I !are allowed to play the violin of 4 ins vioUnlst PagaiiSv.l, gitatest ol all, many believe. Prince Rupert Dolly NY wecmesduy. October IK, li)01 " ''" Terrace Hears P. T. Visitor The first concert here vt ill ie a doubly brilliant one us It will present not only Donald Gramm, but Maxim Sehapiro, pianist as well. Mr. Sehapiro has interrupted his preparation for a world j tour of concerts to come North : . (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising Is payable In advance. P.eaa refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per WoTd per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards if Thanks, Death Notice Funeral Notices, Marriage Ya;d Engagement. Announcement $2 00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE TRICE. : to fill the place of Mr. Gramm's accompanist who. at the last; m nnCAJTE d'c minute had to cancel his agree- CAKr Eil I EK) ; TERRACE Mrs. Ernest Evans, president of thv? B.C. Parent-! Teacher Federation, was guest speaker at the monthly meeting i of the Terrace Pa rant-Teacher ! Association which was held in the Credit Union hall and which 'was presided over by Mrs. D. G i Little. Intensely interestine. Mrs MARGARET Mcll ment to play for him. Have all of your aw fllcd on our tri ib in n msrliin. ANNOUNCEMENTS -'FOR SALE Chesterfield and FOR KENT 41U-DRIVE CARS. Phone 41. 711 Orenville Couit. tin Today, at 24. Donald Gramm enjoys the distinction of being dinette suite. Phone Green 1B3. ' 237c MwhaniriHy arrutahi j.inu l,)rpa hm, tihtitf mi aetlin. ; They'll rut clea V, truer, ft fbtr. lj one of the youngest singers on the concert stage. His rise to' i J fame In the past few years has Men's Rotary tea, October 11 Civic Centre. Lutheran Tea, October 13 Ke.'R'kar, Haraar, October 20. L.O.B.A. Fall tazaar, October 28. WTOMETRRl Ruoni 10 KTONE buiuiikg P1IONR BLUE 593 P O. BOX 1134 f to - V .-.. J i FOR SALE Prince Ruper Ware- , i house 8 ft. 2 x 4s. 55 per, thousand. Less than 8 ft., per thousand. (24lJp j 'FOR SALE Complete household j PRECISION SAW FILING 134J PKiOOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B (Agent: Bus Terminal) Terrace Ruililrr Supuh been almost meteoric. His name became known in musical circles overnight when a chance audition for Victor Di Sabata. the leading conductor at La Scala Opera House in Milan, Italy, won DONALD GRAMM Young but. already famous bass-baritone, coming here October 25 with Maxim Schapiro to open "Alaska Trail" season of high class music at Civic Centre. furnishincs: Refrigerator, beci- room suite, BeaUy washing FOR A NEW HERTZ . U-Drive Evans charmed her listeners as almlnd S lermmai2W she' t,aced the beginning of the - movement, its progression, ach- FOR RENT General Elect ri ievemenU d lts aim f floor polishers. $1 Der . dav. : . , , ... . ; . Phone Blue 892 Pacific Elec , which, she said. Is not to be an trie. (tf) auxiliary to tlva school boards. sht" adjured her listeners to board FOii RENT-"-' Room and for elderlv gentleman. Apply 1 sure befure entering into 1457 Piggbtt Place or phone any material project that the 123 Taxi. (238p) j money was not available through " , . " the school board first. F,R ,BR7,Th i In conclusion Mrs. Evans said: room. 343 7thWest. w msm t238p.l,.The ParentTeacner Assoda. FREE RENT On monthly basis. ; tion is potentially the most furnished three room house. powerful organization in , Can- Seal Cove, in exchange for i ar!? today. We have gained a for him an engagement to sing as soloist with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Which Maestro Di Sabata was conducting. Since then he has sung with some of the leading orchestras of the nation. KLLCTKOLI'X Sales and Servic, CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D.C. 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 R- W. COLLlf.f machine. Beaver tilting arbor table saw, encyelodaedia. wheelbarrow, baby high chair, baby walker, baby sleigh, large chrome birdcage, 9x12 rug and underfelt, guitar, dresser, buffet, record cabinet, kitchen table and chairs, occasional chairs, chesterfield suite, baby buggy, large play pea, lawn mower, ash stand, sewing basket, table lamps, toaster, blow torch, tools, etc., too numerous to mention. Phone don cert JerieJ Women's Hospital Auxiliary Hallowe'en Tea, October . 31, at home of Mrs. W. C. R. Jones, 430 Fourth Avenue West. Sonia Bazaar, November 2. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 7. Presbyterian Church Bazaar, November 15. The Women of the Moose Fall Bazaar, November IB. Cathedral Bazaar, Nov. 17. l.O.U.li. Fall iia.aar Novembei 22. St. Peter's Pall Bazaar, November 2D. United Church W. A. Fall Bazaar, Dec. (i. rnone Blue 9T0 b For genulnt Paiiimm phone or write ab boarding nigh serooi stuaeni. , ... ,h. pnmmnnltv whlfh Giamin Uarttd his career as a pianist and was well on his way to becoming a concert pianist when his unusually beautiful voice came to the attention Wire or wrte H?Ieri," 149 Medina Strett, Victoria, B.C. 23Bpi we guard jealously a membership is your opportunity to put Donald Gramm, bass baritone, hailed a3 the voice sensation among concert artists today, will scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 808 - 3rd Ave. W. democracy to work ....uv.ovj w nuin.. , AloelrM Trnil hlirh rla. Reel n 119 Bth Ave East. I WANTED TO RENT The president announced that1""-" ""- A Z I of a noted voice teacher In (238p) Chicago. Persuaded to change 25. After Gramm comes Opera1 TERMINAL MESSENGER Phone 540 deliveries fully ir Prince Rupert, B.C. his career plans, he won schol Duo composed of Tomlko Kana URGENTLY Required Famished suite or cabin bv yoang quiet couple. Non-driikers. Phone Red 438. .238p) Phone' 347 P.O. Box 374 All the divisional teas In the elementary school would start on October 15. A letter of thanks to C. J. Nor-rington who audited the association's accounts was moved by the meeting. arships to help him and was : taken as a protege of the famous ' Martial Singher, French bari-! zawa. California born lyric soprano, now on tour in Europe nnri sinuine this month at the FUNERAL NOTICE NATIONALLY. KNOWN NAMES Ling-beit Speeder Shovels; Cranes: Draglinss: Adams Road Graders: Littleford Bros. Black Tod Rond Maintenance EauiDment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Granules; T L Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snnw Removal: Rice Port FURNISHED uite or houSi? urgently required by three young businessmen, employees of Co Royal Opera House in Stockholm, I ne and voice coach Mr. Wilson presented his pro lumbia Cellulose. A!) offers! A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 Sweden, with Cesare Cuizl. lead- j With his background of piano ing tenor of the San Francisco 1 Btudy. Mr. Gramm makes a point Opera Company, now appearing of accompanying himself in at gram, for the years activities FOR YOUR.., Brick, Stone and Tile Selling and Pia Phone K. 80HEK: Blue El)9 after 6 1: tt.'Vi inVl t VlrtilrrVi lionoci") yi ) ton- considered. Box 219. Daily News. ( 243pJ HOUSES "VVANTEU TO Bl'Y tative, was of a varied nature PI'sk"iuF..b.iofii.:i "is.m. -uu, p.n.., able Centrifugal Pumps; National Dragline Scrapers and i, XTnt;nr.l All CtuO) JONSSON At Osland, B.C., 1 Sunday, October 7. 1951, Jonina ! Vegalin. age 78 years, beloved j wile of Mr. Gisli Jonsson. Canon Basil S. Prockter will conduct; services at Orenville Court Chapel at 2:30 p.m. Thursday,! October 11. Interment to follow I in Fairview Cemetery. B. C. Un- ( dertakers in charge of arrange- j ments. (ltd hieh will make each coming!-11 ne opera season aie.an.ran- ... pmy nu. own c0- rd on the list a Brons- arrangement of several American eeting very interesting. 1 Thi. oti silav Gimpel, known the world ! folk gongs. "At least," he laugh- niiolin . Hoists: National WANTED to lease or huy-Smail house bv railway employee. Pnrt.Hhlo Sawmills: National .. tover for his superb violin pro- ingly says, "if I get lost in a song of Pntarv Screens and Conveyors. Full information from National Machmerv Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C 'tf) I know that my accompanist is lost, too." Colussi's Mu,sic Store Agents for tine finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4tn St Ph. Black 3R9 grams. He has met with spectacular success on three continents and received the most cov- Box 218, Daily News. (238pi RESPONSIBLE family needs two or three bedroom home immediately, either on lease, buy or straight rental. Phone Green 726 ' (240pl Eddie's Beauty Si Permanent! Exc'inv. cuts. Apixiintmects i.: your convenience. I'ltone Red 4H0 - Ui-'j OpiMjslte Ltquw i-1 If you want to sell It, advertise CARD OF THANKS ;FOR SALE 1947 Indian motor-; Cfcle.-Call 723 6th West. ( 240p i eted musical honors. Few artists it. News classified. FOR SALE Model 70 ter rifle, .270 calibre, K4 REAL ESTATE Weaver scone, detachable top OR SALE At Cedarvale, B.C., We thank all those who came to comfort us during our hours of sorrow, disregarding the weather and distance. Those sending flowers: Mr. and Mrs. Alex Yeomans and family; Mr, and Mrs. Johnson Russ; Raby Weir; Mr. and Mrs. Victor 2nd West before 309 mounts. Ir HANDYMA' I242p 3:30. President Mrs. D. G. Little. Vice-President Mr. H. Noakes Secretary Mis. Alice Campbell. Treasurer Mrs. G. Miller. Committee chairmen are: Budget Mrs. J. Bennle. Service Mrs. F. Frank. Membership Mrs. L. Orr. Social Convener Mrs. M. Peek Vout. Su.isliine Mrs. Gordon Little. Publicity Mrs. Labelle. Program Mr. Wilson. Health and Safety, Chairman of Dental Clinic Mrs. H. Smith. Liaison Officer to School Board Mrs. F. Frank. RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS U AUDITOR Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HOME SERV 30 acres of land, very good sou for garden, lots good water on property. Two acres clear, use for garden; 5 acres open. Half mile to station, store and pst office. Sell for the low price of $450 ca"h. M. Woiarlslii. Cedarvale, B.C. tltpt tiENERAu CONTRA FOR SALE One Beatty wash-i ing mach"..ie, as new. Table, j four chairs and buffet set. 549 I 9th West (rear), after 3 D.m. i I238pi FOR SALE A high chair and Ozite rug cushion 69" x 9'. Both in good condition. Green Adams; Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ryan and family; Mr. and Mrs.: Ei Shaw; Agnes Jones; Mr. and M's. Ri-riard Gray; Bill and Alice Burgess: Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Salter and family; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Thom .and family: M' and Mrs. Harry Farley and f-unilv W R R.iHianfl nnrf fam- Building and Repai kinds ROOFS - ClliV, J -nrrei iiiiimr" m ri FOR SALE Six room house fuV, basement. 245 6th West. Red 834. (238pi OIL BUKNEU. 503. izaopi Sato tdvtrtlitmcnt h not publlihao or displayed by eSt Liquor Bomi fa (hi CmvnMnl 4 B( tphbl HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP ' Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 41h Street Phone (!5S ily. Ernest Valpv and familv; FOR SALE Tr o 1 1 i n g boat Willi,,,. i. a w. I ' Overtime." For information FOR SALE 1 1 8 acres land, five room house with lights and water. Walsh Road, Bog 202, Terrace, B.C. i238q PHONES: P.O. Box 1670 ArtVinr! WTlte Utl" VVlUir, rwtv CrosbV. Mr. and Mrs, 242p Simp.-on, B.C. QUICK AUCTION SALE FOR SALE-Semi-f urnished one FOR SALE Amateur radio re- reiver Halliccaiters 8 u p e r 1 t floathou.se with oil stove Skv-Rider Phcne Blue 453 1 Also small float. Phone Black SIDNEY GOT. OPTOMEMt after Z p.m. o WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS Ey hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 Complete Viral A OFFICE TO FOR SALE By owner, five room house. 2171 Seal Cove Circle. (237a) 1950 HILLMAN MINX Low mileage Like new 9 a m. to i p Oeo. Cook's Jea-rtln 233 9th Avenue West THURSDAY, OCTOBER .11, 2 p.m. 0 3-Piec Chesterfield Suite, as new C Refrigerator C' Oi1 Burner Range New Kitchen Set in Chrome 0 7-Piece Bedroim Suite Spring-filled mattress, box spring 2 End Tables ) t'lmi ol Drawers Combination Radio and Record Player C Pots, Pans, Ilishes, Linen, etc. Terms of sole: Cosh j. H. MAIR (Auctioneer) (237p) - QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Aire. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL MATTSON UPIIOLSTERi: Phone Blue 12(1. M 234- 3rd ve Prinze R'ipprt. 1 1947 PONTIAC COACH Privately owned New 30-lb. Rail 20-LB RELAY RAIL 80 and 120-LB. NEW RAIL rransrormers, m'.crm and Plectrlc power-plants for Immediate fitlirt-ment. Cftr loads of 2, 4 and 6-inch pipes. VANCOUVER SALES & APPRAISALS LTD. New D6 and 8 Caterpillar Tractors. Osgood Shovels. For lmmert-( delivery from United Blates stock. 348 Beach Ave. Vancouver. BC. f244''l FOR SALE Wartime Six, semi-furnished. 1461 Piggott Place. (241pl i THE EXCHANGE BLOCK Situ- aled riant in the heart of the Business District of the Citv 01 Prince Rupert. Attractive nrice : makes for a good investment A 9 Room residence.with full cement basement. Situated at 80S Fraser St. in Citv of Prince Rupert. Price is verv attractive Vacant lot on 3rd Avenue In Citv of Prince Rupert. This is a Kift. j For particulars aonlv to: e Brown: Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Rob-i ins; Wilkms and Robert-. Prin:ej Rupert. S;eam Baths; Grace and, Rav Will-ins and familv: Bovd ; Teiford. 86 Taxi; Mr. and Mrs.! Edgar Sills: Mr. and Mrs. S. j WiJsnn and family; Alberta and ' Margaret White; Frank find Helen Oale and family: Mr. ar.d Mrs. Joshua McKay and familv. Canadian Fishing Co Ltd.; Mr. and Mrs Gefferv White and familv: Bill Scubv; Rev. Oeo'-fery Bird: Stanley and Bessi Bushwr and family; Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson and fam-nv; Eisie and Carl Moulder and family; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Par-nell; Mr: and Mrs. William Baker Jr.; Sheardowns Ltd. and Staff; Atmee White: Myrtle and James Haldane; Russ family: Conrad Street P.T.A.; Mr. and Mr.. Ernie Ycltatzie: Mr, and Mrs. 'Godfrey Wells; Peter Jones'; Mr. and Mrs. i Lee Edenshaw; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Edenshaw: Mr. and I Mrs. Henry Helin; Mr, and Mrs. F. Leask; Mr. and Mrs. Moses Parnell: Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Christiansun and family; Mr. and Mrs. Blake William; M.A.C. iMasset Athletic ClubK Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson; .Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Adams and family; Neifcojj, Bros. Fisheries Ltd.; Ed Bolton; -Guy Williams; Queen Charlotte Canners; Crew of New Laurel; Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Calder; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davidson. Oliver Adams and family. (Up) PEKbONAL 1948 DeSOTO CLUB COUPE Low mileage H. G. HELGEF LIMITED REAL ESTATES IS B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 678 214-4th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dawes, Sid Alvxander Phone 98 Evenings '! NOTICE Of Sheriff's Sale IN THE SUPREME COURT Of I1HITISH COLUMBIA rv v, IV-.'" Tf ''4 h ft.' it 'I t ( ! si' .1 i -i' i Id '.4 ;!. ' -4 s . ... i 1$ J "MECHANIC'S SPECIAL" 1937 Graham 4-door sedan $300.00 JOHN GURVICH Phone 32. or Red 511 Prince Rupert. B.C. (241n FOR SALE Fine three-bedroom home with splendid view, basement with hot air furnace. Price $6 200.00. Terms. R. E. MORTIMER 1 Real Estate and Insurance 353 Third Avenue Phone 88 (239c) sales" help wanted NOW is the time to plan for BHEARDOWNS (DUKN8 LAKE) LIMITED, QUALITY SI'EUCE MILLS LIMITED, AND FRED BEACH, ' QUALITY SPIiUCE MILLS LIMITED, Plnlntllt. Defrnillint, Planum, STORM WIND0V, Simpson's Soecials Axminster Scatter Rugs 7.95 Congoleum 6x9 6.25 8x9 9.50 9x 13'2 14 50 9 x 15 15 .95 Rexoleum 0x9 , 4.05 7'2 x 9....: 6.25 9x9 7.25 9x 1()2 8.75 9x12 9.25 PLUS THESE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES 2 pc. Kroehler Chesterfield Reg. Now Suite 229.50 189.50 3 pc. Kroehler Sectional 158.50 129.50 Coffee Table .... 18.95 14.73 Coffee Table .... 12.95 9.75 Lamp Table 17.95 14.75 312 Third Ave. W. Phone 400 (238c. Defendant. SEE RUPERT MOTORS GREER & BRIDDEN LI LIMITED 2nd Avenue at 1st Street Phone RGC and 5G6 213 1st Avenue West AMAZING one year guarantee on- men's hose. Here's your chance to make a real income wilh world famous Super-Sox Hosiery. Wonderful bona-fide free replacement guarantee your sure-fire sales clincher. Write for free sales kit, to Super-Sox Canada. 18 York fliiine 909 EASY MONEY FOR YOU Earr. hmhest commission selling Name-on Christmas cards and Evervdav card assortments woliderlul values, over forty items including 25 card Chrtet- St., Hamilton, Ont. . (It) iAPTONE TENDERS "NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS TENDERS will be received by the MALE HELP WANTED WANTED Reliable man as Raw- CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE 193C Dod'e, good condition, $400.00. Black 991. (241p) Under and by virtue of Writs of Fieri Facias Issued from the Supreme Court of British Columbia and to me directed against the Roods Bnd chiittela of QUALITY SPRUCE MILLS LIMITED, I have seized the Interest of 'uahl Quality bpruce jv.li.s Limited In and to the following goods and chattels, namrly: the sawmill. Including all machinery, saws, conveyors. carrlHt?ej, log hauls, cutoff saws, edgers, power scow, mlscrllsneous tools twin Sherman tank motors. Caterpillar llhtlni! plant, 1 KB5 International 3 ton truck. 1 only l'a ton Dodge plrkup truck. I only V-bottom gasoline launch with Ford V8 motor, sawmill building, machine shop, blacksmith shop and tools, ice house, cook house, 2 frame cabins, 1 power house, 2 bunk house;;. 8 dwellings, 1 office and stores building. 1 International tractor, 1 U.S. Aran Sig. Corps motor and complete lighting plant, 2 power saws 1 Mcculloch). I Titan powr s.-lw. 1 Curtis air compressor complete with motor and lank, 1 Hoover tool grinder, H.P. motor, 1 camp stove. 1 battery charter, outboard motors, blacksmith tools, acetelyne welding outtlt. tlr extinguishers, grease tank and cable. 4 grease guns, welding tank. I Hoburt type welder on wheels. 1 International dlesel tractor with Isaacson blade and winch and mlsr ellancous small tools and articles too numerous to list here. Toe interest of said Quality Spruce Mills Limited In said goods and chattels is a reversionary Interest therein and thereto as owner thereof subject to a certain Indenture of Lease In lavour of Inland Lumber Co dated September 21. 11)00. for a term of five years expiring December 14 1955, together with all rents, profits and privileges payable to said Quality Spruce Mills Limited pursuant to said Indenture of Iase la certltled copy whereof is available for Inspection at mv office at the Court House Prince Rupert. BC). And on Monday. October 15th. 1051, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock In the forenoon, at the office of Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Burns Lake, in the County of Prince, Rupert. I shall offer for sale by public auction all the foresaid interest of the Defendant, Quality Spruce Mills Ltd , m tlie above goods and chattels. Terms of sale cash, and this sale will up subject to the Social Security and uiunlclpal Aid Tax. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this 1st, day of October 1951 M. M. STKPHENS. Sheriff of the County of Princa Rupert. (238c) The WONDER PAINT In many attractive colors , . mas lealure assortment. Beloved Authors stories assortment. Velvetone and Star-, b r i t e metallic assortments. Canadian scenes. Christmas carol. Mountain scene pictures and cards, personal and religious tards. ulft wraonlnus dirnr done hells, naoular comics and animated humorous . cards, kiddies Christmas bonks and cut-outs also Everyday assortments. Write for rataloifue and sam-nle.s NOW. Name-on St ationnrv Comnanv Limiteri Dent. B4, Room F. Ynnae Street ArcR'ie leieh Dealer. Exoenence not, necessarv. A fine onnortunitv to steo into nrofitnhle Business where RT."'leieh Products have heei sold for vea Write Raw-, 'i-h' DeDt. WG-J-1G6-163. Winninee. FOR SALE 1949 Fordor Ford in perfect condition. Heater, defroster and custom radio, 2 KDare wheels and tires plus 2 Thompson Hardware CoJ PIN BOYS wanted 4 to 6 p m., undersigned up to 12 oclock noon, October 15, 1951, for the construction of a double wire telephone line extending approximately eight miles. This is a labor contract only and all materials necessary including the use of three pacs horses and gear will be supplied by the company. The lower or any tender not necessarily accepted. Western Uranium Cobalt Mines Ltd. (N.P.L.), Skeena Crossing. B.C. , (238c) knobby tires for winter use. Very reasonable. Phone Red 869 zjupi BlJSINESSOPPORTl,NlTIES FOR SALE Three Sisters Cafe, cheap for quick sale. Illness owner's reason for selling. Apply on the premises. (242w Mondavs through Friday. Experience unnecessary. Ap"'" at Bowling Alleys. (237c) JIEI.P JV ANTED FEMALE W'NTED Waitress for full-time work at Civic Centrp Din. ini Room AnnW at di"tnf room or phone 8R8. (239c) WANTED Fxnerienerl officn NEWS ADS get Toronto. PHONE 18 vow Northland D tirv. for dollv delivery exeent, Sun-rii". Bv looV'inw after vnur milk vour milk will 1p"' after vou Keen it cool. All milk guaranteed. (tf) SLICED wrapped bread from Rupert Bakery on sale at all grocery stores. (tf) FURNACE OVERHAUL STchTc BLONDIE REPAIRS Becuty and the Beast FURNACES A faulty furnace can make your fuel bills soar. Let us overhaul your furnace now so you will be ready when the southeasters roar. Thom Sheet Metal, Black 884 (tf) nlprk f"" ronstrneinn rom-nnni' offe Must Vinve stirrt . h-T Am1- 'p writine to P"t 207 Dailv News. (tf) FOR SALE FURNITURE for Sale Bedroom WANTED 'K oo I look Glowing, i'm ouToFArTee-SHAve J r luir ut Atm Glamorous And J lotion, SO I USEP f-r- ' VjiToicre t-A. -i ( (?AMANTi dearp r y-ME of YOtw.vJ )) crd , ' ZXr-J BEAUTy CPEAM 2A . CHEPUB3 BLUSH T 1 CREAM- ' A VS ON M FACE 4 )- fc if tf.;' ; slamobous. ry&kr SO " r y N . oiu Awf CARTI for semn cast. bra.c on- rugs, radios, rhest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield beds comnlete cribs, etc Lowest possible hrices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tf) FOWLIE & RUTTLE Expert Fur Repairs and Remodelling Fine Work and Fast ' Service at Low Cost All Work Guaranteed Phone 522 today for Estimates OIL HEATING SERVICTilS -Lawrie" Mackav. Mgr. Phone Blue 187. P.O. Box 687., The service that's different, clean efficient workmanshiD com-binine a thorough knowledae of eoulDinent and their attendant nroblems. (This ad. temuorarv rjendine onenin? of shoo and disolav room. Watch this soace). (tf) BOYS' ALL WOOL jackets and windbreakers, all (dues, less than factorv prices. B, C. Clothiers, Third Ave. (tf) pv,pp k call fi29 6th Ave""" West. CHv (tf) YOTTNO MAN de'ires nort-tlme emnlnvment. Box 1167 Nation B. .(237p) WAKTPP TOP MARITW prjTnpcj PAID fir scran iron "el. brass nnpr, lead, etp TTrmnst o-rlirtr. WroP'lt Tyitf-menf n-.odp 1at Tvort Ar. MotaU T d 050 "rtnp V-. "er. B C. Phone PA"1"'" 6357. (tf) ACCOUNTANTS FOR RALE 5-tube Oeneral Electric table radio with record plaver attachment. Phone Red 548 or ' apply 813 Fraser Street. (210p) WATCH REPAIRS Prompt ef. ficient service. Oeorue Coos Jeweller. Satisfaction euarsoi' Ued- PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist S. O. Furk. Stone Buildiim. Red 5y3. Uumt i