i HnMs international Conference Among the Gondolas SMALL TALK" with an m.p, 'L ' fcy Syms Mothers, Dads Back at School Teachers and children were rizeS t . Cocar. t50 Miffof nfrptc Syndicot. Lot AiuIh i ' - , J . jf . f i f i f-, ' v V An enjoyable whist drive at the Sons of Norway hall last night saw two members of the same family win prizes. Mrs. 0. Glske, after cutting cards with Mrs. O. Bremo, won ladies' first, and Mr. Oiske took men's second prize. First was A. E. Chilton f, 4 Chair prize was won by Mrs. i. Cormier; door prize by Mr. Hallory. Refreshments, In charge of hosts this week to parents at Seal Cove and Conrad Street schools as mothers and dads were ba,clt at school for an hour during open house. Wednesday afternoon. Seal Cove school received 50 visitors, and the following day 143 parents visited Conrad Street. Lessons were read and poetry and song recitations were presented by the children, following which tea was served. Parents expressed appreciation of good work done In preparing the old Seal Cove school for classrooms and felt that the new proposed Oyro playground there would be very beneficial. In both schools, parents commended feachers for thework In organizing an open house and in meeting the teachers, felt much benefit would be derived from a closer relationship between home "Oosti, Sarge.. . . I musta left my pass on the post." "F ix yer hat, soldier ... what'- -tut um, uie haiemian' Cot- (T cha think you are, an of fleer?" poral ... that's fer clviliaru . , only." ' ' Mrs. Barney Roald, were served by Mrs. Alf Jensen, Miss Ellen Wasseng, Harold Helland, Rubin Christiansen and B. Bakken. Meanwhile, a bigger celebra ! Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, November 17, 1951 tion win oe ieaiurea lonigni hi If the SON hall when members and CfinFM Stff&l guests turn out for the twenty-, first anniversary banquet. DT" VI n fiuuuaiiuii Mil I. i i V f "MP. i Card party last night of Street School Association saw 14 tables in aiiengerS - Tn v, iin.J. 1 1 KGuuxi, six oi uiuute. unee oi -and school. Tea, at Seal Cove was conven III in of arms and armies was made at a recent liuprnatimmi mnfVrpnf in i'nrima Ttm ,0 HI MHi!' hist flve of win" and crlbbaee- Fraser. Miss E. CUldner, Miss J. Ellison, S. O. Greene, C. Webster, ners were R. Fonberg, W. Rody, J. Castle,1 Bridge Mrs. J. Adelman. N. Junik, M. Waybrandt, F. Whist Mrs. A. J. Croxford, Byrne, M. Kelly, W. S. Jones, F.j cribbage-R. Shearer. t .lismssed wan witmen and what they will wear. Site of the meeting was Venice Italy's y i,f condnlaa and irondoliers, and it was held in connection with a Festival of Arts and 'tiie British, no newcomers to international conference tables, naturally presented their ic.v and it was centered around their world-famed woolens. PiilureJ are tun of them. urn! "i suit in green and brown (left) worn with a matchinr cane, an-l (ilemlor kshri.n ed by Mrs. Joe Kurdziel, assisted by Mrs. L. Sykes and Mrs. James Miller. At Conrad Street school, Mrs. Jean Murdoch: convened over refreshments, assisted by Mrs. Harold Thorn, Mrs. T. Bus-sanich and Mrs. William ill . " 1 iir.ii.in linmn-and lime plaid cloak worn over a mushroom-brown sil. A forthcoming inter-iuiii -jxililiral tel-logether is the British Industries Kair in r-ngland next May. Refreshments, convened by Mrs. John Hardin, were served Howard, J. Panta, J. Russell, W. F. Kennan, Sharpe, R. a. Clarke, Mr. Sutherland, F.-Fredeiickaon. by Mrs. Adelman, Mrs. Verna Shifter -Hillman CLOTHING? FOR GOOD APPEARANCE The best clothes are, in the long run, the best buy. There's a pride and a pleasure that comes in the wearing of better clothes . . . and when you compare quality I AND cost, you cannot wisely afford lesser quality than that which Shiffer-Hillman '"' provides.- You can enjoy the quality of (-Shiffer-Hillman tailoring for as little as $75.00 7 2 Piece Suit V To Bandspit today t--W. Pick- Faught, Mrs. William Davidson et, T. Choquette. iand MLss C. Sirett. jPer60mi rea llioit.uuuh oj Juhercufosis Mrs. J. h. Thompson Is sailing on the Princess Louise for Vancouver and Victoria on a holiday trip. William McLean and A. Dalzell left for Queen Charlotte City last night on the Chilcotin for a SAVE 50 on fuel bills with the new improved patented "BOOKER" Folder showing 4 models of BOOKER heaters or furnaces free on request ,at . , Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Whist drive and tournament Saturday, November 17, Mose Temple. Everyone welcome. (269c) Meeting . of Prince Rupert Fishing Vessel Owners' Association at Civic Centre Monday, 8 p.m. All members please attend. (270c) There will be a meeting of Prince Rupert Retail Credit S if. I I la ifei oroj ilim is fs Jlojriitfj or jProml Ieurn3 Menil lays ahead of schedule, members of business trip. Miss Yvonne Berger left for holidays in Queen Charlotte City, sailing last night on the Chilcotin. W. W. Wright, Progressive-Conservative organizer, who has WATTS & NICKERSON MEN'S CLOTHING 3rd Avenue Phone 345 Grantors Association Monday, November 19, at 7:30 p.m., Civic Centre. (ltc) Island City Builder's Supply Tics' unpen s hoi-optimist i;iub have so tar mailed 1 let; i i s containing' tuberculosis Christmas seals ! art' hopeful of having a prompt and full response if way of return of the dollars per sheet. In all, it : 'M i M-a!s are to be mailed. been spending several weeks in the central Interior, arrived in Phone Blue 820 505 M( Bride Street Invest In Kitimat Another (UIVRHTTRINO tN TTTF. DAfl.Y WW.S RHIOH BFHtTI T., the city on last night's train. He group is being formed to pur- will be proceeding next Thusday chase land in ititimai near night to Vancouver after having ' Alcan plant site. Contact T. bten for the past three months j Norton Youngs, opposite Post in this area. I Office, phone 451 and 648. (271c) The seals being mailed out this pre-Chrlstmas are substantially greater in number than last year. The area covered with the mailing from here Includes not only the city but Terrace and Hazelton and even Hyder, ' " C. Layaway itn t't':lures for I .r'jj.mt lit and .:n,n:i;-e nf l allers All the work of mailing was carried out voluntarily with Sor- "i"-"""" uun.g wle u- if.sts who patronized hcld by the Women dressing. t. 'J . v. V I-1 oy r 77 v . Hi"' Moose Temple lMSl vear lne seal sale neuej Lill' inix n w.-re received ..or RTi'i.t, Mrs. C. Mc- to buy him a watch for Christmas aooui iiuu. li is expeciea mere will be a better showing this year. The Christmas Seal committee is headed this year by Miss Doris P. Hallt, RN, including also Miss Grace Harris, RN, Miss ml-4) llnjiwnt Vfro r fl Hum U --f nvtmir for the bazaar ' :it an attractive lace-'i-.i tiible, which was 'i .: .'Viy cliry.santhemums chrysanthemums , : ' ' . X' 1 x- fi ''' '.m 'i; ri: rs. were rB Mr. Mrs. w W. and Mrs. M. O. Kullander. A Fine Selection to choose fom: GRUEN BULOVA ROLEX ' M!DO FONTAINE ELGIN and many others Enquire today about our Layaway Plan f ar.-t Mrs. T. Glenn." n;,!il tea tables were "I ''V 'mums and heather. wvre Mrs. T. Christ-'' B Jrffery. Mrs. A. y ;ii Mrs. F. Parlette 'e.i was prepared by 1 l!-triMm, Mrs. F. Stewart, V Riti-liie, Mrs. M. Mcln-' ii Mrs. M. Kurasosky. ! (!';( .if , sale of home -iy- 1 JIM t! in J Win Off I BELATED VISIT ! I AUCKLAND, N Z. it Trooper j C. E. Robbie has just returned to I New Zealand from the war the j Boer war. He fought with the i New Zealanders in South Africa i in 1899 and then made his home ' there. Now 72 and a successful j businessman he Is on his first j 1 visit to his homeland. GEORGE COOK K PRINCE RUPERT and TERRACE mad '' '"'' Mrs. J. Taylor. Mrs. I " 'i and Mrs. J. Roxburgh. "e Ihf delicatessen ' s K.!via Johnson. Mrs. THEY PAY OFF "an and Mrs. ,5. Flewingi !'i- 'i i In' candv sah was" IT'S PROFITABLE THE NEW CAPE STOLE Beautiful Russian Squirrel Dyed rich Mink shads IT'S EASY To Use e of tunny books and ' " Is was in charge of, A. lhiitpii and Mrs. N. , i ;;''' nf "lucky crackers"; ''l ; ,:i'ti'd by Mrs. F. Grim-1 '"s I. C.t imble and Mrs. M. j "in. " i nrk und preparation ' h'.Ui 1 lie making of all 1 1 articles olfered f or DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form wjm t " 1(1 ff faney work was in " ' trs. It, Oiske, Mrs. O. 1 ' while the novelty 1 u.is In. iked after by Mrs. ."'-' and Mrs. L. Ev'eleigh. "r tin the afternoon was ll;li...,.n H.KS (1, f f'f the bazaar a '" f"i- raffle prizes was Winners were; '( ""!'' 'X'dspread.by Alice M. ticket No. 147. . craiile and clothes, 4 Krii-kson, iijo. 144, " r'ilt , ,y Mrs, Russell No. Ida. y" ''"Kty, Mrs. A. Oood. (M beef, Marie Richards, I'viy hickens, Helen Oil-i!l'aki'. Omar t,.,o.i t CANADIAN ERMINE Dyed Summer Ermine shade New Cape Jacket sty la AMERICAN BROADTAIL. CAPE STOLE Dyed Black CANADIAN SQUIRREL Centre Back . Dyd Wild Mink shade u Uil rii-,. ' 1 nailmr ii rr.F-'xT.. I'1, i" . uui i , iiu. Number of Times Enclosed Please Find , (3c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, 75c. Six insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) Add four words If box number required "...uuioe, r. j. Young, BILL SCUBY FURS !,-1's Hp,i..,. Name Box 1362 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 974 )NQ -LASTTNQ .k tree reaches maturity Address : : - Phone No.... - "-sc 01 and 200 '"'d may live for 1000 in IfSillilB