Lawbreakers irruiCe: rLiperi' LXjiiy i -fr-. Wednesday, OcUjoer 10, 1901 i-ocal MuJenrs or Waihjngton Colleqe EASTERN WASHINOTON rnr . i Courses in First Port Simpson Aid Resuming coupe Wed Inning By Inning Play In fifth World Series Game Pay Heavily LEGE OF EDUCATTnw i"hD., 1 iP-r.'.-.-?qxyiJiiiiijgHpn . ..-01.. nve Lanaaian v.. .. I nave registered for the fail i .-ii.-f iotk, when Aiii'iKit i i !-,. u .in . . .. ... 'i . r . ... -" tri Inning ' short left scoring Woodlin to h.v, cHy"; ge? 7cr wa7 at fire I ! le e of E "5 Tiiiscn uroceeded to tie score at 1-1 Berra reached 1 ,T "'""J." ?w 80 muc" ln hall when St. John Ambulance i p:l!,,h i "Z "T Mf ne . W. Wallace r-nnrZ: ' "' - . . U .V.1,.,4 1 r,,.. . HecnnH 1. 7. PiOTDer. TO-i,tWiatj p,iritB r p,if. J .7, """" : . " . . ..,.t... .... ,,. n,iAirC, DOtn 01 Plirt R mnc..n . OlUUCrilS irom 17 .itatp. Dro. DarK raced De- Mize was given intentional mi m. ... ",,u u amounted toi h.i... instruction Friday j we e joined in m,rri.. J'zil. China. Hawaii. Ai.i 1" ' .... hot to load buses. M;Di lT . .:rom 171 convictions of :," 6 or uiM'Ww sird wnieh 54 were rgu. ,,n,i .v... First United Church. Rev. Law- Canada are among those re"is- The course, det-iurned to eradu- Wehr ntfi , ttred this Quarter Thn fmm jr flllu if" . " iiuiuci, UUl- lde a nice pickup of the! ting Yankees In front 5-1. Brown ate students in Industrial first! Th hria. i. .L j-..,.. Canada include Bettv J. McNutt. ,jW No run.!. a"Kit:. onins Hied to u, uaugnter OI Mrs. Oe'irse White and th r ! Victoria aid certificate C, is based on the Jennie C. Johnstone 0M !" ... S'ankv Government Liquor Act. record month drew $4133.70 from 197 convictions. Last month total police revenue amounted to $2271 September 1950 fines and costs totalled $1858.50. rounded toi Gordon J. Leaman, BC, and Don Hart-Laila Husay, Prince out. h,i tlirrw him if the son of the late Mr and C!-'gary; Mrs. Peter Aiexcee. ! Chapman Given In marriage by her bro- ! ZfA tr. l AmnlH n.b-o .v.. u..,- I KUpert. ir. nve runs, mree hits, one error, one left. Giants Jack Lohrke went In to hit for Janxen and struck out awllifrlng. Btanky was an easy out, Loput to Ml.e. Dark lniH oted a J'lle "f'e over s nead into left. Thom- ' fortieth edition of the St. John Ambulance Association first aid text book. ' ' I Secretary J. C. Ewart said today that some 12 industrial first . aid certificate holders are operating in this district but that, i with Increased Industry ln the I area, morj -firrt-aiders" would j. hih fly to Liiiwas sinsled ! past Hizzuto Into centre field approached the altar in a floor ' appear(d bf,fore Magistrate W. length gown of white lace-over- j iLll. satin, wearing a seert rwori or,,t '. . ..untrt' ll'Vln crystal necklace. Her floor-length veil was eaiioh. with Woodllng loped in for Thomson's high fly In short lett No runs, one hit, no errors, one left. Fourth InniiiB Boxing to Be Probed I be required !h-iaddrcs "" of seeded pearls and and Oulte often rh. In,,, 1". ieetl Pearli xannees , . .... ,..jrmM oeaas. one carried a bou- ! " 6 A'ssoclaUon branch ; of Ulies and pink roses Munt.e K"f.nnrl,r went in to pitch for Giants. Lu- NEW YORK K firid wali. .sending Dark j and. when Woodilns the bail. Iar k continued pieman sent a solt fly . jiio One run, two hits, une left. Swund limine , ..Mavs i4.tlli'l'd ln to ,u llJf 1 t"-ring fly In , centre Thnmson fielded ila ilut SllUi.stl to in- d tu.r line. McDougald , srt'uiid on er-,-ifl came in fust for A countryside ' demand for men with industrial 'Jr. M'm-Bridesmaids f 0n,0r Was Mrs-Jhn ilessinnni i were " ' " " "'wunm h,iv- oox- f urm irut ma iH fii,t. iickpts . ,j .... j iiiiig waiKea rnr second r1.,v,fr nP said, .;.ci such Fauiine White, Bernice Alexce-,. Rose Alexcee, Verna Aiexcee, Annie Johnson. time. Rlzzuto punched ouUdo1 . Lv L , taU's began a 'm8n would "no doubt be : pitch for home run scorZi ?.H " bff"re a Ceral grand growing." - Woodllng. The blow alii Ll travelled , f ort t cura a": The The jurv. jurv. catherori catherorl t,,.,,ti,o. t,,, ,(!,,.. . I I r, T. J" Dcrra PmPed to the the c direction nf th. ttnu,i ' II nnasir fnm riii.UH c'JJ1Ma!lu States Attornev-neni How- ' 'left tVlk. zTfou.'r ar.d Mc". wli. sk uJ deTer- Jamaica Fund ant.l-trili!t. Ian, a : rum. Two runs t hit. mlne whether ANNUAL CLEARANCE USED CARS Last week's ar!r"rt!.-:ed specials have been sold. 1949 ford Custom Sedan 195C PLYMOUTH Sedan 1940 WILLYS Station Wagon 1942 CHEVROLET Sedan 1947 WILLYS Station Wagon 1942 PLYMOUTH Sedan TRUCK SPECIALS 1950 FORI) J-ton 176 W. B. 1949 FORD 3-ton 176 W. B. 1947 FORD 3-ton 158 W. B. Offers considered on 1939 CI1EV. S.-dan Delivery. All reconditioned ready to go Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH DEALERS .Frlnce Rupert, B.C. errors, one left ' "" have have been been violated and to inquire into possible monopolistic holds on boxing champions Receipt of an anneal frnm tho GlanU Irvirr bounced out Brown to Mize. Rizznt,. n.,J Canadian Chamber of Commerce for co-operation in publicizing uoiotny Faithful. Flower girls were Helen Hagen and Brenda Johnson. Best man was Frank Aiexcee, aided by his brother Leonard Urhjrs were Wayne Ryan, Allen Brooks, Charles Henry, Henry Wesley, Douglas Wells. Philip Aiexcee and Chester Price. Reception was held at the Civic Centre. The bride's mother wore a grey suit and hat with a red rose corsage. , Following their wedding trip to T.-rrace, the couple will reside at Port Simpson. to his rlirht fur r , .!,,.,.,. Although no specific ortranl- mentioned te , ,.... rr ..! .u I L'"is v.'er i switched to Esso service for Fall changeover For your Fall changeover needs, protect the investment you have in your car with Marvelube, the Heavy Duty detergent motor oil that meets car manufacturers' specifications for correct lubrication . . . and with Imperial Esso Specialized Lubrication which services every point by chart according to manufacturers' requirements. Make a date this week for Fall changeover with your Imperial Esso dealer and his "Care Saves Wear" service. grounoer and got off a quhk snap throw to Mize for the put-out. Mays sent a high Xly to Woodlhig in left. No runs nj hiti. no priors, none left. , Fifth Inning Yankees Thomson came 1.1 nie iciiei campaign being .carried on. on bvhalf of those who suffered great hardships as a result of the hurricane in Jamaica, was announced today by . C. Gilker, President of Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber's letter, it was '"w w oig into activities of the spiawling International Boxing Club which "promotes boxing: In arenas In New York Chicago, Detroit and 6t. Louis. ' The International Boxing Commission has better then miin j.aiiU.'iS lu liner. coi-i tu LiK K-'iuii who flip-gM, covering, tor m p .i.v. No run, no - error, nnc icft. .-Mays walked on full ii.'tung hit one-bouncer I .-pa; a'.arted double ,.u-r to M.'Uougald to ,sn stopped Westrum's juiiiltr with Ina chest . -k a.!". diamond to putoiit. No hlUi, no er- .e .elt. Third Inning s--Jarwn Blabbed Lo---bumcr and tossed Woodang walked on .its Kizmo walked on liiit Bert a liit Jansen's A jhatpiy lu Lui'kman iJaiit, forcing Riz-1(i cii.j went to third. p.:!. ,.nl a .Mn;lo into last for McDougald' slow luonai contrast -"""-nor for network nntwnrir te t.i oounuer and If you want to sell It, advertise fired arra .:""""" e- tt out BroJ " ni.," aw ,brf)i"'ast "oxlng ibl'uts Wednesday i. r-n'.. and Prld.iv Lockman for ii. news cixssified. dOWn Ill'lnolnn v. ... i 'I.IU win who made a fine fnllimr s- .i.c:.iiiTuy ue- fleeted Lopat s smash to box to Stanky who threw to Lockman for putout. No runs, one hit, no errors, one left. potnted cut, explained that a National Canadian committee has been formed to collect contributions to the Governor of Jamaica's Hurricane Relief funrj. Headed In Montreal by James Mull. President of the Royal Bank cf Canada, othv committees have been organized in Toronto, Vancouver and Halifax Purpose of the fund is to secure financial aid to meet Jamaica's catch t0 runs, no retire the batter. No hits, no errors, none ni ...... ieu. villus riarcung rued to nl- , Maaaio. Westrum doubled BlV, ,,nU7Dave,Wllliams batle H:gney battled for Kennedy ' 'LC?ln- . out. " lo l-0,""s. Klzzuto also nev. g fly II r nooonng caught Rigney threw out Stanky. Dark lined to if immeaiate nveds for food and the sign that says IMPERIAl (Ssso) Mcuougaid. N0 runs, no hits no errors, none left. ' Ninih Inning Yankee Alex Knyikovtskl, rliihthajider. became Giants' fifth pitcher. Lopat fouled to lORDCALVERTc to stop for Don't """y a"o uied to Woodllng No ruiu, one hit, no errors. Sixth Inning Yankees Spencer became th; third Giant pitcher. Woodllng grounded out, Stanky to Lock-man. RLzuto singled. Berra sin-fled, sending Rizzuto to third. When Hartung bubbled the ball renaDiinaiion. Financial contributions to this fund will be accepted by any branch of the chartered banks. "The appeal from the Canadian Chamber." said Mr. Oilker, ot the Princ Rupert Chamber of Commerce, "reports that relativ lieriaxit- """i"". wooding walloped a tremendous triple to deepest Canaoian tvhiskg "gin iieia out es es and ana friends mends nf of man.. manv rwxuio continued home n-. 7" 1 ui, vrymg Cana-! erHAUL It! Maggio f ert to Hart,, no- . . ' . , "i mug aunc nave been touched h tvo: I . a L-gue double ; bouncout0 i r Srvl vi I tl a EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR -v Him in mi; 1 svi ut-imiu secona, scoring Berra to man Nn ,,m. nn i-.V w"'i.uiiii is anoraea to lend put the Yankees In front, 9-L no "e tt ' 1L'n t0 a Sister ora'tion I on those special occasions MtLiougaia bounced to Thom- ra,t. ..r , J mmt ut commerce and f " Mem'a change of Jamaica. homson Wn made r.w , T feel surp thi annoi win IT r . 3 " 1 I I I ...ill Is. tSi 1 mt rji 1 ' US' nC Thomso"--Woodllng a sen- r,,' , sational running catch of Ir- as s ,r?s:, s & iS stir the sympathetic interest and oc-iu to help of local citizens " added Mr. Gilker. 1 mssu 1 1 ni rfcj The SHaler" SHOE FOR MEN errors, none left. 1 tXi-H LIS, : K? loiti) Caufrt I I t I . PLUMBING and HEATING R H Yankees 13 12 Giants 1 5 Winning pitcher Lopat. Losing pitcher Jensen Time 2:31. grounded out, Rizzuto to Collins. No runs, one hit, no errors. Scvtmlh Inning Yankees- Brown walked. Colling bunted and beat Spencer's throw to Lockman. Gerry Coleman ran for Brown. Lopat rapped back to Spencer who threw to first to retire the niifhur . your enaina mm hi "middle one". 11 1 ; is i -irSS ports overtax other and the 1 0' deteriorates ") . UNLESS order an rn.t to tgtlOKUK DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 17 both runners advanced. Woodllng walked. Rizzuto walked, forcing in Coleman. Corwin re-i placed Spencer on the mound, j Corwin''. second pitch to Berra I, The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know Geo. Hill & Sons Ltd 3rd Ave. W. Pkn Ri,t o iob bv nur was wild, allowing Collin in ' mechanics. 1 mm MHHanuirsjjnicMpj PHONEJ LI1 f Plan to keen For Repairs and Alterations CALVERT DISTILLERS V ,j i (CANADA) LIMITED ONTARIO wr long, you'll money in the run. Sec us! Smith &Elkins Ltd. MHERSTBURG P O. Box 27 Christmas TOYS tthis advertisement is not published OB-displayed by the Liquor -ZZ1 UI UK government ot British Columbia. score and the other runners to advance a base. DIMaggio rammed a double, scoring Woodllng ,.ipd Rizzuto., Dark (ic-ldtdi Bauer s--'.sharps grtfotidr "tttid ' threw to Thomson to patch Di-Magglo going to third. Four runs, two hits, no errors. Giants Coleman went to second base and McDougald moved to third, replacing Brown for the Yankees. Mays struck out. Hartung bounced out, Coleman to Collins, Westrum fanned. No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. Eighth Inning Yankees McDougald grounded out, Dark to Lockman. Coleman struck out. Lockman fumbled Collins' hopper but recov- j ered In time to throw to Cor- SUPERIOR ro SUPPLY "Hospitality and Good Food" That is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders , To Take Out Commodore Cafe 1 I I We carry the most complete selection of Toys in town LIMITED A 1 vVLfj j j yj k ry; ill- For Action Advertise! JmX A LOW-PRICED v. - jO 1 ini'f DDECcin e tdi UHiE: iT.n.Ti- . lLXllC Tli6"CANUCK" 1 A riL-w and exciting " ) MAGNIFICENT "TW tA I DUNLOP 80 CpW ' " I l Urn I I .1 V Gee,J Uic RADIOS size .oi5 4-ny pressure, low-priced tire embodying all the famous Dunlnp features of stability StVl23ieU OK KUMKCKA &tiUf Petttr Diesel diivcn Morrison Plants operate for 13id th cost ol ssolin michints . . . Slower speed (1!00r.p.m.) end (ewer working paits ensure low maintenance costs and longer Service Lite. World famoul Morrisons are self-regulating and "switch starting"; come fully equipped for immediate us as soon as installed , . . Two models slocked for immediate delivery. PRICE: 5,000 watts $1554. S500 waits $1176. Plants supplied up to 25,000 watts. rntirl irrirv and fttrt cushioned cusnionca comfort comion 01 of low low construction .uiiirutiion pi plus us the tne pressure riding plus an entirely new 7rib. ' tread ty.,,.om f.. . J I u:..u : i - G.E. Radios are available for every taste . . . every budget . . . every room. The Northern B. C. Power Co. INVITES VOU TO DROP IN AND DISCUSS THE PERFECT RADIO FOft YOUR HOME. AW there's a low-priced Dunlop Tire to meet your every need 6.0016 4-ply $23.20 6.7015 4-ply - - - $28.80 7.10 15 4-pIy -$32.60 Set m Neirisl Dunlsp Deafof Tod.; nd pi i literal Ira b tHtwaicif NORTHERN B.C POWER Co.,Ltd. nesner Block Phone 210 Prince Rupert. B.C. ' ki.,. nr jUM'i'fll, I yyz0 ni iiiibii imi i j DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIES) ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULT