Blue 992 Fire King Ovenware 'Thompson Hardware Co NEWS ADS get Rr ; bThic Y! BLONDIE -Mirh Gets Down to Earth HO-HO-. IT'5 THE PUNNIKT THING I EVtl? SAW p-?ha psi I Wk il o hk mp iff m KM IX) VCU ) LIKE MV NEW 1 f HAT ? S IN IN MV My UF Uf 'E e Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Effluent Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all weld "g supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED, Cor. ""nd and Parfc Avenue Eat ,910. pliom n GO and 68 I if yo.i want to sell It, advertise ! it, News classified.