""MuiiiE MAIN - PFBP 1 . t ill In "111 t.-, Klltltr, 3 Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, October 10. 1951 " " ' " V Kt'ITLE BACK nu ""IKE Victim Of Hit and Run News of the District STARTS T0!..0?JtGtf TERRACE Harry Seaton, a The Mostest : Fire Destroys Terrace Civic Told with q blcuing .44 1 well know resident of Terrace, was painfully injured on Sunday morning near his home on Lakelse Avenue when he was Of The Bestest I - U : 1 ' 1 Terrace Wants Plane Landing TERRACE The Board of I V t- """"'... ond If Telkwa Garage Centre D"ector struck by a car reportedly travel Y-& ,tin9i"9 loth!... ling west at approximately 40 miles an hour. The driver of the TERRACE J ohn H. Simpson n veteran of the Second World TELKWA Fire of unknown car did not stop to investigate tnv Wr, was appointed managing j Trade at its regular monthly oiiRin completely gutted The injured man was taken to clir ctor of the Terrace Civic 1 meeting last, wvck aeciaea iu Telkwa Garage Sunday after ,u""" .1 .., . .. r- T Innlprhillf u'l"" r.oon. It is thought that the sun yenui.. i .V...B m me unc . wrue ,. . '"" 7 : Stanley Mills examined him. His i. m e directorate neia on rriuav , urging V TV' "'" "u "-i.i....i I broken .!, collar ..n. shining through the office win . ,, . ,:J"o.hr. Injuries include a evening on the stage of the Civic Centre. His duties are to begin 1 ful. though not serious back ln- In Yard Goods WALLACE'S POLICY GUARANTEES SAVINGS Wallace's go direct to Montreal and Toronto to buy yard gods at the lowest p .ssible prices. Your cost is as low and in many cases lower than out-of-town prices. WALLACE'S Department Store volume of air a considerable juiles, lacerated head and ear TYRONE POWER Vways and means of having the monthly dinner meetings as urg susan HAY WARD lit! iuuii mi uua ucu uuuu ed at the last meeting. Others on a" soon as possible. M. . Simpson's suggestions and recommendations were listened to with interest by the meeting anri.it was decided to take his advice in regard to the bowling alleys, which have been undergoing extensive repairs, that they should not be opened for use until October 15. This would mean, stated Milton Alger, president of the Bowling League, that the league games would not the committee are Will Robin plane tiatnc dui not. as mucn as there would havif been had there been landing facilities. The meeting was not well attended, chairmen of committees being conspicuous by their absence. Mr. Alec Gillanders, president, was in the chair. Will Robinson, reporting for the Highway committee, gave a summary of his talk with Hon. V C. Carson. He stated work on son and E. S. Sargent. dow on some combustible material caused the flame which apparently started near the window and quickly spread throughout the entire structure. The local fire appparatus was soon at the scene but trouble with the pumping of water caused confusion and delay. Thv Smithers fire equipment also, was on the scene but the building was a total loss. fortunately only one truck was destroyed. The Telkwa Garage was owned and operated by Fred Rorberj and Mickey Hoops wlio were boln out in the country when the fire staited. The building was partially covered by insurance. CARTOON - NKWS Evening Show 7-9:00 Saturday Matinrea 2-4:22 the Remo road had gone ahead finish before June, Letters from the office nf the I on the south side of the river. mis fire marshall were lead and the working out from Remo towards rcouirements for the building as I town and it Is to be a standard et. fm th in the tetter win h highway connecting Terrace and ALKS . . . i 1 r llltninA' attended to within a reasonable i Rp'110 'st of tne airPort- The length of time t Rem0 ferrv wi" tnen e"mln ; A motion was passed that High ad TJ3 fT i to V School studenu would have a re- fC?EperBlrtlty i ,i f- .t north of the Skeena River, is and Mrs. fckitworlhy, who are G. Pepper, inspector from tho Mill Department oi Agriculture, Van leaving on a trip to Vancouver. UULiiuii 111 yi iui uo .ciii.ie activities on the presentation of a student council card. ; also under consideration and ) when implemented, will elimin- Qts thp ferries nt. hntli nnints couvcr, paid a vis.t to the local Mr. Clotwoithy will meet with milk larms. Lie work entails iu5 brjuier wno has ccently ar-weighing of the milk and check- : rived iron! Uigland and whom .ng cn records ot pe formance. j he has not seen -for nearly lorty I i Cdi S. D:irrel Collins, president of the Th. Minister vislterl Deen Cre-ek Civic Centre Association, was In wUh James Smiln and tne dam. .LdMj;fTOTEM . j , ( ( j Famous Players Theatre ' three sons from Vernon are vis-' O. Kallhood returned from j J'ne air ?nd Presented his res- age of tne road at that was j ignation from office. However, funy recognized by hlm. Qn his return to Victoria, Mr. Carson itifcg with the Rosberg family Vancouver where he had been a mi.ie waiting le-r W. McLeou patient in the Snaughnessy tios-whj is driving by truck. pital and had been undergoing said the matter was to be Inves a vote of confidence was given Mr. Collins. Tn thanking the meeting for this vote, he expressed, the hope that the members would co- tigated and the Board advised , , treatment fo the past two i A. Socee arrived from Ene-:montns- of the action to be taken. As this meeting was to have operate and attend the meetings been a dinner meeting for which lanj lasi week to pay a lengthy 1 visa with his sister, Mrs. Moeu, Ma lives out aoout nine miles iiij 654 ! k?, as lack of co-operation had it was learned there are now no Hunters from all over arrived enmasse for the weekend. It was estimated that about 500 crc in the area of Smifiers WALLIE PETERS prompted his resignation. I facilities in the town, it was de-1 cided to hold the quarterly so .u remain the winter. 1S ptt 4otm Mld fK (MplMt. Pleat iMvt iStm rfy wkm w tMvtr coKt. and Telkwa. Parties from Ter- cial at the next meeting. Mrs. The Ladies' Anxtlia.-v tr, th.-i race were Dr. MacPherson, . Ncwhouser was askpd to bring in Radio b TV Pits Tkfi rtittmtin m nat pubiiititd or JiotJ bw :;prr " .Sr -h&A if i 89.59 &r 1 1 Mystery Plane a 1 pport concerning the findings : Ljqet Cwal U4 m Am CmmM a committee set up to investigate t ',tk Clmtw. . Catholic Church made plans for (irant- C. I.ever, Tony tote, G. their seasonal bingo games. In1 Lovelesj, e. Clark, C. J. Nor- , the absence of the piesident Mro. I rinSton and others. j Irving, Mid. Dan Small presided. Bingo is to be held every Friday G- Sparks son of Percy Sparks nig.it. 1 had the mislotune to take a. Over Telkwa TELKWA Telkwa and vicinity IN PERSON Qt c cc (THE.100CLI w -i i i" I nusty spill on baturday when V: Jack Ives, geologist from the Ue car he was driving slewed oft ; was treated to a fine display of Copper Ride mine, left for Van-! the road near the experimental antics when a large plane streak-cuuvt.-, taking the plane from farm, doing coniiderable damage ed out of the sky from the east ar.uthers. He expects to be away to the body of the car. Young leaving a trail of vapor behind. about two weeks when he will re- Sparks was unhurt. 'When first sighted the plane Itself could not be seen with the INAUGURAL B A L turn to supervise the work which :s to be done on the rjad. A cat ; and drive,- is expected from Prince George within the next few days. George Wall of Prince Ru- : naked eye. cruising at 30.000 feet pert had a na.row escape when altitude Conjecture ran high; making the turn on the hill thio some thought it a jet plane, side 01 Smiihers, the car leav-1 others a rocket. All that could (By Invitation Only .ng tne road on the turn and be seen was the exhaust billow- at THE ARMOURIE Full-Size Circulator! Smart new "Imperial" styling, rich brown finish. Exclusive Dual Chamber Burner gives more heat from every drop of oil. Money-saving Waste Stopper, Automatic Draft Minder. Fully Coordinated Controls, Power-Air Bloicer for forced-cir-culatiou optional at extra cost. Complete line of Duo-Therm Oil Heaters for I to 6 room. Buy on terms at GORDON & ANDERSON 1 .'j.T'jr Friday Oct. 12th ' DANCING STARTS 9:30 To Wal lie's Famous Radio Orchestra Mr. raid Mrs. David Hoops vopplin over the hill down theUng out to mark the direction in frcm Vancouver ae visiting ! Dans. Lie oceupants wi,e un-i which the- missile was taking. ;..ui tied Rosberg for a few hurt other than a severe shak- j Later in a series of criss-crossings : -a.vs bcljre going on to Evelyn ing up. This ts a dangerous cor- the plane flew lower and could ! ,u vi u Wich Ce RDsoergs there, ner at which a checker board be observed, but the trails of ! I sign would give warning to those vapor were stationery for some j G. J:.linson, dairy inspector j wno are noL familiar with the 30 to 40 minutes, making an un-i from Kclowna, W making a tour road- lu.'ual pattern of lines in the sky. of the dairies in the community I After 45 minutes of swerving 1 nspectng the premises and con- A young; Indan girl turn Mor- 1 through the heavens it streaked i wi nous. ,icetown lies critically injured 0ut in an easterly direction from , alter a rifle she was handling whence it came. fHamnut'js SmtrUrni Always Leading With the Best in Watches The Junior Red Cross in Miss """'"'s, "le DU""1 eiiteiuisi Yeatman's room, thirty pupils in lhe abdomen and taking an up-j all. held a canriv sale on Vririav ward course just missing the . 'N P i, 'J ;5i -, i '1" i ,1, r- IS, V if-, ," . , ' f ).., ' 'i - r-i , .'Mi If you want to sell It, advertise it. News cla'sified. iiiiernoon. The sum of $7.50 wa3 ""'t- realized. , 1 1 1 jiTHE BEST I '-m6!f I QUALITY W : I Mr. and Mrs. Paulson and fam- Mr. Percy Sparks is endeavor- "V SP1 tne Thanksgiving holi-j ing to form an orchestra. He navs ' 111 Vanderhoof, orivin? says there is considerable tai- down on Frday and returning o.i cm t3 be found in Telkwa and fc-jnday. Tney reported the( nj is out tj get, it in shape l0i-"aU3 r-U2h. -he coming winter months. I Mrs. H. Harris returned from George Griffin, manager far EJmontcn where she has be?n Burns Company n Smithers, paid visiting for the past week. j ' .. jaim.'L vi..t to lelKwa on; Thursday. Hughb McLean retu ned f rra.i ' 1 Vancouver on Saturday's train! Stojram Crown Royal St&ycam'i V.O. toram-s "83" Stajrams King's Plate Seagrams Special Old Several cars from here took looking much Improved in in the dance in Houston when health. Craftsmanship In Type... Let Us Solve Svitt If" he Calvary hamo:rs supplied, he music. Among them were Mr. and Mis. Cammock, Mr. and Mas. Gourlay, .the L. Olsons, A.! Olsons. Annie" Wilson, Francis : Malkow and others. All report1 having had a good time. I Your Prirttinq Problems riyNE 231 it Iti. t a fast cutting chain saw that one"1 ran use all day without overworking. Take i work out ot wood-cutting with a McCullnrh 3-, FOUR MODELS AVAILABLE 18 ' blade, S blade, 30" blade, bow saw. C2SEB This advertisement is not published or displayed by th Liquoi Control Bond or by the Government of British Co'umbia - Dibb Printing Co. Mrs. Dick Greene is taking i care of her sister's two children ! while their mother Mrs. W. 1 Dixon of Prince Rupert is away if, to .1 n ti ISKSNMt P.I.Ot K on a trip south. Pacific Elects Mr. and Mrs. Jens Knuds?n and yung daughter arrivrd last work from Trince Rupert to v'sit with Mrs. Knudsen's parents, Mr. Prince Rupert, B.C. Box 1399 Ph STEAMER Prince George Pre Apple Day Sale SULS FOH Vancouver and Intermediate Por's Each Thursday at 11: 15 p.m. of PRINCE RUPERT Fishermen's Co-operative Association The Spending Value of your $ increased by at least 10' Bargains from Oct 9th until Oct. 18th Shop at Your Cow Bay Store Dry-Goods Dept. and be one of th3 "Lucky People" Never Put off till to-morrow What You Can Purchase Today APPL ES For KETCHIKAN VMNKMAY MIUNIGIi I Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations I Write or Call i CITY OR DEPOT j OFFICE ! PRINCE RUPEHT, , CHESTERFIELDS Buy your apples from any member of the Gyro Club and they will be delivered before Hallowe'en. All proceeds for Gyro Playgrounds frVi-J b.c. Kroehlcf Famous na-es such as Snyder, Hammonds ana u.. -De sure to visit the furniture depart rr, th 2nd floor. ITFIYiT-TTFT'l j fashion "footwear GORDON & ANDERSQ Classifieds In the Dally News bring quick results.