National Hockey ' Ca'nadiens. 11 II ltd (Ncipc-i ( Uul I y I '.C.V., Monday, October la, 1M I and-a-hait evening radio timr. ' 11 v-a3 decided ! Tuesday l ight would be broadcast night in view' i of lighl attendance then. Airing j I of the games, some felt, would 1 ; bo e considerable factor to draw 1 WeckTenu scurfs! " '" SUNDAY ' Toronto 3, Detroit 2 Montreal 4, Boston 3 New York 2, Chicago 3 SATURDAY Chicago 3, Toronto 1 Eoston 2, Montreal 1 Basketball Broadcast ConsiderablP A elation School. Entries in Intermediate league are Fashion Footwear, High School, and Fraser h Payne. Both Junior and Intermediate i Continued on page 6) but Major League i greater Saturday crowds. I Junior entries so far as Men- ; son's, High School anrt n. O.HUII UI1 F A Ptl whether or not to broadcast one Standings: W D L Montreal ...r 2 0 1 Chicago 2 0 1 Detroit 1 0 1 Hawks Lead CHICAGO Montreal Cana-dlens and Chicago Black Hawks are early season leaders of the National Hockey League. After losing their opening season start last Thursday, the Black Hawks came up with two week-end wins over Toronto eball In Rupert 4 league game a week ended in I favor of a compromise at Friday nights Association meeting.. The executive will seek spon- i sors fm thuca k 1 . For the MEAL that REFRESHES Toronto 10 1 Boston 1 o 2 New Yori '0 0 1 . W5C uiurtuuasis wnicn will cost about $50 for the hour- jjor league baseball has been opened to youth--fballci-s in Prince. Rupert, and if any of the jlphiycis can measure up to a standard they , welcomed with open arms bv the St T.nni BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING oaiuraay night and over New York last night. Montreal, beaten Saturday Baseball Club. "Hospitality and Good Food" That Is Our First Aim" Phone 17 for Orders . To Take Ont Commodore Cafe PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STUDIO 216-4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Runrt Hockey Scores SATURDAY Pacific Coast Tacoma 5, Vancouver 2 Calgary 6, Saskatoon 2 Victoria 2, New Westminster 2 ...R..i, uj, oosion, turned the tables on the Bruins last night Toronto Mapla Leafs were upset badly by Chicago Saturday night but went, to Detroit last night, to edge the Red Wings FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS PHONE 290 BROADWAY CAFE Basketball Insurance of the Harlem Globe txikfiii.iil team, Aba 3 mimmnped In a let-y kooJ acquaintance i Forward, that lie ix of the St. Louis bail Sponsors of basketball teams this year will seek t hs i.i. -r.-ti'in naa a-ini-u uie p'ayers Insured under ih ..,. Hie (en:te aircctor i.i s in washing youth-ullers in your section pu.-d Mutual Aid Fund, a plan whieh will be nreymnwl i n, it r.jve iuuire major j B C. Amateur Basket ball Associa tentiaJtii's." tion mis week. At a fee of j a mm fop femois and 50e for Juniors, t Prince Rupert Basketball Association found out players will be Insured for $50 in ca.e of accidents. The meeting concurred with the proposed plan and if It Is pasivd at the convention, sponsor:: will be requited to p;iy the fee fci each of their team players, who must be reei tcrcd membvie of the BCA BA il m his letter to Mr. are sevi- al s.-out cards '.qurit lor his time in :n thii vicinity a pos-ir league baseballer of i sec," said Mr. For-iday. "Prince Rupert :nn in the cold." ro and Forward have uir.ted for 20- years, of it being when ilrr.'tid basketball for r I.i.i:id. and Olobe-Mk tin ir first appear- Vfttirn Canada. Sor.ers appeared hen' ago "and it'1 Just po.-s F irward, "they may .1 tins year." CANADIAN AGED FURNACES HEAT ROBBERS The owner of an average heating system five or more years old is warned by National Warm Air Keating Association that me odds are 7 to 10 his winter heating bill Is at least 10 percent more than 0TB ALL n Eskimos 31. Cal-ttipfdcrs 18 I Bombers 3D, ihi-xan RouHhriders necessary. Th!.- is because 7 out of 10 c.dcr type systems of heating are in need of repairing and cleaning. Air leaks in and around furnace rnmhiivtinn 13 chamber, sunt In the chimney cr iurnaee, warped burned bars, crrroding smoke pipe all create less of heat right In the iuinace Itself. Therefore using mo.e fu.'l to keep the proper temperature. Heating experts report that home owners are "robbing Pet'fr to pay Paul" through use of improper firing methods and negligence In furnace maintenance. The maJorityof costly repairs could have been avoided 1 .Tlf i i owners had followed a regular program of having heating systems inspected each 5 em, says the heating association. Minor repairs can arid lonrcr service to heating systems and insure health and r.afety of families. ffiLj SHEET METAL LTD. J-1 . li, ik. Go.. (245c) j " Starting today you can place your order for the new Sixth Series of Canada Savings Bonds. They're going to get a hearty welcome from thousands of thrifty Canadians. And no wonder when you think of the handsome return they pay! For instance, the Owner of a new $1,000 Canada Savings Bond will get $350 interest over its life of 10 years and 9 months an average per year of 3.21 for thiseriod. A $500 bond will pay $175 , interest over the same period. Think what amounts like these can mean to you and yours! This time you can buy up to $5000, in ony one name. , In the meantime your investment stands os an always-available source of cash fd meet emergencies that might crop up. You can get your Canada Savings Bonds through your investment dealer or bank-for cash or on easy instalments. Or you can purchase them through your Company's Payroll Savings Plan-the most convenient and systematic saving method of all. 1 Whichever way you choose, don't delay. Place your order today for Sixth Series Canada Savings Bonds'-now better than ever. SAVE CONVENIENTLY SAVE HOW