G.H. Arnold -__- Notary Public FOR RENT Store in the Helgerson Block.tias a Third Avenue frontage tor 24 feet and a Sixth Street frontage of 13 feet. Is 62 feet deep. Basement room for storage in connection. One of the best retail locations in town and entirely suitable for a first-class retail busTness of any kind. An Entire Building on Second Avenue Near McBride. Two stories and baseroent. ground floor and ten rooms on second floor. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Real Estate Bonds There amt two stores on the Insurance Prince Rupert Ory Dock & Engineering Co. Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. boats can te docked together on one small making fees light. Large stock of repair materisls is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Canneries Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. Several! section, M.l.Stephens Notary Public listings are excellent buys: 5-roomed house, with bath, §| EDITH MAUD LAUDER. pantry, etc., Section 6, eight ' 1919. minutes from 6 id ar 25 a - $2,150, terms $650 cash, IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH balance arranged. COLUMBIA, One choice lot Sixth Ave. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA. TION ACT Section 6, $600.00. cash. M. M. Stephens LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE LAND ACT — PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT—pIS TRICT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS PAKE notice that E. M. Lauder, of Queer Charlotte City, vecupation teacher, intends to apply for permission to purchase th« following described lands:— Commencing at a post planted on th jsorth shoré of Mande Island, about 704 fect east gf the 8. EB. corner post P. R. No izs4, thetice north 20 chains; thence eas 20 chains; thence south 20 chains; thence West 20 chains to point of commencement Financial Agent The following exclusive Hate June 14, A. 30 post office, IN PROBATE. and House and lot tith Ave., IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ‘ - A j ‘UCHS oT : 7 near Cold Storage plant and CEASED, | UCHS = HAMILTON, = DE drydock, 5 rooms, with out- a sin eens y ’ TAKE NOTICE that jn order of the Registrar of the Supreme Court of British houses, ete., $1,600, terms, ; , Saal 2or eS Columbia, made the 30th day of August, $600; balance, $250 every A.D. 1919, James MeAleenan, Req, was six months @ 7%. appointed Executor to the estate of Amanda Fuehs Hamilton, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me, on or before the 5th day of October, A. D. 1919, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of thejr indebtedness to me forthwith. JAMES McALEBNAN, Alice Arm, B. « i - Dated this 5th day of September, 1919 EP

, 216 —— Among those arriving from An.- lyox recently were Felise M. “A ti ville, J. M. Early, James Valentine, 8. Hudson, Miss B. Hudson and uc 10n i J, Martin. Hon. John Hart and Hon, J. D. oo McLean left for the interior by a ‘High freight train last evening. They FURNIT " were accompanied by A. M. Man |Grade , son, M.P.P., who will take the} , ministers on a tour of inspection | through. the Omineca district on Tuesday next, September The Sons of England and the Grand Trunks clash this evening at for the second time. The game} 711M usgrave will be interesting as the train} g Place men have strengthened theli tea n| Between 5t! considerably and it is \venues, & reported | near Catholic Chureh that some of the star players for | the Englishmen will be unable to | 2 P. M. SHARP appear. lIncluding Davenport, Cam . *) . rr . ‘ ibook cases, d x m We have a few nice gilt edged |?°"”' . ; buffet, Morris and arm ¢ invitation cards that are different | bedroom suites ankets, ff Daily News | from the ordinary. detene bitohe: oa FR Omiece. The Footbal! League. cr a | ,o Name P Ww D I Points | Callies 6 5 0 i. an. « L 8. 0. BE. 5 a i 1 7 ¢ %, Trail. 5 i i 3 3 | 2. GTR 4 0 0 6. 0 | CFE SCHOOL DAN Be Prepared: oir an: Outfit Your Boys and Girls with RELIABLE SCHOOL SHOE Buy. them from the FAMILY SHOE STORE GEO. HILL E, R. TABRUM The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 ——~ FIT, STYLE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED: <= - | Twolllustrated Bible Lectures | SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 EMPRESS THEATRE, 3 P.M. and 8 P. M. $ No. 1. The Signs of the Sox of nes Dealing with the wonderful Bible pro! nd the years ago, which foretell present world conditions #lorious outcome. ‘These with an accuracy and certainty as if ©! weeks ago. prophecies ar fel NOTE THE HOUR — 3 P.™. No. 2. The Resurrection of the Ded with vhat podes How aresthe dead raised up and they come? vere are the dead ane resurres Speaker---GEORGE YOUNG, V.D.M., doe ; = f . I Lectures under auspices 0! eee