Pnncp Rupprt Dolls' N?ws liif-oay. Ortcoer .iJ. "Uol PORTRAITS DFEP CANYON Tue Iirii & CaJt-cii at oi.e p:l.. Is 7.9C i feet deep, with its wide, pem 10 miles frjni rim to r:m. SALES I si! tea GEOlttiE l.F.S AUCTIONEER Phone C.reen 81(1 and Krd 1?1 (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. refrain from telephoning. Classifieds. 3c per Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards ul Thanks. Death Notice. Funeral Notices. Marriage tu.d Engagement. Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE 1 RICE. 1 Films Developed and Prinled PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLERS STUDIO J 10- 4:h Street Hvx 645 Phone Oreen 3S9 Prince Rupert 4 CARPENTERS Hc f V 'ft: inir. t.t'nic i Thif'M fi4t dwr, truer. I PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 FKiMJTT PLAt E Bux 1U11 Station B (Agent: Bun Terminal I 1errae Builder Suppl) CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C. 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 4-42 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lame Block 803-3rd Ave. W Prince Rupert. BC. ?hone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell. C-A. 325 4th Avenue East P O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 Colussi's Music Store Agenti for the finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED J'died and redecorated and v iilf i f give first c!as service. 24:t, 1 I i r I 'k f ' u"el!-. ... (I ri '"" i t Hillef FaAU 0UAUTTK ' WELDING Government Certified Operators High Pressure Tanks Refrigeration Stacks and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 12 -1st E. Phone Green m VANCOUVER VICTORI Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Canosun ALICE ARM. STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Ccquiilam, 11 pin. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS October 26 ss. Chilcotin FOR SOUTH Ol'EIlN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS f'. Chilcotin. Nov. 2, 10 and 30 9 p m. FRANK J. SKINNER prlnT Itupert Agent Third Av.-.'. ie Phone 568 inoHKMa 'Wings over the Interior' La H a To Terrace daily lo Prince George and Intermediate Points Three Days Weekly To Kiiimal and Kemeno Da.l-i Exceot Friddy? fri TERRACE B.C. S LTD. Crawford Moore, Ag?nt Prince Rupert Tcnacr Plion-' Biac-k 007 Phor.c 133 WMiMIi III Will Pi M f II I i i 1 1 rniii JOHN H. BULGER Orl thh! John Bulger Ltd. Third Aver.u" MATTER OF ACCENT t BRISTOL. Er.eianrl O John Miiiiaan. 20. of Vancouver, is-studying at Bristol Old Vic theatre school after working his, cjTi ..,,.... in Wrinin Pri- I way o.wv in.iv? m --- j ority assignment to jonn jioiu ;i.: "tutors: "You mu-st iron out that Canadian accent of yours." Call 363 FOR r.ETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing 1F MITCHELL & CURRIE I.IMITf D Builders & C 'untrac tors 'if . " -)"r-- j ' " J If Your House 1 (c..r ( GET RIGHT DOWN TO THE ROOT OF THE TROUBLE. PHONE 881 AND HAVE THDM SHEET METAL LTD. Check Your Furnace (251ci STEAMER Prince George SAILS FOR ( Vancouver and Intermediate Porta Cocli Thursday at 11:15 p.m. Fcr KETCHiKAN HLD.::.-D.y .iiunk.ii i l.iiXu'y at Low For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT B.C. Vauxholl Sedan BLONDIE PACIFIC fc pi..-. ... 'i Hi MARGARET V; OPTOiiETst Rw31 Id STONE El'2. .PHO'li BLUE 553 P 0. BOX I ELOTE'l-- R. W. COLL! Phone Blue S7t j ?or genuint pics s phone or ru TERMING MESSED Phow Ht All deiiveiifs '.Cx . FOR YOUR... Brick, Stone ar.i & Tile SetUiig n:.i P... Phor.f K. Sf.PI Blue a!: i HAMDYV HOME 55 GENERAL COSTS.1 H. G. HUGE LBCTB REAL ESTATE fclN- Phor,e 36 Evew.p Train Sche F r the Fist-Daily exnpt Sstc Froth the Favt Daily mr '; ! pn Bv CHICVC- MALE KELP WANTED I CARETAKER GRADE 4 - S23 i per annum. le.s va;ue of quarters Lb provided. S233 40 per annum. !or the Dep.ii tment cl Public Works at Pnr.ce Rupert. Open to qualified residents oi the Province of BC. with preference in appoint-ment to rcMdei-.ts of Prince Rupert. Full particulars on posters at offices t.f trie National 1 Employment Service and the Post Office. Application 353 forms, obtainable thereat, should be filed NOT LATER THAN 15 NOVEMBER ISM, v,uh the Civic Service Cam-mb.sion, 6th Floor. 1110 W. Georgia St., Vancouver 5. BC. (ltd , I FOR SALE FOR SALE One lun MP. hish pressure II.K.T. boiler with breeching. In use fur IS months. Saanich Plumuin ; Heating. i255c : FOR SALE 3 piece preen velojr 1 Ciie.sterfield suite. Blue 6S3. '24t)P' FOR SALE Three piece blue "dour chesterfield, cheap for qu.dt sale. Between 6 and 9. evenings. 1201 2nd West, itfi FOR SALE One wartime kitchen stove, buffet and dining-room table. 1337 1st OveriooK. i 243p ' FOR SALE- Boys' and cirLs' all-wool lined jacket.;, coats aiui ski pants, vcrv attractively tailo.ed. Less than factory cost. B. C. Clothiers. Third Ave. iff i NATION ALL Y KNIiA'N NAMES Limt-beit Eneedcr Snovels; Cranes: Draglines: Adams Road Graders: LiUlfford Bro Black Tod R'Xid Maintenance Eouiumenf; Owen Ciamshel. Buckets and Rock Graoc'es: T L. Smith Concrete Mixer; Clark Forklift Trued.-: Nel-on Bucket Loaders for Ktockoi'.e and Snow Removal: Ri"e Portable Ceniriftittal Pumos; National Drau'line Serar"rs alio Buckets. National A'l Stee. Gasoline lioisu: Ha'ion.t ! Portaole Sawrrilies; N'a'ional Rotaiv Sciens ar.o Cunv.-yors Full information National Machinerv Co. Limi'e-Vancouver B.C (tf. FURNITURE for. Sale Be l.-oo::: ru?. radio,, ciiest of u ?.. a.r'icht i at : tii-.tirlif beds comp.ete cri'us, etc. J. r.v-est passible prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. itf' FOR SALE Marine iVVn-, stern bearings. 2 rever '-'(. ats anchr.r chain, propellers, fur t-buckie.i, clevis bronze .-:h.i.ft-inij. b.ow torch. Poaci- trjol.-; includir.i .'j-r prinder, g:av mower. 8 volt c-'ectri c.t-r: cnarer. tools, etc. Radio $12. tube ts'.er SVJ. 8oa:e radio equipment includina bo.ik-. etc. iirs bed and sr ',. ;;2'i, wi--.ii ba-in . Y.V V .i Cove Ave. i2.'i3pi FOP. SALE Wi-K h'-.rr- ' il rum a. pipe die?, hot pU'e. v.a.-,'niiri ma'hin" n.-nd .vrio':-1 er. Phone Black 543. i253p' BOATS FOR SALE I FOR SALE- Kl-f' ol trolling boat "Vfyrtlf V.'' For Inc.c-lion app'.v boat KO. at Fjirview F.oaU or photic Crcen (249pi FOR RUNT ROOM FOR RENT Gentleman onlv. Phone Red 901 or .-all at 147 5th Wen. 249p) FOR RENT Sleeping room. Phone Red 8G0. 1 249c FOR RENT Hou.sf kecpin-i room ; with hot and cold water. 613 . 3rd Ave. . j FOR RENT Two-room apart-j ' mem, private entrance. Nj children. Men or working cou- pie. 743 0!h West. 1249c) j FOR RENT General Electric! floor polishers $1 ner rlav. Phone Blue 992. Pacific K!"r. t trie (tl) 41 U-DRIVE CARS. Phone 41 I 711 Grenville Court. (tfi WANTEO TO RENT Wanted to Rent UNFURNISHED FOUR OR FIVE ROOM APARTMENT OR HOUSE Required by local machinery firm for employee boms; transferred from Vancouver office. Phone 577 or write Box 1 324 (tf) RORIE& LAIRD rcx-fs-oc 0I!' BUN' ACCOUNTANTS Bt AUDITORS I Bi sncr Elovk Phone 387 PHONES: PO. Box 130 p0 jjy, 1670 I HELEN'S I SiDNEfG j PCAUTY SHOP onoiiTf I I'ermanertt Waving CompWe Va-al ' B. auty Culture In all OFFICE VJ: its branches 9 m to 5 y 704-4th S'n-et Phone 055 Qeo I'tik 3 WE RENT MATT3CN TRUCKS. COMPRESSORS. UPIIOLSTET CONC RETE MIXERS PMune , B n ur Ifo r Uy I. our, day or month ist-lid Ja - Phone Blue 939 Jaiforing for J Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor j 221) Sixth St, Fhc.e 649 I The 1 o. k. cafe! at i Hazelton Is under New Management It is now owned ant! operat fed by Lee Chotig and Jhr. Mah who have bought out I.e. Duck, The cafe has been renmd- I Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Your Printing Problems PHONE 231 Dibb Printing Co. BUS NTH BLOCK J0 r. J M i w. l ..a rutin ceiiim mm 1950 Ford Fordor 1949 Ford Fordor 1948 Monarch 1947 Willys Jeep Truck Values 1949 3-ton 176WB" 1947 3-ton 176VVB" WINTERIZED AND ' READY TO DRIVE Bob Parker Ltd. FORI) - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert, B.C. PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith &Etkins Ltd. P.O. Box 274 -The Eloauent Type AM 1 feTlli. DtFEAM IjCNE COME T(?UE AFTER ALL THFE VEAITS Of r A7r ft ANNOUNCEMENTS Canacan :on card party, October 24. L O B A. Fa 1 Eazaar, Octo- ber 26. Lad.cs' W.A. Fishermen's Union Darre, October 2ii, in the O(iil!c.;0'.v.s Hall. Women's Hospital Auxiliary Halloween Tea, October 31, at home of Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, 43 fourth Avenue West. Catholic caret party. Novem- ber 1. Sonja Bazaar, November 2. Canadian Legion cabaret lance. November 2. (pi Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, N;- ! vember 7. Eastern Star Ball. Nov. 9 at Masonic Temple. Presbyterian Church Bazaar, November 15. j Conrad P-TA card party Nj- : vember n;, 8 p.m. Tile Women of the Moose Fa ' Bazaar November 10. : Cathedral Bazaar, Nov. 17. ! I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar November 22. St. Peter s Fan Bazaar, No- vember 29. United Church W. A. Fall Ea- zaar, Dec. 6. : EINERAL NOTICES . GASIUNAS--In the cltv Monday, O: tuber 22, 1951, Ron::!:! Paul, age 5'i years, beloved husband of Mrs, Catherine Gasiu-nas, 735 8th Avenue West. Pray-' tr.s will be offered bv Rev. Father F. J. Ravnor. O M L. at Gren-vllle Court Chapel at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday. October 23. Remains to be forwarded Tuesday cve-liinn tOjKitwania lor interment vhere Rev. Father J. Donz.e. O M L. will effi'-iate. B C Un-deriakers in charge of arranae- ments lt:i PARTRIDGE-In the city Saturday. October 20, l'jol. Francis Herbt.t, a;e Sti years, ce.oved liu.-oand o; Mrs. Marauente V. Partridae. 233 5th Ave. Easi. K( rv:-:c, will oe c .J.d .iclc-a at St. Andrew's Cathedral at 2 p.m. Wednesday, October 24. wuh i. aiion S. Procntc-r o.'f.ciit-In'r-rment n fo-rjw in Fair-view Cemetery. B. C. Uncler'ak-f.-s m cinrae of arrangements. 'ltci VIERECK Passed away at Tranquiiie. Oc'ober 24, 1951. Audrey Beatrice. 32. belovH -I er o1 Mrs. J. G. Vie reck. . 2151 Seal Cove Circle. Survived '' two listers Mrs. Gladys O'enn of Prince Rupert and Mrs. Mabel Dyer oi Oihawa. Ontario. . i f.-,r h'o'h" s. Riiev. Gordon, Jack and Georpe Viere'k, R'l"'"'. Fun-ral service Saturday, October 27. 2 r m . s Grenvii'.e Criurt Chan?l of B C i LnCif r-atters. Rev. H. G. Bird o'f:riin?. Ir.t':r:ii':nt in Fair-view Cemetery. dtp) i'husonm. What's ; The FRESHEST , THING j In Town? ( 250c t SLICED wupped bread from Rupert BaKt-ry on sale at ail grocery otoie.s. itfi I WILL not be responsible lor any debts incurred in my name, Pete Parkvold. j253p FEMALE I1I1LP W ANTED WANTED Extierienced offiCo fierk for construction com-Danv office. Must have shorthand. Aonlv in writina Lo Box 2(17 Dailv Nev.s. tf( MALE HELP WANTED WANTED Experienced Mechanic Local machinery fiim requires 1 fully experienced diesel engine and tractor mechanic. Phone 577 or write Box 1324 tf GUN carrier for downtown route. Phone Bus Depot, G40 or 530 (tf) FIR REPAIRS EXPERT fur repairs and re WANTED TO KENT REWARD Wanted: Fosr or five room house or suite to rent or mav buy. References. Phone Jim MaeGregor. 260. i253p REAL ESTATE FOR SALE - Wartime Four, new-iy decorated. Central, near M; Bride Street. Immediate p.a.eion Price S4.000. Terms. R E. MORTIMER K-vl E'ate and Insurance Third Avenue Phone 83 (251c FOR 3ALE Two bedroom house H"t and cold wa'er. Also Part cash. 218 ll:h Street. I248p' FOR SALE Sciiii-'urnislied one room tiuatbouse with oil stove. Also small float. Phone Black 232. c252p' FOR SALE Six room .house at Dotise Cove; three-piece modern bathroom Furnished or unfurni-hed. Apply D. E. Alvey. Dodse Cove. Daily ferry service. (2c0o FOR SALE Industrial Io-s 48 and 43. block 14. section 1. Next Imperial Machine Works. Lots are cleared and filled. Aoulv Standard Machine Shoo. 'Hi FOR SALE Three room house. furnished-800.00. 1425 Graham Ave. i253pi WANTED I WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID lor scrap iron steel, brass, couuer. lead, etc I Honest vradiim. Promot puv-rnent made. Atlas Iron it Me:aU I d . 250 Prior St. Van roiiver B C. Phone PAclfic 6357 itf CASH for scrtn cast, brass, con-eier. b.i't Vic's tnd t.tdiaors Phone 543. Call 629 Ctli Avenue West. City. (tf i CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE '49 Vancuard sedan: radio, underseat heater, srjot-licht, etc. Only 13.000 mile,. Too r n n d i t i 6 n throughout. $37.01 Can be financed. S'-I M irk Hill Jr.. or phone Gr -rt 71" o: e.40. i241)pi FOR SAIE- 1950 Cl'.ev crrian 8.000 miles. P:i .: Black 907 ACCOUNTANTS PVBLIC ACCOUNTANT It-O'ii. 'lax soei-niist. 8. (5.. Furl; Rtcne Buildint. Red 5f3 20m- REPAIRS WATCH REPAIRS Prompt ef Ii. ieot .-. . . 1 Oeortfe Coo .le-.' Her. Sausi action nuartp teed LOST LOST-Baby's white overshoe on 3rd Ave. Saturday. Phone Red 198. i24'pi LOST In the vicinity of 2nd Ovf -look Tov rat terrier, female. Answers to name of "Little Bit." Anybody harbor-ini; same please return to 1513 6th East. i2aflpi t. -S B'J!.-Vl RALE OF TIMBED BEM.A OOOI.A INIjIAN RESERVE CEALED TENDERS addressed U the uniTsk'npfl and murk'd on the 'nvelopp It-ndt-r for B"-!la CxjU Tnnbt-r" iil be rec-ivi-d unut 3 P.M . Thursday the l;nh day nt l-r "n,i;er. 151. v,r the riyht Ui cut timber on Bella Cooia Indian Reserve .o 1. r.onipriHms 3,346 acres In the Cu:ist District Brltinh Columbia. Quai, tines urp estimated at redur 20 oon f b m. Fir 16.000 0110 r bm SpriiCT 4 000.000 f ft m. . Cottonwood - 4 Otto (X0 fhm. Thf ttmlii r sale 1:; svibl'ct to the piovlpif)ns of the Indian Act an-J U:'U!&liciis. and to these condi-linns: 1 Excluded from the timber berth nr' : (a i BWla Coola Indian Villauc ib Triangular wood lot on the south boundary ol the K-si-rve bounded by MeKeiizie Highway on the north west and Kopas Road on i the east !. Pure stands of birch and alder are! not to be cut. Thw sfHTiee arc to be em only where intermixed with other ! species wnere economic operation requires their removal alonK with ; other timber. All other merchantable timber is to be cnt. At least 2 of each year's cut is to be Cottonwood. Not more than 4.000.-000 f b m may be taken iu any one licence year. 3. Ail timber Is to be scaled on the Indim Reserve. Scale accounts and pavment oi stumpage are to be delivered monthly bv the 20th of each month for all timber cut dur-lne the nrevlous month. 4. .'i00OO 0O Is to be p,ud In advance 'if the issue of the timber licence aeainst timber dues. This advance may be applied against stumpaiie (lues and must be maintained at not less than 110 000 00. 5. Dues on siM'tiew other than fir and cedar are fixed at $5 00 per M. Tenderers shall bid prices of not less than $10 00 per M. for fir. ell '"uja uiiji me ,101.11 '.'i April. 1057. Eaeh tender must be accom- ! panied by an accepted cheque to ' tile Receiver General of Canada for 1 000 OO.-covfriiiK l-eiifre fee. 5I0 0O. I annual Kmund rent. $050 00 and a deposit of Ml.OO!) 00 to ensure the ; coniuletion of the contract to tile :.:it isliietion f the Director. Dated at Ottawa this filh day of Cctcbei. 1 "5, I) M MarKAY. IJireetor. Indian Affairs Branch Depaitmeut of Citizenship uiid Xiuiiiikiullou. (249) i QUALITY REPAIRS Fur Downtrodden Heels and W.-.-.t oOles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Court- ous Service Phone 67b 214 4th Strec Proprietor? : Ed. Daw.'. Kid Alexander NOW is tHc time to plan tor STORM WIN DO' SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LI 115 1st Avenue West 4H W -W U -aicasJ 1,1 I'll one 9n!) f 1 St ! 1 S t". Bapco Floor Ename Ideal for wood or cedent flows, linoleum, and woodwork, y drying with a high gloss ord ' many pleasing colors. 1 1951 Austin Sedan, 3000 miles, new ' condition. 1 1947 Monarch Sedan 11946 Ford Sedan 1 1947 Crosley Coach Superior Auto Service Ltd. Third Ave. W. Phone Green 217 Thompson Hardware I': AMP DO VOU tHINh. I M S, ' .' :AV THE fl A 1 1 THE PEAPE-iT, SWEETEST ) fhh T-'"7 , I LITTLE WIFE IN ALL. J K SV-"TklE k, I C lirades, and not less than tG.OO per rTryrr, Jr Cedar, all RnuleS. ......T. n.n rr, WANTED TO RENT Two room 0. Timb-r licence v.m be issued to apartment, furnished or ml- j the successful tenderer for the cur-furnished. Ml'S. Maitland, ; rent licence year endlilK the 30th Phone 71 (249pl j of April. MM. renewuble annually ! 1 HAS vOuO UPE BffN J THE VJOPLD? j LJ pf I VIAE HNS AN I . K 71 VifMt f- II -7 Moving, Packing, Crating Shippinj and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Effl-..lent, Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen. Acetylene and a'l wi ld, 'ij supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. ?nd and Purk Avenues fef .!" Phone to and i ! I If you want to veil it, u'!vt:rt!."( 1 it, News cluiUkU. I WANTED TO RENT Four or five roomed house. Uriient. j Couple with child. Station B. Box 1118. 230pi WANTED Will pay up to $100 per month for suitable furnished suite or Box 210. Daily News. ( 251c i modelling. Past service and WANTED H oom and board follow cost. Fowlie Si Ruttle Ltd. I penlleman. Box 229, Dailv Thone 522. (tf) News. (243p ! ,, '-.'t'v-yri I .'.