PROVINCIAL- LIBRARY DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY A""'. I NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA '8 NEWSPAPER V CABS Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 I , PISP.WHIID OL. XL, No. 201 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS FROM KOREAN THEATRE na TV7 n n r-s r-a r n n n n rvn. ra n r a ma mvvv mm 4 m r m jr. mamma mm. m mm mm m m m t m m yic nrvji raw ren dm mwrnk m.n. I" T. Norton Youngs To Run Indeoendent " ft -jrfe r 4 .-Ht!p First candidate for mayor of Prince Rupert in the coming by-election September 13 is T. Norton Youngs, who announced at press time that he will be ' i5"'"!',-i!L:L ' Jx cU IF ' Axr ' 1 'running independently." v The ex-alderman, well known f siS in the city for various organizational leads he has taken, told the Daily News today he is running independently because "I India Won't Sign Treaty WASHINGTON New and less-benevolent American policy I jward India appeared certain today to result from Prime Minister Nehru's refusal to sign United States-b acked peace treaty with Japan. should play a part in civic government." The reason that Mr. Youngs again Is aiming for a civic election seat is that "I have the full )ME HOME, NOOTKA Friends and r jlatlvei crowd around th gang-plank of the N'Niika on her return to Halifax fro Korean waters. The Nootka longed 62.000 :uri:;K her six months In the area. (CP from National Defence i i FINANCIER DiES J BULLETINS CIGARETTE RATIONING LOOMS VANCOUVER. Cigarettes may have to be rationed here if the Imperial Tobacco Company strike in Eastern Canada continues for another two weeks. Present stocks in Vancouver and in the rest of the province are good, a jobber said today, but if the strike in the Hamilton and Montreal plants is extended supplies would go short. SEPARATE TREATY NEW DELHI. Prime Minister Nehru told parliament today that India will sign a separate peace treaty with Japan rather than attend the Japanese peace conference in San Francisco next, month. MINES MAN PASSES COURTENAY. T. H. Graham, former mines inspector and engineer of Prince Rupert mining district, died here today. A son, H. T. Graham, postal worker of Prince Rupert, arrived Saturday. HAGUE ISOLATED SASKATOON (CP) Thirty square miles in the Hague area were isolated today by health authorities in an attempt to stop the spread of a dysentery epidemic. Food and supplies will be sent into the district and no travel will be allowed in or out. ; est iaun in ine development oi i c Welcome Planned the North, in particular of Prince Rupert, and I have the time and interest to devote my Fiock of Double-headers Doesn't Alter Placing American officials made no secret of their disappointment energy to the job of mayor. Out Reception Mooted ... l L ' h Li The most important s'age of kell, Toronto mining financier, died In New York at the age of 66. Long an influential figure in Canadian mining circles, he possibly was best-known for development of the Mclntyre Porcupine Oold Mine. During the Second World War he was a member of a team that di- . rected aircraft production in development will come here within the next two years," Mr. Youngs forecasted, "and I feel umiiiy juu uduymcrs new york (cd - at India's public denunciation of proposed treaty draft. They said it would give timely ammunition to new Moscow propaganda drive to wreck Japanese treaty. WASHINGTON P India refused formally today to attend the San Francisco conference next month or to sign the Jap- The torrid American ,. i i a t i v. we should prepare ourselves." Mr. Youngs came to Prince Rupert first in 1939 with the Department of Mines, and then re :iiCLJ unpin ciiampiuii iiiis, me joo s uautin-r . , .League pennant chas ase . n u i j u i l i ti'um, wi be welcomed back here next mained i u , f Britain. Mr. Bickell was visiting New York when he suffered unchanged after a ay nijLiht with an all-out civic reception, remained to go into private busi-1 a fatal heart attack. ness. He has a far reaching . (CP PHOTO i background of engineering and j has played a leading role in p--: " . j. I anere Peace Treaty, sponsored by Acting Mayor Harold Whalcn j"wtn' vu-.v.. o and city cierk r. w. Long said, Sunday. First-place Cleve- th-; United States and Britain tls Accuse The action drew a brusquely- organizing many campaigns in , ; I today a meeting this afternoon ! t,i: tw,l,i Indians held firm of city organizations and coun-:lan(1 on? ci! members will plan the re-'frame ahead of New York j.v.Tded American suggestion that ted States the district.- t ' ' " He was chairman of the Prince i f " i Rupert Exhibition this year and . J - s recently was appointed by the r every country nas hj lane wnai it may consider "imperfections" to gK an international Parks Board as superintendent. In resDonse to India's argu Violations Yankees with Boston Red The city band will be on v, hand, . . the entire city council and, it j box five games Off pace. I is hoped, the whole city wiUj ' lnd,uls and Rpu Sox m turn out to weteome the group : tnel double.headel, The sox which return, from it eastern 5 ftnd tn(, e ,eadWj tour on Saturday nights train. jth jnd Tne'Yallkg rii. ID ( unmunist 1 ment that provision for keeping An ex-alderman, Mr. Youngs I merlcan troops in Japan will was a member of the board of I look like a condition Imposed by j works and finance chairman In i a conqueror, a US note said the and '47. He indicated he , alternative Is to leave Japan de- would seek re-election at the mmaml lnd.iv rejected j Uirrlv unsatisfactory" j Details ot the plannea reef p- vin(.d a Um blll wUn Chicago, tion, following this afternoon's Th r..ip h(wl, erabbed the first Alaska Buyers Two Stabbings Unable ToPayWn Same Hotel ' Mittlhi'W ltuluway's V-nj'Mess ngni unaer vne iisi ui w.v. -: .. 1 ; .... 1 1 ... ..,H In Th - . . . . . . ifaf on breakdown i -'- game J-z ana ine xanKivs me I a known aggressor. H'cond 8-6 Ua" "cw8 tomorrow. an peur talks. iy hni denied Red's I ""HNS." j VANCOUVER (CP) Coho Prices In other American League action, Washington Senators took two from last place St. Louis Browns 9-1 and 9-3. while De Two separate stabbings in ol alin cl violation of v at K.scsung confer- j 1 as ' maii 'ions false-wt had offered to re- -utialidtis. Murder'Trial Evidence Withdrawn troit Tigers polished off Phila- JUNEAU Some 70 fish buying e same hotel are being delphia A's 6-0 In their single 'scows were pulled from fishing . To Jump Over Niagara Falls Airmen Bail Out But Plane Lands Safely ANCHORAGE (CP) Four airmen bailed out of C-47 airplane uhpn it. n-pnt intn a snin Sundav game. . , grounds in soutneasiern Aiasm uncsugoicu ""i"" nnlifp One hroilB'ht! fVO (CP) Chinese Meanwliilc, the National: last week. According to principal ve fi..Kinn ni.n,,rri h,IUar. at ITot.i i ; League race continued to tighten O Eighty ALPINE. N.J. Mac- - c w XOSK -ittiiu wiin wing chikan. regulations placed upon; death to the hotel owner. SEOUL (CP) Charges them by the office of price reg-1 steve Yuskow, . 47-yeaf-old . j u iilotinn ha marip it Imnossible tci lh Mr,rocn In OI UUieSS in t Hie II1UIUCI L imiiot'.,-, . tjiuA hmji BRIDE BY MAIL Rose Moss, 29,' formerly a bus conductor in England, arrived at Montreal en route to Spirit River. Alta , where she will marry a man she has never seen. Her fiance, Ray Cook, 35, was introduced to Miss Moss through a mutual friend and the ro mance was conducted by mail.' Tnis Is a Canadian Pacific Railway Photo. ICP PHOTO) wlay accused the States of new land iolations" of the three-year-old Bernarr iadden, "muscle builder" and away orooKiyn uoagers i;aa 10 nysicai cultural, parachuted ,g Roland land were found safe near Fri meet the union's price of 272 down-town Vancouver, died ln t r i a 1 Of Glen Conference Zone Rlver sZy. landing safe.y 20 , Brook. PitUsburg. J vjded .doul.le-he.der Cubs captured cents a pound for cohoes. hospital today 11 hours after 'he p. , f j r,vrmntfrl til&rK- 1 a a It is seen, by fish buyers, as' had been found in a pool of blood , S prompteu day Creek, close to the base of Knox Glacier. The men were in mountainous country, too rugged for rescue planes to land, officials at El- 1, and the Dodgers f S 0 n g and With ! ft from- the'' New Jersey shore. ! "e h. I1,sl ji'IJ'i " " , I Rescuers dragged him from sr a warplane ovciv.h WIilpr lnto a fishina boat as the second.' 4"' a "force-out" of business for re-: at the head of the hotels front prosecution 10 Wltnaraw malnder of the season. j stairs. He had suffered neck . PV;PT1pp nurnort- I IrOm eiaence a a puipoil wounds but the cause of death, 3 on Jackie Robin son's tenth-inning homer. All other National League he boasted: ao and ot her coast- was not Immediately known. A e(J statement bv the Win- . . i x tt i, v.n4-: New System memoer 01 me lanmy saiu Limb. . nrtl fU- iVa soldier M that he ,,t.,o was ! hi. father had been ill since fall-1 nipeg I ing down a flight of stairs a week ' at the scene of the crime. Leather mendorf Air Force base report-! ed. Food and sleeping bags were dropped to them. The land res- cue team was to be landed today on a sandbar in Friday Creek, some four miles away. The quartet Jumped from their C-47 when It was about 12,000! ago. The testimony of the investi other case was that of The Of Controls gating officer was stricken from h W- g ; Braves V."?" whipped St. Louis lia ,a s .,d, sudden h , Jump , over Niagara Falls. i Ha barrai;ejlo Cardlnals ln nlBhtoap, ' 7 . hP"1 " ! ,os,n lhe ,irsl 12-10' Cin' T'rd n r :tan .k s!vi 1" . - RAT RACE Iclnnati Reds defeated Philadel- .wWo" ili a Korean WINDHOEK. South Africa f-i phia 4-2 in the opener, only to saiks cuukl be resum-d Government officials have be- be shut out by Roonle Niles Jor- 111,1 'i Stair revised its come alarmed at the way rats don in the second, 2-0. '':We and savage atti- and mice have been multiplying in southwest Africa. Farmers : William Gilchrist who lived In Nick Nasichuk. 50. a guest at the j c07d';V the Canadian court Synopsis Cool moist air has moved into martial after defence counsel i the interior of BC from the north feet in the air at the start of shortly after, suffering from stab cnaigra iw u.e """s it- th. nilnt M after he .nri elnuriv skies anrl "'I""" '-r' "e woun(Js trative machinery by which ',: . H th,nt thf forced officer had Ktatpmpnt t-.'.i ...v v. , "... o and his co-pilot landed the rcattered showers in that region Canada may engage in economic connecled. the twQ caseg arg plane safely at Elmendorf 28 today and tomorrow. ' , from Blank. Blank. 37, one of the three mice have Prince Rupert years ago is in the i-ds themselves broke ofi W lne migrating arare agalnat communist minutes later. . No rain Is expected along the Nasichuk told police that he had InrlvQloB mpmhppc nl thp Prm- 23. but acru-'orf th- beaten out paths ln some ienwn nm..y om states, should the need arise, was coast today or tomorrow Vtth been attacked by two men who Bo;Hnto.. P!in!1Hian i.mht. Ixmi.u to wreck th. trlets. Hunters complain their slims. He win leave tomorrow on announced toda sunny skies persisting over most robbed him of $15 as he was about to enter his room. This was done through the Infantry, is accused of murder in the death of Lieutenant E. of this region. v 1 1 o -t norsos nave uen mrowii oy it-tum iuhmc, ninni a .ill. however, had not countl('ss noles- Esperenza. Vancouver Island. '""fr'al :roiv to Gen. controls under which trade de-i witnesses rota pouce mat w ; chong Sung, one of three Kor- partment will have power to men ana a gin were seen coming ; eans fced March 17 when a Hungary Russ Sign New Pact LONDON 0 Hungary and clamp down on movement of i lrom tne noiei Miuiuy uciuic grenade was thrown into a Kor- Forecasts Vancouver City, lower Fraser Valley, Georgia Strait regions-Sunny with a rew cloudy Intervals today and tomorrow. Little chanee in temperature. Wind TODAY S STOCKS i usuow was luunu. ean n0use near unipyor.g. umers from any goods Into Canada o liiULvvay's mpssase ''V. Id it tie called their! ni's of charges as "mal-! h.Muls" but expressed! I') n-Mtnip 1ni, tv,!L.D I accused are Donald Gibson, 22, Ottawa, and Alan Davis, 24, Van Police said later Mrs. Yuskow told them her husband fell and specific source. At the same time department .((miliesy S. II. Jiilillitiill I.til )" Soviet Russia have signed a sec- j light. Low tonight and high to . v. v.,. tamj J f-nie. Mt his head when trying to kick couver, took action to plug loopholes in export of strategic materials by her. thus re-opening a head Aumaque Beattie .... Bevcourt .25 .44 .50 .19 revising export regulations to , wound suffered a week ago when TIDES - - r;:cm, wh'eh se' ves as (-"mmimist mouthpiecs.j f'!-::i!rli frf)m the! "t'rt news aeencv enr- provide "more precise and ef-' he felt down the stair well. Buffalo Canadian Nasichuk, found near Yuskow fective scrutiny of ultimate des C M & 8 161.00 re'., military agreement permit-! morrow. Vancouver Airport. 50 ting the Red Army to send new and 67. Abbotsford. 45 and 72. units to Hungary for training, in ; Nanalmo, 50 and 72. -,. addition to maintaining already North Coast Region Sunny large Soviet occupation forces, It today and tomorrow. Little was reported today. i change in temperature. Wind A refugee who Just reached northerly 15. Low tonight and ( Western Europe said the agree-; high tomorrow Port Hardy 50 65. ment was signed at Budapest Bandspit 55 63. Prince Rupert 48 was beaten unconscious and rob Conwest 3.90 tination for all Canadian ex ports." .48 Tuesday. August 28. 1951 (Pacific Standard Timet High 11:35 16.0 feet 23:07 18.0 feet Low 5:03 5.9 feet bed, suffering a deep knife slash in the head. His condition today is reported as fairly good. Donalda Eldona . " in K,i"s,-i, as flv-""rl 'n and South Kor-lothcsmcn" Saturday 'Ji'-adeit ammunition K i":-oi and tried m 19'4 SWEDISH IRON NEEDS STOCKHOLM (CP) Sweden's East Sullivan 9.20 Giant Yellowknlfe 9.95 God's Lake .37 ; 6E. 17:10 10.0 feet early in June. mi!i'nrv police. Th" "f-spondent said they, Pulsed before attaining ll annual consumption of Iron has NETHERFIELD, England (CP) increased 400 per cent since the 1 A painting which failed to at-tum of the century. It has been ! tract a bid here was later bought estimated that by 1963, con- for 1. It was then sent to a sumption will rise to about London firm of art auctioneers 2,000,000 tons a year. who sold it for 300. (riive." iss Prince Rupert Returns Hiudiock Harricana Heva Jackknife Joliet Quebec .. Little Long Lac 10'4 .09 .13 .093, .51 .73 J5 i )' "lllil'e court had a :J 1 of week-end morning, Lynx VANCOl'VER American Standard 13!i B R X 03 Cariboo Quartz 1 25 Congress 07 Giant Mascot 108 Indian Mines '.27 Pioneer 1.90 Premier Border 42'j Privateer 12V Reeves McDonald 4.50 Reno 03 Sheep Creek 155 Silbak Premier ' -58 4 Taku River 06 Vananda ., ... -10 'a Salmon Gold 03 Spud Valley 17!4 Silver Standard - 2-52 Western Uranium 4.60 ' Cronin Babine .56 Oils-Anglo Canadian 6.40 A P Con 53 Atlantic 2.85 Calmont 10 C & E 16.25 Central Leduc 2.20 Home Oil 16.15 Mercury 13','a Okajta 2.65 Princess 130 Royal Canadian H!'i TORONTO Athona 08 Mads'en Red Lake 2.25 D TO RENT Chool Tcnrk Miss "Prince Rupert" or now, some of her experience. to the place where the Duke and just plain Miss Iona Hardy After the final Judging, Miss Duchess of Edinburgh will sign. :io came "very close" in win- Hardy was told she 'had been "We never had a dull moment, ning the choice of PC's pulchri- "very close" in first choice com- From the first day all our meals tude at Miss PNE Saturday night petition. ', except breakfast, were eaten at in Vancouver today is working "I think the greatest thing some banquet or other, and after at her Job as cashier for North- oesides the competitions was the final judging we had a party :rn B.C. Power Co. Ltd., "still a the big PNE parade. I never saw with the judges and directors, little excited." so many people all ln one place. 'We were treated royally and "The final judging was terribly I even saw quite a few Prince with a lot of dignity." i exciting, but the right person Rupert people watching the par- Miss Hardy took home some won it," said Miss Hardy today, ade and they waved to me." prizes, too, which included cloth-Miss Inez McLeod, Victoria's en- Prince Rupert's candidate rode ing and novelties. And sh lost try, won the $1,000 prize and in the parade in a separate float $4 on the horses. All the 18 en-trophy as queen of the Pacific car, driven by Jim Hatchett, tries stayed at the Georgia Ho-Natlonal Exhibition. Vancouver newspaperman. tel. two sharing a room. Chap- "We had a wonderful time I "We were introduced to the crones were with them at all won't forget it for a long while," mayor of Vancouver and signed events they attended, said Miss f 'arlij. ., Have A Wooden Nickel Is The New Slogan An old slogan will be revamped when some 1.000 delegates of the Canadian Congress of Labor meet at a five-day convention at Hotel Vancouver, September 17. ' "Don't take any wooden nickels" will be re-issued: "Have a wooden nickel," as the CCL publicity committee hands out three-inch plywood nickels as souvenirs to all delegates. "If one of the wooden nickels comes your way, take it. It may be worth more than the real thing," says the committee, referring to the tilgh price of lumber today. 'rn'M Suite, McKenzle Red Lake 45 McLeod Cockshutt 2.76 Moneta '. 30 Negus - -75 Noranda 74.00 Louvicourt 16 Pickle Crow - 1.68 San Antonio 2.60 Senator Rouyn 18 Sherrltt Gordon 3.10 Steep Rock 7.55. Silver Miller 1.45 Upper Canada 170 Golden Manltou 7.00 Bobjo 18 "ustke. 'ci'k KiMims public 's asked to c Cf 'in this urgent, matior Phone anv vnni. I spl to School Board I I beamed Miss Hardy, recounting the city hall register right close Hardy. . . J. I