- PH0VI.12IAL UBH.UT, 113 ORME.S YICT3.1JA,- B, C, .-, DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port ''Prince Rupert, the-Key to the Great, Northwest" Phone 81 VOL. XL, No. 237 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS I V CABS Yankees 1 hat Next -Drunk Ducks en At Francois Lake .rol.S LAKE Police here report having found about dm ks under the Influence of liquor. I ;1rc- serious in saying this. Each bird was drunk, or fsiviiiR a first rate imitation. The only explanation is 1, lucks found a bootlegging distillery, and consumed a I mash. Taking enough of it was sufficent to bring on iuiit'ks know where the supposed distillery is, but the j t They would like to. Cairo Has j Giants Hopes Dashed In Climactic Finish Ottawa Provides For St. Lawrence Seaway Excitement' NEW YORK (CP) The New York Yankees won their third straight World Series under Manager C ut-r iiuiT Yr A of a u 1 1 n rr V0 I Our V rvr Price Minimums To Be Dropped Sending 27th Brigade Overseas Wild Anti-Foreign Disorders In Capital of Egypt Silver Tip Looks Good ETEWART At the Silver Tip Mine on the upper Salmon River, a full face of ore was struck in the old Armstrong tunnel. Eighteen inches of it is high grade shipping ore, W. S. Tooth reports. Two hundred and forty sacks Of ore have already been packed to the Big Missouri flats and the crew, under the direction of Mr. Tooth, are busy getting out the balance of the 20 tons which will be shipped as soon as it can be uiutignt, to town. ! nl America here. These men also OTTAWA (CP) The government on Tuesday, cairo w-a wild crowd, arm- Giants 4-3 on Hank Bauer's 400-foot triple with bast:3 1v Men launched a new session of Parliament with announce- through ckirc" streets today, loaded in the sixth inning. ment Of the first concrete move toward the construe-'""acting western business hous- Victory gave the American ,. i.'oina anti-foreign Leaguers a 4-2 edge in j?iirn.T frenzy y of K games tion of the St. Lawrence seaway as a purely Canadian rloting for their nth championship in project. ! ' 1 Ouioreak sprang from Prime 18 tries. 1. e-. r .h, S manufacturer set retail uric of M-nister Mustapha El Nasha The last gasp by the back-to- r-, emano Would Move Wheat Fast Pasha's denunciation of the the-wall Giants fell one run Antrln-FVvnrian troatu an A hi short in the two-run ninth-in- openlng the fall session, said hlr product OTTAWA Rt. Hon. CD. Howe, hiring of men for v a! Kemano Bay has Riven trans-and from Prince .ir.-.st boost since the I War. ; With many stores In Canada bid to chase the British troops ning rally when lefthanded Bob Parliament will be asked to authorize establishment of a fed KuiTava came to the rescue of j spf?"n8 n."w grain situation. loaaea wun consumer goods, inc off Egyptian soil eral agency to handle construe. left for Kemano on the Norah Monday. Thv vessel makes two calls at both Kitimat and Kemano Bay weekly, once on its way north, leaving Vancouver Fridays, and also southbound, leaving Prince Riraeit Monday nlphts. CPR officials also said today that some 100 employees would be taken aboard at Kemano southbound for Vancouver. Observers say that, because pf the "60-dy clause' in union contracts, most men leave their Jobs every two months and are rehiring after a "short respite" In Vancouver. Under present aijreement, Alcan contractors pay employees' fare both ways following bO days of uninterrupted work. government drive to create Furniture, equipment and ma- Johnny Sain, competition among retailers may chinery were destroyed at offices! Pinch hitter Sal Yvars. lined push prices down before Christ- of the British Thomsson Hous- out to Hank Bauer who made a mas, a government official said, ton Co. and a French firm. Books sl'ding sitting calch for the last I Some experts estimate the and papers were used for a bon-"out ol the with Whitey practice of retailers affects only Are. Lockman headed home from tne seasons development on tlon of the multi-million dollar U.j property has surpassed ex-, protect either as a Canadian pt clations. the diamond drilling undertaking or as a Joint de-gave excellent results. From the .velopment with the United results obtained an energetic states prcg: am of development will be; f bm tQ , lement $40 a j)N of Canadian Paynes planes Monday f:4 Mnnison-Knutson Aula employees from rfiur transfer to Kem- soiu (.lie unci puiuac uuuajr la not definite storage but to ship wheat as early as it ts possible. What the government seeks is the active handling of the grain to the end that it will not remain stored but be loaded on deep sea. vesyls for delivery, either as partial or entire fthniif f i ft on npffont rt all annAm ThP f T fl W rf fltt.nplfPrt two Bcoiiu uase CP SS Princess iuturc. I """ entering the retail trade, but a trucks, one carrying coca cola r,rsl ,nnln " " '70 and over beeinnine next Jan- .,,.. , . ... j ., , riiant-i stanltv rnlipri nut Wit Mpfsillivrau urosirioni n( ,,, . . government oinciai consiaers irre "u me uuiw pepsi-coia. , J ' rei Mcuiiuvray, preaiaent ol uarv will hp int.rnriup.ed. j j A con- . . , .. .... V... . ... . -. ... -.r MprtnitoaM n mi- norir mM. the comoanv. who ha been her " ; ",.V. IJ.' k... percentage tar greater. I uown wun Briiaini up wun T7:"0"" . " . Jjc an order for 41 jii'ivcd by Jack Mair. fl International Hod ii Common Laborers ed the third strike go by. Lock- ! ; p' ovisl ls als0 the Egypt! the rioter, shouted. duilng the summer, left for his to finance the panslons There m man smashed Raschi's first pitch Into the lower right field stands on one hop for an auto 1 Mpanwhii iinrnminumnni v nas Deen some specuiauon inai """ " " insuranc Commn on sTl trator road to the mine is part of the ten percent sale, tax, ' " Straits 800113 of Canso to connect Anti-British Bill Presented or a special payroll levy, wiU be ya a,nl Cape Breton. man here says that no orders for i RHW ram ;used to finance the 1400.000 nro- "UJ" j""'-iy mi Back to I raph Creek grant. the Alcan project so far have been placed, but that everything Will hfi rinnp ir, Intiiiniirnla Burns Lake Booming matic double. Irvin grounded sharply to Rizzuto who threw to Mize for the out. No runs, one hit, no errors, one left. Yankees Rizzuto popped to Irvin behind short. Coleman cracked a. low line single. Berra j Prince George ijl r 1 f r a p h Creek , a system. ind by Johnny Jack, ' We want to give Prince Ru- CAIRO., (Canadian Press) Prime Minister Mustafa Nahas Pasha, leader of the Wafdist (Nationalist) party, introduced in r H aarl rt rr rri vl i i man f tli 1 f cj anced between the Dominion and province. Former Moderator of Church Passes Parliament will be asked to ratny dispatch of the 27th Army Brigade and elements of the Royal Canadian Air Force to join General Eisenhower's integrated force in Europe and to ratify the Invitation of Greece and Turkey n sPe(li'iR the pert people the first chance on belted a screaming double send iMayor Elected I Prince George's mayor, Oar- ing Coleman to third. DiMaggio 0tKtne to carry canceilation of Frince George is a busy place, like all the centres along the northern line nf the fnnariinn wtkf, " V ? the Anglo-Egyptian treaty and National Railwavs are tnriflv I McDoUgald Sent a high fly to .km.,1. ih. r,l ,.nH v.n Dezcll, was elected new pre- 10 join norm Alianuc Treaty sident of the Central B.C. Muni- organization. ' MONTREAL Rev. Dr. Thomas But Burns Lake has them all f " B,,,s i.snenc8(joDR wnicn are available at their I ai Purl Edward, are ; back door," said the spokesman .i ultitig transport by touay. jiiott-e Air Lines to' Iiir, the Sllkine River. I I weather has been. T I Q C C fcp- ' flight but It Is will leave tomor- Tlnusday, October 11, 1951 t3 1 natives in all from j High 10:50 19 2 feet f i -k were here this i - 22:58 196 feet it ' 7 u . . 7 j r cf , jwhich British troops are allowed the catch Mize lined toStanky.!to d the Suez Canai vital One run. two hits, no errors, two link betWeen the West and the leIt- , 'Orient. second Inning 1 - cipality Association during the Measures ?.imed at bringing! William Jones, minister of Cal- beat. wevk-end convention at Prince about soma equalization of fary Un'd Church here and "That place is milling with George. 1 freight rates across the country i (ormer'y Moderator of tfie Unit- people like tire boom towns in Stan Gould, Smithers commis- wiU be introduced. Bills, based ' td church in Canada (1946-1948, the Wild West shows. It's burst- Giants Bob Thomson reached ; sioner. is vice-president. , on recommendations of the(p" - , '8 ai me seams, saia rt. w. - --- - - - I u w 1 .. n..,-.,. .,' Royal Commlrsion on transpor- frss- H 64 vea ' Long, city clerk, returning today " 1 --'J Sgie' Han , Trade LlCCnCCS flip remainder are 'Low 4:25 4 9 feet' f - . WHVC vuHci vui - - j - . ' J TV ... 1 1 i( n nnt.AntinM T. ViilI IWVII IdWCU & UUU LO I tation problems, were introduced s mi (.hit vtuivi i. 10. a n ipif , i..i, , ...j , Kizi:uio. westrum walked on a ' L. i-n 1 . wia ic-rictLL'a avciciisiiy Are Granted at the last session and allowed Jverwas in the First World War. i George. full count. Mays lined to Bauer J treasurer. to Stand oyej, ., ; .-Mip-Wfta a prominent member .- let'--"" - of. "i Another rtuouist "Important uuuurtaiu uem nr. irni mnnri Bi,.t m The speech referred to infla- the Gyro Club and was affec-.Long could hot help but notice, ! rnn o t,7,. The- following trade -licenses were IrrantedMast nlKht bv city Tim convention, said Mr. Long here today, reviewed resolutions i Schools Open Nov. 8 (lr, hot- AA Mr. tnf.lr.a. . k, n t-nnfltp V If ii'iu-rt o Pdrlra .Innen u n u- -n..t - iu. ' ' u . uu l miu iuui(.atc KUC - J .. j - -..js iir; ubiu, n ttS II1C UllU.LlUll Ul li.C Vflnlrpps Phirlr tnnir fartt nf i Mn,.nil , ... j i i a u of the Central B C. Municipalities which are now being pre- government plans to introduce price controls at this session. A highway Driving to Prince Bauer's high infield pop. Stanky Don Fi'tch, chairman of police George the road was "swell. The g b b i e d up woodiing's hot and licensing committee: weather Was dry. But coming , ornnnrier anrt thr, him .t J. of,.. ., 7 , i o w . . .... ! bl" w111 be almctl at Prohibiting School Property . u. u.w. .u...u.h" v suppliers of goods from requlr back, after a two-day downpour, Raschl went down swinging on Inaugural of Fine New Ituliilings Here Net With Minister Coming The new Booth Memorial High was a different story three pitches. No runs, no hits, Section Of h Applied niu.iau.. ,Jk op.uiua. lng or inducing a distributor to The 1952 convention of the re-sell goods at fixed or mini- At Metlakatla "It was like jumping from pot hole to pothole. Oh, brother!" oentrai B.C. body win take place mum re-sale price. nnn r ni7 R iwnrn r. pmpi Liirv i ni n t i. . tographer. R. T. Wilkins steambath operator. George Grantham Electrical contractor. J. W. Weathehead -sign painting. J. H. Schuman retail sares. Arthur Scholey taxi operator. ,,'hoolj her wil be offlriairv .. , T, ' ' " ' l"e Ine Sovernment plans to ban District board of school trus-operTed Not" fmt "r 8 The minis-j""' the common practice whereby a to will Have to negotiate with mvre fined $50 each Today's Stocks (Cuurtrsy 8. I. Johnston Co. Ltd.) Great Ottawa Reception I mi . of the Crlm- Un , be nfre 0ficlate. 1 Ji risen and Ro- b-ith were charged Mr- straltr arrive bV the ! "'earner Prince George on the Hi li y of driving a car ; Metlakatla in regard to transfer of school property to the board. The board had written on the subject to F. E. Anfield, Indian superintendent, and was. told Wt mils impaired by morning 01 nuveinoer i aim win no errors, none left. Third Inning Giants Stanky sent a long fly to Woodling who made the catch with his back to the screen in deep left. Dark walked on four pitches. Lockman bounced to Rizzuto who stepped on second forcing Dark and threw to first to double up Lockman. No runs, no hits, no errors. Yankees Rizzuto fouled to Lockman, just outside the first base line. Irvin came In fast for Coleman's low liner. Berra fouled out to Lockman. No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. Fourth Inning Giants Irvin walked on five rrineess Elizabeth in Capital for Two-Day Visit blue as she stepped from the last night In a letter from Mr. .tn"i drunks also tflure Magistrate W.. Club business took up the attention of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club at today's luncheon. In the absence of President E. D. Forward, Past President Orme Stuart was in the chair. return sou in uy uie bunie vr.vfi Thursday night. On being informed of Mr. Strait h i availability at that time, the school board last night &!t the official opening dat. OTTAWA Gracious smil- train. She wo. j a blue coat, blue Anfield that, with the enfran-ing ! dr" hat chisement of Metlakatla village Princess Elizabeth and her 8 ...,. e Princess and Duke were and its impending incorpora- consort came to this flag-fes- j guesU at a state dlnner last ,lon tne dPpartment would nave tconad, happy capital today for night at Chateau Frontenac with nothing to say in the matter. Mr. i States Weather A committee has been detailed, an official two-day visit. She Premier Maurice Duplessis pre- Anfield anticipated that there by the board to make final ar-, and the Duke of Edinburgh were 1 siding. . would be nrr" difficulty in nego- rangements for the opening pro- i welcomed by the Governor-Gen- The Princess spoke briefly in tuting with the new municl- Arrested S-ops.s Fog formed overnight in the pality. pitches. Thomson rapped sharp- eral, Viscount Alexander, the , both French and English. Viscountess, and Prime Minister i cerdlngi;. Col. F. F. Fahey, deputy mln- ly inside the third base line to low lying areas of the British xl Texas f D Uvl,nn .Fto- aA i iq t Inn - V W Hvnit. and Mrs. St. Laurent as the royal j train reached the capital on the nf whisked Gus Hall, man and Joseph Chell, former nl secretary of the school inspectors, and mayor and dot ol 10 o'clock. I Chinese Lines Smashed To Eight-Mile Depth 'i Communist Party, council will be among other A great crowd, mustering early, ii fjirtcr here early to- specially invited guests. greeted them at an especially ! I waiting arms of the Miss E A. Mercer, former prin- ! prepared railway siding Just off j I cipal of King Edward School, has Island Park Drive in the west- j f four top United written to the board expressing end residential area. finnists who Jumped regret at being unable to attend Hundreds of children and j UNITED STATES EIGHTH ARMY HEAD- July afer they were because of her appointments adults thronged barriers hold 1 oviand Btl,0Cfe with night school work and other j ing them back from the arrival QUARTERS, KOREA (CP) Fifty American tanks Overt hrnui nf ih Hulfa. W, irinfii-ia whata sha nnw oltn I - ' tj t " " . , , , , TT.-1.1 . l!tides. The Princess was a picture in ley iiiuusanus oi united oiaies niianirymen on a ; government McDougald who threw to Cole- j Columbia coast and in some of man, forcing Irvin at second, ithe valleys of the interior. It will Thompson smashed a single, 1 dissipate rapidly during the Bobby Thomson pulling up at morning and southern regions of third. Westrum smacked into a the province will enjoy another fast double piay, Rizzuto to Cole- ! sunny October day. man to Mize, to retire the side, j The depression in the Gulf of No runs, one hit, no errors, one j Alaska will bring rain and mod-left. I erate southeast winds to the Yankees DIMaggio filed to Queen Charlottes and northern Mays in short centre. McDougald j mainland during the day. Con-popped out to Lockman, who ' tiderable cloudiness associated also knocked down Mize's tor-1 with this disturbance extends rid smash past first but only i into the northern and eentral in-slowed up the ball's fast flight terior regions. Some increase In into right field which went for a ' cloudiness, is likely to spread single. Bauer fanned. No runs, 1 into thi southern coastal areas one hit, no errors. I in the next 24 to 48 hours but Fifth Inning , i little if any precipitation is fore-Giants Mays lashed a single j cast during the periods, through the middle, into centre J Forecast field. The third ball to Koslo N?rth coast region Cloudy was low and got away from i today and Thursday. Fog near Berra for a passed ball which I the water lifting during the enabled Mays to go to second. ' morning. Intermittent rain be-Koslo filed to Bauer, Mays go- ' ginning about' mid-dav and ending to third. Stanky flied deep jng this evening. Litile chanste attack attack today today surprise that smashed eight miles KM ' a 1 1 V-v through Chinese lines in eastern Korea. , General James A. Van Fleet, in VANCOUVER American Standard 30 Bralorne 6.50 B R X 05 Cariboo Quartz 1 50 Congress 10'2 Giant Mascot 107 Indian Mines 27 ' 2 Pend OreiKi 10.50 Premier Border '. 34 Privateer 12 Reeves McDonald 6.05 Reno 03 '2 Sheep Cieek 1.72 Silbak Premier 62 Taku River 08 Vananda 16 Salmon Gold 04 'Spud Valley 28 Silver Standard 2.73 Western Uranium 6 20 Cronin Babine 61 Oils A P Con 52 Calmont 155 C it. E ' 16 00 Central Leduc 2.70 Home Oil 17.75 Mercury -.31 Okalta 2.90 Royal Canadian 19 Royalite 19.25 TORONTO Alhona 10 Aumaqus 25 Beattle .36 Bevcourt 67 Rnfip'o Canadian .. .... . .28 Ccnsol. Smelters 184.nn Conwest 4.00 Donalda ; .45 Eklona 2 00 East Sullivan 9.45 Giant Yellowknife 12.25 God's Lake 37 Hardrock .. 18 Harricana 09 'j Heva 14 Jacknife 19 Jo.'ict Quebec 52 Lynx 14'j Madsen Rod Lake 2 35 McLeod Cockshutt 2.95 Moneta 33 Norandft 86 00 Lot'vicourt ... 73 a surprise visit to the front, expressed hope that the raid "will rnd the Heartbreak Ridge Power Books Thrown Open Green Chinese troops turned j and ran in the face of the! armored thrust. I ...e c.ty .uU. "'''' Americans past the village of the books of account of North- ,,,.j ,J ,, v,! 1111. to 11V1I 1.11 ll Kl.C j 38th parallel and two miles west i in temperature. Winds south of Heartbreak Ridge. x The Communist High Com ern B. C. Power Co. Ltd. following an offer by the company to city council at its meeting last night. A letter from MacLeod Si Ray, solicitors for the power com to Woodling. Mays tagged up and scored easily to deadlock the count at 1-1. Dark walked on a full count. Lockman topped a little roller down the third base line and outlegged Raschi's (Continued on Page 2) east 120) increasing to 30 during the forenoon, then decreasing to light by evening. Lows tonight and highs Thursday at Port hardy, 48 and 58; Sandspit and Prince Rupert. 50 and 55. mand Wednesday proposed immediate resumption of the Korean cease-fire talks at the Red- pany said the books were open j held vlllage of Panmunjon 5 'f Mil. lJ A. , i, I, W. . "2 t 1 - . 1 Canadians in Korea Fighting OTTAWA. Canadian units in iii iuajt7i,iuii uy bile tity 111 view of the city's refusal to approve a higher rate schedule proposed by the company. Aid. T. B. Black, who is also general manager of the power company, informed council that a sitting of the Public Utilities Commission would take place here October 22. Meanwhile, the power company was granted the right to purchase two loU from the city on the corner of Beach Place and Eleventh Street for purpose The Event of the Season- MEN'S TEA by PRINCE RUPERT ROTARY CLUB ThCirsdoy, 2:30 to 5:30 at Civic Centre BILL SCl'BY S FIR SHOW, specially timed at 5:15 p.m., for office workers (also at 4 p.m.) Korea have been sharing fully1 in tVia flrrh.lni.UV.n. n.o ,tv, I '""IT CREW This is BOAC crew w'.ilch manned the Stiatocruisier flying Princess ?' the Duke of Edinburgh from Lonlon Monday. Left to right: Capt. O. P. Jones, mmaiid; Stewardess Jean Gordon; Capt. A. Hughes, second captain; First Officer f)mbe, co-pilot; Navigating Officer H. A. Doughton; Radio Officer E. L. W. Hagger; I Officer E. O. Draper; Engineering Officer R.( W. Holmes, D.F.C.; Chief Steward ft'iuth; Second Steward J. Jarvis; Th vd Steward E. Eibourne. ICP Photo) ... HIC llllVllI kllllV woo ii-oum- ed following the UN-Communist conference. To date, 59 Canadians have been killed or died of illness since the beginning of Pickle Crow 166 Shrrrit Go.don 4.05 Steep RO'.k 7.85 SUver Miller 1.50 tipper nacla 170 Golde-i-Mamtou 7.50 of Installing a sub-station. I the war. 7'