2 , Prince Rupert Daily News Pities Cmpaign ISrWMm 9 Mrfc'jt& Monday, Augu-t 27. 1951 On Diverse Tacks ' eve As I See It k "t$ 11 more U Nation I 3or SclJ (i IF I. OET HER ACROSS M5SZ JWQi ,JS -S- 1 By J. C. GRAHAM Canadian Press Correspondent AUCKLAND. N.Z. (CP) The WELI.INrvivM,. and s educim,,,;' New Zealand general election to Kn independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnet Rupert and Northern and Centra! British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau Of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Q A. HUNTER, Managing Edi'.or. H. U. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Sy, Carrier, Per Week, 20c, Per Month, 75c- Per Year, . ; $8 00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c i Per Year, $8.00 i-i Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd , 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. he'd September 1 sees the "iai-i.fi .,. 1,1 hih K,h: pposing parties campaigning on iffrent issues. That's one of the W(.ikir,fe (!. "l!'-! hu!i(!u. "I I things that make this election i one of the most unusual in New Zealand history. I Since modern party govern - $10 Or $50 Pensions PARLIAMENT will meet t as introduced 61) years , , ago, it is the only election to be - in a few weeks to enact j held before it is legally due. the new old age te 1 pension j very oler N Zealan,d p: i liament has either run its fu! was nijl pl that " latv niimt,. ti, s-i.lr' In the next va,uu0rr . Th- vlWs '.here are tw jn n h "iven uarilv r ' frtsliment and mv , schdare ti --xarv!!;;;!- . Vl yVl 1. art- (h:in,, - Mi. A';-i(- :,,ia h,,,. . jectives vt.-.. (!t.(,.a,., oupiis so uu- t a,,'(t" m-nt. "Smh w, in it- er. ,:s I m,r tion may be 'lifferer , wmint-r holiday I,,-parents v, i'l ia(M UltO Cf.ll.-.ldHatl; n v.t'. !aV. ' three-year term or else has had The main feature of the new j its tenure extended because of .aw is that everybody in Canada ! war r economic conditions. w:U receive S40 a month, starting S Tn last election was in 1949 and for ' and the next wasn't normally .-t age seventy, payable li; : due until 1952. In the House 'Rich, not-so-rich, and poor'J"-st dissolved. Prime Minister alike will revive this benefit-' Sidney Ch Holland's National exactly ns the children of the Party government had 4 seats. against 34 for the Labor oppo iich. net -so-rich and poor a!- the Children's ready receive sition. Both the National Party and Labor are contesting all 80 seats in the coming vote. The Communists are running a few candidates but all these are ex- Allowance. But the whole working population will pay into the scheme over the whole working lifetime. consicl -red as a pension in the f"te?t0 L 't th,eJr deposits' " " k- ?.e MUC Wl-'jthl tatiortiU ii!ler(H,s c tj ren. These uuU w . at. this stage i f th'-iru Th'.- holicluj i njt,, ferent from Cmitnii'. sea."'-:n.'! arr- revcrn-'j , mer ktarting her.. U they have done in every recent cki serfs election. NEW PLATFORMS For the first time in two dec- I It is the beginning of a new I era !n Canada where the entire :natiop will lay aside so much of its earnings to look after its old ades- the antral issue of social- Steeped in Apathy T; HE city of Prince Rupert has pending an event of extreme importance a mayoral by-election which is less than three weeks away. Yet, there hasji't been a breath or a whisper of anyone slateil to enter the race. ; It doesn't look like there's going-to be any kind of; election at all just a matter of last-minute railroading, or someone unfitted walking into the mayor's seat because there is no contest. This is a case about which Prince Rupert citizens should do a lot of thinking, and some worrying as; well. It is time that citizens here did a little wbrryiwg about the future of their city because they themselves are responsible for its future. There are a few things in our city about which we can be proud, but there are many more about which we should be ashamed. If anything good is said about a community, it is a direct reflection on the people living there, but, by the same token, if tftere is unfavorable publicity it is laid square and fair into the laps of those who make up the community and that's where it should be. j Perhaps Prince Rupert is a city where most people come to make their "stake" and then get out to! retire somewhere else. But in the meantime, these sa!me people live here for 20 years or more and they should not be satisfied with "just any old thing," as has been the general attitude here for many years. ; George is a noble fellow in this city, but he is a Very elusive character. We haven't found him yet. "Let George do it." Yes but where is George? Maybe he's out fishing! Yet despite what attitude the people of Prince Rupert are taking, progress and prosperity is reaching out its fingers towards them. But if the fingers w. liter sUru in tiu:i i Ni-w Zeulaml n-tut, & I cation of Uvu or u,, the fall, a in,iiw v, j spring, and the -zt-! ot six to 'eight wwk, ;r ; TF.AC'HKHS niS.U.Kll j Wiih Tie current lai TAM RIDES THE PRAIRIES. (Ed's Answer "Try Prince Rupert") a-rc. Canada has decided to treat lsm versus P"va enterprise is the entire not the dominant theme in the population as one big family ' present campaign. The National As old age is something all Partv government "king the elf,ctors to endorse its humans crushing must face. Canada takes of the industrial upheaval which a great forward step bv this great plan of systematic seff-h-elp. , erlPued New Zealand for five 4, j months this year, while , the BUT THERE are other features abor, ,as ilf ,c,hie' PlatT iorm is inflation and of the olan which in mv attacking Alta. Has Frost ' thade late, the subscriber will be ' heard lrom. Ferhaps it won't be anything more than a mild re- EDMONTON Frost was re-proac-h. Anyhow you won't be ported from various parts of kept unaware. But there was Alberta Friday night. It was not i once a time when subscribers regarded us severe enough to do high living costs. age it. nas tieen ea.:y k t? get. temporary n rates of pay durins tl I'ons. More than 5ii'i attend full-time jfc rchfwils and half as n get part-time tf;bs. ray.. Reflects and Reminisces opinion are bad. Both Prime Minister Holland Pensions are still to be paid.1 and leaders had to accept the any harm. situation as it existed. Nothing OPpc"ii Leader Walter on the old means-test basis from a"l was more futile than criticism. hv nilinu tchlll nnrt hn fMrinri t i n age sixty-five to age seventy lt,"" " .c This seems to me to defeat the , "lcome taxf rteKduc"0M afd ex" tensions of the big social se- main argument in favor of the . "". from Dover to the metropolis Some teac-h'-rs and premacy to. Britain was fought authorities disacrft i curity structure. Both steps are considered practicable in view of 1 the present buovant state of new plan. Either the means-test principle is right, or the no-means- The daily crisis anticipating education minister's A surplus of $409,000,000 is announced by the Minister of Finance. Hon. Mr. Abbott. Should Oct. 21. 1805. but London knew nothing of the battle until two weeks later. tragedy and excitement no say that light mirk m sense of security haste, anxiety or open-air work on U : New Zealand's finances. test principle is right. If we aie the Minister give any signs of Other points in the govern- going l for the no-means-test j v-nibarrassmenl, it is a simple p,, e eduction in principle, then why not the tbJSJ. find num- go of enough matter to any prices bread, flour, butter, tea, i anil reading all about It a few Bond rhangi fr.-m hi And if Trafalgar told a tale of moments after it takes place and that pupils r: delav, so did Waterloo two of nothing tranquil could this such jobs lust .is tit whole hog and finish the lob? ber of persons including .news prepared to 1 the most momentous struggles in help to explain, "death was due studies a- those m ! history. Belgium is only a step to a heart attack?" read so Ix.-titlays in recreaUm paper employees titer suggestions. gas and gasoline, and an increase in universal superannuation payments. These are payments to persons over 65 re-! eardless of income. Eventually Why try to operate two different schemes on two basically different principles? from the south of England, yet l.'equent.y today. This sc.-.lon na.m it was a full week before Fleet ' ' , is no rea'on why pu- Strect learned that Napoleon England and Wales are dlvld- 101 'fl- iUJu. up- UNDER THE old scheme, now to they will replace old age pen-be superseded, several of the sions, now paid to persons of A number of slot machines have been reported found in the Saskatchewan River. Suckers might find some use for them. was a fugitive. Th news was ed into 62 administrative coun-sent from Waterloo to the ties for purposes of local gov- provinces were paying bonuses, limited means, which are higher the w .-i tine world a: same time eatn money when Hi? ; offers. are not given a helping hand, they will-turn else- senZ ?ron. $250 iiT superannua-. B.enth ccasl, a-Toss the channel eminent. per month in Yukon Territory, to Labor's platform includes tax what: no show? i Prin:e Rupert's many gardens continue to look their best, even siu per momn in Alberta and reductions, increases in many BC social security benefits, free Now see what hopeless confu- dental and ootical services a .-ton will arise if the government' return to building state houses wiln autumn near, and a crisp- , tri-.s to operate TWO BASICAL- lor rental only, rent reductions neS!t the air. Tourists, strojl-LY DIFFERENT PLANS. on present state-built homes, '"8 P town, pause end point at It would be downright cruelty ' re-imposition of import controls colorful displays at the homes to reduce the present pension of on goods which can be pro- 01 c- A- Berner and G. F. Forbes, S50 per month which some old duced in New Zealand, and as as the blooms in the CNR folks are already receiving. They maintenance of the civil airways Park- Obviously, they are quick have already qualified for this as a state concern. The airways to respond to the charm of what on a "means test" basis. ' : have been offered for sale by they see. And while on the sub-But how can the provinces the present government. Ject, what has become of the continue to pay the bonus of $10 M1)1,Kr .-, i-rTlnv ' annual flower show? It had won per month, to those already get- J? , tL a place in local affairs., and ing the full $50. without at n .. Th c - 1 n ann,ou"cTf .nt greatly stimulated interest in Mister.... paying the $10 bonus to those Labor T rallied vigorously , horticulture party who in future may ne-ed it also? and declares it is confident of v ;J i A 1 In future- acIvice from Ottawa 7 For regaining power. the time THERE IS another weighty argu- being at least the breach be- : sa's- an "iri'n?round devue will ment against the two, -differ- tween industrial and political' rhoot new! through a tube, and cntly based plans. : sides of the labor movement has . m this way sav-' mim'tes. A1-. One of the great argunrnts in been healed, and trade unions "aAy: quite a few of us feel favor of the no-means-test prin- are giving Labor candidates j some of u ls Ptty well shot be- ciple is that such a plan may be theh- full support. ' f.orB release. I administered at a tiny fraction Underlying the whole cam-! i of the cost, of a means-test plan, paign Is the handling of New NOW WE KNOW I where and with them will flee progress. - A mayor in Prince Rupert does not have to be a scapegoat not if he's a fighting man, and that is the type of man we should have to represent this city which is on the verge of stepping' into the circle o the rest of this province's progressive communities. ; This city can take its place as a major part in the development which surely will come to the Njnth, but not by letting the little man around the coj-ner George do it. And one of the main factors to' play a part in the development of any community is a sincere interest of its members in their own civic affairs. How About It? it was as a result of an editorial in The PERHAPS P'iily News that the membership of the local museum increased Try. more than,12cper ferit the following day. But when that increase is based on a membership of 25, it is not striking at all. It does point to the fact, however, that there are some who desire to support the museum, only they "just haven't got around to it yet." ! Well, now is the time. It is a good investment, arid the museum and its officials are worthy of this tangible expression of good will of the citizens. The membership card entitles the holder to free admittance to the museum any time. It isn't possible to see and learn about all the exhibits at one visit anyway, so members will want to return for other Mil aui oy cenunmng- to pay pen- Zealand's biggest industrial dis-1 An Ontario wife recently i moiis irom sixtyuve to sixty- pute in many years, which be- jnade the pleasing discovery that her husband had hidden V $3,001) in the family Ice-box. At last, Jiie understands what ccid cash means. nine on a means test oasis, tnen an with a strike of longshore- trom seventy onwards on a no- men in February, spreading to means-test basis we completely miners, seamen and sections of nullify one main argument in the transport and meat work- tavor of the no-means-test plan. ers. It ended in July with the We require a considerable corps complete defeat of the strikers. 1 Several ships have called at 01 civn servants, otherwise Moderate trade unions sided j Port Churchill to load wheat, but with the government againot 1 finding so lillte available, re- TiTs-Dr- , " the strikers throughout, but po- turned overseas to wait a while 1 Hr.KE seems to me to be only ' uucal Labor attacked the gov-longer. If there is to be such a one way out. The Denxion Dr ,.f. v,n , .k . l.. i - I Jt, -7 i ,7last So per niontn-: PUte and termed emergency port in northern British Colum- ,u noum oe pam to every--powers taken to deal with it bia to be considered. Not a grain body at a certain age-without ; antl-democraic and "Fascist." 1 of wheat, and not even a glimpse Tth7n.il', . ; The government's attitude was! of a boat seen here in years and ir tne national government .Z . . Maybe you don't tmn'fttairnonef A harm But unloa ' ' ' can you. nowadays. you handle it with care, it can make thingi tougher for you and others. If you spend it on things you think may soon be scarce or may cost more later, you will help drive prices stiil higher. And that will hit you where It hurts in your own wallet. But every dollar you save now in lile insurance, bank deposits, or savings bonds help keep prices down. And it can work for you in other important personal ways. For instance, you may need money someday for an unexpected emergency. Or, perhaps, for starting a new business . . . buying new home . . . sending your boy or girl to college. These and countless other plans may remain just dreams unless you have mora money saved. In your savings plan, lire insuranct meets a special need. For you can use it to combine savings with financial protection for your loved ones. world-wide Communist conspir- figures that it could not finance a universal scheme, granting say $50 per month to everybody at acy and that drastic measures 1 news DELAYED were necessarv to deal with it. L un u- n..., ago sixty-live, then why not 01 , TYiicii mr avnugc uiitnimai compromise half wav between " 1 " uu u daily misses delivery, or is a Slxtv-Hve nnrt evntv 1 8J w,ui . Labor asserting But if we are to go on the new. the party by l LUCKY BOY i-icht nrinplnlBif tneir agreement wnn ;itl me gov- , i o tu un it. WINDSOR. Ont. CP Two-year- ernment view that the strikes wLle h ri utt lrfi1!, ur!were Communist-Inspired. Their ; ' oW ! Randall Sisson can thank his - .j mil uc- - '. difference have been healed for lurlly stan? that he has only a tween two stools. ! the momnt. ! slightly wounded posterior after ALL YOUR FAVORITE ARTISTS Now available on sitting down on a crochet nredle The horse-drawn cab for ior tour vears unUl it lost the i." c , V V "J r . " , ' carrying Pa.senVerS waCsadesignI 9 election.. It opened a X? " ust mlgsln8 nis sP'nal column. ed strong as.sault on by Nicholas Sauvage, " ' a government Frenchman, In lt!60. I methods used to settle the strike i - 1 j when parliament assembled re- ! DEER STALKERS centiy. A series of non-conn-1 An average of 30.000 deer are dence motions however were killed bv hunters in Nova Scotia So, to help keep prices down ... to provide lot your tomorrows . . . SAVE I LEARN TO FLY easily beaten down by the gov- each year -DECCA 45's- at ernment majority. But prime Minister Holland seized the opportunity to call the election on the strike issue. at Western Canada's only seaolane school FALL COURSES rt Radio and Electric Rupe, NOW STARTING Regardless of conditions you still have to MANAGE YOUR BUSINESS Writ . . . George S.iMay Company Wttrit Olwitiea Jtl ftMry StrMt, San fraKlua 1, Calif. l.toalLhad MIS PRINCE pi FAMOUS CLOCK CANTERBURY, England '(! The famous clock in St. George's Tower, damaged by German Incendiary bombs in 1942, has been saved from demolition. A fund of $G00 has been raised to repair it. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA A1 ERO CLUK Wm RUPERT Phone 344 I211p) Canada's nrst fall fair was held at Windsor, N.8., In 1785. j