Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, January 15, 1951 'This h the 17.IV., fix Actual Voice" OCIAL AND PEIuS( ONAL " Jlolvl Arrivals Paddy O'Gorman, after a month in hospital is able to be up and about again. He' is one of Prince Rupert's old timers,' and because of illness found him I Arrivals from Vancouver ont Ernest Unwln sailed last nieht the Camosun yesterday included on the Camosun lor a trip to1 Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Davis and Stewart I child. self under care during the noli-' day season. --if: MMiHMVibAi I 7 t ;-.f Regular meeting Women of the Moose, Wednesday, Janu ary 17. (14c) Prince Rupert G. E. Mathrop, Montreal; A. M. Schmidt, Edmonton; K. G. Bos-worth, B. G. Burns, G. G. E. Ral-ey, Douglas Candow, E. L. McKay, Mrs. M. Mitchell and J. I. Sweet, Vancouver; J. G. Blum-enauer, Kelowna; N. Nelson and C. E. Mayo, Port Edward; J. Landwehr. Ketchikan; Mr. and Mrs. Glasser, Watson Island; M. L. Clark, Georgetown. Miss E. St. Pierre arrived In the city yesterday on the Camosun J 1 IT 1(3 V Would you approve of a new winter sport for our city- Curling Club meets at the Civic Centre Tuesday night at 7:30. (13c) Sheriff M. M. Stephens returned to the city on Saturday night's train after a week's stay In Terrace on official business. Hear a round table discussion of Curling over CFPR Tuesday night at 6:45 o'clock. Sponsored by the Junior Chamber ef Commerce. (13c) Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton, RCMP, to join the staff of Columbia Cellulose Company. Interested in Curling? Come to the Civic Centre Tuesday night at 7:30. Listen to the broadcast 6:45 the same night. (13c) Mrs. W. Hale returned to the WICKS .. V VapoRub : DUE TO COLDS For toothing relief, rub on. Want Ads, Sure Results I Phone life or 117 city on the Camosun yesterday afternoon from a trip to Van couver. Ibert I McCaffery sailed last night on the Camosun for a brief trip to Stewart or. Miss Betty MacAulay stopped I To encourage teaching about the United Nations, the U.N. Department of Public Information has undertaken the recording of the history of the world organization through excerpts from speeches by dclcsa'.cs, Secretariat officials and heads of U.N. agencies. Here. U.N. Assistant Secretary-General Benjamin Cohen, of Chile (right) and Bryant Mumford (left), head of the United Nations Division of Special Services, present the first album of records providing the history of U.N.'g first five years to Kathri Lehtinen of Finland and Dr. Kenric Marshall of the Office of Education of the United States. over In the city for a few hours official business. Have you ever done any Curl yesterday with Miss Kay Thompson. She was on her way home )s Pioneer Moose Hospital Committee Meets Regular monthly meeting of the Hospital Guild committo ing? Come to the meeting at the Civic Centre, Tuesday, January 16, at 7:30 p.m. to consider a curling rink, for Prince Rupert. (13c) Dr. and Mrs. William Edwards to Stewart from a trip to Vancouver. Passengers disembarking from the Camosun when she docked here yesterday: Mr. and Mrs. E. Iroader Women of the Moose, was held .A, h nnouncemen frt Richard lloltl.v, !);, arrived yesterday on the Camo sun from Vancouver. Dr. Ed McKenzie anc two children. M.-. McKenzie will be on the staff of Columbia Cellulose Company. O. W. Phlllipson, manager of B. and B. Master, litre in 1910 WELCOME May Operate Logging Camp Peter Postuk and Memsby King wards will Join Dr. J. Munthe in his dental practice here. " mum at trie nome of Mrs C M. Mclntyre. Final plans for the forthcoming home tea were made, during a pleasant social evening. Refreshments were served by the co-hostesses, Mrs II. Dickens and Mrs. C. M. Mc- Legion Card Party, Jan. 17, 1951. Scotch dance in the Armories, 6th Ave. West. Janu. 19. Spon- North Pacific Cannery on the Coming January 29 and 30, med link with the piowcr tiling .days in Prince Ru-$i-n before the time of the Wrangell High Wolves series bKeena, arrived in the city AT YOUR TABLE j (SIP y with Rupert Rainmakers. Game "aay auernoon on me unnco it ion of the Ui'and Trunk tin from Vancouver enroutie to starts 8:30. Tickets on sale at Civic Centre, 75c and 50c. (H) Railway into this tcr-Albort Richard Holtuy n'.yre . Those attending were Mrs R Wilson, Mrs. A. Bellamy, Mrs A Hinton, Mrs. J. Morrison, Mrs H Dickens, Mrs. A. Ritchie, Mrs C M. Mclntyre and Mrs. C B visited Shames at the week-end SOred by Job's Daughters. Danc-to look over the logging camp mg 9-12:30. which Charles Postuk and Neil Conrad p.TA cara McDonald have been operating January 19, 8 p.m. with a view to taking it over. ,, . , Tea and home cooking at St. Both Postuk and King gradu- ated last year from University of Paul's Lutheran Church, Satur-British Columbia, the former as day, January 20, at 2:30. Bachelor of Arts and the latter W.O.T.M. Tea at Mrs. A away at 9 o'clock Sunday the river. J. W. Scott, president of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia, and in trie i'rince import i Hospital whore he had n ai patient ior a week. Dcs- advanced years, he had en-J treasonably OOd health as. Bachelor of Commerce. Ritchie's, 146 7th East, January , sliort time before his CANNED FOODS 10 YEARS AGO .r Bin 1 Rawdon, Quebec, nlne- Postuk's aim is to proceed with 25, at 2:30. medical studies at University of Presbyterlan Burns Banquet, B.C. of Mexico. I or University Fridav Jan 26. King arrived In the city last week from Vancouver after hav- Women's Hospital Auxiliary lng spent the summer at B.C. Tea, Nurses' Home, February 1. Packers' imperial Cannery at St. Andrew's Cathedral Tea. t jjyears ago next March, Mr. January 15, 1926 Retiring W. M Watts of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, in his annual reoo-f. G. A. Hunter returned to the city on Saturday night's train after a brief week-end trip to Terrace to attend the annual meeting of the Terrace and District Board of Trade. E. T. Applewhaite, M.P. for Skeena, and Mrs. Applewhaite returned to the city on Saturday night's train from Terrace where Mr. Applewhaite was guest speaker at the annual meeting of the Terrace and District Board of Trade Friday night. While on this trip, Mr. Applewhaite also visited Burns Lake to attend a I started his railroading r t ith John R. Booth's Can-i tjantic Railway which ran Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones and daughter of Skldegate were arrivals In the city on the Chilco-tin yesterday afternoon from the Queen Charlotte Islands. Up to Sunday, no word had been received here by the parents of George Evans who went to Pusan in Korea with the special brigade of Canadians to await the coming of the Princess Patricia Light Infantry and then return to Fort Lewis, in Washington. It is thought that possibly Evans is training somewhere north of Pusan. Harry King of Terrace, district deputy grand master of the Oddfellows' Lodge, arrived In the city on Saturday night's train from Terrace to conduct the installation of officers of the local Oddfellows' Lodge last evening. 111 'PM&Fg&B $ Ottawa and Montreal (stressed the Importance of the vfcs later taken over by shipbuilding industry to the cit rand Trunk Railway.1. ; iltby was also ideiitilied i4,... , ., Steveston. He Is the son of Stephen King, former local business , man who now lives at Salt Spring i Island. I Ultimate idea of both Postuk ! and King is to live In central :e Quebec-Lake St. John Si , e "ovuncja I- old Canada Nor hern !1(.ad al la,t , ht 'S? Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, 430 4th Ave. West, Feb. 6. j Conrad P-TA Valentine Mas-i querade Party, Conrad School, J February 10, 8 p.m. 120th H.A.A. Valentine Dance,! February 10, Armories. Legion masquerade party Friday, February 16. Job's Daughters Easter tea and sale, Masonic Temple, March 22. Legion Auxiliary Spring Sale, In. Me was general car, the Prince , r,omK , L,aun America wnere wiey nave already had adventures together. at. Quebec Cllv when rV'.r'" . j ; tu"."""ce assea mat a new BAPTONE The Wonder Wall Paint $1.50 a quart $4.95 a gallon Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. ' " "l "' enmrman of the local committee Grand Trunk be appointed to renlnre tho ii, specially arranged meeting of the Board of Trade there. He left by plane today for a brief trip to Vancouver whence he will return here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Applewhaite will be leaving at Prince Rupert came , Thomas McClvmont. whose d Ant h LONDON 9 A woman cloakroom attendant at Paddington railway station found that someone had checked, but failed to inded here in June 1910 all regretted. He is accompanied by J. Barman, ;ulclen trip of the steam- claim, a live partridge. She took April 4. St. Peter's Spring Sale, April i' Rupert. R. W. Beecher, H. Levesque and I later in the month for Ottawa W. Bailey. They are all return-1 where the next session of Par- It to a "Dumb Friends League' lh,i .. II.!. I ' " "Hmi mccmiK m lUe rTinCl" j ... .7: Rupert Ministerial Association lng to Terrace on tonight's train.' liament opens Januarv 30. hospital. 1?6, played an important PRINTING the supervision - of . the AL, uliurch . , parlor ,i ? I ,,, .-, ,f; - Monday to bid it uHn, mU '" iu to Rev. H. O. Punston, i-tlon with the construe-; ;wno u h will ., h be ,, leaving ,K.., i.J Cunil shortly with in an j opening up of the rail i PURPOSES Highest Quality - Experience Versatility his wife for Chilliwack. 25 YEARS AGO y fiui carried on with the ieratltig line until 1931 when i retired. Since that time he id Mn. Holtby had alternated residence between Quebec Citv : the summer, and Prince Ru- January 15, 1926 Dibb Printing Co. it it mine lnh n-i,.i. winter, but .i- this city ii i I of Lands i. flnrf mpmW i-aiiuiio, ', minister - always regarded their j Mature for Prince Rupert, de- nt home. PHONE 234 BESNER BLOCK ls his widow. Mrs. Mary : hf,.r ti, bi. niK .- deceased is survived by . ternoon on the work of the resJames W. Hullhv nf ...... i ...i -.u- t ...... i 'j v ; acoiuii ui iiie ijegisiature. A t nnouncemen wuiji, uiuario, ana A. ltby, Prince Rupert, an-:l t .. ... . , . . : writer, Mrs. T B B ,nlte of tnere '"g 291 few- 10'NeH of names on lne votcrs 1Lst thls Quebec Citv He I .. . .. :thi.1 mis year VPlir than tnan ln.ct last, ton ten more tnnra 1 i iirviving brothers or sis-' ' jug the last remaining of votes were cast up until -1 p.m. than there were at the same time in the 1925 election. family f-ed was a member of the We have on our floor for your inspection a G-cylinder 110 H.P. PARAGON MARINE FORD INDUSTRIAL ENGINE. This engine is fitted with removable cylinder sleeves. Cobalt exhause valves, counter-balanced crankshaft with large bearings for extra wear and is guaranteed for 15jears by Paragon Marine against rusting from salt water. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Manufacturers' Agents ent, Order of Foresters. "iicral will take nlaee The hospital board last nignt received a check from the Pro- ay ai ternoon from St. Anghcan t:athpfii in' vincial Secretay's department Cemetery. for $-'.025.75 ovring its share of '. i liquor store profits for the 3ix ii -m ki r m vaw w .'w ; months ending September 30. I A Billion Riders 'AfVXITNXX rfl'- ... J "II. Hollywood Cafe ton Transport Hi t Underlukiinr 'c publicly-owcned Lon- Wc Specialize in DISHES elled a record mileage equal to 1 more than 25.000 times ths world's circumference 25,000 miles. Buses, subways and stroet-cars carried 2,000.000 passengers a day more than prewar. I The figures were disclosed by ; Lord Latham, chairman of ilie j transport executive, in a personal letter to transport staffs. "sport Fxccutivc in 192s) !ore than twice the &S1 It , t of the world's popu- uui z.3ii.tii; md rail vehicles trav- CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 't'or 'outeide' Orders PHONE Hi OPEN FROM 7:30 P.M. to 3:30 A.M. S0l More and more the Trend in sue I A r vitamin content. More, nourishment means greater energy and better "condition for your dog or cat Variety is the spice of (a dog's life too! Feed Dr. Ballard's tinned foods. Biscuits, Kibble or the new Meal Formula. These balanced foods can be fed alone or in combination for taste variety. cessful dog and cat feeding is to Dr. Ballard's-thafs the SPIRIT OF '51! Start the New Year right Follow this trend feed your pet Dr. Ballard's regularly and watch him keep healthy and in high spirits the year 'round. Dr. Ballard's, scientifically prepared foods are all rich in protein, high in tJE. .- Iff' " V fRtff fREBM fN5 MM I VJV ) MIXBLEND PERFECTION I a wfTTt; FOR BALANCED DIET I VrS)Su vyjULrj A ,or "" '""'ox' "r- Ballard I L ILIL tj dr- ballards Solid metal dog tag ... engraved with your dog's name and address for ANY THREE DR. BALLARD'S labels. Mailing instruction on each package. (Not exactly as illustrated) HAMMOND 2-Piece Bed Chesterfield NOW ON DISPLAY 1 j I X' HcaithDcgFiod FOR YOUR PET ... BETTER GET I II l vMcal Farmula J y'f i Variety it the pice oflifel - m fisl 1 CANADA'S FINEST PET FOODS J Thr Genre- M.mhr Aifimi S-rvtcf, Inr - GORDON & ANDERSON LIMITED not the 'Stars and Stripes Forever' it's the marching 'iuek and forth that 1 can't stand''