ORMBS DRUGS" CFPR Riding Club Has Enjoyable Day FRANCOIS LAKE The Fran Blackwood on Bridge By Eosley Blackwood frightened "Scout" who Sail Lake Ferry Leaves Cow Bay Float THURSDAY 2 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. SUNDAY Continuous from 10:30 a.m. Weather permlttlnij 5:00 Whispering aiuib 5:30 Little Symphonies 6:00 Trans-Canada Theatre 7:00 CBC News 7:10 Week-end Review 7:20- Special Speaker 7:30 Concerto 8:00 Winnipeg Concert Orch.' 8:30 Linger Awhile 9:00 Sumertime lp:00 CBC News 10:ia-CBC News 10:15 From the Captain's Log 10:30 Vesper Hour 11:00 Weather Report and Sign Off MONDAY A.M. loose and took off for Lomt Snyder saddled up and was him In no time and con him in the old Forde nil Like The Wise Mr. Meek had a respectable overcall of one heart in today's hand but he had just suffered an 1100 point set on the previous deal and he probably wouldn't have entered the bidding on a 10-card suit. Against Mr. Champion's three DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 I 0, y End and you will t Between no trump contract Miss Brash ; made her normal opening of the j queen of spades. Mr. Champion j and ten of gpades and her origl- nal four diamonds H she discarded a diamond, all Erinnea as me dummy went Spruce up for the holidays! Cosmetics, Deodorants, Spot Remo of other little Items that will make f ffTiV To save yourself needless worry and! I J " PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD BHIFBUII.DKRS AND KNOINKKHS to the VARIETY STORE you need. down, and he saw that he had gooa, Bo gne piayed the ten of plenty of time to set up dummy s spades, And Mr. Champion won l lllb sul1- j tricks with the king and nine of lie won on the board with the . that suit. These, with the three ace of spades and immediately j top diamonds, gave him five-led the king of clubs. Mr. Meek j odd on the hand. Tills was an could ace no reason to lay off J exceptionally fine result when arid he won with the ace and i you consider that on a heart banged down the king of hearts, opening even three no trump Hut It was too lute. could not have been made. ny Mr. cnumpion toyea with the hand, lie ducked the heart lead Rum" in "i1 'fri cois Lake Riding Club met at the j Landing on Sunday morning with six members riding Mrs. Clarence Snyder on "Chief," Mrs. Kay Chappelle on "Scout," Mrs. i Van Zanten on "May," Keith Reed on "Silver," Harold Neave on "Pet" and Mrg. Harold Neave on "Major." It was a glorious day and the club took the lake- i shore road east as far as the perllne mine workings. This took the rideis high up over the lake and the view was lovely from thera. Although it was a hot day the trail was mostly In the shadow of the trees. The horses were tied near the old Sattler ranch-house and the party ate lunch under the treeJ. , There r.'as a little excitement when some wandering cattle RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES Phone lllue 9S2 PACIFIC ELECTRIC I Quel ified Steam Boiler, Refrigeration and Pipe Welders AH Certified Operators We build Stacks, Fire Escapes and Tanks all sizes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 22 -1st E. Phone Green 881 or and strangely enough this play gave him one more trick than he could have made by Rolng up with the ace. RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles (Subject U Cbanje) SATURDAY P.M. 5; 30 Sports College 5:45 For the Record 6:00 CBC News :06 CBC Sports Page 6:30 Soiree at Quebec 7:00 Prairie Schooner 7:30 Let's 8quare Dance 8:00 Karen Islanders Local Talent 8:30 Piano Playhouse S:00 John Sturgess 9:15 Armdale Chorus 9:30 Concert of Europe 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Trocadero Orcn 10:30 Dancing Party NBC 11:00 Weather Report and Fish arrivals SUNDAY- -A.M. A '3(1 Rvfttal 8;0oBBC News and Comty 9:i5Muslc for Meditation 0 ,n ,, rrt 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardener 10:15 Stories From the Bible 10:30 Musical Playroom 10:45 Heroes of Faith 11:00 CBC News 11:03 Capitol Report 11 :30 Religious Period SUNDAY P.M. 12:00 Your invitation to Music 1:30 Church of the Air 2:00 Music I Like 2:30 Critically Speaking 3:00 A Tale of Toronto 3:15 CBC News 8:20 Ask the Weatherman 3:27 Weather Reoort 3:30 Dominion Day Independ Day Program 4:00 Chorale 4:30 Affectionately, Jenny 1 aTIX B by 7.00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC New 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Morninfe Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Cmty 9:15 Music for Moderns 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Your Music Appointment 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Vifilt 10:15 - Morning Mclcd'.cs 10:30 This Week's Artist 10:45 Invitation to the Waltz ll:00-Man and His Music 11:15 Roundup Time 11 : 30 Weather Tteport 11 .31 Message Report 11:33 Rec. Interval 11:45 (Scandinavian Melodies MONDAY P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 Musical Program 12:55-Rec. Int. 1:00 Tlie Concert Hour 2:00 Easy Listening 2:30 Footlight Favorites 2:45 Petticoat Pion.; Comty 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Don Messer and Hi Lilanders A Classified will buy sell tmmMMTiOifiMD South dealer North-South vulnerable Ni-rtU (Mr. Mrfl) B 7 5 4 2 II K Q J 10 S C A 9 3 West last (Mr. Ahel) (Mr. rhumplntl) B A 8 H K 9 6 H 9 4 H A 8 2 IV-A Q 8 7 D K 9 4 3 C K g J 10 6 7 8 South Oils Hrash) a- v j id a 117 o 3 n j 10 e a The bidding: South Wf-1 North last Paws 1 C las 1 U Pass 3 D Puss 3 NT All p:uA ic WASHING CARS A- TIRE REPAIRING GENERAL CLEAN-UP We specialize in servicing for long trips Rupert Motors Limited CHRYSLER, PLYMOUTH, FARGO DISTRIBUTORS Mr. Meek continued with the queen of hearts. This time Mr. Champion took the ace and played out the rest of dummy's 1 H I MVE TO BAKE ) i5ST ( STO" OS?li m - A CAKB FOR MBS. S i'&C.ii'Jr Bt-OHOtt. m . :''V' V n M'NUFFS SUWWSe W. tL VJ GET rrvERTTWMG irII V WWI1V PASTV ANO THEN J JJy-ftJ, UMXS CONf(?OL CHIC YOUNG- of dninmv'ii riitimnnrU wnnlri he yCS if Mr. Meek had just overtoiled with a heart, Miss B.ash would have leu thai suit j Now why in the world dldn t I lead a heart instead of thaH queen of spades? ' Miss Brash remaiked. I wasn't sure whether there was a slight tinge of sarcasm In her voice or not. Francois Lake J. Schuetz Is visiting with his sister. Mis. Carl Klassen, and j family. He lives at Eston, Saskatchewan. The Francois Lake store has been fre.shly painted and has new concrete foundations. The Loveseth family and lilends have been saddened by the death of Mrs. Karen Loveseth .Although she has been 111 for some time and advanced In aKC, her loss will be keenly felt. Fought in Exhibition Prince Rupert Boxing Club members who visited Ketchikan July 3 and 4, were disappointed to find they were not fighting on a card but were used for exhibition boxing. Andy Marshall, Billy "Mouse" Morrison nnd "Chubby" Stacey left for Ketchikan Monday nivjht with the All-Star baseball team expecting a fight waiting for them. Trainer Joe Ward said "the only reason thj boys went in the first plar-e "was to gain a little more experience." Prince Rupert boxers sparred with U.S. Coast Guard boxers. Jaiioring for Ladies and. Gentlemen LING the tailor 220 Sixth St. Phone 649 'Hospitality and Good Food That Is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe Call 363 FOR BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing MITCHELL & CURR1E LIMITED Builden ft Contractor r""c nr"r 136 "x47" Jox 478 i V rrZw tftYf t JMmi y TTT?T ; MTifl'lfifX !: lMlllM' 1 : HmI ''"Xa Iron and Bia.'is Canting Electric and Acetylene Welding ,1'EciALinra on sawmill and MINING MACHINERY j I HOTEL FRASER HOUSE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT from July 1 158 JOHN H. BULGER Ojtfottti Iriit j John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue ; I t Ml Si -jL)'tslus Chop Suey Chow Mcin Open b p m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 I I QUALITY STORt 5!1 H I.TON STREET Working laic? Tired of cook- lug1 Cl.il.if! on a Picnic? We have salads, cold meats, etc. Specializing in Spaghetti, Cooked Chickens. Phone 470 1 VANCOUVER VAftllllVI'.K VICTORIA VltTUKl.t 1 Sunday, 8 p.m., Coqultlam Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND POUT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun. 11 p.m. FOR NORTH (Jl'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coqultlam July 6 and 20 9 p.m. FOR SOUTH Ql FEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coqultlam, June 29, July 13 and 27 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 RUPERT TOBACCO STORE 3rd Ave. - Opposite Ormes ALL MAGAZINES ami PERIODICALS TOBACCO and CONFECTIONERY Stock Always Moving and Freth PORTRAITS films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STt'DIO 18- 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert V clubs. From his own hand he threw the five or hearts and the t rey of diamonds. MLss Brash had to make three discards on the clubs. She dropped the trey of spades and her last heart without damage. But then .'he was down to the jack PHOTO WRATHALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES The (inert exterior home paint money can buy) Provides lotting protection and beauty (or your home. Available in a wide choice of attractive modern colore. Ml MSB BIB I r, ON SALE AT GORDON & i 8 ANDERSON MHHMiailHMM Vacation Cars TWO 1950 FORDOR'S Low mileage TWO 1950 FORD PREFECTS 35,000 miles A-1 Shape Ready to Go Bob Parker Ltd FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert, B.C. Li 1 1 7 v 1 i - - ( SEE MOW NICELY "IHli WONOECFUl NOW ItU , I ( IT MIGHT EE A GOOcA LftT, ( GOOO IDEA- . I IT WOCKINt; OUT? FILL TMff TUB WITM MOT : J ' V IDEA TO LOOK AT MV f VLL BUN THEPE'S VOU "V r VOATEP TO DV6 TM rf f DPAPES BEFOPG VOU JA l&i CMSP TO VOU8 1 I BEAUTIFVA-CAnre J I OffAPES . , V PUT ALL THAT DYE v- To - -I iTSSV- HOUSE A NICE OF THE BOSS 1 II' I I I '(. V1' til VS! I " ( TO LET ME GO HOME LJ PMf i f t! JJ' JvS' I L EACLVTCOAV-MAYBE fCtF rfhjW1 LOvV I 1 CAN HELP BLOND16 V I T T ' f( nevn 4 tjv X .Vl l II "lexl ( A TUB OP HOT VWATEI? "N I I ( I THINK IP S j, VVE CAN ) ' Si TSfr V ALL PFACV TOR ME ) S LIKE MV DKWE3 If MIX THE -ruWoK ';, G ( OH, MAN, VHATA f A LITTLE DAPKEff J s. EXACT ) I "''' vl "t WONDeKrUL WIFEJ V THAN YOURS f SHADE I n 'HeS Copt . lt King fff.ru rfl Syndtcitf. trie, VcrM rigri twrvtJ --L! j?! .1 n 1 1 ' 1 w 'lnd it. F Action Advertise!