all members of the House, would 1 welcome at least the substance i of Mr. Drew's proposal. Tn Prince Rupert Daily News f-onviU,.,, . 1 Report from Parliament Comittee perhaps may not have i . , e dtba' a it.i rpivirt. reariv for tha nr,nnin . Monday, June 18, 1951 . u " 01 10 nils 1 in .ff..,., u j j v..v ui-nrimit; bu' ,, " , Vk "er lt: ! aays oi me next session. ray.. Reflects and Reminisces i . . . . "iLuiirr pi , ..I By E. T. APPLEWHAITE, M P. Transferred To Toronto Salvation Army Personnel Changes Announced Major (Mrs. Janet Chambe r, who has been the matron of the Salvation Ai ray's Lodne for ipernaps aurmg tne next session. , .,", " a ms of the fact it will 3S -i1',, opt those , A., . . . , -p. , . . - , session in which the govern- .' lne money., vi A. iiUNxaS. Manaaisf Editor. H O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 8; Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75r Per Year. ' ' 53 CO: 5y UiH. Fer "ic; Per Year, $8 00 'ii'41 Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prir.ce Er.pirt Daijy News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. " M.u. "i " ----- meiu. win asu tne iiouse to giv? i , """nisiri'ji. ijUUUUl vjranic lcl.ulc me umiiaiv ic-.liic 'u.' . - ; try. It just started me wondering. Stranger things rears and sun with a have happened than to see a textile industry in slate m 1952' we w'i resaive p- Hi lilt. QS on avnrimAnt , . French Election Central British Columbia. Our power resources, even the committees suggeuoas ur Mcxica has, doubtless, a choi:e ; Young Women in Prince Rupert variety of delicacies. We will not since its opening in 1943, has attempt to enumerate them but ; been transferred to Toronto and ne think a dozen fresh, salmon, will be appointed to. the Receiv-packed in ice and flown direct ling Home lor Women, it U an-from the cool waters of British ! nounced by Staff Captain W. C. Columbia to the land a Jew I Poulton. At the Toronto estab- with Mean's activities, will not have been nearly heK fn- I ' minK it would be better if w? r LOOKS like as unsettled a political situation as ever in Fiance as a result of yesterday's general exhausted. June i'l niu-. navf started sittings at 2 o'clock In- demonstrated to many p;ro;;ie next general election. Eat J. S. stead of three and had less even- thouiand miles south, should be ; hshment tne Salvation Army able to offer a little compet'i cares for women - on remand the fact that we now produce a' Sianolt. MP.,- whu is reeve tfjing sessions. There is also roo.n from the police and injor:igb:os l'ast some of the raw materials Springfield, Maiiitoti. bioush' for Improveriient in the prozej- " nn . 1 Krfi fit. all Kiirtrit, -1 if ,t in, r t lm VI .11. nitil iaT rf hun4hn .! tion. iw yuuiig lux i eiuruiaiory sen- nwui,. - b iu -v jihuuum cM,, JUsT. teiit'cs. iviis. iiainoers Aaiivi vmc f j ...j v tiuuiw v- w vwu vAuuiiJirs. i nis wnoie ' , 1 I 'JIH Penny Wise, Vancouver newspaper woman, has been in Korea fur the past month or so and is covering the job in first-rate style. Incidentally, she has not forgotten to make it clear thit last evening on the Coquiliam Tenurei tne Aiemoer lor ck::!.. uoji oi personal privilege. n matter, oi course affects us in-fci- Vancouver enroute to To- should be actively concerned nt-edn't have get sa worried- - dividually and may not seem of i onto. First she will spend a with su:h problems as wages, out Committee had taken na great interest to you: but if we holiday at London, Ontario. hours and working conditions action, and iu any event lu can handle YOUR business mo-e 'f.S", . , Mis W C Poulton wife of 1 c lejiuie iuuiuh;. wuxuii i uv uiiA-atc-u uciiv viiicieuuy, everyone benefits. Stiff Captain Poulton, will a.s- Paper for Milk The Smiths tmer election, same the task of matron of the area in pai ikuiui. bat oUi; .Wutk A special ctanatittee Lodge for Young Women parts of Skeena as well, will ba has bten set up to wris w-lh Uk1 Korea at the present time is a ! first-raie place for a woman to 'stay away from. Penny Is ex-tpeiieiicing plenty of risks on ' what is undoubtedly a memor-jable assignment. Captain and Mrs. Otorae Ovs- interested in. and cjneeriwi Speaker to consider the queri'.jn uvub LI1C uwii.iutica iiiiiiiv, uu VI m piUlWCU ttuilil. ilfciuu til of the shortage of paper prod- cm for the Hou;e of CumnuiH, ucts lor sucn purposes as co.i- -whtre the acoustic are very i tryk are appointed to taV.e charge of the Prinee Rupert Corps of the Salvation Army and thus release Staff Captain Poulton for his district work which ear Wism MONDAY NIGHT ialners of dairy products. I hava poor. Angus Maclnnis, C.C'.F. . been following this up rather Member for Vancouver East, w.:l actively and I now have some be the British Columbia M.-uiiOkV I involves such scattered- places as Ocean Fails to Whitehorse. Captain Oystryk is coming to Rupert from Dauphin, Manitoba. I There is a distinction betweeu 1 "hotel" and "lodging house.' This explains why some locu : people have not yet been interviewed by the censustaker. Thi-y ' surely will, however. They merely neglected to remember that i Irom the stci.dpoinl of the eminent, a losing houe is not a notel. reason to hope that supplemeu- un this Committee. ;ary supplies of the required st. .auriit .Vgrees-Mr. St. type of paper-board may be laurent hai otlen si-oed his' available from the United State. winmon t, w.m .i,h .h n. i to meat pumj whenever the opposition I captain orace Burkett. ::o if au oti-er -attempts has taught school and officer d the situatien fail, we may wo hurl a uroixisil which seemed So the canyon city corps on tne (,CPrl with the necessity fjr ihua to have merit. fVr UuUiwe. I Naas River, is taking additional government intervention, i hope teacher training at Vancouver not, as this is bound to mu i next fall and will be replaced at controls and Interference Li puttilktu, imrodu?ei Li 1x2-- Unspoiled" is a word that still : applies to Canada. By no stretch election. Rightist forces of General Charles De Gaulle's Rally of the French People party have scored a marked triumph and will, after the postwar years of striving' beoome one of the largest, if not the largest, groups in Parliament. The Com-munist, although gaining in popular vote, lose seats in Pai'liaintiit Uiidi-i the r.cvv system of vote counting. The parties of the coalition, which have governed France tenuously, appear to have lost (trength although, combined, they have more seats ihan f.c two .-.xtiemist groups. With tla op.e dear gain appearing to have been He Gaulle's, V coalition of some sort with a possible Turning to the right will probably be the outcome. Put, with a Communist party frustrated in obtaining greater parliamentary representation although it obtained more popular votes, it could be that even tnore troublous days between right and left lie ahead. Supplying The Enemy government of Canada finds itself in an THE embarrassing situation because of Canadian-flagged ships carrying supplies to Communist China white Canadian soldiers are fighting and dying in the war in Korea against the same Chinese Communists. To say the least of it, the suggestion that the Canadian ships are plying in this trade because there is an investment of a few million dollars to project is a rather grim one. The government, we believe, should act speedily on the demand that these ships should be seized or funk without delay if they continue in this trade. Th government should not have waited for the matter to be aired in Parliament by the Opposition. It was mighty poor politics apart from the obvious moral considerations in the matter. to have a cwnmit'ee ap- t.l Imaainatiim pin Can jti lw r LailVOll L ltV OV Cantaill . nlhor nuln anri nsnpr nmd.i-'i to consider Improve- called over-populated. No pa-t j McLean. The captain will have as weU. with far-reaching e(- P as her assistant in canyon ci.y fcts which are sure to be ail ments in House procedure, with of t'oiuniiuu' a view u o'j- of Canada, no matter how ne -1 ly settled, or how old. but can I i come within its meaning. j work Lieutenant Oeraldine ror- moving in many ways ...1 ...... . .l ! f a i I ' : t f ' M w - I HI iW trniwm innl-il ITInJi M, . , . .. .viayors and jits home lit Vie tainlne """ ureal, ,'5MU-r r eflkcrxv -- RC. from Melville SasKatrhe- i TliU nart of the world ha.s the wan- " flurry of interest . was caused . by .... , - St ku y a sut!tion brought up in tho M ' is Dominion Elections Act Commit-.'1 to a'et lhal lM govern - best there is for what the Cei- ' Lieutenant Gordon, who has lulose Corporation needs, says been assisting at Canyon City, that Mayors should be placed mem and mast members, if no is appoimeu to oiuunu, ji.- m ;ris same category under tft-. ' :4l wo. Act as m ana oe e.igiDi.1 a Major Mrs. Chambers left on MP's. It was jus a suggestion the Union stea.v-ship lor Van- casually discussed in the Co-i-couver on Sunday ivening, en-. nyttee and the Member win ' Emery Cieaves. "Only in B C. are there hemlock and spruce ; forests, with adjuncts for ship-' ping facilities and good labor and governmental conditions. Perhaps in Siberia there may be another supply of this kind of ; route to London, Ontario, o HON GORDON S. WISMER, K.C. bought it up made it clear U.'. V :iU.U! n:jt suggest It affvii :!'e L.-eseut uieum-rs -intil tkie , wood but who wants to spea ' holidays prior to tailing up h,'. ith Mr. Staiin when we can 0i Toronto posting, business with Mr. Kenney?" ' Attumey-Oneral of B.C. will speak on matters of interest and Importance to every Citizen of the Province. Sees Shortage Of College Men CFPR Sf eat Lakes! Oreat Resorts ! Mon., he ( SYDNEY, Australia ff Busi- i tnessmen might soon have to ' sponsor university students if 1 1 hey want their services as I graduates. Prof." Sir Douglas! Gold Policy?. 4 r ereat HOLIDAYS to fit your purse CONTCRX tO all Canadians jllt HOW IS the (Australian National University.) O' iF riliirlit nf rrr,, niiniiifr Hpi-o is an fmliistr' lsaid '-cently. J-lkVW in EASTERN CANADA- ORMES .which formed the .-beet anchor of the country's hedit during1 a world depression and provided a tillion U. S. dollars for essential purchases in World "War II. The industry takes on new significance to j He warned that by 1960 Aus-I i tralia might not have enough ! graduates to meet her needs In; j every field. j i ik- said that by 1960 Australia I j would rieed 4 000 school t eachers ' : a year instead of the present ' 2 500; 1000 medical students instead of 700 and 1000 engineers' instead of 500. ! ! By 1956, he said, Australia might have a university popula- j i tion of 50,000 equal to British 1 The I Pioneer Druggist I enrolments in 1939. I For Action Advertise! PHONE 81 Sail ihe Great Lakes between Port McNicolI and Fort William for an invigorating, relaxing holiday. Break your rail trip to or from the Wert with a 2-day cruise only meals and berth are etra . , . or enjoy a 5-day cruise for as low as $77, including hotel. day with Canada showing some disturbing signs of an unfavorable trade balance. Gold, mining- is facing acute problems: wages and other co.-ts have- moved up sharply while the price of its own product is firmly fixed and has been for years. That Ottawa is considering additional rost-aid to the industry is a situation with which ',IW will quarrel. A large part of our north country '.economy has its roots in gold; many frontier eom-'munities nuiVffeld up completely were gold mining ita falter. Ottava?;,monetary experts question Canada's 'right, if notability, to sell gold at a free market price abova $:r an ounce because of obligations to ;the International Monetary Fund. Mining men on the other hand stress that IMF membership should .not blind us to the fact that Canada, turning out '.$1CS millions of gold a year, is the world's second-'largest known producer of gold and that, we have special and fundamental interests as a great producer of a .(;y commodity. Financial Tost. Mac 5rfil XT A '-ssifc Gibbon Constructs r ' i 1 U .,'! ' f ' 'iff X Company Liilii-ULLLt II HIM 1 M , ,'r-l C-J- -ZTf Tj-. r WIU DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . , Siding , . .'AlteroHons Estimates Gladly Given Wonderful Flavour riffure paisacje for Datatj Make the luxurious Chateau Frontenac your headquarters in Old Quebec . . . modera hospitality and fine food in an Old World setting, amidst scores of scenic, historic spots. Blu' With all tii.-y peliiiig get understanding.' Prov. 1:7 Black GtiO 21-Piece Breakfast $ (if HANDSOME LASTING LEATHERS SCIENTIFIC FIT AND COMfORT cP wY BANrf . Dots your pa) heque vanish in paiiig off eiervbody but you and yours? Saving spells the difference between going ahead and falling behind . . . between worrying and enjoying life. Find out bow to get your pav-off . . . how to save something IN EVERY LINE FOB ALL USES SO Down East, three famed Canadian Pacific resort hotels offer sports and accommodation to suit eery taste . . . The Algonquin, St. Andrews-by-the-Sea, N.B.J The DiKbr Pines. Diithv. N.S.. anl AND OCCASION: Sets O7 32-Piec-j Breakfast $Q Aff Sets O'' 21-Piece Bone $J QF China Tea Sets M. " Dinner Sets, from Crj QS 66 pieces at.... 'D (Includhig beautiful Wedgwood and Couldon King's Plate t SPECIAL English Bone China CIPS AND SAICERS at 69c 970 FI N( HBOWL SF.JS 7-95 MANSON'S China Shop Lakeside Inn, Yarmouth, N.S. Golf, twim, sail or just oak up the tun. for yourself. Ask for your copy oi "Personal Planning" gt your oeighborhood B of M branch. Personal Planning uill help you sure . . . See YWfy" IL Cui fer, and you'll like sating al "MY BASK". UOUDAY TRIPS for 2 or 3 weeks Thwe'a a Canadian Pacific vacation exactly suited to your time and purie. Canadian Pacific trains speed you in air-conditioned comfort. Ask for Information and literature. ' 1 Nti- ,Trr-: jir WOIIINO WITH CANADIANS IN fVCIV WA1K OP LIRE UNCI 1117 M 11 N I I U I I -1 Kt i1 f ' V