j LIBBAHY PROVIM.IAL - VICTORIA, 2.' ORMES DRUGS' B U I i III UfJ r DAILY DELIVERY CTAR y CADi NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER MtHO DISPATCHED Published ot Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 j VOL. XL, No. 158 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS I nv' 'k'-x''- W9wi S TAWK HUE OF. COKnTBM COLORFUL SCENE LJ Royalty Takes Over a' LHU To Prince Rupert's ExhiDITOW Royalty took over at the Prince Rupel-t Between tion last night and it was a colorful scene ."y the regal dais at the Civic Centre auditoriua, Elaine Steffens, pretty and popular Sons of many candidate, was crowned by J. D. McRae, MLA. vter out: " t f ttvuf i ? u i if in in ft vvakk, iNew jersey r; exploding an(1ilf blazing bottled gas tanks in the highly industrialized j VV I LI 1615 clt Joe Louis Is Second ipuiL ui iewant area wre ucciarea completely ouli of control late today by Fire Chief Charles J. Bur- Wimbledon i nett. i : j Burnett said he might have to call on the New York City j fire department for help, j Flames and tmoke towered up Four Down in Channel Plunge Rated "Logical Contender" Fir Heavyweight Crown i, i ." WASHINGTON, DC. P Joe to 2500 feet in the air as every m turn, otticiated at the coronation of the Jum v,s King and Queen, Loraine Berg and Arnold Wick. f A parade In which the Prince' j. Rupert City Band and Job's of a show Prince Rupert people Daughters' drill team partici-, want," said Mr. Youngs. He then pated from the Post Office to announced the reign of Queen the Civic Centre preceded the of the North Loraine Steffens, coronation. j thanking her and Princessa Leading the royal party to the Margaret and My for their stage was the band, followed by i "wholehearted support" of the marching Job's Daughters -who 1 exhibition, lined the aisle as guard of hon-i Selection of the Queen of the or. Flas bearers formed an arch-! North was by popular vote in way under which passed the j ticket sales, royal princesses. Then Queen ! CORONATION BALL Elaine followed. j otner feature attraction On the stage. Junior attending ; at the -Exhibition last night was princesses were Valerie Pihera, the Coronation Bali, opened by Mi Louis, old and tired though he available piece of fire equipment InNno A ni.,vatPiv-own-may be. U stil, , rated aS the only --!SJf ! edTwVa M Tor WIMBLEDON Kf Doris Hart of Jacksonville, Florida, won the British women's singles title today with a 6-1, 6-0 victory over Shirley Fry from Akron, Ohio. Frank Sedgman of Australia and his Davis Cup teammate. Ken McGregor, won the men's doubles by downing Eric Sturgess of South Africa and Jaraslav Drobny of Egypt 3-6, 6-2, 6-3, 3-6 and 6-3. ri a mere were no immediate reports of casualties. 4 1.ri; J- passengers, crashed Into the English Channel today on a flight from Switzerland to Lym-pus, England. Charles' heavyweight title. The National Boxing Association yesterday released its quarterly ratings and they sho few standouts among the heavyweights. ! Louts is the only one listl as a logical contender. Ships and aircraft started a t 3, and Susan Stewart, 3. Attend- Queen Elaine and Princesses wide search for the single-en-glned plane. The plane was piloted by its owner, Ernest Mueller, stamp dealer. His son and two other Swiss were passengers. 1295 Attend City Schools Total enrolment In Prince Rupert schools for June was 1295, ) The National Boxing Associa Withdrawing In Culture ing prince who bore the queen's crown on a royal cushion was Roily McLeod, 4. Costuming of Queen Elaine e tion also rated only two fighters, I Rex Layne of Utah and appar-j tntly indestructible Jersey Joe' fcvE OF CONSTRUCTION Demolition and construction were at Margaret and Mae, who danced the first encore. The ball was largely attended and "highly successful" according to exhibition officials. "It was one of the finest dances we've had here," said Don Forward, secretary of the pfak in oil-booming Edmonton's downtown area when ths Walcott, as deserving the des-l roto as taken a few months ago. Steel framework was going with an average attendance oft cription of "outstanding boxers."! I and her princesses was by An-WASHINGTON, D C. (CP The nette with Peebles Dickens in United States informed Hungary charge. that it will discontinue its today queen was lovely ln pale cultural activities ln that Com- t,lue nyi0n marquisette with mnnist riation. stoie over which she eracef ul'.y Lee Savold, defeated by Louis' for the 18-storey addition to the Macdonald Hotel in the kground, to be the city's tallest building. The main branch of Woman Slain Mate Charged 92 per cent. Enrol ment a prria! Bank of Canada was operating from a quonset hut recently, wound up among the i also-rans with honorable men-1 tion. j Attendance 428 244 240 289 f Ik th old bank building was Iwing torn down In make way This is an outgrowth of the donned the traditional purple committee. A floor show at the dance was presented by the gymnast champions, who perfor mat a feature display early tonight. Booth Borden Conrad recent trial of Archbishop 443 272 263 317 WHITBY, Ont P A 28-year- the new one. Building this year is ahead of the record pace in r.'50. Edmonton's $46,500,000 in building permits was velvet robe with ermine trim. With crown and sceptre she was King Edward Indeed a regal figure. Her con i unci largest in the Dominion. (CP PHOTO) In the district. 155 student Killed in are enrolled, as follows: Enrol- Altentl- old mother of three children was inst tne Communist regmie found stabbed to death beside a i wwe made against Amerlcaa lonely side road near here yes-; legation oficials ln that ce. terday. The police said a sharp i The Hungarlans demanded screwdriver was the death weap- recall of tnree off jgials and the on and charged the womans;cosin. nt th. United States li- Training onial bouquet was of yellow, pink and white carnations and chrysanthemums. Princess Mae (Newton) wore a taffeta off the shoulder model of pastel green, carrying a colonial bouquet of white chrysan ioming to Prince Rupert ecause Rainfall Lower Red Sox In Boom ment ance Dtgby Island 19 .18 Port Esstngton ' 48 41 Port Edward 81 69 Port Simpson 7 6 i husband with murder. , brarv and moVie and musical CENTRALIA, Ont. f One Royal Canadian Air Force flying The woman was identified as j actwities. Mr. Anna Slobodlan, her hus- j . ; band as Roy Slobodian, 39, of ji Oshawa. I ft C:U:... themums and pink carnations. ; Princess Margaret Gagnon Ori'an Fallu "f'omnnnv Tnn' instructor was kill? d and three escaped uninjured following a! but Dr. W. S. Kergin enplaned to- 1 "IJHIp niffprpnt" tour-plane mid-air collision of;day jor Vancouver and Oulf Slobodlan guide the police to a rial III iy had yellow net marquisette with similar colonials bouquets. Within Game of Top, Crowding Yankee And White Sox ' Harvard training planes yester Islands for a week to ten days Fee Unchanged the place -where the body was found. BY BRIAN TOB1N IN VICTORIA TIMES aay near nere. vacation. Both the princesses wore golden coronets. Mrs. M. O. Kullander directed Name of the dead pilot was NEW YORK P) Boston Red OCEAN FALLR. Residents of this pulp and OTTAWA W While the licence fed for "srawlcra operating in the withheld pending notification of; er town are in a position to pay Prince Rupert a next of tcin. I the arrangements and routine of s0X; pre-season American Leaguer the Junior court. . s pennant - favorites, climbed to Attending the royal party within a game of the top Friday were Wolf Cub Patrol members' night, as Lefty Mel Parneil turn- BULLET I NS Canadian fishing industry is reduced from $25 to $5, no change has been made in the licence fee for draggers. It remains at $5 Bryan Thorn and Alfred Hunter, ed back the league-leading New npliment such as few other localities can. People from Ocean Falls to Prince Rupert with the wed intention of living "somewhere where it i sn't rain so much." It's a gesture which the people The planes are thought to have "fiid" together during manoeuv-ers The day previous, near Trenton, two airmen were killed in the crash of another Harvard trainer. In the Trenton accident the for vessels up to 65 feet ln length , their uniforms and poise add- York Yankees 6 to 2. and $15 for those over 65 feet. ing to the color of the ceremony. Despite the loss, the Yanks The trawler fee Is collected Many hundreds of people ciUng to the lead by seven per-when an operating licence is Is- crowded the auditorium to wit- ccntage points over the runrrer-sued to trawlers of 100 feet or , ness the feature event of Prince up Chicago White Sox. ft lie northern port appreciate. - - .m Fills' annual 166-inch aao and has seen the town grow Harvard-type training plane ex- j fall makes their 96 inches of to a population of 3000. About ploded in mid-air and crashed a year seem dry In com- 1300 men and women are em- ison. (Victoria, with less than Dloyed In the plant, but al- near Wooicr, 15 miles from rcuperts industrial ana naiurai Chicago split a double-header Resources Exhibition. witn the iast place St. Louis APPRECI TION Browns. The Sox won the opener T. Norton Youngs, master of to 3 but bowed to the Brownie ace, Ned Garver, 4 to 1 in the ceremonies and chairman of the exhibition committee, thanked second. members Earl Gordon and Ar- Here's the picture at a glance: thur Ogilvle for their support in W L Pet, arranging the industrial and New York 45 27 .625 inches, is hopelessly out ot though the number remains Trenton. I running and you haven't constant the turnover is fairly officials at Trenton air bfise I i real running until you hit large. The basic wage is $1.35 an identified the men as Flying j in Falls on a summer eve- hour and the living Is comfort- officer Bruce H. Hoggins. 29, of! ; able. It's the 16 (Inches) year a 17i n n i rnir mist Tnrnnfn Inctrii- Wealthy Red Imprisoned the people of the community , that gets them. ! tor and Flvine 0ffk-er James A. open v rnnsrlnn nf hpir Fvpn Vnndpn. now a ripnart- nn . . ' J - " " ' - " ' Brown. 32, North Bay and Sud (fP) Thp mil- natural roeiiii-pos shnuj and Chicago 47 M .610 eorological leadership. They ment head, tias felt the urge at NEW YORK lionaire leftist Frederick Van- j complimented the appreciative Boston 45 29 .608 f t you with an apology for last. Shortly he will go to the iderbilt Field was Jailed yester- crowds who attended the first Meanwhile the Brooklyn uoa- bury, student at Trenton flying school. They said the men were on a routine training flight when the crash occurred. aav lor contemoi or conn n sucn exnioiuon in rnnce ku- gers remain mnr.-.-.! :' refusing to tell who posted $80,-000 bail for four fugitive Communist leaders. pert. He also had words of ap- games in front in tne nauona-i preciation for the untiring work League. The Brooks, with Gil of Civic Centre staff. ; Hodges banging out his twenty- "Thls is only the beginning eighth homer of the season, r weather but they cannot new pulp and paper mill being the pride out of their constructed near Campbell es. They will mention the River, ( ic several times during your , no DIFFERENT rt stay. They bid you good-j, -a company town Isn't any with a final contment on the different from any other town," 'tlier, and their personal he says "When I want to speak cast for the next few days: j my piece here, I do it, Just as I i u'nniri onvwhprp else. Visitors Sentence was tor 90 days or until the "angel" of the Left and 11 lks "ke it Is the kind downed the Philadelphia Phillies Took Shot at Union Leader 6 to 2. Wing cause purges himself of contempt by revealing the names. ''hereas a Victorian will rx'.m tn think should all be r a bad day by saying, "Pity rl,.h im here because there's no- SAN FRANCISCO (CP) Harry came today the first rainy where much to spend our money. British Atom Head Resigns LONDON (CP) Resignation of Lord Portal. Britain's atomic In two weeks"; a true Ocean r wp nice everv other town Lundeberg, head of. the Sailors' CEASE-FIRE MEETING TOKYO United Nations and Chinese Communist military officers were supposedly meeting at Kaeson today to make arrangements for the cease-fire talks to be held next Tuesday. General Ridgway last night ordered United Nations air forces and artillery to refrain from bombing Kaeson. ( TROUBLE IN TEHRAN TEHRAN A big bicycle brigade of pro-Communist students, wielding knives and other weapons demonstrated today against the international court's decision in Iran's oil nationalization , and fought with members of Iran's Labor party in downtown Tehran. About 100 persons were injured. There were cries of "Death to Anglo-American imperialism" and counter-cries of "Death to Communists." HMCS HURON KILLS KOREANS OTTAWA The Canadian destroyer Huron killed an estimated 100 North Koreans in bombardment early this week during a patrol that took her within a few miles of Russian territory. The Huron caught the Koreans trying to repair a shattered railway embankment at night and opened up with all guns from 2000 yards out. GET WAGE INCREASE VICTORIA British Columbia's 8000 civil servants will get a 10 per cent wage increase retroactive to April 1, the provincial cabinet decided Friday. The increase will cost the government $2,100,000 annually. DUFF IS CHARGED VICTORIA T. D. Pattullo, former premier of B.C., pleaded innocent in police court here to a charge of careless driving. The charge was laid after an accident June 21 in which Frank Sails, driver of another car, received back injuries. Weather ' Synopsis 's ma will say: 'Pity you in that regard too. Its Just as Unln of the Pacific (AFL), said today; we had a fine 1 hard to save here as any other yesterday that he had been shot ny clay only two weeks ago." ,,iapp at while drlnvlng to his office, j n oil if. i..... - ... ...! '. ... . , Thp hnllpt elancpH off the Cloudiness is decreasing gradu- leasts. Ib-.ii. i. ,nn htnhpp hnwevnr A windshield of his car, only, ally along the coast as the cool nersy controller, was announc-mnut aw m a-hir-h ha hn ed in the House of Lords yes- tin- f'lT i,... . . ki, i- L,or tn nnm. inches from his head, Lunde FOR IT covering this region is displaced terd,ay as the government wasj plaints showed that the local DCi B"m , . intimately for Ocean Falls, Baseball Scores American Washington 6. Philadelphia 3 Cleveland 7, Detroit 4 Boston 6. New York 2 Chicago 4-1; St. Louis 3-4 National Cincinnati 4, Chicago 2 Boston 10, New York 12 St. Louis 3, Pittsburg 2 Brooklyn 6, Philadelphia 2 Pacific Coast Portland 0. Los Angeles 4 Seattle 2, Oakland 1 San Francisco 2., San Diego 0 Hollywood 5, Sacramento 2 Western International Vancouver 16, Tacoma 4 Victoria 2, Yakima 9 Wenatchee 10, Tri-City 2 Spokane 4. Salem 6. local landscape is built for store sells articles for the same ."h by drier air. In this region to- "u"w"? " , J to behind bomb fall program morrow the weather is expected , Russia's. ' The hillsides slope at what ' or 'oer prices than obtain m t " 'tZ ..' h J an angle of 45 degrees Vancouver. , 'm he had not inte7ded I A spokesman for the Ministry of Supply, said Lord Portal, wartime commander of the to be suny and a little warmer. In the interior variable cloudiness is expected today and tomorrow with a few scattered rem reporting the affair to the po- win i runs on WIUIOUI ' A tour uiruugn nie uv u lbl("- Wilh level snots at a imnresslve. One sees big blocks ..K, mMl, it took lncennltv tn nf balsam, hemlock and snruce Royal Air Force, now "has work showers in the southern districts lr"ct tennis rourtf! Thpv helnir reduced bv SDlnnlng 5000- of his own that he would like this afternoon. Temperatures H the problem by building pound stones to groundwood 't Of thn pniirta nnf fr,m fV. ..ilrt f.xr rtpurcTiri n t Thpv Kpfi v wu.w ituiu (uii w ivm'..v. j 'We on stilts. i other wood in the form of chips will be a little warmer tomorrow. However, Lord Cherwell, war-! Forecast tlme adviser to Winston Church- i North coast region Cloudy told the Lords that Lord in morning, becoming sunny this portal was displeased by the afternoon. Variable 'cloudiness mass of red tar and lack of 3ut that is only a small part 1 beln8 cooked In huge digesters Air Passengers Fr?m Vancouver (Friday) Miss Bessonnett. Miss D. Dawson. J. S. Cooke, Miss P. Olney, Miss M. Olney, D. McNair. F. Smith, I. Fleury, E. Dobbie, Mr. Blodgett, W. Leask, Mrs. Borden. To Vancouver (Friday) Mr. Mrs. A. J. K?lch, after visiting tomorrow. Little change In tern- progress ln the government's relatives at Usk, returns to her sports amenities her- 1 10 produce suipnue or suipimi-c " Wy Canadian town, Oceanlpu'P. the basic material of fine iS has a theatre, dance hall, i white papers or heavy brown ranscs, bowling alleys ' pic- j ' wrapping papers, respectively. founds, swimming and And tnpy see tne fnisned prod-'"r Plea-ure spots There are ' "ct toeing spun through dryers 'perature. Winds light. Lows to- present atomic energy organiza- home in California on the Co- night and highs tomorrow Port tion. quitlam Sunday. Hardy SO and 62, Sandsplt and of Spellmeyer. Prince Rupert 48 and 65. the mnst mnHpi-n nf i ana conectea 111 mc form mm From Sandspit (Friday" J. rinimrt-i huse rolls for shipment iu mat- ;J1S a library and PROGRAMME HIGHLIGHTS Marderdsen, M. Car- Rpcirfpntt, -u no ket. iCiearj, n. founrted a Hfo on.. r..! Some 280 tons of newsprint a : rut hers, P. MacKinnon. Ss Returning To Montreal l"s. As Jack Youden puts it I day can be produced here, as to Sandsplt (Friday) Mrs. ,7e ot all the comforts of well as 60,000 tons annually tf 'oidfield. '"S cltv u,itu., v.. nuln fnr treatment elsewhere. A To Vancouver ( today) Miss L. Ua8es." large board in the shipping room Amadic, Dr. W. S. K?rgin. J. ack should knnw Ho pamJglves an idea of the destina- Faulkner, J. Estey, H. Wahi and 6 t0 work in tho popiL jih. 1 tions: Victoria, Los Angeles, San sorii Mr. -Johnson, I. McLoy, Miss p aU Daoer nian voir. ' Francisco, 4 Australia among r Heswick, Mrs. M. Steiger, A. R. them. j Brophy, and A. L. Fletcher. of the EXHIBITION (Natural Resources and Industrial Exhibits) tonight: vm P -Complete Gymnastic Display in Auditorium I By special request ! 8:00 p.m. Hell's Gate Story of Sorkeye films 10:00 p.m. Nechako film 18:00 p.m. Midnight Grand Award, ! Fcter Matthews, who has been here for the past two weeks in ! charge of the Aluminum Co. of i Canada display at the Civic Centre Exhibition, sails tomor- row on the Princess Kathleen for . I Vancouver enroute back to Mxn-!l,rt-i. The display will be sent from here to Toronto where Its : next showing will be at the Can- :adian National Exposition.' j A. L. Fletcher, manager of the ! Royal Fish Co., left on today's ........ . - 9 HELP WANTED Young man for office position. Starting salary according to qualifications. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Apply in person to: ALBERT & AAcCAFFERY LIMITED - Waterfront ' Prince Rupert. B.C. tf - TIDES paseball Sunday Halibut Landings Sunday, July 8, 1951 (Pacific Standard Time) j Hlch 3:23 19.2 feet Miss Jean, 25,000 block cod, I p.m. AHIX & ODOWF.S 16:20 18.2 feeti8c and 12c: 6000 red cod, 6c; 2l)Rl)"N & ANDERSON plane iul a uirci uuamcaa buy w , I Vancouver and Seattle, 1 22:10 7.2 feet i Fisheries. t !