Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, October 10, 1851 OTY IF f k,. V-OUNCIL PTA Gets Its Knuckles Rapped Sharn pxppntlrm nm. rni i . bm'(l:nR a now home or rrpairing the ,in alf. old one, , business to help you, so come In foil, ,i.u' To Negotiate '52 Wage Act Board of school trustees and Prince Rupert District Teachers' jjand rumpaie our prices with others. Loca a ! A request from Prince Rupert j Curling dub for transfer of IfE!-0' P'Pelty at Seal Cove on . r Is situated a building the club wtfhcs to purchase to houiie a rink Was rpfol--,l t ,, r ' " o loivcil oy Trustee A. B. Brown at last night's meeting of the school n sland City Builder's. Supply ooara 10 a letter which had been Association will. win.commence commence 195! 1952 d PERSONAL written by F. L rW k. starv ueirjr, ... : secretary waBp npimt a rm of . .ni jldlmli' Slnrt Phone Blue tli u. umraa eireet School Parent- I " """"- Tcacher Association, to the city ! nary conference Thursday after- tlnnn hptV'DDn .nrm-nit4r.- Luuibor ..i. VU lUUIIUU meeting last night to board of w rkr. and finance committee At present, lease is held by owner of the building, Douglas lzzcll. Valhalla Lodge Thursday, 8 p.m. telPnhnnA leinpnone snnpnntpnHpnf eimn, ,1...J .. ir-i.. . . meeting Legion W. A. card party to-(ltc) night at 8 o'clock sharp, utc) Janes, "demandine" that Civic Centre Art Club work Unitori ri,,.L . ..... ! phone be Installed In Real Cnu .. v...v... .viiiiiitvvccs repie- senting board and association. , R. G. Moore Is chairman of the association negotiating committee with Dr. R. O. Large for shOD and annual mppttrw tn. m1 r,nf,i .. iSdcol. ' E:ish & D'Hirs Plywood Slorra Windows Wallboards Interior Trims ' Asphalt Tile PITTSBI'HCH PAINTS The Parenf-Tonnho- j morrow night at 8 o'clock, (Ho Saturday, October 13, 11 a.m.. ' A new Austin truck will be purchased by the citv for th John ZuJK" Bulger returned leluIma to lo the 'ne " 239c) the school board. le.. phone department Th h i .S""" REMEMBER .io, c"0 le t-nnce ueorge loaay J l . ... ..." p & ir - 1,.; -w.i.i V.on had sent the letter to Mr. Janes afeer the phone had not been installed following the original request. Such a 'phone, it jvas felt, was an urgent need. A good wav nor tn The association, in a letter to the board last night, asked for a preliminarv meeting tn fiom a business trip to Vancou- Men's Tea Thursday, October 11 wr from 2:30 tn sun It th. nul j"7 1 I . . ' " " truck will be h DC ...j. Iraden traded . in In . for fnr tlnnn $1000 eaving a balance of tome $500 to pay. Aid. H. M. Daggett, chairman uitllities committee, said it would cost some $400 to lepair the old truck. Basketball Assnetatlnn n. ?'c Country Store, home reach a basis of negotiation. 1 meeting meetine Fririau Fridav. rvtnhor October 19 12 C00KmB and fur anion show eral The board was anxious to get done, suggested Mr. Brown, ' was tn Knmt 11 .. - on ir!,, . -4 ... Civic Centre, 8 p.m. Entries of (237c' teams and registration of play- Richard Sephton, district kw uciimnumg. in anv un, un nie negoiia- case, he felt that the PTA had tlons 50 tnat everything will be snarwdgwing JhCalLJral Happy Family Gathering Marks Annual Event of St. Andrew'a Parish Prince Rupert Kinsmen Club ui ui uiaer in interfering " buu" nine jor me , estimates estimates in in Fphniofw February ,n- Amn-A- . 1 Is at th H,n c-T.J ':WHh hi Kphnn) school hnQ,j board affairs nfni a gianiea permission tn hoin oy jingly, the teachers' committee is a tag day on Saturday nethli. ,' o.t" f. I7 ' ,0I?et ers, phone Hoiel h.r-' iT-Ti. WHUnI such letter. Mrs. Earl Becker xairt that asked to meet the board coni- 2Y A similar request bfthe Gyro joS n a 130 to 5 30 aTThe be giad to recei personllo ! t oe Quicker tn upt thinrr- imittee on ThiirnrlBy. r done that way than by going uuuiign me scnool board 5v 1 Parishioners of 8t. Andrews' and their friends 200 or so in i number gathered Monriav nihf ! grounds therrhnn,H K0n. the I ' by B" 8cuby's Furs Presented Permission wai granted Caha-' "k" "' 5l15- c between tagdayf ' I b l o Plied lor, Gyros would be granted The CCC 300 Club Will f ea- j Slanf ".tosell November 10 for their Apple KH Day. y 'ture Wallle Peters and his fa- Z e.w brs"" PPP 'to mous radio orchestra at the'! scnoo's n a school day Yaitvtmvvr ? I In the social hall of the Cath-1 edial for thefr traditional an-J nual Thansglving dinner tt ,a. New Apartment Is Now Opening I A letter of thanks was received 'nula1' "all in the Armories, I to November 11. nomCapt.W.C.PouTton onbe- fum'at ST" .J?" Dn,t mLss the -uftandlng halt ol the Salvation Army for a ' 239cl i eVent 0f the year-the Rotary $-'00 donation by the city. , An offer from George J Dawes 1 7!?ur-3day' ..October 01 175 for a number of old1?. ' L3i 5.:30. at the civic A portion of the new- apartment building the U.S. Armv artmlnlstratinn : ? . the usual happy big family gath-! erlng. Elderly pioneers, here' ; since Prince Rupert's beginnings. mingled with babes lrf arms and . there were many new faces to be seen among the regulars. Seasonably, p.dorned, long' Aid. Ccorre Ccorre rr. lasrv nr,i ewin? machines in the house-; TL' "low and hold economics ripnartmt " """e lur ei ior a uoor building is expected to be opened bv this month-pnrl it Booth Memorial High School ! P'iZC' (237c) 1 learned today. In' fact, the first was accepted by the school board , S. R. Yates, field supervisor of tenant, Fred Adames, is moving in this week. ...B..v ...ccuins. ivtaeians weiiare services, will be in m.lhe the city y next next Monday Monday to to A good field!. i a hi'Fe. J No local authority tn hnio .auira inieo me commodious hall 'and soon were thronged with j friendly folk imbued with the fpirit of the Thanksgiving n.o lor "unrelented pressure" on Provincial and Federal housing authorities for action on. the rental housing project. J"! " " F. Glassy and Aid. l.eoire Hills, now attending the Inion of B.C. Muniiipali-f convention at Harrison Hot Springs will be wired to have llum contact housing irpresentatives while in to the hunter or anyone out- ZtamJ rLr i the I applications or to . administer doors. We have a first class Eng- pnar P'05"",?"1 . "'f rentals however, has been ap-lish P prismatic with coated lenses Ce' Mr', a,les wl" arnve SaU Pointed. at $115.00 in good case. Others nigiU Irom Terrai:e- I Boultbee, Swtet & Co., Van- down to $42.00. Other binoculars School accounts for September cPuver realtors' are agents for $10.00 to $35.00. Bulger's Jewel- totalling $24,864.40 ordinary tnc buildinfe- irl i slon. Th j Orare. with responsive singing, was offered by Canon Basil S. Frockter and then full Ike your homo lery biore. ,lt:, and $.1.319.6J, buildings and wiiii . . ..... equipment were passed tor pay ......, a. ui -.morose iviiig n,pm Dt ,i ,,-. . A no-parking zone was approv- cd for the drlvcin Avenue h" returned to the city VI " "J V " 01 Si Street fronting property of Ideal "f TkT wit A u gusT 7ccounts Cleaners anrf I q,,h.. ....... n sisiei, Mis. B. K. Lawsrai at m ... ..-. jov..c uone 10 a bounteous sp ead of good things to eaU-eold tuikey, steaming vegetables pii lt.. cream and all the trim- II. ..'73. F. E. Anficld. church warden was In fine fettle for the duties of mastor of ceremonies and kept things moving in typical breezy manner as an acceptable program was presented Including Uie numbers: Piano solo 'Cradle Sons" Nit a Weise. Irish jig Sharon Skinner. ' ! tureuve wistaria Z .'. a.uuuniui8 i,u i, were also nr. i i Lvtween 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Mon- , '1 ?n Oolsa Lake- Mrs- Psed. day to Saturday Inclusive Lawson s farm is one of the pro- ' 1 Parties which Will Lj Hooded as I School board is faced with an . ,,. a result of the Alcan develop- expenditure of $490.80 to instal III' tvlvfcr the seem ry is superb 'vice Hilling and effici. idiiihng twIjv-MlU'rs) you may "dine in the r cook your own meals rr rati s don't overstrain cihda.v budget! i i low ti town fuerlookinj l.nsli.ih Bay I I OTEl SYLVIA ! ! ; W Slml PAeillc 9311 1 C. Wt Monoging Dlrtctf . MHl . tuc was approved mem. lire extinguishers in various if - i W ! IW I A n sVw f e ' Irom s,xth ; r u' inn . , , ' sciioois. In acidit.on to mis, i a . i r- TL n-ups ana on' ,- " er.reiurnoa ispiiniuer Aeads are being re- Einhth Avenue fronting the Seal 'rom Prmce George where quuea by the lire marshal in Cove school. she attended the Central r a ! mma.-p . ...1' I H - t i 1 K .ft j Municipalities Association con-! The board last nmht authorized ' vention. Mr. "Stop" .- signs will n..i fj u installed iiiatilliuu Long's return trip installations. M " 'f "-"v..fc.i. Certain vtivaiii changes Cliuilgeo n 111 ! I I 1 I l II J I if Vical solos "Ragged Vaga-1 bond" and "Shortnln' Bread" Keith DeWitt. Humorous recitations "Jonah and the Orumpus" and "Three ' at Junction of Eighth Avenue 1 Y ip . Smitners when ' tne '"tresis ot me proiecuou and Coniad Street, and on Eighth1 1, .plane could not complete at the new King toward aiu A l.nn .. a .. J . tllfi trin llllA t,, haA ...nlk Tt-'D...!. .. . n".'ic ana nauoe eireet I r "come:, ni on wieuiunui bnoois aie ai returned with rinn ph ik'hpmu,4 I Friilllncnn . U. t i l ... .....1, oeen on a batary of the city rlprk vm hnniim ra ted 55 & month. - I ... ! u Armstrong. Canadian Ha pence a Foot," W.D. Griffiths. Piano solos "Prelude" tWhlm-rte: t and "Arabesque" (DcBucy) ' Robeit Chldwick. , Benediction by Bishop James T. O bson and th-. ulnnlno nr uforhifj jor i and Gentlemen HfNESE DISHES LING A sum of $300 was allocated t n. who was formerly located at io. com in preparing the city's Punce Rupert In a similar ca-tr.vf oppwmg rate increases by pacity, l, in the city for a brief Northern B C. Power Co. Ltd. K. (visit. arrived at the end of I the week from Telkwa where he Owners of properties will be had paid a visit and where he no'lfird at time of mailing as- as met by his son. Allan Arm-sessment notices that water stiong,, and driven in. Mr. Arm-at rears will be charged to the strong, sr., will leave Thursday property at end of each year. night on the Prince George for , i Vancouver for visit before pro- F.nal payment of $21.922 20 to ceedlr'B home to the Alberta Wood & McClay Ltd. for road caP'ta'- he tailor Chop Suey - Chow Mein Doxology and the National An-i'm biought proceedings to a close on a fitting note. , General conveners for the dln-! r.c: weie Mrs. E. J. Lindseth. Mrs. K E. Anf.vld and Mrs: A. L. Holtby (decorations i, assisted by M.s;. L. A. N. Potterton. Mrs. A. E. Martin. Mrs. W. E. Simmons and Mrs. Basil 8. Prockter. Ser-vltcuts were Mrs. W. C. R Jones. f. W. Kougham. Mrs. D. Mc- 1 S1 Thcne 649 I rinniQpn fat frunUy duett 4 fau, Gw& I I J J j jl j p j Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE 'or Outside Orders Phone 133 c nsirucunn in Rush brook Heights area was approved. 'C I'Sr.tR... M Am. Heavy and railrr Frames and n.i-r T;ike-Otfs. INDUSTRIAL FIRST AID CLASSES Commencing October 12 Nab. Mrs. Richard Farmer, Mrs. 1'. Mark. Mrs. B. J. Bacon, Mrs. L. Mortimer. Mis. T. B. Black, Mr- W. J. Scott, Miss M. Martin and Miss Rosaline Thain. C. J. Dawes and W. E. Simmons presided at Uvj door. As soon as Canadian Pacific Air Lines and Cueen Charlotte Air Lln. agree to assume their share of the cost, city will repair the Seal Cove bridge. 7:30 n.m. '"ti'N Operators FIBE HALL :h prrisure and nrlrtinj !LD!NG CO. 0 f UM.ilDIIU 4 1 ... v, i I, ' PH0TO 1 -: ( ,v'-V&V mall's y . ' iJ ' - . x: fi finishing 1 0 sn ' , . s) You get full measure ol whole wheat and bran in MBISC0 SHREDDED WHEAT r- , X GET THESE TWO eauu Oil 363 J T' , --w-m T -M- V STAINLESS STEEL STEAK KNIVES 3 'i. i v4 can equal that X 'jstA ft I. mW fort Garry flavour lmiM) Mm 1 Vrtk Y Red Label is- the finest blend A V J I I of coffee-you can buy! V l,?'5 I'CHELi i ' gP, CURRIF " ., e0M..N, lv 5H,f f