Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, April 14, 1901 oca Blackwood on (Bridge By Eosley Blackwood ! COAL and PERSONAL hotel arrivals Hamilton, R. H. O'Grady, E. S. Butterfield and W. R. Campbell, Vancouver; R. H. Bailey, Aiy-amsh; C. N. Nugent, Victoria; A. T. Holland and Mrs. S. L. Simpson, Massct. Cash for old gold. Bulger's. Tonight's train, due from the My friend Mr. Abel is at his best when his partner is old Mr. Dale, the master of Bridge Humanics. He took more time than Mr. Masters would have needed to find the right play in today's hand, but he (Prince Rupert) W. L. Worden, Tijcoma; Mr. and Mrs. J. Graham, city; S. F. SPECIAL! Ibcrta Deep Seam East at 10:15, was reported this morning to be forty minutes late. Use Classifieds for Results." F. H. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. M Ugured it out eventually. Petersen and Mrs. Oodmaire are South dealer ilP $ )-75 PER TON listed for Vancouver on the Co quitlam Sunday night. 10 SACKS $8.50 Ladies Don't forget to come Washable SPORT SHIRTS in-and see the Saturday and A. D. Ritchie returned to the city on the Cocjuitlam yestcrcay afternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. C. C. Mills left on last evening's train for one of his periodical business trips to points as far Oscar Benson was fined $50 and $4.50 costs today for having liquor in a restaurant. He appeared before Magistrate W. D. Vance in city police court this morning. John McCool was fined $10 and costs for intoxication. Music and Drama Festival Association meets Wednesday, April 18. at 8 p.m. in the Civic Centre. All representatives please attend. (89c) Miss O. Harris of Miller Bay Monday specials at Dom's Dept. Store. Vast savings every week. (88c Arrow . . . Blueslune , Whirlawav . Forsythe . . . , . ireen River . Fashion-Plate PHONE 116 -117 or 58 bert & AAcCaffery None vulnerable (Mr. lisle) 87 6 H 10 4 2 D A J 7 ft C A J S (Mr. ..lasters) (Mr. iia.ulon) 8 A 10 8 6 3 3 8 J H K 7 5 H J e 6 3 D 10 8 D 9 6 3 2 C C K 7 6 (Mr. Abel) 8 K J 4 H-A 41 DK SI 4 C- 4) 10 3 2 The bidding: huntll West North IM 1 NT Pass 2 NT Pans 3 NT All pane Mr. Masters opened the six of spades and Mr. Champion play Presbyterian LA Spring Sale Brightly adorned with daffodils, First Presbyterian Church Hall was the centre of the successful spring sale of the Ladies' Aid Thursday afternoon. The sale was jointly convened by Mrs. Duncan McRae and Mrs. Martin Erickson. Mrs. E. A. Wright and Mrs. William Brcm-ner, president of the auxiliary, welcomed tire guests. Pouring were Mrs. C. A. Burner, Mrs. J. A. McFae, Mrs. Cuthlll and Mrs. L. C. Eby. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Peterson are sailing tomorrow night on the Coquitlam for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Public meeting protesting re-recent Increase In Hospital Insurance premiums will be held in LIMITED is sailing tomorrow night on the Camosun for a trip to KincolUh on the Naas River. They fit lifeUt with' any smart casual wardrobe. Well tailored Shirts in smart Spun Rayon and Nylon and Acetate finished with Bluff pointed collars and adjustable button cuffs. Spring shades of Wiive, Grey, Aqua, Tan, Powder Blue and Navy. Wear the shirt of your choice from our wide selection. Priced from '4.95 " 10.50 1 1'fjM TIMBER SALE X45218 A. Lockwood, union organizer, ed the queen. Mr. Abel auto. the Canadian Legion Hall, Sunday, April 15, 8:30 p.m. All interested citizens invited to attend. (88c) T. B. PickersgUl, B.C. regional supervisor of Central Mortgage Corporation and J. E. Brown, provincial government housing rep On the kitchen committee were ' who has been l Watson Island, Mrs. C. O. Ham, Mrs. J. McLcod 1 is a"lne tomorrow night on the by tM.,"", Wrore TT. maUcal'y Pulled ut th ng 01 toria. Be. not later than li am I spades and almost but not en the 8th day of May, 195t, (or the quite played It. purchase of Licence X45218, to cut tr v. i-i . 3.800,000 f b m. of Hemlock, BnTce I He caught himself In time, Cedar, Balaam and Cypress, on an put the card back In his hand Coquitlam for Port Mellon, Van and Mrs. A. F. Davidson. BFI! BAl.K X4.V714 ,irrs win I received by - 0f Forests at Vlctor.a. Utrr thmi 11 a.m. on til" Mav, 1851. fr the pur-Lmce X45714. to cut fin. of Hemlock. BalsKm, 'sprucr on an area eltu- wrst sh'irc of Kildala iiioiiim(! the north and fciies of Indian Reaerve 4 cvmsl Land District. 4r will be allowed lor 'umber. Wrtlculars nf the Chief Jjr'oria. HC or District t. e RllKTt, BC, (H) j ' couver Island. Gcoif Hill, president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce here, left by plane today for Vancouver. After holidaying in Serviteurs were Mrs. Robert Eby, Mrs. White, Mrs. J. O. Mc-Leod, Mrs. Martin. In charge of stalls were: Home Cooking Mrs. J. Hob- area comprising of vacant Crown and started counting. If he won s.m"JiurJ .llorL0i the first trick he would be left resentative, returned to Vancouver today on the noon plane after attending housing meetings here. Charles Adam, Terrace moving picture theatre proprietor, ar man, Mrs. W. W. Bowes, Mrs. S. Seattle and Vancouver, he will WATTS &NICKERS0N - , .",ftt u t, ljoi i u District. Five years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester Prince Rupert, B.C. (H) J. Hunter, Mrs. Duncan Black. with the jack-four of spades. And if Mr. Champion got in, a lead through that holding would probably enable the opponents to take enough tricks to deieat the contract. Mr. Abel tried to count nine attend a Jaycee provincial convention in Kamloops at the end of the month. rived In the city Thursday for a 1 Kriat wlolt nt ls White Elephant Mrs. T. W. Brown and Mrs. Neil McLean. Aprons Mrs. George Mitchell Friday. He attended the epen- mm MIDDLESBRTJGH, Yorkshire, and Mrs. Syd. Elkins. ing of the new Totem Theatre REMODELLING? tricks without letting Mr. Cham, England (CP) A father, his here Thursdav. Drivine in. he Mrs. H. C. Hallidav was in pion in If he could successf ully charge of greeting cards and Mrs. ciaiigritc- and Ins son were re Elo.'i'nll:1,!',! I'l'M'im pesuitB Imenti, reported the road in good con dition. ,Tu . H . . , Jame Simpson was cashier, u would be two heart tricks, plus 0 HI i on. xwyx,. .sa TOP iinre. leased from hospital here after treatment for "intoxication." They had brcn overcome by ether from ; paint remover. the original spade winner, puis TIMBER SALE X5277T Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Forest at Victoria, B.C., not later than 11 a.m. on the 8th day of May. 1951. for the purchase of Licence X52777. to cut 4.600.000 f b m. of Hemlock. Balsam. Spruce and Ccdaf on an area situated on the west bank of Kildala River, at the head of Kildala Arm, Hhiikc 4 Coast Land District. Three yesrs will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria. B.C., or District Forester Prince Rupert. B C. (H) Phone 909 viiHicmenlJi j Conquer Cancer Subscriptions Jour diamonds and the ace of clubs. Eight tricks one short of contract. No good. There was no getting around it, the club finesse had to be tried. But Mr. Abel gave him- caI t aw nvira nUrmon XJ a m n An "EAMER YOUR BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Greer & Brtdden Ltd. antnier Donations to the local "Con Canadian" Legion card party April 25. Presbyterian spring sale, April 12. . . I The Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter. I.O.D.E , homecooklng! sale, April 14, Gordon Anderson.! Conrad Street School P.T.A. j White Elephant sale and teal April 14 at 2 p.m. P.O. Box 721 Prince Rupert, B.C. OnJI, te Rupert Ihe good puV'of'g' tnc VJ-:fcl ing to $113. are acknowledged OIH'lJlitOOIl first spade lead and permitting Mr. Champion's queen to win. Mr. Champion returned the Following Is a list of donors: Rex Cafe $ 5.00 For the MEAL that REFRESHES Rupert Bakery -.ii j 5.00 . Hugh McCaskill and his wife, the former Miss Marion Davidson, of Vancouver and Winnipeg nino of inHo Mr Kot nlnunrl Card party, Catholic Hall sails for ancouver Torts following their recent marriage Aoril 19 in Winnipeg, arrived here on the United Church men's Straw-Coquitlam yesterday to spend a i berry and ice cream social and BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING och Thursdoy few days before proceeding to homecodktng sale Thursday, Lac" La Biche, Alberta, where April 19, 7 p.m. al 11:15 p in. .u . i . . r ' Low, George 2.00 2 rHelcranXT'sprd which the king in the closed ::: nana won. ym Hong olng 0Q Now Mr. Abel took the club fi- Wong, Peter 2 00 ncsse and lost to the king. But Broadway Cafe ! 500 by reason of the hold-up play Hollywood Cafe . 500 at trick one. Mr. Champion had Commodore Cafe 5.00 no spade to lead at tills point. ! Lee, K. D 2 00 He did the best he could, firing Kitritsch, Rudolph""'."! 200 back a heart. But Mr. Abel went Kee, Mah Chung MII HIIK-H Ml.t IN THE COUNTY COURT OP PRINCE RUPERT HOI.DEN AT PRINCE RUPERT (.HUH i. IIKIDItKN I. hulled, versus Itl'K (NOW mill MK kIMl curry-lug on business under the firm name uud Klile of New I It v Cafe, and the Mild m:' rirv cue. UNDER and by VIRTUE of a War-runt of Execution Issued from the above Court and to me directed sKalnst the goods and chattels of the defendants. Jack Chow and Tue King and New City Cafe, 1 have serd all the furniture and equipment, foods and provisions including counters, tables, ratine. Frlgldalre, dishes, utensils and other equipment, and on Wednesday, April 18th. 1951, ut the hour of 1100 o'clock In the lorcuoon. at my office in the Court Mouse. Prince Rupert. B.C., I will offer for sale at publlo auction all the right, title and Interest of the defendants in the above goods and chiiltelH. Mr. McUuaill if uie manager ol 1 w.O.T.M. tipring bazaar, April A the Imperial Bank . Mr. and Mrs. 20. V KETCHIKAN ftESIIJIY MIKNK.IIT t -iiry al, Low Cost Conrad School P.T.A card party, Friday, April 20, 8 p.m. St. Peter s fapring Sale. April 28. McCaskill are the guests of Mr. McCaskill's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Barbour, Eighth Avenue West. Mrs. J. C. Allen and Miss Winnifred i'Olt TAKE OUT OKDI.KS PHONE 200 ' BROADWAY CAFE ; UnitedW.A. Spring sale, May 3. 2.00 2.00 rignt up wun me ace ana ran jue, Lee his nine tricks. Yau, Jang Mr. Abel was rather proud of Pacific Cafe McCaskill of this city are also Sonja tea. May 12. Fur Reservations Write cir Call ' M Y OK M'OT OIUCK . , . I'MINCE RUPERT, B.C. i uo sisters of Mr. McCaskill. Mr. Mc- Presbyterian Missionary Tea, himself. "I looked good on that Miss E. Wassing 2.00 one, didn't I?" he said to no one Mrs. O. Kildal 2.00 Caskill was stationed in Prince ' church hall, May 16. Rupert for a period durintr the! Eastern Star Tea, Masonic FISHERMEN . . in particular. Mrs. M. Kitchens 2.00 war with the Roval Canadian TcniDle. Mav 17. Inventory mav be seen at the of fice of the Hhcriff, and appointment "No," said Mr. Champion, who B"rnsI Be Buys 2 00 Ordnance Corps. ,'. ,1 Mrs J Dpiinintr Lutheran tea. May 23 made with bherlff for Inspection of 1 nn the comis. sometimes rt gets irritated when a 7; ""'ng, "u Currie's Store 2.00 and this sale good play is made against him. Terms of Sale, CASH Mrs. M. Waxdale 5.00 shall be subject to the Social ttecur Mr. Abel was nettled. "Well, how would you have pluycd it? a- Miscellaneous (under $2 $42.00 51 Super Tvin he asked sharply. "Faster," re i- ity and Municipal Aid Tax. Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C., this tweiity-nlnth day of March. 1951. M M. Stephens. Sheriff of the Country if Prince Ruert. tM31.A4.7,ll,14 plied Mr. Champion. For coniili-lf ovi linU of you; High Kpred Gasoline i;iigins, see Rupert Motors Lid. Wc hive the tlaini'd iiirrhaii-ics .ild tpcchiiizod equipment, to peiiorm this work for you .'. . effHritly and economically. To avoid di'luy tills sill ing when the rush Is on, let us have that Job now. SWANSEA, Wales (CP) To raise money for. his church, a local priest appealed to his congregation for old woollen socks. The material can be sold at good prices in view of present wool stock-piling. Cuts in any timber, any position. The unlimited DOWCt of this value-nacked nerformer is tons. R T R A I T S en., nnrl Printer! ()MPT SERVICE i !!Urt'S STTDIO Street rtox 645 :wn m Prince I Rupert New Rector St. Peter's N RK F.STATE OF IX1NO KEK YOU. OTHKRW1SR KNOWN AS DONO KKK VOW. DECEASED INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that as Adminis- ! IruUir. duly appointed by the court. ii fillajlili r, i ii New fcfcZT-FEtu 34-Pitch Planer Chain has great capacity, longer life, no kurf drag or binding. STARTS TO WOMMLa -ty 'N StCONDS IY Rupert Motors Limited I Rev. 11. O. Bird arrived in the city during the week from White-horse, Yukon Territory, accompanied by Mrs. Bird, to become rcceor of St. Peter's Anglican Church at Seal Cove. They have, taken up residence at St. Peter's rectory. Mr. Bird was for a number of years the Anglican missionary at Telegraph Creek before going to Whltehors'e last October and was recently appointed to St. Peter's Church by the Bishop of I PHONK 3REEN 884 j Km HDING ALL TYPES striol (Welding I r M P A N y 1 New Tailstock Improved Oiler of the estate of Douir Kee You. uthcrwtito known as !nil Kee Yow, who died at Prince Rupert, B.C.. on the loth day of March. 1B51. I rc-'tulre, all creditors and others having claims against the said estate to send the same to me. properly .erltted, at the address mentioned Iwlow on or belore the 31st day ol May. 1!fll. alter which date I ahull roceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law. Having reitar . only to such claims of which I shall then have been notified. AND further lake notice that nil persons indebted to the said estule are required to pay their Indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated at Prince Rucit, B.C., this I Jlh day of April. 1051. ttORDON FRASER FORBES Official AdmlntstraUM-Prince Rupert, B.C. (A 14. 21. 28, M 5) IN RE ESTATE OF JOHN BERGMAN. DECEASED. TAKE NOTICE that as Administrator with the Will annexed, duly sppolntcd by the Court, of the estate of John Bergman, who died at or near Lower Post. British Columbia, on the 15lh day of June. 1950, 1 require all creditors and others bavlnic claims against the said estate to send the same to mc, properly verified, at the address mentioned below on or before the 15th SEA CADETS Now being ic-otganfeed under the sponsorship of the Navy League of Canada. Those interested please apply to H.M.CS. Chatham Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 4-6 and 7-9 p.rru Age limit 14-18 years Improved Helper's Handle Increased Cooling Capacity New Concentric Float Carburetor i JOHN H. )LGER Pl'toniclrlsf SPRING TOYS Wagons Marbles Cop Guns Tricylcs Kites Yo-Yo's and Balloons TRY IT ! SEE IT ! Fill in and mall for full particulars: ' Name Address day of June, 1961, after which date " Bulger Ltd. ,M'd Avnim. CHAIN 5AWS mmi ualit I shall proceed to distribute the estate to those entitled by law, havlnir renard only to such claims of which I shallthen have been notified. AND' further take notice that all pei sons indebted to said estate, arc required to pay their indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this dny or April. 11151. MARY CATHERINE ALLEN Official Administrator Telegraph Creek, B.C. (A 14. 21. 28 M 51 Dealer: RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Prince Rupert, B.C. Distributor: PURVES E. RITCHIE & SON LTD. 658 Hornby St.. Vancouver. B.C. ...... . ...... MBING HEATING Men! He's Still on the Carpet! ByCHIC YOUNG BLONDIE l,Al ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO LEASE LAND 111 Land Recording District or Prime Rupert and situate at Port Edward. British Columbia. Take notice that Port Edward Here is what you look for in shoes . . . Top comfort, finality and value! ... We have a wide selection of busuwss and casual styles. Drop in Today! !keilble and Service EiPiPinDErr ppgiM M j ! L: -1 R ! 1 1 ( If llllllll11 V ' r DAG WOOD, TH ATS vEkcTK I n i f .""'..''. ' UiJJHJi! V ! V- YOU vc TRIPPED ) V5 OF CARPET TAOCS") -3, I 'v Ail Tuc-x;P .' i 'nS 1 HONE 171 Timber Co.. of Vancouver, a body corporate Intends to apply for a lease of . the following described lunds: i Commencing at a post planted approximately UH) feet westerly of the , northwest corner of Station Site, Port Edward Townslte Map, thence ; westerly 273 feet, thence, southerly 2i!00 feet, thence easterly 290 feet, thence northerly 2275 foet to point I of commencement and containing i 14.6 acres more or less for the pur-( pose of log booming grounds. Port Edward Timber Co. By E R BARR, Agent Dated April 3rd. 1951. Fashion ,f ""') Alter. i Pinsltd. FootWearJ 274 , (A 14, ai, as, l