Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, February 27, 1951 'RIGHT CROSS" . . . Housekeeping . . . Wednesday - Thursday - Shows 0t 7 1 SPRING NEARY HERE WITH RHUBARB, PIE PLANT, ON MARKET Spring Is on Uie way bringing the fruit. In adding the sugar to with t soft April showers as well the hot, cooked fruit, it should be as glorious sunshine. Although stirred in scntly so that the fruit Mav flowers, which April showers will not be broken up. W . .- 1 ' . job. " JOLK , S II 1 1 1 " I are ' given credit for bringing Some people have the idea that j It WIICOXN forth, canot be expected to make rhubarb Is good only lor pie. a their appearance for awhile y-t. sad mistake that is. Actually red, tangy hothouse rhubarb is there are so many delicious ways now on the market, as colorful to serve rhubarb it is hard to and as bright as any spring posy, describe them all. Rhurbarb is delicious In tapioca pudding, Rhubarb once grew wild In tt expertly designed centre panel to give support where it's needed its powerful leno side panels its up and down elastic satin hack prevents "riding up" 5RniR ; 1 i i ' I r Russia and in other parts of , J , , , . LIGHT UP 0, HOTEL FRASER HOUS it makes a perfect when served as a Europe. Someone brought it to "cu v, t,.u Amtnr, dessert, also sauce on blanc mange or custard ;! I If Iv V '(' nearly two centuries ago and dis- covered, quite by chance, what V J Z JT ' J" ",c 'JnB for frozen iccs and shcr" good pie it made and that is why it knoVn a c tha "flirt- OCtS. .1, ....u.w. K ,. ., - ... . , ,. KAY REFLECTS (Continued from page 2) ' Wiietl lire lainiiy la aci vcu uie des.' first rhubarb pie of the season, plant." The food encyclopedia RECOGNIZED Tlia VANCOUVER-., Mustang lighters for Va ten cnances io one uicy nope- j Sold Locally By WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE iuny asK mai unumer une ue made the next day. For the homemaker who is tempted to cribes the pie-plant, more familiarly known as rhubarb, as a strong perennial plant grown for its thick, succulent, .icid leaf stalks, which rerve as an excellent "fruit" for use as sauce and in pies. Incidentally, one point iiina meservei RCy . squadron got an uw radio salute from 1 ' Canada airliner as ttey t, j riving here. First oiliw ; airliner, Goulf Nurthtov, group capuin tmme gates Dr. W. J. Quinlan ichair', Thomas Dunn, Thomas Lewis, J. C. McLennan, J. A. Kirkpatrick and A. J. Prudhomme. NOT FORGOTTEN An American, not a Briton will have charge of the naval end of the North Atlantic fH- TIPPING ABOLISHED If you want to sell it. udvertls News classifieds. STOCKHOLM (CP) Tipping has emphasized in the encyclopedia icserve ittJir, Wing it; been abolished in Swedish hotels , is that the leaves of the rhubarb ! as the result of a new collective plant should not be eaten. Theyi up. SUM, the Yankee admiral Columbia yield to her family's wishes, the home economists suggest a new way to present this spring favorite. Kill li ARB CRUMBLE PIE Vi cup melted butter IVi cups rolled oats Vi cup sifted flour 23 cup brown sugar 3 cups raw rhubarb, cut In 2 cup g-anulated sugar one-inch pieces might make a nanay enoui;n agreement for the 30,000 men sailor to have around In emer 1 gencies. History still mentions 1 and women in hotels and restaurants. All employees will now be paid wages in cash. project. A gigantic sun contain sufficient oxalic acid to to be dangerous to some people.! However, it is the edible, juicy j stalks, not the leaves, which' everyone is interested in eating j because they are so flavorful and; i vulved but that's not ., what Washington's first s?a . fighter, John Paul Jones did In BEST DESIGN So many entries have been received in the Ten Thousand Dollar Competition sponsored by the National Industrial Design Committee for the best product designs in aluminum and wood, that it has been deckled to send not only the winning entries, hut the runners-up, on tour of Canada, when the competition closes on March 15. Above is shown a type of Canadian experimental design in wood and the young man, pictured Is holding a molded plywood table designed so that the tables can be conveniently stacked. British waters, once upon a anyone. Tte more m I scared, the better thtj U Jaltovlntj for Ladies and Gentlemen .LING ihe tailor I 1 ln t.nhlpsnonns flnilr so refreshing. time. MOKE FRENCH PAPER S I MODERATION ! Dr. Hall Feiton, fifty .. French Canadian papers av , 1 phy.sician. has rotitd.i Combine the melted butter, rolled oats, the Vi cup of flour and brown sugar. Firmly pat three quarters of the mixture in that must mean more former 5 .Th E"!: h ..,.,l. f Qnhn,- r,rn finrllllll wy aO.J Home economists offer a few pertinent suggestions about the buying of rhubarb. It should be bright pinkish-red in color, the stalks being fairly large and, most Important of all, it should be fresh and crisp. Avoid buyins? rhubarb which is wilted and have a .sense of humor.'. MT J5 ll.n llln Ufa fllU fur to a 9-inch pie plate and cover with the rhubarb. Combine ill" u" an mad An onion a it Phone 649 220 Sixth St J better than an apple, i granulated sugar and the l'i tablespoons of flour and sprinkle pithy at the stem end. Always over the rhubarb. Place the re- 1 are pretty sizeable dailies "away back In Morpal." ! GREEN LIGHT j No time Is being wasted, making a start with ", aluminum pi j nT j f i firm believer in "spar? and si)il the child" St j splendid thins foi , Smokinn and drinkmi, : eration, may be rwk" right. WITHOUT A choose young, tender stalks, maining quarter of the rolled Hothouse rhubarb has the ad- oats mixture over the top of the vantage of being not nearly as 'pie. Bake in a moderate oven, 1. .. .... .... Incn'Tn t rfc .... . it ' aciti as me stains wnicn come. "i ' unui BgARDEN? rhubarb is soft and tender. Serve with whipped cream. from the garden later in the season. For this reason, the hothouse tvne reouiies less sugar to sweeten it. The homemaker who JOHN H. MnviiiK, l'atkiiig, Crating Shipping anil (icm Cartage ami Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also a tents for Canadian l.umid Air Co. Lid. for Oxygen. Acetylene and all weldiiu: supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. It'll) Chimes (ill and (ij GIVE SLOW GROWING FLOWERS AND VEGETABLES HEAD START BULGE flADIO DIAL CFPR wants to make the most of rhu-' barb's natural blush-pink color,' does not peel the stalks, but simply cuts off the leaves and 1240 Kilocycles Some flowers and vegetables are slow starters. The harvest VIEW-MASTER REELS Reduced 50c each WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing 320 Third Ave. W. (Subject to Change) any pithy portions at the base,; ' will be both earlier and longer. 1 if the seeds are sown undvr TUESDAY P.M. John Bulger L1: British Family Picture Showing Full of human interest, romantic and gay. at timos touched with a hint of pathos, is said to be the British picture "The Coin tneys of - C u r z o n washes the rhubarb thoroughly and cuts it in desired sized pieces for cooking. Home economists mention that, in stewing rhubarb or in making j rhubarb sauce, they find that proteel ion some weeks before it would be possible to be sown directly in the garden. Examples are petunias, asters and snapdragons, among the Third Avrnw : two tablespoons sugar to each cup of rhubarb cut in pieces and I measured raw, is usually sweet I enough for the average taste. Another point in regard to sweetening- that they mention, is that I when stewing rhubarb, as with other fruits, the sugar should be addod after the fruit is cooked. 1 flowers. Some gardene-3 pr-ti.'r i to give many other varieties an ! early shirt but in t.h" thnw cases 1 cited the bf.-nef its are perhaps over most of the coun-i try. Cauliflower, which must ma- turc before hot weather, is also .started in this way, and some- and Thursday to the Capitol Theatre here. : The story traces the liv.".s an l event.s In the loves of a lovable family from the monvnt when a titled son shocks Vicotrian so-1 times earlv cabbage broccoli ciety by marrying tu.s mothers personal maid down to tlnij. It sr-ms i taste sweeter than f , when the sugar is cooked with ; and kohlrabi. ' For most other vegetable at the end of th.! lerent war, when the grands in announces I ma 1 TV!. .J.,.! . lm 1 ,kll.K.r: or diiDtrved By K Lwv" t Vint, he Is engaged to the daugh- 1 t.-r of a factory worker. j Anna Neagfe and Micha"l Wilding are co-starred. , Bord or by Govwnmtnt 4 Bf lih wtabi if it RJim ECIPES Better Service for You Here's Why Master plumbers trained to nlve all your plumbing, heating problems . . the right tools . . . service at your need ... all insure a better iob for you. it. .ii,. ' .!fl" a1- I?1 i v i 4:00-Sunshine Society 4:30 New Zealand Adventures 4:45 Stock Quotations at Inc 4:55 CBC News 5:0U International Comty. 5:10- Rawhide 5:30 Corn Roast d:uu Supper tjeicimde 0:15- Ben Light 6:30 Musical Varieties 0:45 Jr. Chamber of Com. .ou CMC Mews 7:I5-CBC News Roundup 7:30 Barometer Rising 8:00 The Commodores 8:15 The Nation's Business 8:30 Record Album 9X0 Piano Playhouse 9:30 Nocturne ,, 'ju -cue Hews !0:10-CBC News 10:15 The Laurie Storv 10:30 Ralph Flanagan's Orch. 11:00 Weather Report 11.04- Sign Off WEDNESDAY A.M. 7:00 - Musical Cmck 8:00 CBC News . 8:10 Here's Bill Good . 8:15 Morning iiong 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 -Little Concert 0:00 BBC News & Comty. 9:15 Music for Moderns 9:30 Morning Concert :59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Barry Wood Show 10:30 Melody Time 1 L y HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE 1 little is gained by setting out plants, except in cases where it mi'ht be difficult to germinate seed. 1 ! A better way, however, is to 1 learn the simple methods by j which seeds caij be started even in difficult weather. If plants are used, start them yourself in ! an outdoor flat, filled with good : potting soil? well watered and ! shaded from the hot sun. It ; is easy to do this, and quite in-' expensive. 1 There are handicaps in trans-, planting, which should be con-, sidered. Whenever a plant is moved from one location to another, it suffers a shock, and I growth stands still until it re-1 covers, and adjusts itself to the ! new" location. A certain percent NECTAR FRUIT PUDDING V2 curt shortening Vi cup granulated sugar 1 egg 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour Hi teaspoons baking powder PHONE HI.lT. HIO SAANICH Plumbing & Heating HP ENTERPRISE LAGER FOR THF. HANDYMAN it Tools Hinges Locks Bolts 1 fa Clothes Lines it Solder -k Glues 2 teaspoon salt Enterprise x Brewery Ltd. Revelstoke, B.C. Tti dvertisemnl is noi published or displyd by lh l iquor Control Board or by th Covtrrv nwnl ol ft'iLsh Columbii. Steamer z cup fine dry bread crumbs 23 cup apricot whole fruit nectar Vi cup sliced dates '4 cup chopped nuts Prince Rupert "Hospltoliry and Good Food" That is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe Cream shortening and sugar together thoroughly. Blend in well-beaten egg. Sift together SAILS FOR age of loss may nc expected, and unless transplanting conditions are favorable, and hand Plumbing & Heating flou; baking powder and salt,! and stir in crumbs. Add dry mix-i 10:45 Robin Hood's Musical Kitchen 11:00 -Kindergarten of the Aii ling skillfuj, the gain in the turc to creamed mixture alter harvest may be less than was expected. Vancouver ami Inlerrnriliatp Polls Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN IIM.SIAV Minl(.ll'l Luxury at l."W Coal nately with nectar. Blend in 11:15 Roundup Time dates and nuts. Fill greased cus-1 n :30 Weather Report tard cups about 23 full and n:31 Message Period cover with double thickness of i '33 .R,(.Corded Interlude waxed paper secured with string, 1 '.-Scandinavian Melodies or rubber band. Steam 30 mln-j P W uies in ugnuy coverca pan con-. l2 no M:d-DaV Melodies tainlng boiling water to 'A the 2:15-C'BC News 12:25 Program itrsume I'oi Iti'scrvaiioiis I Write or Cull d-pth of molds. Serve warm with hard sauce. Serves :.. 12:30 B .C. Farm Urnadcust 12:55 Rec. Int. VM - The Concei t Hour Keystone of Mn'm Sired CITY Oil OH'OT OFFICE I'KINCE ItUi'KUT, uc MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS CRANE rLUMBING FIXTURRS PHONE l or Kcrcnis mill Alteratiim 30-Musical Program 1 1:41 Our Children; Comty. 2:00 B. C. School Bdcst. f.'(S."l'l of the Our town is different. We art one jro" . , 1. Ui. h rroDre8 Smith SEIkins Lid. PO. Box 2U tew tonacco centres in Linnuj. - and cured around our friendly coniniu"W ol1' Vet, in many ways, we are the same as any town. We have tht same kind of pePle"' hard working, honest, friendly people ... for m" take the Commerce manager " He has helped us with many of our SEE OUR DISPLAY OF ir.T. vi i.learetn' E Value Plus! .939 FORD Tudor 1947 FORD Sedan Coupe 1948 DESOTO Custom Sedan 1949 CKEV. Sedan Two-tone 1950 FORD Custom Fordor Bob Parker Ltd. 0 Yes, our town is different but the peop 1 A braJ I Aud the men apd women at your comu i are good people to know. f MANSONS Jewellers The Canadian Bank of Co "The Commerca THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE Jack blmtt FORI) - MONARCH DEALERS Thit dvcrtiiemcn it not published diplyeH by Liquot Control Bord o 522 3rd Ave. W. BOX 998 Prince Rupert. B.C. 1,1