Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, July 27, 1951 RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycle Pioneer of City Dies CFPR WALLACE'S Report of Ambassador (Subject U Change) One of Prince Ruuert's old- Marauding Bear Is Slain After Two-Month Campaign BURNS LAKE. A bear had been raiding the Shelford sheep ranch, some 15 miles west of Wistaria, for the past two months, during which time he had killed 2!l sheep. the bears attention. The bear time residents who moved to Vancouver 10 years ago but came back each summer to work passed away In Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital yesterday. He was Harry Smith. 65, a steam engineer, who came here fASHIONS; f )C"J '7 j In 1911. He died following a stroke early yesterday morning , at North Pacific Cannery whe.-e he had worked each summer for "uiii v-ji.i .j...... ... w .........v ntuifljtv anu iviiiv. ,v ... - at 10 p.m. he found the flock or Shelford went to the ranch-sheep stampeded and bewilder- house for his gun. i more than 10 years. ' He Is survived by a daughter, I In Seattle, who is flying to Sake i Prince Rupert to complete fu ed. He went to drive them to When he returned it was the sheep corral and met the growing dark, and the bear was bear within a few feet of the chasing the calves down in the flock. hn, pastil" e. The bear took to the hills out returned on the He had no Run but carried a short club. The bear rushed to- third night, Metcalfe and an- ward him, standing up when other employee of the Aluminum within a few feet of Shelford. project visited the ranch, one He threw his club at the bear aimed with a shot-gun and one . ... ,,iiiu m.Qlt riflo CLIFTON WEBB INFANTS WEAR neral arrangements. A nephew, James Smith, lives at Terrace. Mr. Smith was employed for a time with National Railways here and he worked for Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Funeral arrangements are In charge of B.C. Undertakers. JOAN ROBERT FRIDAY P.M. 4:30 Sleepy lime Storle 4:45 Stock Quot. & Int. 5:00 Int. Comiy. 5:10 Alberta Pipeline 5:30 Bill Good Sports 5 :45 Lyrical Lady 5.55-CBC News 8:00 Supper Serenade 6: 1 5 Personal Album ii:30-Now I Ask You i iw-uiC New l is enr News Roundup 7:30 Chamber Music 8:CO-Hcre Comts the Band 8:30 Vane niver Theatre 9:0H Svmplvinv W Strings ):30 Forgotten Books 8:45 American Drama mi --CBC New Ki m V,W. NeWH 10:15 Let's Find Out 10:30 CBC Symplionctte 11:00 Weathei ll:Cfi-Siin otf SATURDAY AM. f:OII Musical Clue U:0O - CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Hits and Encores 8:30 -Morning Devolloiu 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comtv m: la - Saddle Serenade 9:30 CUC Stamp Club 0:45 The Answer Man 9:59 -Time eignal 10:00 Bandstand 10:15 Minuet 10:30 World Church News 10:45 CBC News 10:55 Weauiei and Interlua EDMUND III MTLtiMY I GWENH I Prince Rupert Rotarians ; Hear From Envoy Phil Ray j Rotarians make friends all over the world and are welcome everywhere they go where other: Rotary Clubs exist. Philip Ray, a Prince Rupert Rotarlan, who recently returned from a two- month's tour of England, France and Spain, visited 13 Rotary Clubs overseas and told his home club at luncheon yestordny he was "warmly greeted everywhere I went." In London there are 82 Rotary Clubs. Mr. Ray visited nine or , them, most Impressive of which was the London c!ub. It has more than 300 members and was formed In 1911, six years alter origin of Rotary in Chicago. Last year, Mr. Ray said, more than 600 visiting Rotarians had registered there from 45 different countries. President of the London club , was a florist to the Royal Fam- j ily, he said. j S1.90 Ll'NCH j Luncheon at England's chief ' Rotary Club cost $1.90, said Mr.1 Ray, and a typical menu includ- , ed soup, fish, peas, potatoes, fruit salad, ice cream and coffee. - The Kensington club luncheon was held in a restaurant on the ; roof of which grew a garden of Hi acres, with soil two-and-a- half feet deep, complete with running streams. On June 26, Mr. Ray visited j and ran for the small gate en- "- tering the corral. ! They hunted until they sud-1 The bear followed and climb- denly came across the bear ed the fence and, as he was get- whic h charged them. They Rompers Vests 5 Socks Shawls Diqpcrs Blankets Dresses Sweaters TOTEM IFUOUl rlitllS INltlK ting too close, Sheilord ran to- opened lire, Meicane puiung wards an injured ram which three .30-30 shots into the was lyin" In the corral and drew charging animal, Shelford pour- (no- six shnts from his .303 Brit TODAY to SATURDAY AID NORTHERN NORWAY OSLO (9-Thc Norwegian government Is drafting a comprehensive plan to speed up the economic development of the t hree northern provinces of Finn-mark, Troms and Nordland. A full report of the plans will be submitted to parliament In the fall. II :00 Saturday Date 21-Fiece Breakfast $ 6-95 Sets ALAN LADDat his fights k "The Tla lo Go ! For the Brands You Know" 5 Wallace's : Dept. Store : 32 -Piece Breakfast $ 8.95 Sets ish. The bear went down but., when they closed up to investigate, he got up and tackled them. They poured lead into him till he did not move. The bear was a peculiar roan in color, standing five feet high on all fours and weighing about 500 pounds, the claws being widely spread and over three inches in length. The skull will be sent to Victoria for identification of spe- vjt 21-Piece Bo :rs,,?15-95 China T iiii(iiaiiiiMiii&i j h tnnner Sets, from $1 "S2 . "V 27-95 F ..f a ii in i inn 06 pieces at -PHYLLISCALVHi iM. ) HLHI1 LMUU RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE OAS ANI ELECTRIC ItANC.KS PACIFIC ELECTRIC Phone Blue 992 (Including beautiful Wedgr-wood and Couldon King's Plate) the Poole Rotary Club, the j PIlU CAKTtMl 11:30 Weather Report 1 1 :31 MessBga Period U :33 Recorded Interlude 1 1 :45- K-nndlnaviai'. Melodies SATURDAY P M. 12:00 BBC Bandstand 12:30- Folk Song Time 1 :30--London Studio Melodies 2:00 Traiis-C'an.ida Bandst'd 2:30 Tvans-Canada Bandst'd 3:00 This Week .3:15 CBC News NK8 ; and production. This committee i offers its help and advice In KVENINU SHOWS 7 - 9:05 SATCRDAY MATINKKS I ( "adopted child" of Prince Rupert Rotarians. There he was "heartily received" and was thanked for the gifts and correspondence from Trince Rupert Rotarians which are sent at Christmas. labor-relations problems and encourages discussions between employer-employee groups. 3. The community service committee Is devoted to upbuilding ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NF.WS BK1NOS RESULU Jcii fori tig fo 'or PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING!, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Streets in Poole, said Mr. Ray vqh Hhnrfn, mM nn n't ot youth, in studies and recrea- SPECIAL English Bone China CI PS AM) SAICERS at 69c and 97c Pl'N( HHOWI. SETS 7.95 MANSONS China Shop hi,h h. rMrt n heinition; to the aid of disabled war Ladies and Gentlemen veterans for whom it finds em- named "Barber's Piles." , Wnrk of the London Rotarv ; ployment and placement. Con- Your choice of-good baggage reflects your standing as one who appreciates the niceties of the good things in the world of travel, by land, sea or air. Club ,ub was was divided Into four chief i w. lor m hospital ar provmea oy mis commaice, aim I'hiuie dree- 136 Sox 478 I ! ciopartments. and he said he had j I been impressed with their pro-! LING the tailor it raises funds for gilts to the needy. 4. Members of the Interna Two Vacationers Have Left We now offer: One 1950 Ford FORDOR SPECIAL GLADSTONE BAGS gram, said Mr. Kay. t'Ll'B FUNCTIONS 1. The Rotary Home of Friendship had been erected for the, 720 St. Phone 649 j """J .... PPL iSSEHM I $27.9- 2'-" Imit;. 9" deep, fitted with p "ckrl.s and suit hangers tional service committee gave Mi-. Ray first hand practical knowledge of its work, for he was in their custody while vlsit- McBRINE BLUE BRIERWOOD SET purpose of entertaining visiting Rotarians in London. The Home was beautifully appointed, he said, and "friendship" was the i ing the London Club. The com-I miltee looks after the welfare of visiting Rotarians. It arranges Tr am rase lo match. Hat ca-e to match 106-S main factor stressed therein. 2. A vocational service com evening fire-side chats. It contacts foreign students in London to make them "feel at home." President Fred Scadden complimented Mr. Ray on his ac- EVERYDAY CASE mittee visits Industries regularly, makes itself acquainted with the various industries, the factories. Will stand rough U'.ug.-. Melal 6.50 tu 12 rovrrlnR. According to sle . . . . i l count of his tour and called him One 19S0 Ford PREFECT LOW MILEAGE Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH nKAI.rRS Prince Rupert, IIC. ambassador for Prince I "a good ! Rupert" A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd! II si 4 it's miidi I Aristocrat r "A gipvl place to buy- over a quarter of a century" 37 Srd Avenue Phoiw ' e2)l aIw I (Prince Rupert) E. Dignon, Seattle; W. J R. Aristocrat Davies, Queen Charlotte City: 3. Chop 5uey - Chow Mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 DOMS'.X.'X SPECIALS! E. Mclanson, O. A. Black. R. Cave, N. Barnett, William SmitW. W. H. A.shcrcft, M,. MacDonaltl and R. A. McLaughlin, Vancou !l BRIDE AT FOl'RTII AVIV DEPARTMENT STORE The ultimate in real Rye Whiskies full-bodied, full-flavoured. Distilled in the ancient manner and fully . matured in oak casks under controlled conditions. fOM COAST JO COASt IT'S MELCHERS. You pay or age! Set that you get it ver; J. Macrtay. uassuir; Mr. and Mrs. R. Pelton, Sandsplt; j Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor. Victoria; J fb 1 1 nisUu'Hi v lining t'ltHf jj F. Just, Winnipeg; Capt. H. i Coles. Vancouver; W. O. Eyford j and Orant Beckman, Edmonton r , MODERN PLUMBING is a wise investment, In terms of family health and home economy. Coll Blue 846 . PLUMBING S AANICH HEATING Max Whiting, Seattle; F. V. I Clare. Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs ' Hawking, Oakland; Mr. and Mrs. T. Sullivan and Miss E. Graham. Hamilton; J. W. Anderson, Terrace; C. F. Tempest, Calgary; M,-. and Mrs. Thomson and family and Helen Welch, Ketchikan. Melchers Distilleries; limitid This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, I NICHOLAS GUEST ARTIST Mac LADIES' SILK NIGHTGOWNS Sizes S-M-L. Reg. 6.95 now- $3.95 LADIES' KRINKLE CREPE NIGHTGOWNS and PAJAMAS Sizes S"M-L $2.49 GIRLS' KRINKLE CREPE NIGHTGOWNS and PAJAMAS Sizes 4-14. 1947 Chevrolet Sedan 1941 Dodge Sedan 1947 Hudson Sedan 1947 Austin 8 h p. Sedan 19S0 Austin Countryman KEEP IT RIGHT Nicholas, one of the leading hair stylists of British Columbia. RUPERT TOBACCO STORE 3rd Ave. - Opposite Ormes ALL MACAZINKS and PERIODICALS i'ODACCO and CONFECTIONERY Stock Always Moving and Fresh :5. Construction long a favorite with Victoria's most dscriminatlng women, will appear at Eddie's Beauty Salon August 8 for one week. For that flattering easy-to-manage permanent and hair style, consult Nicholas. Razor cutting a specialty. Company 15 OFF 15 OFF Recently returned from Hollywood with all the latest Ideas In $1.69 While they last P O R T R A I T S JB, Developed Wirt Printed i WILL DO YOUR JOB CHEAPER Roofing . . ..Siding . . . Alterotions Estimates Gladly Given Black 660 Blue 183 hair styling. Inside and Out. For appointments phone Red 490. CHANDLER'S S1TDIO j LADIES' SHORTY and LONG COM Eddie s Beauty Salon, 739 2nd DRIVE UP Ave. (Opposite Liquor Store) 176p 21fl 4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince Rupert AT IL . : : : GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Plume Green BIO BLONDIE Needling Papa! By CHIC V0UN" pi!ili!!lllll!li1,,! Miiiiipiijipii,; . F Miiliilii " - s - v . 1 , ( OJ MftJEA VOJ'PE PlGwT. L 7w I WASJff" ; LOOVfAlf. TW i. oj OOULP Jltf WDnDERFUL lGWOOD---C. "- ( kxJlinS Xf LOvelv OPESS ( "ME BSTTE9 (Jf-l I SEWinC machine and I think j :?. -1 sJf, - ueceS fw1": OH SALE FDW J) ,S5 1HAN I& ? Jl Jf WITH Au. THE i1L STAPT IN ' n ) . J V(V PO.L''v ONLY THIPTV V THAT ' Vl FANCV EWINQ AGAIN ) S " " Cl (, "2) J vOU D"1 NEW TRUCKS IN STOCK- FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 FARGO 3-TON SPECIAL Hvavy Duty equipment, 152" wlieelhaspA 1 FARGO '.'2 -TON EXPRESS 1 FARGO 2-TON EXPRESS with Fluid Diive Superior Auto Service LIMITED SPECIAL One 1913 FARGO Vi-TON EXPRESS with covered box. Excellent condition. $-4 075 Low mileage X.O tM Moving, Parking, Crating Shipping and General Cartace and Storage Complete, Reliable and Effl-rlent Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all wxlding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. nd and Park Avenues Est .010. Phones 60 and 68 Sfudebaker and Austin Dealers Rupert Motors Limited CHRYSLER. PLYMOUTH. FARGO DISTRIBUTORS Third Ave. at Park. Green 217