iiiitc lu(ei f LAjHy iNeWj Friday, July 27, 1951 with a doubaie and was batted in by Marshall. Simundson's single. " "" ! commercials had onlv on? hit- WOODSTOCK N.B (0Barbers and service-station operators pjotested so vigorously when town council repealed an eariy-1 ! :lo6..ug by-law all'ecUng theii' establishments , that -rcundl re-0 Imposed -he tiv-Iaw tiie following .,. , Z V . X'" torn the of first. Bruce Simimd- son gained first on Sunberg's error and was brought home by the game s second double, hit oy Miner annunoson. In the top of Uie second. Hart- wig, shortstop, got on by four tit T CITY BASEBALL Gordon and Anderson In Second Straight Win V vjr- 1 -, v K ft i.;;,i' v7N Looking Up Heat Leaders Cellar Dwellers League j Commercials AB E B. Simnndsun. ss 4 0 bimundson if 3 0 ' Gunn. 2b . 4 0 Windle, c ' 3 '7 Desuulnier, lb 3 0 Hawrvluk o 3 Linney, If. : J 0 2 0 Zaeearelli, 3b 3 12 McDonald, rf '. 3 0 1 0 base hits bv Miner Slmundson. Gunn, and Sunberg. League Standings W. L. Pet. Commercials 6 .600 Abel & Oriowes 5 455 Gordon & Anderson ... 3 6 .333; oaiis. uunoar singled and Mat-: less 1 hming, bottom of the fifth i- thew s got on by a bad throw to but they had three nen on bases! ! Total ... 3 2 10 1 first by -Catcher Windle on the two on balls and one on a hit Warning pitch Matthews, last strike. batter whin Matthews threw a ' pitching six innings, had 20 men With bases loaded, Sunberg ', slow ball to catch Windle on the ! ut bat, gave up two bases on -bulls, 1 drove in a long looping fly into hip. That spoiled a good play, icne on a hit batter, and struck left field. Lim ey got under it too. for Miner Simundso had ! out three. He gave up 10 hits and made the out. but Sunberg called for the perfect set-up. and one earned run. still got his RBI as Hart wig . Brother Bruce was walked to Losing pitcher Hawryluk pit-scored on the throw. I first. Miner's sacrifice advanced ehed seven innings, walked three, 1 Stronger hitter for his fceam,lhim to second. Dunn grounded : struck out six, gave up four hits Manager Cornwell was next to out' Bnd clean-up hitter Windle and two earned runs, bat. with two on bases. A hur- ; was to bring; in Bruct, who had i Left on bases for QUA. five: week. "Hospitality and Good Food" That is Our First Aim Plume 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe They did it again. The baseball team which most fans had relegated to the cellar for the season blew into a new position again last night as Gordon & Anderson took their second 3-2 win from Commercials in as many names, i ;oase. uruce expected to throw to jlrst Miner Simundson's grounder, and started for third. cornwell. from centrefold se- ip ,hP i ,.. ... i second and called for the ball.! , j an exciting race with the ball ' ; between Hartwig and rornwell 1 lea lmra yn Desaulnier. following winHle ! also was walked, and Hawryluk. at bat in the clutch with a man I on third, struck out to vnd the! "lning. : Box Score: ! Ordon & Amler. AB p H p Sunberg, 2b 3 1 1J Cornwell, cf 2 1 1 u Caralie, c 3 0 0 0;. Marshall. If 3 0 10; Scherk. 3b 3 0 0 0 Youngs, rf ...3 0 0 0 nariwig, ss 1 10 1 Dunbar, lb . 0 10 Matthews, p 0 0 0 Total 23 3 4 2 forthe perfect Coll And they did it with only four ills tt.Tveir-ienienr rs not purnishecl or Cisp;avfc Control Uiiard or by the (iovernment uf ISriti.t ADVKRTIKlNd IN THE DAILY NLWS HHlrnu - . nit;.. It wasn t a pitcher's game I out at home plate, one, pitcher at all for the winning pitcher, ' Hawryluk, by a spectacular throw Larry Matthews, allowed 10 hits, j lruni left fielder Andy Marshall, It was a real spectators' game I'10 winged into Catcher Cara-with plenty of fielding action. j he's mitt in time by a step. D:n Hawryluk, losing pitcher! Commercials left seven men to:- Commercials, woikcd thruutsh ! aboard. Gordon & Aiukiauii left all seven innings of the night -n live- two on hits, two on game. Matthews was relieved for walks, and one on the only error the lust man at bat in the fifth, of Commercials, by catcher Ben- 'V.11, uml ShlfU? y Windlv-a bud throw to first position otn again in the seventh with Don Scherk at third base, : ,JU. 'i'rv as they would. Hoi -'iinen With Gordon & Anderson the couldn't get their runners to vi:;itii,f- train. Sunberg led off SMALL TALK AT AN INFORMATION DE; : ccunt Three runners were put I NOTICE ! HOUSING SLUMP i I ST. THOMAS, Out. fl Only; one new house-building permit was taken out here during July.' Contractors said prospective householders were having dif fi- j cutty raising the Increased down I ' ) : t . 'f r -, , t 3 "w.. " if ,'', SHORT M ft 1 A ; Mucison "1 m afraid you'll have to In-uuire about that in our lingerie department." ' Did y.:u want to buy this ir.lt fur a httie irl or a bijj girl, sir?" " (CLOSl HE TIME 10 a.m. on dny lit pulilicatiBn) Classified Advertising is payable In advance. P.easo ret rain tram tolunhonliiir r,i When You Use n NESCO TABLE ROASTER Word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards Thanks. t. . tuneral Notices, Marriage and EiiKHifeinent Announcement 92 00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. OF USED PLUMBING FIXTURES SATURDAY, JULY 28 a 2:15 P.M. On the premises old Ovarwaitea Store, Third Avenue Consisting of: 3 Enamel Bath Tubs 5 Hand Basins 5 Kitchen Sinks ?. 30 -Gal Ion Boilers 25 Doors with hinqes and locks 6 Toilet Bowls 1 Coal and Wood Range Tall Bovs and Chimneys, .etc. Must Be Sold. Terms Cash. GEORGE J. DAWES $74.50 $119.50 1 ' THE AUCTIONEER Red 127 and Green 810 ltc I lied consultation on the mound ; sn0WPd Hotelmen would walk the centrefielder. Caralie, who has been hitting weak all season, grounded out to retire the side. I Third scare for G k A came In ! the fifth on a single by Cornwell, only hit of the inning. He stole! second on Caralie's first strike, i and gained third on a pitch in ' the dirt. Caralie grounded out : tc the pitcher but Marshal, with a long flv to centre, chulked up another RBI as Cornwell scored 1 on me throw Irom Miner Sim- i imdson, who caught Marshall's fly. I I Fastest action in the game ' came in the base running by : Hotelmen, especially in the play which ran down Bruce Simund-!;on bet wet n third and second and Scherk at third, Bruce fin-' ally was run down. in mat, same inning, however, Commercials g-jt in their second run, brought home by Zaeearelli and batted in by McDonald. McDonald was out at the plate when he tried for home on B. From Factory to You Baby Cheniiic Bedspreads $5.25 Each Lowest price in Canada. Beautiful first quality, completely tufted, no s.heeting showing. All colors, double or single bedsizes. New center patterns in flowered or solid designs. Sent COD plus postage. Immediate money-back guarantee. Order one. you will order more. New address: TOWN & COUNTRY MFG., Box 149(1, Place D'Armes, Montreal. Quebec. -H If you want tc hi it, advertls it. News classifieds. eSSionci 1 MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDINO PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 MATTSON S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 126. P.O. Box 526 234 3rd Ave. E. Prince Rupert, B.C. H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96 Evenings Black 898 HEATERS and AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACES RANGE BURNERS Unconditional Guarantee of Satisfaction on All Services GORDON D. RONSON Oil Burner Specialist 733 5th Ave. W. Black 503 Just look what it can do for you . . . automatically! Yes, you can do everything in a NESCO that you do in a regular rarif;- oven . . . and then some! Roasts meat and fowl to Juicy perfection . . . bakes pies and cakes to a golden brown . . . cooks a complete meal at one time . . . prepares foods in quantity for serving fifty. Add a NESCO Electric Roaster-Oven to your kitchen. It'll be the work hon.e of your house . . . for yt.ars to come! THERE'S ROOM FOR A NESCO IN YOUR KITCHEN See it ot . . . 1 P4 payments required by federal ciedit regulations. I BAKES COOKS ROASTS BROS. !, j I I j j 175 cUAE "D11 -yoa tiuppuM &. Ma Pei kltik fur iu 1 ri!-));irttneiH?" 1 0i YOU ;aV mirn -4 simlliir Id: 0 f ,LeB. $117.01) Iff lues nh Hi-l-i UUII. IntriKlllrlW markets nrvi'w (iiiteed la mi) t fluoreA-'ehl tuy markets! ! Sea cr lite; oiai. ln.iii.al1-d us trial jt!!i-t ruuu v Viiii ' elusive terri'jirt coHimissiim m received. Wrue : piew kit and t vrstmentl Bos News MALE IIHP THE BtJARD n! S of Sch i) " I D1-' 1 Burns Lakf 1 cations (mm for the oo.-1'iot Treasurer ol n S-hool Dlstrii 1 l"llh n t!0(xi V' fi-ntion lurifs h-if .,r pqcer.'H ence in nermw live and eiKi 'I he dislni-t sk teen srhiwl'1 i!-twentv-l urtw ment will be t'. tember. 1951 A be in the hands si'tned no! iai' AuKUi-t. 1951.. be aroiipcuvc'' references si'!f nerience and : -ertlf!"itf . . Chairman Sfh ' 55 Burns Line ! WANTED - Man . laundry. Pioiif- VV ANTKII TH WANTED TO REN: furnished hiu If).',, Daiiv Nf WANTED - HoiW steadv Dru'es.-n" Ine to brine ; familv to ritv residence. 1"" WANTED A v;f three small Chilian apart mni" ent Mrs- F M ; erul Deliver, ti .V.tNf W A NTKP -- '. PRICES PAID ': si eel. brass f Honest eiai-W, ment mll'..,,", Metals I.hl ' couver, B. C-B3 CASH HV,r ornn fast, ' batteries niid fJ-j r43. Call u.b Ci!v. PUBLIC ACCOl Tax speclalW Stone Bullill'1' I BOYS OR I Openings for on Daily Nf; various parts t APPLY AT 'I . Special m for Good PERSUNAX I FOR RENT General Eieirtric hour uoiwhers. si ro-r clay. Pnone Uiue iU2. raciiic Electric. (,i PHONE 18 vour Worthland Dairy, lor Ualiv uenverv exi eol tSuu-d-av. Bv looKiiie alter vour milk vour umk will loo alter Vou Keen H cool. All milk xuuraiiteed. tf) FREE scrno wood. Suuolv vour! own cHriase Knitr lidwtud School dunioution. bouller and Welter. (Ut GIVE the folks at home a treat j . . . net one of oilr rielinou? ! cakes or pies. Rupert 'Uikery Ltd. Phone 04:t tor ordtr. HI) KEAL ESTATE " FOR RENT - Th ree roo m 17 cubm at Lakel.se Lake Write P. Voitel. Oeneral Delivery. Terrace, or phone Red 807. U7(jpl FOR RENT-Wartime four, reason ible A!'" liu nit., Inr sale. Applv 1353 1st Overlook. (177c 1 FOR SALE Furnished house trailer. Aoulv Midland Pines Auto Court. (178ui FOR SALE Summer cottage. bureain for cuiick sale Best snot, 011 Lake Kath!vn. Fullv! eoujoueu reauv to enter. Phone 309. ufci FOR SALE Attractive "modern home in Section 2. Lovelv harbor view. Phone Blue 272. (til FOR SALE - DUPLEX near King Edward School. With two five-roomed suites each with living dinlnr kitchen, huh and two bedrooms Immediate pos-2'.,m "n sllitP other rem i'd IV-, '"""th- full price $4j0000. Easv terms R E. MORTIMER ,Rfal Estate and Insurance 353 3rd Ave. Phone 8 I78:i FOR SALE -Two-bedroom hnu.se on 9th Ave. West Furnished or unfurnished. Phone Bme 397 (178ii) HOCSES WANTED TO Bl'Y WE HAVE several biivers ""for hou.ses ind bungalows. For pulck service sep ARMSTRONG AGENCIES D. Phone 342 or Black 197 (eves) (178ci BISINESS OITORTCNITIES FOR SALE Pro! it able early closhi" coffee shop Ea.sv to operate nnri will nav for Itself n ter months. Present, owner has other interests in the east and must return Low down payment and easv terms- to reliable person. Substantial reduction for r:nt. Hurrv for his bargain. Box 158. Dailv cars van SM E FOR SALE -1940 4 door Chev In good condition. 1425 11th East. ( 17(1 01 FOR SALE -1951 Morrl, Minor convertible. Phone Black inf. 175pi FOR RALE 1B47 chev. excellent enndition rarMo and better Pbne Blue 3B5. ( 180n) FfMl RENT FOR A NEW Hertz U-Drlve nhnnp 530. Bus Terminal 9nd and 2nd. n83p) 41 II-DRIVK CARS Phone 41 71 1 Orenvlll Court lift r". Kent sieenlnr room' suiiaoie tor two. Red 831 (175p) AUCTION SALE New and Used Household Goods and Furniture SATURDAY, JULY 28rh,ar2:15 p.m. Tc be held in Smith's Warehouse (Opposite Naval Drill Hall) Corner 1st Avenue and McBride) Consigned to us for immediate sale as follows: e 9-plec? Dining Room Suile (Walnut) IN Ml MOKIAM In loving member of mv Dui Anieu bankev. wno died Juiv Zi. li44. Nouung can ever take awav l'ne loe a nearl hoias dear. Fond memories linaer every dav Remembrance keeps him near. So ueacelul be thv rest, uear Dad. It is sweet to breathe tiiv name: In Uie 1 loved vour deurlv In death 1 do the same. Alwavs loved and ulwavs will be remembered Uv daughter, Phoebe. utui BOATS 1 OK oALE FOR SALE Trolling towing boat. Auulv .221 6th East,, U7i FOR SALE - 18-ft. cabin iout with 10 h.h engine. Halleralt-ers S-38 "Ham'- receiver One J22 rifle. Phone 048. (17Jui FOR BALE SO ft. sail boat 9ft beam, draws 4W ft.. 500 square 11. of saiis. 4 cylinder marine engine. Sieens three, lavatory, oil .stove and cooking utensils $2.)00 cash. A i) ti I v "Four Winds." Prince Rupert Yacht Club. ufi H)lt fiALK NATION ALLY KNOWN NAMES --LIng-beit Sneedr Shovels; Cranes: Urai-lints; Adams Road Graders: LAtleford Bros. Black Too Hoad Maintenam-e Equipment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Hock Grannies; T L. Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centriru';al Pumps; National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets; National All Steel Gasoline Hoists; National Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conv.yors. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited, Vancouver. B.C (tf) FOR SALE Flooring hot -house glass, doors, sash, baseboards, etc. See for yourself or phone 6U0 re: "Demolition King Edward School." and leave information. Boulter and Welter tf) FOR SALE 1050 O.H.V Harley Dttvidson motorcvcle. Fullv rie luxe with rubber cushion sorocket and hdrilide forks. Will sell for $700 below list ?I!5u.99 Tl?i' f 179u FOR SALE New and" used household furniture. Slightly used KlU-hen Sits. Bedroom Suites.. Chesterfields Sewiti'i Machine-,. Bedside Rues. Cribs, Studio Couches etc.. sellili" 11 1 the lowest possible prices B C Furniture Co. Phone Bbir-ir' 324 (tf) FOR SALE Bovs" SnortShlrts" nice designs, sizes 2 to (i Re" rt'-iee $1.45. now 95c. See B C. Clothiers. (tf) FOR SALE McClarv raiiBette practically new. Reasonnhle. 1524 2nd Overlook. (176p) FOR SALE Two ladies' blcvcles. nnlv -R13 Fraser St. or phone Red mm Between 8 a.m nml 5:45 D m. (leoo) FOR SALE Walnut, dining room suite Reasonable offer ac-I cepted. Phone Green 837 FOR SALE Rnnrrette in rnnd enndflien, $30.00. 1401 Mrst Overlook. (178n) WiHTOK orrrnt ef- ftclent service Oenree Cnnk Jeweller. Sallsfactton euaran -t.efrl OH. RnHIMrSK HPWHAT.TST Stove service and renalrs n D. Roneon. Black 603. uf j Phones HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS GIL BURNERS PHONES: Black 752 Red 894 P.O. Box 1670 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT lames Block 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. Bell, C.A. 325 4th Avenue East P.O. Box 1247 Phone Red 879 ELECTHOLUX Sales and Service R. W. COLLINS Phone Blue 970 Box 1626 ?or genuine parts and service phone or write above. Eddie's Beauty Salon Permanents Exclusive Razor cuts. Appointments made to your convenience. Phone Red 490 - 739 2nd Ave. Opposite Liquor Store Cleaner Cutting Saws Tew mw wtll t cleaner, f' uer, tatter when ttMi on or precision machine, tfuiek ewto en ell typee of taws, ft r 1 riff jrour -Mwa la todejr CM4 mot MtooUwd. IM PRECISION SAW FILING J34; MGGOTT PLACE Box 1011 Station B (Agent: Bn Terminal) Colossi's Music Store Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 2104tn St. Ph. Black 3R9 RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS & AUDLTOR3 Bonner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204-4th Street Phone 655 For Results ADVERTISE WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC I SHOE HOSPITAL CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES D:C. 21 - 23 Besner Block ' Phone Blue 442 Beatty Washer like new Spin-Dry Washer (Northern Eiectricl Spin-Dry Washer (Savage) 2- burner Fawcet Oil Rane (cream enamel) excellent ' condition. 3- piece Chesterfield Suite medium size Two Double Beds compl-ete Buby Pram Baby Stroller folding Large Air-cool Ice Box, 100-lb. capacity, white enamel Mahogany Hall Table 'Occasional Arm Chair (Walnut) green upholstered Remington Typewriter Mission Ouk Buffet, with minor Several Coal and Wood Heaters Crosley Cabinet Radio 1 year old Record Player Treadle Sewing Machine used Chest erf Drawers, witli mirror Vanity and Bench Single Bed and Mattress Dinette Suite (Jacknife table, 4 chairs with red leatherette seats) - perfect condition End Tables, Coffee Tables, Magazine Racks, Desk, Book Shelves, Radiator, two Oil Ranges, Drapes! Pillows, Pictures, Books, Mirrors, Odd Tables, Chairs and a varied selection of household furniture, etc. ' Terms: Cash or Cheques Phone Blue 720 or Phnne Blue 904 , THOMAS M. CHRISTIE, Auctioneer . t DAIXy NEWS CLAaSJFIEU APVEKTltlEMENTS BRINQ HESUL'f t to FOR RENT -Room Red 471. slltrfV Fot Action V