Prince Rupert Daily News Monday. January 15, 1951 .nsBBBi RUPERT PEOPLES STORE At Least They Were Not Asleep WEMBLEY. Eng. Rev. H. W. R. Elsley suspected that not all members of his congregation were listening to the choir. One morning, and without warning, he stopped the choir in the middle of a hymn. From the front pew a voice clearly rang through the silence: "Yes, I always fry mine in lard." Clearance Sa ,t . f j ' ; 'J i t . 1 : y ( j ! t"444!T?in 1 7 p.m. - 9:20 Trim Lines In New Dresses NEW YORK ? Slim, trim lines, sometimes breaking into fulness below a closely moulded hipline, and a feeiing of elegance mark daytime clothes in the spring showings of the New York Dress Institute. Among novel features are backs cut down in a shallow or deep "V" or in surplice effect. Tunics appear frequently, sometimes emphasized with contrasting piping, sometimes divided into softly gathered pah-els or stiffened and slightly belled-out over the hips. The long-coat costume a full-length coat plus blouse and skirt is a notable feature in the collection of Pauline Trigere. The three are designed to do the 'Mid inter earonce Sale dnnoimcing Opening of NEW CITY CAFE career-girl needs, makes much use of year-round fabrics. Cottons that look and feel like wool or silk include a pin-check weave called "Trooper" cloth because of Its good performance in all temperatures, cotton oto-man and cotton surah. Her soring SDirts keep both i NOW ON! Rupert Peoples Store 318 Sixth Street iiniiiHuimiiummmmmm i i- JMfc. .r.. T. fun-rim n"TTmii!mn'ii !m On Saturday Jan. 20th ALL NEW FIXTURES THROUGHOUT CFPR RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles HISTORIC MAP Canada's Public Archives have acauired the Levis-Montcalm papers a collection expected to throw new light on the last years of French rule in Canada from the descendants of Chevalier de Levis, Montcalm's second-in-command. Here Miss Martha Shepard, member of the archives staff, holds a map of Fort William Henry, built on what now is Lake George, N.Y. The fort was captured by Gen. Montcalm in 1757. (CP PHOTO l (Subject to Change) jacket and skirt flat at back and front and use stiffening to give a lilt around the hips nf the jackets. She puts white pique collars on flannel and sheer wool suits in tabasco red or navy, adding striped cotton jersey maillot shirts to built-up skirts to form a dress when worn without the jacket. Crisp white pique handlebar bows appear on the pique vesWe of a slender dress of Trooper cloth, or drawn through slits at the neckline of a navy sneer uniform dress. Italian Girl Is Film Hit HOLLYWOOD (AP) A shy, slim 13-year-old girl from Italy Anna Marie Alberghetti has stepped right in opposite Bing Crosby in her American movie debut. Not that she's going to take over as Crosby's reading lady. But her singing of "Cara Nome" work of both suit and coat. The same designer makes much use of pleats and tucks in original ways. Pyramid tucks mould the hip area of skirts that flare into fulness below. A back panel of pleats is stitched down to about the knees, then released. Pleats of various widths form a tailored skirt. Gentle drapery at neck and armholes softens the slimmest dresses, and cowl necklines appear on many. ENSEMBLES FEATURED Every dress a costume is the principle on which Herbert Wc will be Open from 11 a.m. till 12 o'clock midnight SHORT ORDERS and CHINESE DISHES Our Specialty CO-OPS BEAT SHOEMEN (Continued from page 4) TURN TO PLUMS KENTVILLE, N. S. l Annapo- race. Sankey and McKay lis Valley fruit growers may ship did all the scoring for the los- soon see the Valley, hitching its ers, the former making 10 and waaon to a revived and nnw nm. from Verdi's "Rigoletto" is tab FULL COURSE MEALS from 1 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. IrVTTTTTftl f Sondheim based his collection.1 the la iter 7 For the winners bedasahighspotofderBingle's lum industrv. R n forthcoming film, "Here Comes ?,S.'!?.J,,..MJgh..lhI1 Blieh. sen,,, hnr, i,u,H, , , auu jaiac&auy tuiu mauiiews ' - each made 7. Federal Experimental Station, the Groom." Anna Marie is the little girl who, completely unheralded, came to New York and aroused says the transition period plum growers to rebuild their in- Plume JL 92 for DaLe-oul Orl LEAGUE STANDINGS Senior W. L. en 16 dustry has arrived. 12 the big town's blase music critics Co-op 8 in her Carnegie Hall debut last Brownwpods 6 Whether for daytime or evening, dresses were teamed with duster or jacket, sweater or stole. He a!so features versatile three-piece costumes combining beige ailk shantung suiting in men's wear weight and black French linen. One, with diplomat's cummerbund of red silk linen, combines a slim linen spirt, halter bodice and cover-up Jacket of shantung. Emily Wilkins, whose clothes in junior siies are aimed at Anril. "The voice of an aneel." O. and A. was the consensus. The same opinion, it would seem, is shared at Paramount by Intermediate Hi-Gold 8 Fashion 6 Hi-Green 4 SPECIAL! Intermediate Merchants Wesch 8, Place Jordan, Christoff 10, Eidsvik, Young, Dumas 2, Parnell 8 Total 28. ' Hi-Green Ford 13. Clark, Blackaby 2, Sather 5, Webber 2, Rhodes, Peneff 2, Sheppard 6, Woods, Woods, Petersen. Petersen. Total Total 30 30. those who heard her big scene in the nirtnre Shu nlavs t.ho role mwumuii V'U is jU QM 3M i IvTVT.R of a blind war orphan brought Thunderblrds 0 to this country by Crosby, this I J"nlor time a foreign correspondent "Jf";""1"" Htel I She sings the aria at a try-out 5 arranged by Bing No one knows mSZZ ( 0 j jl JfTJIl 1 5 7 0 High School-Martin MccAfee I i (PiVS i uEMzM WRIST WATCHES 522.75 , 3, Ciccone 2. Matthews 7, Krist- iAVir.fcAiL1 iJvf ' manson, Christenson 9, Black- ' fJ?l , aby 7, Menzics, Williamson To- i" C i P?!! oa t I - I Of against a table, going off-stage. I Senv-r Even though the music had I Co-op Holketad 2, Morgan, been recorded and dubbed in I Macdonald 7, S. Scherk 22, Ar-beforehand. cameramen and ? 2- Webster 7, D. Scherk 9, MONDAY. P.M. 4:30 Magic Adventures 4:45 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:55 CBC News 5:00 International Comty. 5:10 Rawhide 5:30 Dixieland Jazz tf:UU Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30--Musical Varieties 6:45 "Saddle Kockin' Rhythm" 7:00 CBC i.ews 7:15 C'H'J News Roundup 7:30 Songs for Earl: Evening 8:00 Eric Wild 8:30 Ouy Lonioaido Show 9:10 National Fa. m Radio Forum 9:30 Meioay from the Sky 11): 00 CBC News 10:10-CBC News 10:15 Provincial Affairs iU:30 Recital 11:00 Weather forecast and ; " sign-off 7:r Musical does 8:00 CBC New; 8:10 litre's Bill Good H:1d f.V. .iins Sonii 8:30 Morning Devotions m.40 Liir.e cunt-en 9:')0 BBC News and Connnen- tavy. 9:15 Music for Moderns a. SI) Morning Concert rt.jy lilne Csi'i.u) 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 "Melody Time" 10:45- Charlie Kim is Presents 11:00 iCindrsu:-.n of the Ai. U:15 Roundup Time 11:3b Weaxner Report 11:31 Message Per.od 11 :33 Recorded Interlude ,',:4i Scandinavian Melodies 1 P.M. 12.00-"Mid-Day Meiodlp' 12:15 CBC NtW! l: : 25 Program Resume 12:30-B.C. Farm Broadcast llf:55 Rec Int. 1:00 The Concert Haur :30 Musical Program 1:45 School lor Consumers; '- Comty. :00-B. C. School Bdcst. : 30 Records at Random t:45 Mountain Memories 3:00 The Mu.s:r tox J: 15 Western Five 30 Listeners' Choice . eriDs were observed blowing their Davls 6- Beynon 1. Total-56. Brow n w oods Sunberg 7, Carl son, Olson 4, Thompson 8. La Spring 19, Pierce 5 vigne, Bill, Total 41. noses heartily after the scene. Director Frank Capra calls it "one of my most effective scenes." REMARKABLE VOICE Quiet, self-contained Marie seems to be taking success Rupert Hotel McFarlane, Mc- Kl ' Intosh, Smith, Stacey, Parnell, I f VC I ' --s" i Sankey 10, McKay 1, Helin. To- J S5" 'CffiZ? CiT ! taj:iL- ..... , . I 1 Olie Pioneer Ibnifjyid r .T;Ha1'i daily delivery " SEE OUt REVOLVING WINDOW DISPLAY! Manufactured by reliable Swiss factories Guaranteed to give satisfactory service Smartly dvsigned choice of modern shapes and dials Black or brown genuine leather straps Roman or Arabic numbers na3 I . 1 1 .11 f , Exhibition Gordon & Anderson Ciccone 6, Dumas 2, Marshall 13, Holke-stad 9, Gill 6, Currie 1, Flate'n 4, Smith 2. Total 43. Hi-Gold McChesney 8, Ratch-ford 6, Tait, Sedgewick, Krist-manson 4, Simonson 1, Letour- in stride. Just barely five leet and 95 pounds, the dark-eyed girl has been trained by her singing teacher-father, Daniele Alberphetti, since she was six BULGER'S' JEWELERS', j j ! Phone 81 j I va Y0ung 7 Blackaby 6. Total 37. THE WORLD'S FltlEST AIRCRAFT TECHIIICIAtlS octaves to G over high C, but her I practices and appearances arej being strictly limited by her, father to avoid strain. Anna Maria, busy studying, English, does much of the inter-1 preting for her family. Her mother, who Is her accomapnist,-and sist er Carla, 11, and brother I Paola. six, also are here. She was born in Pesaro, a town of i 50.000 in northern Italy. ! It was exciting to be in a pic-! ture with Crosby, she said add- ing: "I saw many of his cinemas j in Italy." This, however, is notj j her first picture. Just before re- j Msr?aMfrs 0C n ententes O n ARWAMe 0C" mining neie, sue sung in inej Ji-dRe W. O. Fulton leaves m i mm. version of Gian-Carlo Meno-i "RADIO OK tonight's train for Smithers for the session of County Court to be held there this week v v';:'"'; Jove tcda J conn 4 ted ! ui8 t Jects Af prlv; prnji tion ;appr : 'l!i mat,' N.PV Ply f pairs : Ac :ter I coir win ' sh:rt rr o r fv 1) re w t!t Ik l c tti's "The Medium," recently complete din Italy. "A wonderful little girl." savs Crosby. A concert tour starting In Janr i uary is the only definite item on 1 Anna Maria's 1951 agenda, although an operatic career is' being considered by her father.' "It would be wonderful,! wouldn't it," he said, "if she be-! comes the youngest to sing at the Metropolitan, in the Rome I opera, and La Scala, Milan." Luxury Steamer Prince George Another R.C.A.F. jet is ready! Serviced for flight by the world's finest aircraft tethaklaM who have checked her over from nose to tail. These are the men whose skill and knowledge keep 'em flying safely. , SAILS FOR Vancouver . and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. AERO-ENGINE, . AIRFRAME, INSTRUMENT and RADIO TECHNICIANS Your expanding Air Force I.Ml4'f'i has has opening, openings for for 1 , - m i more more men men immediately immediately I V " ,rrV'! 11 to to train train as as Red M-icLeod leaves tonight by i-ain to attend a session of County Court at Smithers. Norman Nelson of Nelson Bros. Fisheries left today for Masset by Q. C. A. plane. J. A. Lanigan. biologist with the Dominion Fisheries Department, who has soent the Dast For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations Wnie or Call "If you arc bet ween 17 and 40 years of aee, have Grade Eight education or better and are In Rood physical condition you can do service to your country by jolninK this team of experts" You will be given a complete and thorough training on the latest equipment, under skilled supervisors, and learn a valuable trade in the modern field of aviation. ! week in the Kitkatla district, left ;on today's p!ane far Vancouver CITY OR Dl.POT OFFICE -.fill fiCt NOVf Find out how you can train as a skilled technician in Canada's' I on his retu n to the experimental ' 'station at Nanaimo. Sailing south on the Camo'im j tomorrow to attend a meeting of ' the board of the Federation of "' rRlNCE KLiI'Eli'i ' ' JKfi expanding Air Force. See the k.C.A.F. career counsellor at tht address in the coupon or mail this coupon. Ushermen's Co-operatives at JSs e, 5 - 1 ' jmm , Vancouver January 19 are R. D. Roald, Martin Ericksen, Harry .Hansen, Peter Husoy and Ivor ;Johansen. ' Accompanying Uiem will be Mrs. Roald and Mrs. Er-i icksen. 'rJMk hgp h h ggb-zwk si, m M yV" 77 " I -.. k I'SnriiiTujiwiw 'OrV((, ' j ' HI 1 Cia(in(inj Add L?ose Thii advertisement rtisement i is not not publishes, publishes,' or or displayed displayed ey ey t the Liquof Control 8orc4 et fasj the Government o B'ltiih Co 'lumbii