V Prince Rupert Daily Nev3 Tuesday, February 27. 1951 6 more points while scoring 13 themselves. Metlakatla used 7 men, Simpson 11. The score tit the end of the first half was Metlakatla 20, Simpson 23. Starting the second half. tlakatla eball i WHY THE BLOCKADE i Continued from page 1) if 3 Simpson put on a fast pace and Simps"" YPEA Pays ;,n( Honors Divided College Obtains Survey of West WINNIPEG P A copy of thj Palli.ser Report- the record of an 8 -'. kutla scored 15 and, at the end of the third ncrlod. the score ental nations when the present war cloud blows over? But we might consider the volume of extra sailing required In carry ing cn our trade with the Orient. ' early scientific expedition to Western Canada in I8a7 - nan i Thus we will refer again to Mr. (been bought-for the University ! (,f Mniit.tih:i IhmnPh mi Mnmni Mott and his 550 boats that cast anchor in his port on the Frast-r. , ,.,.,.,.,. fmM, rrin, Ca, ihn : " V :vr' f i . ; , It is generally considered that 1.AKATI.A. Two . Port Wa.i Metlakata 41, Simpson 39. H1 YPEA basketball teams The play gained momentum and tj Metlakatla last week- was retting rougher during pi. visitinK intermediates this period. P. Oreen, Simpson i first game over Metia- player, was banished with 5 per- 54-44 and, In the main sonals. Fouls were called with pTKA was defeated by monotonous regularity. Metla- tia 54-47. The building katla played a steady game. Port jrked with spectators. jSlmpyon made 22 field goals and the intermediate feuine, made 3 free throws out of il D .i.'ibbed an early lead attempts. Metlakatla made 21 lury held throughout. At field uuls and 12 free throws 4 ul the Inst period Simp- out of 19 attempts. Nineteen .s on top with the 'score personals went against Simp- n the second period, Met- son. 11 against Metlakatla. ,,, ..., .slow ... In I ri11,,,. rnullnu .. ,.., . . ;Palli.er In 1857 was sent by tlie Br itish government with a party of scienUsts to . ilf terrain e whether the wv.sl could be setlh'd and a railway built lo the Pacific. The rr-i:ort cr.:st.i'.iu t!i r;i'.l Prince Rupert is two days sailing nearer Oriental points than i.s Vancouver. Therefore, a ship making a round trip over to an Oriental port and back to Vancouver tails four oViys extra. KiiA. it-L .sunn-one take a ueilL'li r i through tlie; of passes and fiinire it out fust as lo how s"lv,y i.oiiuh Canadian Rockies. many years of dtii sailing was .sl;el managed to cut i. lead to 12 points, 37- I bird per iod found Mct,-t li;'lileoiiiK up in defence je lead wius ton great to an- althouKh tlicy cut il icuuy nyan nan a neia aay by running up a wore of 19 points. High .scorer for the losers was George Kelly with 15. Individual scores: Metlukathi Teddy Ryan 19, Bill Lea.sk 17, C. Nelson, C. Iask 9, J. Wilson 5, R. Nelson 2, T. done oy Mr. mous 3m douis that sailed up the Fraser. And, what of the 415 crossing of the Pacific that were made in 193-1, and the 20 crossings to be made ' ' " 1 i ..!' business powers of our own country?" While this was back In the ancient thirties, yet that, perpetual silence of Prince Hupcrl'a harbor and all its faeiliiics h:i.s S1 4 fco 11 points. i with wheat in the month of 'January, and the extra sailing F. Auckland 2. Total n personals were Wilson, ii that is; renuired to carrv on the remained cmwn through the 54. ,i against Simpson, 10 Metlakatla. A. MaeKuy Simpson A. San key 1, C. Price. B. Bryant 10. K. Huuhes. Ani.sbed with 5 persons i mail'' 2 free throws o. Kelly 15, H. Hu.ss 2, P. Oreen ? 10 ;dleni)ls. Metlakatla 4, w. Spence, D. Ryan, J. Bry-j(, out of 17 Hies. Chester at 2, A. MacKay 13. Total 47. p -I Alvin Ira.sk were ref-( J Lawson, Simpson, and O. D. I 1 Ryan, Metlakatla, were referees. , main event, YPEA of j. s Hyan of Metlakatla wis a: made a bin bid In the timekeeper, and Miss S. Ryan, tude with Japan that Mr. Her- years. On November 6 last, bert has referred to, as well as George Murray, sometimes re-tr.e 300,000 Ion'? tons of wheat l'erred to as the burly mcmb.'r that is going to India. of the Cariboo, being interview- While these hundreds of ocean ed in Prince Rupert by the Daily liners are .sailing tiieir hundreds, News, referred lo the large grain if not thousands, of extra miles elevator with no grain, the large to pile up in the harbor of Van- shipbuilding plant with no .ship:!, couver and wait their turn to the great harbor with its port take a berth, or thread their way facilities, should be handling up the south arm of the Fraser ocean going vessels all the time, to the Royal City, let us turn! Mr. Murray referred to Prince our attention to our port, or; Rupert's strategic position in what should be our port, on the relation to development of in-northern Pacific. Apart from ' ternational trade and commerce, i iiki y scoring n pouiis Metlakatla, scorer. CA:VA1;IAN &KATEH - Toronto' s I3cv Iliscov, 19, vas one of three young Canadians unsuccessfully coiimrtihg for the women's world figure-skating title in Milan, Italy. Others were Canadian strike champion Suzanne Morrow and runner-up Vevi Smith, SEEKS WORLD CltOWN : Vevi Smith, 18-year-old Toronto .skuU-r, who placed M'Cund tu the Canmluiii women's senior figure skating championship in Vancouver this winter, was one of three Canadians' s ck'iig the women's, world crown in Milan, II illy. The other two, both from Toronto, wire Susanne Morrow and Betty lliscox, (CP I'liOlO) Metlakatlas 13. In the Light refreshments were serv- 4 staiia. Metlakatla was ed following the game and danc- delence and managed to n(, followed. botn of Toronto. (CP PHOTO) visitors uown u omy 'the period of occupation by the a position that had been tifikcn ml Burns I ake - Thousand at Ski Meeting DANES AND GRrllKS 1 COPENHAGEN (CP) - A school to accommodate 425 children In a' Greek village will be built, with the proceeds of a fund to which' 125,000 Danish child, en are mak-f Ing weekly contributions. The objective of $19,500 is expected io' be reached by the end of April.' Eileen G. Laos, first Junior ladies' cross country. Senior jumping contest was taken by Jon Greene, of Wells, with J. Lapadat and Jorge .1 Uahle, both of Smithers conTing second and third. .Green outpointed the Smithers skicis in r"iTY- Council : 10 & APPLIANCE UES & SERVICE i CAS AND El l ( IRIC KANfil'S I'lionr Dlue !!-; .CIFIC ELtCTRJC of Hays Cove Circle and leading to the Hays Creek bridec, and expenditure of $323.50 for c.itv's share of sidewalk flanking T.i-.U'm Theatre. Authorised rock drilled r.n shot at lute -section of Stiles Place and Third Street, providing owner removes rock. American army on the occasion , advantage oi by the Americans or the Pearl Harbor episode, in-'during World War II, but It ail sofar as trans-Pacific com- apparently is as still as the merce is concerned, Prince Ru-, bosom of a millpond. pert with its fine harbor, with j Thus, so far as overseas corn-all its port facilities, has been merce is concerned. Prince Ku-bottled up as tight as a brewery- pert is under a watertight block-man would cork his ale. I ade, while Canada is held down W. J. Alder, then commis-! as a one-eyed Riley on the Pa-sioner of. the city, speaking at'eific, and that one eye is the a civic dinner occasioned by my ' port of Vancouver, which is as 1 visit to Prince Rupert in De- far south as it is possible to BURNS LAKE. The three- ' lhe Judges' summary, day tournament of the Omineca I Junior jump was won by Jim Ski Club held over the end of the Blep?. Emitaers, with second week was an outstanding sue- and thirds going to Fred Ra;s-cess. I dale and G. Rowland of OSC. One thousand spectators were I Botn ladies and men tlnm'lc'-in attendance and speciali'nd across the gruelling nine-assistance of Royal Canadian m11-? cross country course, with Mounted Police from Smithers ' Miss Holmes Just a few seconds cember, 1936, told the crowd place it, while the war clouds B.C. Members In Committees are rolling up in the north. . f 's Sure hod Be that filled the dining room of the Knox Hotel: "In considering our position as an overseas port er Industrial Welding E. T. Applewhaite, MP for was required to handle the traf- behind the winner of the men's Skeena, has been appointed to fic. competition, J. Anderson, the marine and fisheries and The men's jumping contest1 Junior men's cros-coirn'ry ua loi in, mo K eecli.ci C to H. O. Hflgerson Ltd., on behalf of Arthur Bergeron' 1 ir assessed value of $135. Authorized board of works t scarify Fifth Avenue East and instal necessary culverts, preparatory to block-topping. Granttd business licences to the following: C. B. Lovin taxi operator; L. Christmanson cigar store; E. Sinclair pairing and decorating; W. Baxter florist. Authorized stho.il zone fl'v.is to be erected on Fraser Strce: to protect children attending Borden Street School. on the Pacific, it might be well to remember the. term fact that, India is no longer the land of the heathen, Russia has ceased tn ho thp lnnrt nf the Tzar. China MPARE COMPANY the railways, canals and tele- was conceded to Jorgen Dahlie as won by ungss, bmitners. jlish Dark Beer with We specialize in boat and domestic fuel-oil tanks. Built graphs committees of the House of the Smithers Ski Club and of Commons. the downhill slalom to Don Colleaguees on the marine and Green of the Wells Ski Club. according to Underwriters. Ah xu-suus oi me nipine commn-u . nQ , er the sleeplnB giant, and the Nordic combined I races the hUe Ja u no ionger have not been totalled. , yet but are ,and 0 tne savage, they 1 erowine into great trading na other beer . . . time, anywhere. government certified opera tors. PHONE C.RF.KN KS I fisheries committee are: J. L. The meet concluded last eve- Gibson, Independent. Comox- ning with a Snow Ball featured . , . , , tions, ready to talk trade ana commerce with the nations of Alberni; Angus MacInnLs, C.C.F., by the coronation of the Omi- I imitpfl tf I IV O Sav: Vancouver East; Wm. Mott, Lib- nc('a Ski Queen. oral, New Westminster, and O. HIGIII.ICirrs the world and yet, while Prince Rupert is 500 miles nearer to these fast growing trading nations than any port on the Am President Term Finally adopted the Loan Bylaw for 1951. Enterprise Brewery Ltd. Rcvclstokc, B.C. With only a matter of sec annual K. l'carkes, Progressive-Const-v-I vative, Nanaimo. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED onds diflereiice in finishing, CARSON CITY, Nevada (CP) erican Pacific shore, our large Nevada yesterday became the Braln eieVator is empty, our . Authori?ed construction of a .si'"wrilk. beginning at tlie start oui.il aiiu jiuii- swir iin-uru lu shipyard is idle, our city is serv- ; ratify,, the 22nd Amendment lo A , mixed train running on j Others on the railways committee are E. D. Fulton, Progres- sive Conservative, Kamloojis; H. I C. Green. Progressive-Conscrva- tive, Vancouver-Quadra; H. W. Herridge, C.C.F., West Kootenay; !Wm. Mott, Liberal,' New West R. E. Limes, tlie senior slalom races were th" high points in the tournament liere. Heavy winners were members of ti.SC, Gordon Williams taking first senior m.-n's slalom-Don Rowland first Juaior men'.-, .' lalom; Jean Holmes, first .senior ladies' cross country and Mortimer . (NearCFPIt) COOL SMOKING - 324 2nd A !' SLOW BURNING a U'l-weeKiy scneciuie can una be caused by the mere nature ,' of things, or is it the result of a blockade promoted by the minster; G. M. Murruy, Liberal, Cariboo. I 11. I ' 0 ft f uie unueu oiaies consiiiuiion limiting the President to two terms. The amendment now automatically becomes part of the constitution. The Nevada Senate acted on the proposal 16 to 1, minutes after learning that the Utah Senate had done likewise to make that state the 34th to approve the amendment. The new amendment does not affect President. He still may seek another term since the 80th Congress, which originally proposed the amendment, excepted the presidential office-holder at that time Mr. Truman. III fcpill i Legion Pays For Property A cheque for $3068 from Canadian Legion was accepted last nighL by city council in full payment for their property. The sum of $150 two months' rent on property adjacent to and rented by the Legion was rebated at request of the tenant because . this projjerty was held in unofficial option by the Civic Centre for a proposed ice arena. Pending future decision of the Civic Centre, this property would remain in unofficial op 11 " i - IPipe Tobacco DOUDLE DISTILLED ton koiUHC rout own m OLD VIRGINIA FINE CUT tion, the Leion informed conn- cil. 'k' We will give you FREE dozen slightly used records with each combination purchased! er tr Vou'll enjoy the mature perfection for which this famous Canadian Rye Uisky has ... COME IN AND SEE THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF Combination Radios in the North traditionally been noted . . AKE YOUR CHOICE... c. perfection recognized by tlie people of It.C. who appro ei.ite tlie full-l,o.lie.l fPS from these famous names in radio PHILIPS 'KV".'r our and mellow richness V seu'Y of B.C. Double Distilled. 'WWWWrn i h i 25c par doipiJ (or empties. Plcatt htvt ihem reedy when the driver ceKi. i TRm THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. TKti edvertttemerrt it not publnhcd or elttplayeii by j the Liquor Contiot Board or by the Government ' el Bhtith Columbia. Q-SO 1 i i i ! ETCr j 5349-00 UlhistratPd Model) I RCA VICTOR j Dominion 1ECTROHOME By CHIC YOUNG Blondie Misses the Target BLONDIE SlflSE8 jrrrrn- iiihllHiiniiiiniiii. ' m i I I ijl!jllIIIIJIll TTm )iMIiWwi WHV DOESNT BLONDIE COME UOWN f WE'LL r'7 Be tT6 vuGjrr; THE DANCE T?(i fJ f s v XvMU ( TO START ALL OVEB ) " -1 this is one 1 v fn OV -, r again p ' OF THOSE EVENINCS) ?TuhT 9) f I CANT GET MV Z ff-'V -v-w,".. ji m SJ ne Out Af Any Time! iu.H;.vr ION H ums as low as ir nowN Al IK MONTHS TO PAY W7 !'' ma'"il;u'tiirers guarantee all nnies m days We iiiaraiilee them f ' " I I. VI AIt! McRAE BROS. Use Classifieds tor Results.