I s r v pp Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, August 27, 1951 Hf Old Timers Re-Visit AFRICAN ORIGIN . I The original home of the iboon was in Africa, but they Early Pioneer Home it i fit' & . have since spread into many parts of Asia. Labor Day Dance, Civic September 3. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Intere ltd U.i'-r to ll,' pity last week were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Scott of Beverly H.i! ;, California, who enjoyed looking over Prime -Rupert wheie they lived In 1910 and '11. Mr. Scott lirst opened BARRET ASPHALT the W-Uare store, in partnership with Mr. Wallace. i Fa.' hion Show and Tea, September 13. " Presbyterian Church Tea at the home of Mrs. George Mitch- I Upon their arrival on the : steamer Prince George, the ul fill j ,-Z)r it lers ,j j ovutw iiaq uie pleasure oi meet r ell. 333 5th Ave. East, Scplem-l Iber 27. SHINGLES for detailed information, phone bert & McCaffery Ltd. ing iwr. u. w. mcserson ana Mr Women's Coordinating Tea, i Ewan McAulay, with whom they I were well acquainted in the early ! days. j On their return south. Mr. and 58 116 - 117 Mrs. Scott entertained Mr. C. L. Youngman at dinner on the ship. Mr. Scott used to share md City Builders Supplies si ii . L'l-l i s ! f 1 1 ! I r 1 ;J :' '' . h if 1 I 1 1 i - - - ' ' ' i I : 1 Sept. 20. Cut hoi i Fail bazaar, October 3 and 4. Lutheran Tea, October 13. ReVkah fearaar, OctoDer iO L.O.B.A. Fall Bazaar, October 26. 'Sonja Bazaar. November 2. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 7. Presbyterian Church Bazaar, November 15. The Women nf the Morwe Fall Bazaar, November 16. I.O.D.E. Fall Bazaar November 22. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, November 29. Blue 820 VAMCOl Vlllt VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p m.. Coquitlam Taesilay, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE AKM, STKVVAKT ANB POUT SIMPSON -, Sunday, Cumosun, 11 p.m. Hill NORTH t KUN CHAKi.oTTH islands .ss. CoquiUam August 3, 17 and 31 ron somi quixn CHAKLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Coquitlam. Aui;ur,t 1C and 24 . 9 p m' FRANK J. SKlNNtR-, Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 588 See them march along the s'.rect. All in step. All alert and on the job, My, what pep! Every movement done in time. Full of rhythm and of rhyme, Youth and beauty in iheir prime Job's Daughters. Kilts a-swlnging all together, What a .sight! All In unison, so smart In tartans bright. Through their drills they time each action. The result is just perfection, They are Rupeiis best attraction-Job's Daughters. In Virginia- judges said They can't be beat. Their display was easily The feature treat. When back home the girls return To the station we shall swarm, There we'll give a welcome warm To Job's Daughters. By J. S. Wilson. Vhen a Bargain bachelor apartment with Mr. Youngman, and related early experiences of early business trade in Prince Rupert. Mrs. Scott resided with her parents at the corner of Eighth Avenue and McBride Street, but when she again saw that corner she didn't recognize It, for the house was no longer- mere and the plank walk long ago had been replaced with a modern city street. The Scotts, who make their home in Beverly Hills, were amazed at the progress In Prince Rupert as they recalled the days when they used to L Ms 4- r Rnrnnm INITIAL BATTLE The first American Civil War battle was. a victory for the U.S. ARMY BRASS Two top-ranking United States Army officials spent two days in Ottawa while en route to Alaska. Shown enuring National Defence Headquarters are Secretary of the Army Frank Pace Jr., left, and Gen. Joseph Lawton Collins, Army Chief of Staff. (CP from 'National Defence) nan who got a lot more than he bargained for he bought two sheds from the municipal gov-; t is trying desperately to unload the "extras." lair, city businessman, recently purchased the ,-s, just off Second Avenue and Third Street, where is, as is" basis. carry their own lantern while t0 Confederates at Fort Sumter, making their way around S C., In 1861. attend community gatherings. which then were the mainstay o social life. Call 363 FOP. BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing in-1 ,'nrdav. Mr. Mair Canadians Staff Single Station Serving Bermuda 1f buildings and found 1 and hopes someone will take on jttw amazement that I his offer. ,hfds were "jammed to j "It's a shame to dispose of with odds and enas some of this, but I ve got no use : about includes every- for It. The whole Issue goes to the dump tomorrow if no one i Home in Woods Natural Foods Beats Housing BGLTCN, Out. (CP) The hous ing problem doesn't bother A: Art Awards For Pupils TORONTO (CP) Twelve-yea;-olu Jonn Cnuazik of Brandon. Man., is coming to town to collect $103. John will be a guest of th3 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Fed 127 Hamilton, Bermuda m ; Taking passage here on the 0?rry Wilmot manages the only Princess Norah for Alaska to-radio station on the tiny islands day were Mrs. and Miss Pinkley of Bermuda, where a leisurely and Mrs. J. Rodgers. j pac' is followed amid the flower- j Ing hibiscus and oleander hedges, j Conrad United Kindergarten The Bermuda leisure doesn't starts Tuesday, September 4, 9 a m- For information and regis-radio apply to everything around the station, of course. It has , tratlon Pnone Red 767- ,2ulcJ wants it." And to haul the collectionabout 10 truckloads of It, Mr. Mair estimates "will cost me as much as I paid for the sheds." Answer to the mystery of the ' loaded" sheds, Mr. Mair believes, lies with a former Prince i In the collection are les as men s and wom-iing; shoes, stacks of umbrellas, loads of i.ie ana Jugs; old ayes and miscellane-rt; 40-gallon wood-s and a huge pile of itr Items too numerous k'.mus, Oiymjic tuc.ner of the 1920s who has left both the running track and the track far behind. beaten Canadian National Exhibition and the $100 goes to his fellow . to work on program schedules j Kuperi resident known as Will Robinson, prominent pioneer citizen of Terrace, motored Pockets," eccentric who used to!lkc any otter outlet. Broadcast- Ing on 1240 kilocycles with 250 here Saturday evening. He spent watt power, ZBM brings news Sunday in Prince Rupert, leaving tor home at noon today PRESENT CREDIT RESTRICTIONS HAVE MADE ' JOHN Q. PUBLIC ECONOMY-MINDED CONSIDER THESE FACTS WHEN BUYING A CAR: Ford's English Prefect MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contract-ars own the buildings. Mr. Mair will demolish the buildings for removal to his property on East Eleventh Avenue where he Intends to erect a tourist camp. miu cull i LdiumeuL lu oeiuiu- dians and their cosmopolitan visitors. M has any use for igs, they're mast wel-:tiem," said Mr. Mair, VTribf Regular TJil Moose Meetine. Art took to the woods near students at David Livingstsne this town and pays a farmer $1 School, Brandon, for their prize a year for reiual of a wooden ; winning mural, "This Is Where I shack n the banKs of tne Hum- i Live." - ber, not far from Toronto. Hej The mural topped entries from ana his Collie pup live there all schools across the Dominion. It year round. shows the development of the i His few wants ire provided by: oil industry in Canada and was I nature. He t;aps and fishes, has : produced by 30 Grade Six pupils. ample supply of wild berries John, who has never previously and makes his ow n maple syrup. I been to Toronto or the C.N.E., During his 20-ytar stay in the! was chosen by his principal to .woods lie has acquired wide1 accept the prize money on behalf Five Canadians are working at Wll Tuesday, August 28 the radio station, Including Wil- (202c) matte PAIN I mot, lormer war correspondent ; REVERSE TREND nf (ne Canadian Broadcasting i WINNI.-EO r ..ianitoba s.egg corporation. The station has and poultry markets are operat-' up.to.(ta,e equipment and a; Bookings on all steamers are and New Consul display very heavy with passenger ac ing in averse. For the first time brary which includes a collec commodation at a premium ! PORTRAITS " Films Developed nnd Printed TROMPT SERVICE " j ! CHANDLER'S STUDIO Kiiuwicuge oi wiiQine ana woua-iol his tellow artists. m ihtw who long (or 1H1H uic win. hut feel hoprirMl m iiHfdy tfUH from rhru-irihntic ufirrmjt by lining n t let dull, wcanmime arhr. 'UbNnf paini handicap yo Tt Tfmnirton'i T R-C "i lie l. JS at diufcjiHu. T-144 te Z.l-ll "Reservations are very difficult to a station would envy. get unless applications are made He earns enough monev fori his low ne?ds from civilization! RABBIT HUNTERS well in advance of sailing dates. eggs and poultry from the United States. . . . Lowest price in their field , . . Cheapest per mile operation . . . Small down payment available J "J16 4th Street Box 615 Phone Green 389 Prince ftupert oy neiping district larmcrs our- LUMUNTUN "You never 111;; harvest season and by sell-j know what you will find when r,g skunk oil to stable hands -Toi iyou go hunting," says Mrs. W. P. $1 a quart. The oil is cue in- ' Thompson. Her niece's two child- ZBM is (lie only station in the wcrid. outside of the United otates and Canada or their pos-c sums, that is affiliated with iltc U.S. nvtworks, ABC and Mutual. Its role means of revenue is commercial advertising. Strangely cnuimh. Bermuda had an an the MEAL that REFRESHES Inquest on the fatal tragedy when Adolph Phelan was killed on the Canadian National Railway near Phelan on Friday night will be held this afternoon with Coroner M. M. Stephens conducting the case. r SEE I S FOR . gredient in a rub-down mixture ren. Wayne Clerk, 11, and his lor horses. Art, incidentally, brother, Butch, 9, went rabbit found that skunk stew, flavored hunting recently. Thpy returned with wild carrot, is as "tasty" as with a two-dav-olri hahv door Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert, B.C. Hoists, All-Steel Dump Bodies. Winches all sizes. Heavy and Appearing before Stipendiary rabbit. j Light Trailer Frames and FINEST OF COOKING Magistrate H. F. Glassey on a runmtk siuu.it If you want tr f ii it. advertise 1 j l nie wuousmau, Known nere as t nual radio licence fee of about 51.50 iin former years, but since It got its own radio station the licence fee has been abolished. WAR VETERANS Chief announcer is Bill Williamson of Hamilton, Ontario. i charge of fishing in prohibited waters, Abraham, Davis was fined $100 and his net and fish ordered confiscated. The offence took place in the waters of the Naas River. ciiu nciiiui, won ratiy labile ds an athlete. He ran in the 1920 G'lvmolc five-mile event and in 1928 defeated the famous Indian runner, Tom lcngboat, at Scarborough Beach, Toronto. Wheels. Power Take-Olfs. All Certified Operators for high pressure and general welding . , INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. 225 1st E. Phone Green 8M FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE A'tachpd to the Royal Canadian Navy during the war. Bill worked Prince Rupert Film Council In Ottawa radio for four years S wui show two very Important and 1 following his discharge. Among other programs he handles the GIANT MUSHROOM EDMONTON, A giant mushroom 40 Inches in circumference and one foot hish was found hei? recently. Tivj mushroom weighed 2'2 pounds. Jffl&M ELECTRIC PLUMBING and HEATING WASHERS Model MS9P with Pump nightly "Welcome VLsitors" pro-j gram. Walt Staskow of Toronto start- ! ed in radio in Stratford. Out., in ; It IK. He joined the army in 1941, ?nd worked with army radio before going to the British Broadcasting Corporation in England, from where hie came to Bermuda. Miss Bette Morrison, a formpr Winnipeg girl now In charge of iraffic and scripts, also does ome programs. She was well known in Toronto radio circles and decided to remain here after j comlnn for a hqlirlay. I The fifth Canadian Is W. A. (Bud i Pearson, 21, originally from New Brunswick. He also came on a visit, since his married sister lives in Bermuda, but he tried out for an announcer's position and was promptly weil-proaucea inms, "unumsn-i ed Rainbow" and "The Curiosity Shop," Tuesday, 8 p.m., at the I Civic Centre. Admission free,; collection to defray expenses, j These films are in Technicolor, I and of the best in 16mm pro-! duction. (202c) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Iverson and family, who motored to Prints Rupert from Minneapolis to visit Mr. Iverson 's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Iverson, Bessner Apartments, are returning today. ilhn younger Mr. Iverson was born and raised here, but now is : supervisor for Link Belt stores in I Minneapolis. Having arrived by car this morning. Mrs. W. Pinkley a it. Miss Pinkley took passage on the Princess Norah on their return to Juneau. They had been visiting in the United States, but 'T .think the scenery on the Terrace-Prince Rupert section is unequalled," said Mrs. Pinkley. The road about 25 miles east of Chop Surv - CHow Ms'i Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.r.i. HOLLYWOOD CAFE Fur Outside Orders Phone 135 now only $189.50 The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smilh&ElkinsLtd, P.O. Box 274 orthem B.C. Power Co. P-esner Blork Thone 210 BC. Rupert, SU wart, K C. HE SANG, TOO Johann Sebastian Bach, one of For smooth power I switched to CSSO Gasolines Fill your 'tank with "up-to-date" Esso or Esso Extra Gasolines. Take your car out on the road. See for yourself its better all-round performance. Esso and Esso Extra Gasolines are continually being improved to give the best balanced combination of smooth flowing power, lively acceleration and protection agaihst engine ping and vapor-lock. For more happy motoring, switdk to Esso Gasolines and you're always ahead! . Prince Rupert is very bumpy but the world's great composers,- was the new section being black- noted for a beautiful soprano topped out of Prince Rupert is voice in hfs youth. in ideal condition. " STEAMER Prince Rupert Back ti School SAILS FOR Vancouver Auto Check- Safety MUST I K J 0 'I the sign that says (Ssso) and Inloi mediate Porfc Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost '- to check car brakes, lightt, horn, etc. to stop for w proper function is BEFORE school opens, to ' that it will instantly respond to any "rgency. Don't depend on the kids "ependon vourl J net ; happf motorin with Imperial Esso Road guaranteed tire life with the Umous Atlas Written Guarantee that's honored by over 38,000 Driu. rive . i -iiu vn wj lorcar serviCB. Mapvnd imperii tsso upl 1 For Reservations , Write or Call CITY OK DEPOT OFFICE m-PRINCE RUPERT. MODERN PLUMBING is- a wise investment, In terms of family health and home economy. Coll Blue 846 PLUMBING SaanicH HEATING lea lers in Cnad and the U.S. Touring Service that routes you anywhere. Both art yours for the asking. penor Auto Service Ltd. B.C. of the services you want await you at your engine protection with Marveluhe the premium motor oil that EES C ,n Sudeboker and Austin Cars & Trucks Imperial Esso dealers. Drop in at the Esso sign fWJMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS meets tit car rnanutac-r.rcrs specifications for correct lubrication. A detergent motor oil that not only lubricates but .leans! any time to have radiator and tire pressure checked or far aay of th other services your car may need.