Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, October 15, 1951 , n Huclirster returned j T. Halg, who has been In the , 1 n the Chilean j service of B.C. Packers here, an..r spending the j sailpd Sunday night on the ,p,k.s m the HIV Chllcotin for Vancouver. Mrs J.H'nb Strand sail-! Ole Varvcldt sailed Sunday i h . ,. .. . .1.11 1., nlrht Ih. .i - son, Joe Scott, Donald Scott. Sue! James Davidson, Olive Strand, Martin, Susan Berg, Orant Car- Pat Lemon, Diane Kennedy, rigan, Bobby Smith, Mrs. Keays,! Ralph Wieck. -p. Tag Day ersonau ii'iit on tnc ,iini.ini . &" w.i 11. wi.ii.iii lur van- couver. n lrip to Vancouver. M? Halloween Success But Response to Voluntary Subscriptions to Blind Fund IF al0 buiU nt; a new home or repairing the old one,' lU; bu-iin '.ss to help you, so come In . . . talk with cdinpa. e our prices with others. Disappointing Officers of the local branch of Oct. 31st C.. C.. C-. 2)ea MM t'lnileil Church CooLinq Sale I the Canadian Institute for the I Blind expressed gratification over the result of the tag day ocielii Terrific Srock of Masks, Firecrackers, etc., at nd City Builder's Supply I Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Strebe, leaving hvre to make their future home in Vancouver, left by plane yesterday for the south. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Antilla of Fiancois Lake are in the city for a two weeks' visit with Mrs Antilla'j mother, Mrs. Robert Oordon, Leeds Apartment R. W. Gardiner, district manager of Imperial Oil Co., returned to the city on the Coquitlam yesterday afternoon from a tilp to Klemtu on company business. Capt. and Mrs. J. T. Hamilton are passengers on the Princess Noiah on a round trip from Vancouver. Capt. Hamilton is mar-In." superintendent of Canadian Pacific 8teanfthlps. J. R. Harrison, after spending ; the past couple of months on the i neia lor them Saturday by Job's A successful day was enjoyed Dau&hters but are disappointed a One of the largest crowds seen at the Armories attended an in- -jiu oai.u:aay By the United Church Phone Blue 8.0 Ll-ride Stn-ct mil- vUation danc? Friday nieht when Women's Auxiliary in the home the new CCC (300) Club gave city ! cooking sale at Gordon fc An- residents the opportunity to meet derson from 11 am. to 4 p.m ..rnber ,h k I' - at the response to date to the voluntary appeal for funds. The tag day on Saturday netted $428.24. The returns tq the appeal, however, are only about $300 to date. The objective is $2500 so there tverytmng was sold out," said Convenor Mrs. A. Logan, adding that predominating items were Plywood Wallboards Asphalt Tile PAINTS Dreads and buns "which is quite tenor Trims PITTSBURGH cakes i Is still a long way to go. ;i rare tning. Usually, strike the top of the list. imormally the employees of Co-, lumbia Cellulose Co. It was an Inaugural party at which 550 guests enjoyed dancing and "biought the house down" with applause of the star of the show, banjo-strumming Wally Peters. Willi his five-man team of muiiclans, Peters himself announced he had seldom played to such an enthusiastic audience. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Ball, patrons, were highly pleased with the reception. Assisting Mrs. Logan in dispensing were Mrs M HpIs, Mrs. F. Eby. Mrs. Joseph Bowker Mrs. Rao Johnson and Mrs. Andrew Thompson. i ""'" i f n in ill. I ft yammmmmmmm w i it1 The concert in aid of the fund, which was to have been held last night, has been postponed for about a month. Returns from that affair should realize about (400. In charge of Mrs. Laura Mitchell, Job's Daughters guardian, lollowing wera taggers: Bobby Mitchell, Norma McKay, typographical staff of the Dally N'.'ws. left by Saturday night's train for his home in Winnipeg, called there on account of the serious illness of his wife. Mr .and Mrs. David Peck are making the round trip from Ke-mano Bay to Prince Rupert on the Princess Norah today. Mrs. Peck met her husband at Ke-mano. On return, he will romaln at the Alcan project, while Mrs. Peck returns to her home in Vancouver. I "This is the first effort of Columbia Cellulose to bring its employees and other city people together. 11 looks like a huge success," Dr. Ball said. Barbara Duomont, Pat Mitchell, Lois Good, Shirley Patrick, Clare Ritchie, M a r g i t Macarthur, Laura Mitchell, Peggy Dominate nnll K'.Dna 14 ..of Ctrnnfrinn rfd by byAcUqu M Uquw UM laiwitiiaMnl a ne pubHiiSao at dltpl In charge of the dance corn- The Rotary M:xed Choir held Elizabeth Jones, Brian David-1 their second regular weekly prac Ben While, employment adviser mltl-'e were Dan Doswell, Fred Adames, Bill Halliwell and Gerry tice of tne season in the audi oi me National Employment Ser vice from torlum of Booth Memorial High Vancouver, was a pas-,Eite''. 'ho also assisted Miss srnger aooarrj the Coquitlam Aries rviacK ana tiory Marten in a mn auenuaiict, 1 The weather was very bad but i last evening going through to the decoration of the hall. ai.oaK-f remler mine at Premier. Refreshments were In charge While hei-e Mr. White was in ol Riip Goodlade, Doug Little and I conference with E. V. Whiting, ' several others. I National Employment superin- i . iLi(l,:..SiVk.. 1 ' there were several new members. It is hoped that last year's members will all turn out again as work i getting under way on nsw sslections. At Tuesday's practice much interest was taken in a new spiritual "By and By." The unusual rhythmic pattern proved Of niU'h interest to thv sintrprn Teacher And. Inspector Wed lenaeni here. j Following were passengers disembarking at Prince Rupert from the Prince.s Norah this morn-Inc fioni the south: Mrs. C E D'.xon, Mrs. Harben, Mrs. E. Mc-Collough, Mi. and Mis. D. Scott, Mrs. D. McLcod and child. B. : fill BITTSR FAST! P A school teacher has married her iaspector. This occurred a nm, n. j. M'jDan, W. Miller, K. D , w days ago in Prince RuDert cci , Din uuicnari, uoug Mulr and Ken Grant. when Miss Annie Lips, pioneer Terrace girl and principal of the school there, became the bride of H. C. Ferguson of Tel- and under the capable leadership of the conductor the choir I soon had the difficulties solved. This will certainly be an attrac- tivs number. The setting Is by Noble Cain. ' Green Pastures." by W. Sanderson, arranged by Sanuelson.1 was also a much appreciated number. The sacred choral "At Thy Feet," by Johann Sebastian Ba:h is very richly harmonized. Already the choir is working Htausmui SlrutrUrrsr Call 363 FOR BETTER-. Planning Building or Repairing readers Variety, spice of life. kwa. Inspector of the school jarea which Includes Terrace. You MLss Llps 15 tne daughter of ! switched to F.larvelube for correct lubrication You get more engine protection under all driving conditions with Marvelube the Heavy-Duty motor-oil that meets car manufacturers' specifications for correct lubrication. Marvelube is a detergent motor oil. It not only lubricates it cleans. A clean engine free from gum, sludge and abrasive particles lasts longer and gives you more trouble-free performance. Let your Imperial Esso Dealer protect the investment you have in your car with his "Care-Saves-Wear" service. Wrvayj Leading mi. ana Mrs. jonn Laps or Ter- can always Ret it at Buluer'a Wc try to always have the new race and has llved in tnat da With the Best in Watches rnings as they come out and "."..iy an ner me. we try to handle the best makes cCitlliercin together. Well and would-be members are urged to get along to practices at once so that they keep up with the new work being done each evening. Henry Pluym is the elficicnt accompanist and at Tuesday night's practice also undertook the work of treasurer, '.s. C. Rowse acted as secretary. , In all lines. utc) , I ATTENTION all members of ;the Prince Rupert Retail Credit 'Grantors Association: First Annual Dinner meeting will be held j Tuesday, Oct. 16 at 6:45 at the ! Canadlun Legion. Ouest speaker; ' W.C.H. Jones. -JUCCtiS M AMITY ii I Members of 'he Lutheran! Church Women's Auxiliary were not deterred by inclemont wea-1 (her Saturday and turned out in force for the tea and sale held Valhalla Lodge l)(iiloriiij fori Secy Resigns in the aftcrmon at the Lutheran Church Hall. Convened by Mrs. Harold Hel- makes all (he difference So look for MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors IMPfRIAlV ' (sso) the sign that says fEHI to Hod for StVX FIELDS MVRK OF QUALITY Lodies and Gentlemen LING the tailor land, success of the tea was due ; Popular and long-time finan-to the, efforts of the follow'ng: jeial secretary of the Valhalla Mrs. B. Pedersen. Mrs. C. Giske, Lodge hre resigned her position Mrs. Emil Rasmussen and Mr3. i last week because she is "moving ileiland. in the kitchen. lout, of town." Mrs. Gust Mostad was in j Mrs. Carl Johanson, 1078 Eighth ! chargj of coffee. ! Ai .nuc Ea t, has served two past Mrs. L. Nelson and Mr(s. Lars : consecutive years on the Lodge Olsen, fancy work. ; executive and several terms be- Mrs. G. S. Fowlie, and Mrs.' fore that. Barney Roa'.d. home cooking. ( Here sinc-o 1927. Mr. and Mrs. Serviteurg were Mrs. Ruth Johanson will move to New West-Giske, Miss Ellen Wosang. Mrs. minster to make their home. M. Hetland and Mrs. Gustadini. Valhalla Fresident A. O. Morse .Sixth St rhone 649 ( i I i . STEAMER Miss Curine Helde was tivas- will call for election of a new CjiiarlianH Im liuv Stanfii'l.l'n l"n.lTrar urer. . Ecretar at the next meetina. Prince George u; ;f'iljniilli anil comfort know they're talking about hIii'H lln -ay ' i on can't buy .Ktti'r iinil'THpar!' VtAr lln ir Mor.l! Muiifii-M'a m't ahrink, ImiiH or (liinli. It Man an wilt SAILS FOR j Vancouver ai llir flay you Imiiplit it Ihrooli cnnnllfHK waRilinpi, ln'ii ou Imy winti"- miilcrwrar a-k for Slanliclil'a. AtailaMr In m-parate nil Ion- or I'liiiiliiiialion iiomI. Is lor the Mimic family. anil Intcimed'ate Torts each Thursday ill ll;15 p.m. Fc: KETCHIKAN U l I,N,"hl),V MIDMGH'I i.uXm y at Low Cost For Reservations I Staiifield mmm Wiiie or iatl liTV OR DETOT OFI'ICIC I'ltlNC'E RUPERT B.C. Underwear Soft . . . Warm . : . Durable STANfltlO S LIMITED tU0, N.S. '"'Hi.u 4rm-mvu . -i . a m m m 'i '.'fii. f ' v.y Worth 100 Cents On The Dollar f Pi ' "Kv JL . . BY ALAIN-J You can't lose savings that you invest in Canada Savings Bonds, because Canada itself guarantees that you can always cash them for what you have, paid for them, plus interest The principal value never fluctuates regardless of market conditions end the interest return is 3.21 much better than, Mail or "r order today.; l ii - 'fe'p you ; fhP under Ae "h tl" bo work. Mi w f 2.75 on former issues. Denominations: $00. 1100, J300, $1,000 and $5,000. Wood, Gundy cV Company . .. Limited vL m U"sHv Si. ' S9 McKensie Slreel Foshiors -Footwear New Westminster Tff'lho Pacific r,5SV Telephone: N. IV. W I