1 1 PROVINCIAL I PROVINCIAL X.IB3ART, ' 118 ORMES TICTOHIA, B. C. a ma DAILY DELIVERY 'AR V CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ,,,0 DISPATCHED Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key lo the Great Northwest" Phone 81 j VOL. XL, No. 175 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS nio Tiimlbeir o Al 3- IO phip by Rail Here Hoop Fix Testimony Red Sox Up Again Communists Build up i Strength as Talks on Peace is Proceeding r a vuxu-"rri n n ct a a 1 PEORIA, Illinois Threat j against a player and his wife j flnri a nnv-nff rinnhlp-erns: hv ! WASHINGTON, D. C. Brooklyn Makes National League Lead Even Longer the plot's ringleader were re- j Contract for 1,500,000,-poaed Thursday as five bribe-! W f t f Aaska . ulp Involved Bradley basketball stars , . , were ask.?ri tn testifv about, their I timber W3S Slimed tO(lUV NEW YORK (CP)-Clyde Vol-! noaiiiuu, l'.v,. vi ; rtii .finny spuKe- mer's three home runs boonei man said today that Communists in Korea have used ma nosion nea box 10 witnin ; two percentaRe points of th2 lve upumis Ul dUim" sc"aa ociore a new orKb th(f United States I' or- New York Yankees Thursday. 23 to "build Up troop strength and move Supplies and grT 3plyria .'pst !prvifp -Am thp Ke'tH'-Volmer's third i i 2 Peona Journal inrr,ai nrintH P"nted a ,esl service ana ine fvtai - homer, com.n t j u u e J ; -. . . 7 . ' ; ' - f" i r . ; ?; I ) I i. . mini' t ill . v. L-djiuns tuwaiu liic udkLiciiuiiu cannerea story stating mat a i ikan Puln and Paper 1 Co ' : in the usual on-the-record Bradley player and his wife were f statement, the spokesman also ! mrjaienea wnn ooany narm u , " i said that United Nations forces, he attempted to back out of a sever made by the forest service. had foregone the chance to ex- x arrangement which spanned ! S4n.0O0.0O0 puln mill will be pioit the great tactical success i the last two Bradley basketball , built at Wacker City on Ward's HUiNG NURSES-Flve RCAF nursing sisters, first Canadian women to take the air punt-rescue training course at Edmonton, try on jumping suits and harncfs. PO. M. L. aid of Vancouver, centre, smiles as FO. Anne Peden of Victoria hooks up her harness. , left to rich!., are: PO. J. I. Thomson, No"th Bay, Ont.; PO. M. F. Neiliy, Middleton, N.S.; ) M D E. Beaton of North Bay. . (CP from National Defence i To Fight Inflation at the time the Kaesong troop 1 seasons. with two on in the sixth inning. gave Boston a 13-10 victory ov2r, Chicago White Sox while the I Yankees lost 9 to 4 to Cleve-j land. ! The four first division club! in the American League shilt! opponents tonight to continue) their battle for the lead. Chicago j Wnite Box come Into the Yankee i Stadium for the first of four 1 games and Boston opens aj three-game series at Fenway j Park with Cleveland. Covo near Ketchikan. It will employ about 800 persons and must be in operation by August 2. 1954, producing 300 tons daily, the output to be stepped up later to 525 tons. There is timber sufficient to supply a mill of 500-ton capacity for fifty years in Tongass National Forest which covers an extensive area in Southeastern Clarify Oil Talk Judge Enjoys Coast Cruise talks started. He said: "Acting in good faith, the United Nations (after June 23 1 accepted the proposal to explore the possibility of peace and halted the advance. They (the Communistsi were then hanging on the ropes." Meantime United States Army headquarters in Korea said that Allied attempts to capture dominating hills on the eastern front Controls to Be Kept on rvey of ;tlakatla NATIONAL I.EAC.IE OTTAWA (CP) Canada and United States made another attempt Thursday to reach common ground on means of controlling the impact of inflation of defence speed-ups. Top officials of both countries conferred at a special meeting in Washington of the revitalized Canada-U.S. Joint Don Newcombe's 14th win of TEHRAN A British embas- Aiasa. WASHINGTON, D C. (f A Joint Plain Jack Wilson, free from ; the season lengthened Brook-the disnity and austerity of tne lyn's lead over the idle New Supreme Court bench, Is around f York Giants to 0' games on a Prince Rupert these days greet- 9 to 1 romp over Chicago Cubs. sy spokesman said today that a The plant will produce high had been blocked again today by is up on a resurvf y j conference committee of Senate wiim made of the 'and House of Representatives lng old friends. He Is makma lt was the ninth straight w.n ; Industrial mobilization Com- stubborn Communist resistance, j British decision on whether to grade rayon, cellophane and The Eighth Army reported at- accept Iran's proposal for, re- j nitro-cellulose but. no paper, tacks by United Nations soldiers i opening of talks on the oil na-1 Railroad car ferries may be were blunted northeast of Yang- j tionalization dispute Is expected u;ed tQ takp tne pu!p to Prince f Metlakatla native : voted tentatively today to permit a coastal trip a.s guest of Robc.t over Chicago by big N;wk andjmittee to It is enfranchised price rollbacks on non-farm com- waiKer, production manager tne Dodgers' sixth win in a row. fQt,nHr,'B inn ronrAuonlalliro VJ"""" " H "!"- i;- DiH..J l-J .. of B.C. Packers, on the company modules to levels which prevail- Rupert, thence east by rail. u.u.u i. renei wag production Minister Howe, held from Bob Chipman with rhariP wtinn us ripfonri. mn. gu ana Tiurm oi inje. ouuu. i The United Nations troops The British ambassador, Sir I I bout Fripnri.vhin uhirh arriunH iied under the pro-' ic Act, C. H. Tag-1 M general of sur- two out in the ninth to Ditch Mii,u .,. ' -hi.f ed Just before the war in Korea, ' Wednesday night and will leave ' provided rertain cost Increases tomorrow on the return trin to I made similar attacks yesterday Francis Shepherd, conferred with j but fell back before Intense ' American special envoy, Averelle are taken Into account. Vancouver. This afternoon Decision came near the end of Sunnvsirip Cannerv on Rk.enn l lie Department of! un ys tuts been here I Boston Braves into nilh place! U 8 representative. nati. ThVReds'dropd to sixth' e, mecting reviewed rearm-place. half a game behind the alnl, prrms int the fwo Braves i countr)es' lheir effect (f on prices ' mortar and artillery fire from : Harriman, seeking further clari-I Chinese positions. I fication of the Iranian offer as WHERE WILL LINE GO? " requested by the British govern- an all-night anmton of the com; Rmr i.,h.iv riii.,4 .- Recovering After Crash . Pc arrived Tu.'sday; mittfe whrh agreed to extend1 ' (Mm and left today on economic . controls legislation, lhe Allies told the Commu- ment. About all the Iranian gov- nistjs today where they want to ernment has so far said is that it h I ' ana means oi noiuing uuwn .climbing defence production costs. draw the cease-fire line In Ko ' ' , t i vim ran lo tne lruKon. i unt.n next June. H le was spending! Tne extension covers, wages, -s !,,m' ' Metlakatla. ; price, rent and other emergency irvcv at Metlakatla !a curbs rea and why. Vice-Admiral C. Turner Joy, would co-operate but Insisted on complete nationalization. The ambassador and Mr. Harriman were to leave Tehran today for London. It was another chapter in the critical issue of price Inflation chief United Nations delegate. Mi-el out by Fred Nash, I Gordon M. Rhodes, 22-year-old son of Mrs. C S. Viers of Prince Rupert, is doing well In the University Hospital at Ert- in the two countries brought to ; eXpiamed tne A1ed position in New York and Pittsburgh were not scheduled. Yesterday's big league scores: National Boston e, Cincinnati 2. Brooklyn 9, Chicago 1. Philadelphia 7, St. Louis 0. American Chicago 10, Boston 13. Cleveland 9, New York 4. Detroit 6, Washington 3. St. Louis 6, Philadelphia 4. ie new municipality. Mr. Howe's attention by Eric .mil .v reels, water svs- imonton after having sustained aiva, school sites are irvryed as well as a nvisiiin. Auto Industry Labor Trouble fractured arm, face lacerations and split lip in an airplane crash near the Alberta capital. As soon as he is able to travel, Boy Fired Apartment to existing sites made and the main ! he will be returning to his home I; .si ill be that which detail as the negotiators got down to the meat of the armistice talks in their 11th meeting at Kaesong. Admiral Joy talked 52 minutes without lnterrupation. He gave the Reds two marked military maps to picture his position. Five Communist generals made no comment. Instead, they asked for and got an adjournment until 10 a.m. Saturday (5 p.m. today i when it is expected they will deliver their answer. General understanding is that the United Nations is pressing ong in alignment with j Johnston, U.S. economic stabil-! izer, in a meeting here about a I month ago. The U.S. has expressed con- cern, for example, over a recent ! six-cent-a-pound rise in the j cost of Canadian nickel and a i $10-a-tOn Increase in the price of Canadian newsprint. Canada j is the world's main supplier of both these items. I However, Canada has pointed I out to the U.S. that, though she virtually sets the world price on ! these two items, the United line. New streets are BASEBALL- SAN FRANCISCO H Chief Homicide Inspector Frank Ahem to the rear. ill also be applied to said Tuesday that a 17-year-old DETROIT (CP) Labor unrest in the autmotive industry grew Thursday as Ford Motor Co. was threatened with a country-wide shutdown. A wildcat strike at the Chrysler Corporation went into its second day, making idle 22,500 here to complete his recuperation before going back to his flying course. Rhodes and his Fleet Canuck plane came to grief when a control cable broke and he went into a' bank at altitude of 1800 feet, landing in a ploughed field 18 miles northwest of Edmon- nut these have not newsboy had admitted setting an elected. "We'll have to apartment house fire which took ut that soon," said the lives of eight persons here Pacific Coast Seattle 2, San Diego 15 Fortland 10. Sacramento 5 Oakland 6, Hollywood 4 Superintendent F. E. 1 Sunday. Must likely some of j Afterf several days of investi- States sets the price on a host for a demilitarized zone roughly Dodge workers. At the Hudson plant 10,000 on- He was rescued by a farmer San Francisco 5, Los Angeles 3 0I other commodities. ted pioneer figures in i gallon. Fire Marshal Frank Kelly along the present battleline. The western international t the village will be i said the blaze had been set off ENJOYS COAST CRUSE Mr. Justice J. O. (Jack) Wilson who saw the crash. The student pilot graduated workers remained idle. A Ford parts plant at Monroe, In other words. If there is to Communists want it along the be any strong rein on rising 38th parallel. !iled such as 'Dun-1 by' gasoline or some other sol-e. Morrison.' " vent Booth Memorial High Michigan, was hit by a walkout ; from prices, the initiative has to be Tacoma 2. Wenatchee 5 Spokane 9! Tri-City 0 SaJem 2, Yakima 3 Victoria. 2, Vancouver 3. School here two years ago and had been with the engineering department of Columbia Cellulose Co. until July 1 when he of 1600 workers and forced to close. Ford said in a statement that continued loss of parts from the Monroe plant will force a iburg, Once Graveyard taken by the U.S. Mr. Johnston came away from the meeting expressing satisfaction with Canada's anti-inflationary policies. He pointed out, however, that, though the U.S. has applied direct nrice controls on commodi- shutdown of all Ford operations left for Edmonton to attend the in the country. flying school. , Impressive feature of the trip up the coast for the judge was a crossing of Vancouver Island from Port Hardy to Coal Harbor on the West Coast for a day's trip on a whaling sh!p. The judge witnessed the chase and killing of one of the Dig mammals and he did not like it very much. "They are su:h friendly and innocent big fel- Funeral of Lewis Kemp Thursday Of Ships, Bright Again Funeral was held yesterday for1 ties. Canada has not. MI HIRG (Reuters) Six years ago the great TODAY'S STOCKS waport of Hamburrr was a graveyard of I I P.- it f.. ir (. rn.nr.- mil r (,r., "il'mrley 8. l. Jnhiivtnn Cn. Ltd.). with almost 3000 hulks lying half-submerged j TtW a Lewis Kemp, 80, who died Mon-1 Mr. Wilson chose the Indus-day In Prince Rupert General ' trial Mobilization Commutes Hospital. He had been a resident , meeting as a means of reopen-here for 20 years. Rev. Dr. E. A. i ing these problems and attempt-Wright officiated. Burial was at ! ing to reach agreement with Falrview Cemetery with B.C. Canada on a Joint anti-lnfla-Undertakers In charge. 1 tionary policy. harbor. The citv itsplf lav dourl under acre little smarter those whalers would never be able to get 'ere of bombed ruins. them.1 Weather Synopsis Skies are clear throughout southern British Columbia again today and in this region it will continue dry and warm tomorrow. Variable cloudiness is expected in the central and northern Interior today and tomorrow with scattered thunderstorms this afternoon. Skies will remain cloudy along the north coast with showers expected tomorrow from a weather disturbance now moving into the Gulf of Alaska. Forecast North coast region Cloudy with a few sunny intervals today. Cloudy tomorrow with showers in the northern section. Little change in temperature. Winds northwest, today, southerly (15t tomorrow. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow Port Hardy 50 and 65, Sandspit and Prince Rupert 52 and 65. Almost every means of water transportation has been experienced by the judge during the trip on which the cannery officialsMr. Walker and Ross Defence Bill Enormous Many big office buildings are new, others have been fully repaired. Brand-new are nearly nil the shops, cafes, restaurants, are making a rcii- sidewalks, street lamps and road ; Nicholson lian 1,000,000 persons panic-stricken during n'Kht stretch of con-Vllied bombing which crippled more than who left the city did n until long after the 1 d, and Hamburg re-i eml-deerted, burned until after the hungry : l!Hii-47. all that is changed l .S. to Spend $25 Billion OeCrnding: Allies surfaces. leral inspection of operations New. too. are manv of the along the coast. They have been streetcars and nearly all the mo-! at Namu and up Rivers and! WASHINGTON, DC. 0i Sector vehicles. Smith's Inlet including one short relary of State Dean Acheson Surest sign of recovery is the airplane jaunt. set before Congress Thursday a port itself. "It's great to get away from world-wide aid program which A reconstructed petrol eum business cares on a trip like j would cost $25,000,000,000 for port greets Incoming ships. More this," His Lordship said appre- I defence of American allies In than ever before, Hamburg to- datively. the next three years. fn energy and American day is becoming one of the main I Mr. Justice j. o. Wilson is a i That Is the price, Acheson Aid have combined to a town centre which, few gaps here and 'k-s sparkling, fresh and VANCOUVER American Standard 14 Bralorne 6.20 B R X 03 Cariboo Quartz 1.17 Giant Mascot f.00 Indian Mines 20 V3 Pend Oreille , 7.20 Pioneer 1.90 Premier Broder 30 Privateer 10 Reeves McDonald 4.10 Reno 03 Sheep Creek 1.58 Silbak Premier 38 Vananda 12 Silver Standard 2 40 Western Uranium 2.72 Oils-Anglo Canadian 6.15 A P Con 46 Atlantic 3.00 Calmont 1.20 C & E 14.30 Central Leduc 2 25 Home Oil 15.75 Mercury 14 Okalta '2 50 Princess 1.35 Royal Canadian 124 Royalite 14 85 TORONTO Athona 063i Aumaque .21 Beattle 45 "2 Bevcourt .46 Buffalo Canadian ?o Consol. Smelters 153.00 Conwest - 2.91 Donalda .49 Eldona 20 East Sullivan 8.75 Giant Yellowknife ; 8.40 God's Lake .33 ; Hardrock 16 Harricana v 08' 4 Heva .14 Jacknife OR Joliet Quebec ' .53 Little Long Lac 72 Lynx 14 Madsen Red Lake 2.15 McKenzie Red Lake .... .45 McLeod Cockshutt 2.80 Moneta 32 Negus .70 Noranda 72.50 Louvicourt 1634 Pickle Crow 1.60 San Antonio 2 50 Senator Rouyn 17',j Sherrlt Gordon 2 92 Steep Rock 6 65 Silver Miller 1 30 Upper Canada 162 Golden Manitou 7.10 TIDES - - Saturday. July 28. 1951 (Pacific Standard Time) High 10:00 145 feet 21:36 17.7 feet Low , 3:36 6.8 feet. 15:14 10.5 feet Toronto Fire Hits Firemen TORONTO CT S m o k e and fumes from a burning plastics warehouse In downtown Toronto knocked out fifty firemen who were fighting the Bre that gutted basement and ground floor of the building early today. Two of the firemen are in serious condition. Damage is estimated at between $100,000 to $150,000. Loss was to upper floors of the four-storey building. well-known former northerner. I said, to counter Russia's designs He practised as a young lawyer . and bring about "an era of genu-at Prince George for several ine relaxation of tension." SAVED AT SEA t centres of Europe's oil-refining Industry with huge installations belonging to American, British and German oil combines. Down the River Elbe, in the years and was ior some time : Acheson said that Spain would secretary of the Associated f get a share of the money he did trERNATIONAI heart of the port, there is still Boards of Trade of Central Brit- i not say how much but added IPSWICH, England t? Five , youths who escaped from thej Borstal institution at Hollesley Bay, near here, were rescued ; from a small sailing dinghy ! drifting helplessly 14 miles off Clacton. The lads spent a night in the stolen boat. a lot of rubble, broken metai, BASEBALL SUNDAY ish coiumoia. ueiore Demg eu- "considerable time must elapse" vated to the Supreme Court: before Spain could be admitted bench a few years ago, he was into the. North Atlantic Treaty a County Court judge. , Alliance. 'ilde-header Feature ETnilKnv ... stone and brick. But where bombers really razed the buildings, there now stands the mile-long new "Shed 75" a continuous, air-conditioned warehouse for perishable goods. . Today, the port of Hamburg has been restored to 60 per cent of its pre-war capacity. Last year it received 11,500 oceangoing ships, compared with 300 RrpERT ALL-STARS 1:30 p.m. Keep Up with the Jones' PHONE 99 available at Grotto M"'P antf Rllri'c Plana in 1945. l- - s