GIANTS HOPES DASHED (continue J rrom page it TtJ" Prince Rupert Daily News' Contributions Of News Welcomed No Trace Of Olsen Wednesday. October 10, 1951 Antndependent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Riinertand Northern an,! Centra! Rritish minmhla Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association U fr. HUNTER, Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 3y Carrier, Per Week. 20c; Per Month, 75c Per Year, $8.00; By Mail, Per Month, 75c; Per Year, $8.00 ;m; Mm--'- :'M Published every afternoon except Sunday by 'Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. fV III' Illf,ii '' H"'ww 1 imiT.mi'iW t W; 'I nil, n 1 What Of Alaska? (Juneau, Alaska, Empire) ITH very eroocl reason, the Prince Rupert Daily News takes to NfcvV RuVal STAMF This special four-cent stamp will be iwued by tha Post Office Department about Oct. 25 to commemorate the Royal Tcur o Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip. The issue which Is not considered a happy" likeness of the royal couple is a largo purple stamp bearing portraits of the Frinces; and the Prince. First-day covers will be serviced by the postmaster at Ottawa. Enlarged photographs of the new stamp, just made public, show the Prini.'.ss with a wistful, almost remote lcok. The Duke looks stern, face almost a frown. , (CP Photo) oCcommerce for their scant representation at the hurried throw for an infield ' single, Dark pulling up at .sec- ond- Irvin bounced out. Mc- Dougald to Mize. One run, two hits, no errors, two left. Yankees . Woodling was an cfivc (nit Vi.alii t, Intinaii Rascrii walked. Dark made a breadbasket slop of Rizuto i sharp one-bouncer and flipped to Stanky forcing Raschi at second. Stanley's quick relay to Lockman doubled up Rizzuto for the third out. No runs, no hil s no errors, none' left. Sixth Inning Giants Thomson walked. Rizzuto scooped up Thompson s grasscutter, stepped on second to iorce Thomson, and then clipped a fast one to Mize at first to double up the batter. Westrum fouled out to Berra behind the p-aie. no runs no hits, no errors. Yankees Coleman fanned. Ben a singled and when Thompson fumbled the ball Bjrra continued tp second. DiMaggio was passed tor the second time. Each runner advanced on a wild pitcu. injmson caught a low lopping liner by McDougald. Bauer blasted a triple cleaung tnw bases, putting the Yankees in front 4-1. Stanky tossed out Woodling. Three runs, two hits, one error. Seventh Inning Giants Joe Collins replaced Mize at first base for the Yanks. Mays singled. Rigneybatted for ; replaced by right-hander John-, ny Sain. Stanky filed to Bauer. tc DiMaggio. No runs, two hits, ! no errors. Yankees Jim Hearn, righthander, went in to pitch for the Giants. Sain grounded out. Rizzuto beat out an infield single to Dark. Coleman fouled out to Lockman. Berra rolled out, Stanky to Lockman. No runs, one hit, no errors. Kithth lnnin? Giants irvin fiieri tn WnnnJ hould Coalition Resign? Attack by the Victoria Daily Times editorially following his suggestion that the coalition government should resign in view of the reverse at the recent Esquimalt by-election has drawn a vigorous Thirty-five volunteers and four vessels took part In a wide search at the wevk-end for tht body of Raymond Olsen, drowned fisherman, but without result. Led by Elmer Clausen on the Hillside, the search covered Wai k Channul to Pearl Harbor, Buhle Island, Finlayson Island inr1 the mainline shores to Port Simpson. Besides the Canadian Pishing Co. vessel 199, two native-owned boats took part in the search, aa well as many Port Simpson natives, who will keep a further lockout. 01s:'n fell off his fish boat Lazy Boy, September 23, in the waters of Chatham Sound. The boat was being towed and was listing heavily at time of the accident. Tenders are Being called by the board of .school trustee. for wire screens at the new King Edward School. As considerable cost may be Involved, the purchase may be deferred until after the end of the year. RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE GAS AND ELECTRIC RANGES PACIFIC ELECTRIC Phone Blue 992 a- As a gift for yourself reply from H. G. T. Perry, RUpevt Daily News and Columbia Liberal Association. annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia and Affiliated Chambers of Commerce of Southeast Alaska held last month at Prince Rupert. The Daily News points to the fact that the Alaska chambers sent plenty of resolutions to the annual meet by Alaska's one and only representative, who, the News continued, did her job "capably." That one representative, vice-president for Alaska for the Associated Boards of Trade, was Susie Winn, Empire staff member, who represented the Juneau Chamber of Commerce and the Daily Alaska Empire. Next year, we believe Juneau should make an effort to send a larger delegation to this important meeting as should other towns in Southeast Alaska. Those who read Miss Winn's report of the meeting in the Empire and heard her report to the Chamber of Commerce were impressed with her story of booming British Columbia. These people in British Columbia are our neighbors. Our resources are similar. We have, in common, forests, mines, water power and fisheries. That our mines should remain unproductive while neigh Undeterred by the fact in the Prince Rupert General Hospital following a heait attack, Mr. Perry got busy at once with a reply to the editor of the Victoria newspaper. ling. Thomson fouled out to Mc- local by-election, the provincial tated, I must reply to your edi-D'jugald. Thompson walked vernment. says Mr. W. A. C. : torial last Thursday as many of Westrum srnuled. Thomvjson Bmett, should instantly resign, your readers sent it to me and boring properties in British nvn-fituKlif that i- o nnl,. n,,; v... The Editoria i Victoria Times) Because it was defeated in one In handing his resignation 'o tMe Lieutenant-Governor Pre mier Jnn!n would be bound to recommend a successor. who should that successor be Why. of course. Mr. Bennett, who is to motet to s sa H'ving succeeded only in electing a Socialist in Esquimalt Uv- BenneU, the preacher of P"vate e"ierpase, apparently afsumes th;lt e and Mrs- TlUv ""oU.a.j i" i."lm? rig.n 01ilv Mr: ,t nnrf n- urn. liams went in to run for West- lum Mays walked on a low pitch to fill th hnses pnvMnSi nac - "T"r Nnhle ua cmwhl lnnkinrr ol o curve for the third strike. No Iruns, one hit, no errors, three' left. , . Yankees Larry Jansen, right-' hander, became the third Giant pitcher. Ray Noble went behind In order to assist the Daily , News in complete news cover- I age ol city organizations, it is requested that officers in charge of publicity of such organizations contact the editorial Gvpartment of The Daily News. News of the activities of tuch organizations is always welcomed by the Daily News as is all local and personal news. School Light Bills High Light bills at the new Booth .morial and King Edward j?hools are double or more what the used to be in the old schools, the school board found last night so It was decided to ask the trhco! ptir.clpals to see that air ecni my poss.ble is exercised in the use of lights add that care be taken in turning them out when not requiied. The board was told that the Hcht bill at Booth Memorial School was $463 for a period of thtvc weeks and at King Edward School, $201.33. At Borden Street School! the bill amounts to about $20. City Disposes Of More Lots Following property sales, recommended by Aid. T. B. Black, finance committee chairman, were approved by city council last night: Lot 1, block 8. section 1 for $735 to Ass-emena raviiKis, j Lot 1, block 2, section 7 for $500 to the Evangelical Free Church, i Lots 11 and 12. block 27, section I 1 for $550 to W. A. and G. Double- day. Lot 8, block 7. section 1 for $150 to H. G. Helgerson Ltd., sub- Ject to the proviso that city will not be responsible for furnish- Ing services, Westerly half of lot 25 and lot 26, block 7, sectbn 1 for $375 to h. G. Helgerson Ltd. : HOW TO tiUIVl LUMBAGO ...LAME BACK Vlt 4 Apply worm oil to r . g i o n of MfMtu, A 6t. rubbing until oil ll itHW1 absorbed. Al Druggist! 4 J OH for 85 ytan. h'4Kr HOW TO IIIIIVI PAIN Mot IN THE JOINTS Warm afUcted port, ftufa in warm oil. Kp A covered with worm H& flannel. At druggist)' jA for 85 years. ST. 3 P OA TRAITS Films Developed and TrinLcd PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLERS STIMO 218 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 8 p.m., Chilcotin Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS October 12 and 26 ss. Chilcotin FOR SOUTH QUEE.V CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin, October 5 and 19 9 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 h V 3 ' publisher of the Prince ! president Of the British j that he is a patient now The Reply (Mr. Perry I Though temporarily lncapaci- urge my answer. Your paragraph is false which states "Mr. Perry also asks Mr Johnson to resign." Your own news column correctly quoted me j saying the Coalition government ' should resign. Word Coalition Is ' quite dillerent to Johnson. j You also misinterpret const!-1 tutional practice in saying:' "So! long as any government has the! support ol the legislature it is ! obligated to govern." All history shows this is un true. All governments go to the country when the premier exer cises his r veioi itive t,',r;'i- luD- nfitu,-! 1 ill ; UlillO CIIVl OflT- ernments have support of the legislature and always, except flee expired. Constitutional p cedure, wer Coalition to res'gn, would mean resignation of entire cabinet, but precedent obligates the Lieutenant-Governor to imme- d:3tely Ca" Up0" Mf' JhnSn' as leader of the largest group 111 tne Legislature, to torm a government. It follows that, as leader of the Liberal party, he would not siirk this responsi- bllily and would form his ""- lstry chieflv 'rom Llberak- thoh not neceswKy entirely, 8nd carry on His Majesty's gov- ernment until Legislature meets and. whether sustained or de- Wine country lonowing Lioerai convention w 11 e 11 lesuiuuuii.- resolutions would create a new 'charter for his manifesto of policies other parties acting similarlv maiouorous bromide of free en- aUow ln thfi sam, delectable trough together though it leads lto destruction of their parties i ; and of tne short-sighted tycoons ; wno support them. Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all weld, supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 7nd and Park Avenues Est ,910. Phones 60 and 68 If you want to sell it, advertise It, News classified. i or somebody else H. O. PERRY, Managing Director task the Alaska chamber? Columbia are operating , V w....c..v...s w ! j I i i i ; ; 97c and Electric that REFRESHES FINEST OF COOKING the plate. DiMaggio smashed a- c ' B"-iong doube, the ball rolling al-;"n ,?ntlsht Columbia In fact, 'Mr' Bennett as well as Mr. John-i'rom most to the wall, 407 feet away clf,f"ted 111 Esquimalt. home. McDougald bunted ;on Bv his oft n curious prescription rfr,,r, n, tuiA v ii i nZL ,;b: ".Mr Bennett shou.d aLso reJign. muiiend.., release im,,..... m wts: mon'i n....J . O.Ctolr,.. "" OlttD HAM: k.. . COW, mmi " JOHN H. John Bulger L Third Avena- A An Electric Kettle - est way of bulling plug ii in-w aicr for lour cup tnffte in 2','j minw-iat beiauM ti right in Ibt r-lK-4it !iiw i" " ( (iirrcnl u heal W'lM maiually if i , . A "ni'm" : siikiiess in il b handy tn umf 1 J An Electric Tint fflJeri11h(onili orinthekiKtieM body's t.sie-1''1 ' golden brow h' preveno ' ; make just tw11 piece tog"1"0"" Tea,'.''1"'" one of the nicest things fo give or receive is... , " . " .,.r'ing m the Tolmie regime. I0113; idoesjiot expect the premiersrnp - before the,r !cgal term 0 of. ucicjup out 1JUJP unit, wiicicas xiiLiMi VUium- bia's several have been operating fpr many years; that a waterpower project is bringing to British Columbia one of the world's largest aluminum plants these facts are significant and thought-provoking. We have much to learn from our bustling, booming neighbor. If, as is hinted (most recently by Governor Gruening at the recent science meeting at Mount McKinley Park), the Department of the Interior is responsible for the lag in Alaska's development, we might be able to learn enough from the progress of industry in British Columbia to aid us in presenting Alaska's case to our ewn government. Having identical resources, our development should proceed hand in hand with that of our Canadian neighbors. If they can show us that a friendlier attitude toward investment capital will attract that capital and develop their resources, then we should du something to attract such investors to Alaska. r- More representation at our joint Boards of Trade meetings should serve to stir up a little interest among the Alaska towns. V A finn n'nv hv .T-inrpn fin) line flioH McDougald was caught stealing to second, Noble to Stanley. No- iuns,onehit,no errors. - " Ninth Inning Giants-Stanky drilled a single Dark drop-bunted a single Stanky stopping at second. Lock- man rfi,mrf t, 1 . . single tato rteht-wnTrrJnHrn; ' Stanky to third, Dark ur second , and filling the bases with nobody i out. That was all for Sain. I Bob Kuzava, lefthander, took 1 01Thse u "f Tooley iAv' Bennett and M- the lS ,ee" mound for the Yankees Irvin flied deep to Woodling!?0"; a" " 3Doined bv ,a ! thlrd' Mr- H- G' T' Perry' presl" as everybody advanced a base Ihe scored dent f the BC' Liberai Asso' after catch Stankv Dark totlrXlS'Cl!U611' 1 'd ha"d ,n ma' Who shouid know better- Mr- mnr 1 to second i PJ"J aU aSkS Mr' Jhl1SOn t0 Thompson flied deep to cen- 1 tre left scorino- Dark after the i I g t " ' V, e f'."'- then' h? 4 Mr- Joln. w" overwhelming majority in the 8 ea' T" "ilte from the people in the lasi eleCl'n- ".hd over. the 1 FvJ Sartv f, harnever -arrlrt Carned BnUsh J' "c . . nn r;hf tn u . Tho onvprnmpnt of British Columbia, any gov- ernment under the British par - liamentary system, is never un- aer me control 01 any party ; organization. It owes no obedi' ence to Mr. Perry or the B.C. Scripture f-aiiacje for flodaij "If the Son .shall make you free, ye shall be 'free irtde'ed." St. John 8:36. SENSATIONAL ! ! Lioerai Association, it is suu- versus CCF is nauseat-ject to one power and one power ing Dut, it seems" the present only, the legislature, elected by ....biiialion of political syco-thp nennle. Ko lnntr as anv ortv- 1 1,1 n -,.f, second w' Then lllcn Al "1 Yvars iVdrs came Came 111 ml to bat for Hank Thompson. Yvars lined the first pitch off Kuzava to Bauer who made a sliding catch on his knees to end the game and win the World Series for the Yankees. Two runs, three hits, no errors, one left. R H E Giants 3 11 1 Yanks 4 7 0 ,WI""lng,P teh"-VlcRcni' Losing pitcher Dave Koslo. Old School Is Closing It was not without some feel ing of nostalgia that Dr. R. G. Large, chairman of the district An Electric Iron Drop Jo nd feci thi electric iron. "Why," you'll jy, "it'i io light" Yes only three poundi . . . and, because of its big ole-plate, you ran cut your ironing time by as muih as third. Finj;er-tip Fabric Dial "tunes in" correct temperature for every fabric, i I board of school trustees, declared , will be a sorry day for British carried at last night's board Columbia when government be-meeting- a motion whereby the comes the mere plaything of historic little public school will politicians responsible to no one, 3 for Rupert Radio For the MEAL BEST OF FOOD ernment has the support of the legislature it is entitled and obligated to govern and should pay no attention to, what Mr. noya ueurge once cauea wna uien acicaiiimg ai, trie Keynoie. I Mr. Bennett and Mr. Perry can scream as they but Mr. I Johnson should disregard them. I He has been defeated in Esqul-I malt but he still has the legis lature behind him and should get on with the public business as the constitution provides. It 1 concerned only with their am- bitions and eager to reduce poli tics to chaos. Let the government learn by its mistakes, let Mr.- Johnson realize that he has failed (largely through a cruel physical accident! to reach the public and explain his policies in the last year, let the Conservative ministers stop sniping at the Liberals or honorably resign, let the government as a whole realize that it is the government of the people's choice, let it do what it thinks wise and rely on the public intelligence at the next election. And meanwhile let us all realize that Esquimalt conducted a passing by-election, not a revolution. Mrs. 8. D. Johnston, who has been visiting in Vancouver and j Victoria, returned home on the Prince George this morning. mftmtMiMmm m -WUlWliMllMliijiiT.m't! ; ; ' i ; 17 . . i .- in i, m be closed at the end of the present term. It was in that same little building that Dr. Large went to school as a small boy. It was there that he took his High School entrance examination. His father, the late Dr. R. W. Large, was missionary doctor there at tlw time. "I hate to see the old school close" Dr. Large commented. Opened before Prince Rupert was on the man and Port Simpson was the government administrative, hospital and trading centre of the district, the Simpson school has operated since about the turn of the century. But now the attendance has dwindled to a mere five pupils, which is under the requirement to keep it open, so the board reluctantly decided that it must be discontinued. The teaclrer, Miss Jane Cameron, is being given notice. I'OR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 20(1 BROADWAY CAFE Electrical appliances the most accepiable P""1" f k-eddincc annivrariM Of 1U5I Decl" I . 1 mm' l I a This advertisement is not published or diSnlav,i hv n, 1 1 I Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.