Prince Rupert Paily News Thursday, October 25, 1951 IPJ Onnosed lo Former Army Doctor Dies for BABY'S TUMMY UPSETS In ai l rJJiui C7 'tost rt)atj(i(jlil wili be cele- F- ft is?-Lr Jw tlit Loyal ldr ofl .1 here Friday with a , T.ll!air. including card : ''J' dancing and refresh-! jliaiis I"' 'he event were! utt Tuesday night at. Give Baby's Own Tab-M. St, simple little tahlrts. Ueri for ovr SO rsrs U) quiokly help relive minor flight ive up-tt, Rss. eonstij-ation in 4 teething troubles, a 11 irk lv sweetrn pour I The death of Dr. Thomas j Sutherland, who was in com- mand of the military hospital in j Prince Rupert during the Second Great War, incurred this itomsrh. No "Blffp v" ting. iihi uteelc in thp flpnernl Hfsnila1 in ' ituff nr. dulling effect. Cjii'ule and (J2r Vancouver. Born in Ontario, he I ' Vimt'llltll'l S UllllULCU &ffu 'J rotvnie : neic h-rnie Lugnn ana 1 nao wcii miuwii til Lilt; jjiuvinuc. Widow and family survive. Dr.' lioost for Alaska Music I Trail Discussion on Report Cards A resolution seeking abolition ' oi daylight saving was adopted i in pi iciple at the regular month-' ly meeting of" King Edward Par- i;nt-Teacher Association, i Over 80 people attended the j meeting. A prize of a book was given to the class with the largest number of parents present. Mis; Beketov's class was the win-i.vr for October. M.s. J. T. Harvey gave a brief report on the AlasKa Mwsic Tiai! ' utui brought to the attention of lihe meeting the fact that the sutnenana had m recent years "TfiRLEK arenlA and Jrieiuh Interested parents and friends attended the joint rally of more than 100 Guides and Rrrm j nesday afternoon at Conrad Street School tq BM liiuwiiie recruiu Deing enrolled as Rrownie.s Brownies advance to Girl'people '," p,lnce Rupert ttIVJ v"ry anu to witness 11 older I (jluides. lunily of hearing the type (Lomincnh on Atailui Jrail music that is brought here such ieaso..a-..e nces. Wr, m Modernize ... YOUR WARTIME HOUSE with smart inexpensive window. EHmlnatc the work of cleaning multiple panes and piovidc more daylight too. Sec u for tliese iiiudern sasn which are made to fit. Just remove the old and place in the new. Island City Builder's, Supply a ii iwrs. w. wwes win represent coil ON ALASKA TRL the school as delegate to the 1 1 . Jens .Munthe The only time readers I z" into the Civic Ccr.tre is to a concert of this type. If for JlndP, dental clinic committee and Mrs. I ;K.iardy will be delegate to the Citizenship Council ' meeting to j be held October 23. I rincoM Farmer Prince Rupert Following the business part of the meeting, J. Goscoe, accompanied by Mrs. J. Bowman, in-; troduced at P-TA song. This is nothing e!se than the educa- Sons of ,jorway wnlst drive yon of children I think the and dance Friday October 26. concerts are very worth while. ' 2Mo What do the .children hear on thr radio, nothing but hillbilly Would Northland Dairy cus-and boogie woogie, so how can tomers kindly put out any extra Uvej be expecttd to appreciate bottles they have as we are anything else? The more they short of bottles? (251c i ' Twenty-one little recruits sol-jemniy repeated the Brownie law ; and were admitted to full membership in the Conrad, Cathedral l and Catholic Brownie parks, i They were Janet Sherry, Virginia Genders, Darleen Gordon, Kathie Beaton, Wilma Denluck, Diane Mori, Judy Fedoruk, Phyl-l"s Perch. Louise Thomas, Judy Hogan, Gwennie Warren, Sharon Robertson, Thelma Childs, Lynn Griffiths, Maureen Murdoch, Margaret Johanson, Brenda Brentzen, Judith Thompson, Loretta Destetauls, Doreeu Plpke and Gail Lund. Several Brownies who had so qualified by reason of proficiency were "flown-up" to the Ouieies by Brown Owla Mrs. W. S. Kergin and Mrs. Williams. ,They were received by the captain of the Guides, Mrs. Duncan Mi AicRriuc Street rhone Riue 820 I 'a lively number and was sung H.ll K r ,,,,, hear o! this good music, the is hi :p!W!!l!i!,f;i;'M'(llTI'!i'",liin!!l!i:i!!!:iP Kli'i:l.!:!ift!iii:lillli:i:!i:,iiilj!!l:!ili::;iiri!,!lil!ii1L "oman Almost painted (By HERC MUNRO in Vancouver Province)' An interview with Princess Elizabeth and Prince' Philip in the royal suite at Hotel Vancouver will be - a "most beautiful" rr. mory for a little Scots city widow. Mrs. Sam Massey, lG2o Wolfe, Is a cousin of Sir John Weir! personal physician to the royal family for more than 30 years. CE to for to- IMPORTANT NOT H.KS Meeting called less they'll think of the other ciuh. And tii:s applies to growr until tomorrow -up, too. Living up here ! PPned f outskirts outskirts away away from n,Snt- viiii eiiaiAj. , j Gordon Freeman and R. G. Davidson of the Booth Memorial High School lead a discussion on report cards which proved very interesting. j ' Mrs. K. Hardy was in the chair. Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Peterson and her helpers. i Use Our Convenient Christmas LAY-A WAY Plan on th-' eir jonn arranged for Mrs concert lire altogether, per-1 Meeting of International haps b.'O'.ifiht up here, manyUnlon 0( operating Engineers have never had the oppor LoCai 510 Carpenters' Hall. Fri-tunily to learn to enjoy good jJyi OcUber 23, 8 p.m. ' (2j1ci music. But they will learn and ! simply by attending these good , s Special meeting, truck driv-concerts. ers, laborers, taxi drivers. ware- Jennifer l.ariie Mummie might ; housemen, Civic Centre, Friday, take me to the concerts next October 26, 8 p.m. J. H. Mair, year. i Business Agent. (251c) Black, aided by patrol leaders of 'Massey to meet Princess Eliza-both the Conrad and Cathedral beth and Prince Philip while the JPerbonali uu,"c ui'iyamra. riymg-up 10 young royal couple were in Van-Guides were Nita Weise, Muriel couver. Prockter, Louise Anderson, Betty But Mrs. Massey didn't know Sykes and Anna Colussi. Also arrangements had been com- Mr. and Mrs. B. Hedstrom, who Paul Antrobu" I've always thor- j auvaiit iiiu Lfi iiuinp rnmiviniAd nint .ii n n.. , , . A Moose social ana caret were Diana Davidson a. r.u".'...?2,'"'"...,"R"h-'nve on trip to Vancou- cu-hly enjoyed the concerts r W LAYAWAY NOW XJT FOR CHRISTMAS "x-X ' returned to the city on the but I'm particularly interested in 'party in honor of Mooseheart W nm fia I Dora nionn Dinh . ... ... . CI ... , .. t.6, iwull- lne prlncess secretary, Col. Prinre Georse veterrlav -prince ueorge yesterday aids. Diana Smith and Bettv ,, rhr.ri0 hcanng Denald Gramm to-, Day wlll be held m tne xempie night. He must be very good on Friday, October 2ti. Cards to have attained . such out- will commence at 8 o'clock. Re-Handing bces while still so ' f reshmenU. Dancing. Small acl-younj;. ' , mission charge. (231c.i i . ... . UOYI f command oMMWii ' Mr- a"d Mrs. J. B. Hurst of Concluding the rally, cookies ; Vancouver arrived yesterday on were served to the happy group The princess requests that : the Prince George to attend the whose enthusiasm for Guide and you come to the hotel to meet wedding of their elder son, Ron- to- Diume worn attests to xne line imrteris saia. leader.hlp of those sponsorina "I Just about fainted aid, to Miss Shirley Robins, night. Hinstope:' llancv-L'.st year a man soune'ed Just like the sing-inw wlia'e. Mv dad said he Mrs. this movement. Ladies Do your Christmas shopping early. Don't forget L.O.B.A. tea and sale of fancy work, aprons and children's GEORGE COOK JL PRINCE RUPERT a-d TERRACE Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc- looked a bit like him too. Meekin, who have been away for Cianc Gilker No one should Massey told The Daily ProvincV j Mrs. Massey asked Dr. and i Mrs. H. L. Patrick. 4'J87 Marguerite, to accompany her "for nioial support." garments. Also home cooking. me last coupie or months on a miss any of the concerts, we Two 0(;l0(.k Friday October 26, ret. :o few cpportmtics Irt t oddfellows' Hall. (250c Fnnce Rupert of hea'ing such , Woffavdr n . r i Uinl t--j-y Peyton ! holiday trip which took them to ! Eastern Canada and the United States, returned home on the j Prince George, yesterday. ; ! The condition of Fred Read, ' who was obliged to enter hos ! D. Pal rick is a nephew and Mrs. Patrick is a niece of Sir Lancelot Barrlngton Ward, a famous British physician who Canadian Legion card party also had attended the King, was well attended last night with "We were all so excited," Mrs. 12 tableE In piaj. Winne.s were: Massey said. "Dr. and Mrs. Pat- pital shortly after his return Jfli!i& from an extended stay in Lor.- ot'ts' aml'ne artists The pro-erum for the cjncevt ton'ght with its variety of ballads, favorite soneani iisht ov;ra is cue that shou'd Rive everyone e vonderfol evening. ; Th" a-ti-!3 who come on the. Aleska Trail reali;'3 th;tt here as well as in , that they are playing to an r.verage rrosvs-ction of people, 'Colli innrrt on r'i"p Dii..ije--iviis. a. j. iuizon aim i imu a Buesi iur uinner. out aon during the summer, is . i.. lijll. whn I called they rushed off ported to be somewhat im- IC I1IU1T WHAT kll ITIIITIMkl UICC v. " . V IS NUTRITION-WISE MOTHERS ARE SAYING imrsmi and left him to baby-sit with proved, their children." Mrs. Patrick confirmed this Rev- H- M- Wlngfield. United and termed the interview "very churc)i Pastor at Queen Char- : exciting;" the royal couple, "very lotte cltv' u ln tne citV for tne charming." fa" session of the Prince Rupert ' w ,. . Pre.sbvtery of the United Church wy,h P1 of Canada of which he is secre- rnM he, ram"y' . J. . ? r,ya.' Ury. He arrived from the klauds V, .i st -Mi s. L. Amoth and Mr. . . chiltou. Crlbbage Mrs. R. Telseth and K.: S. Bautovick. Convened by Mrs. Pat Anderson, refr.shment committee was composed of Mrs. Myrtle Lewis, Mrs. Jean Adelman, and Mrs. G. E. Hoibrook. IRS. J. I. D0N0GHUE l;iHiy Hiniies on Dad, '4t! and J oe is peak for Avlmer flavor. QunuvluM-H have :i other Carol, ('.wen and Hp) MrB. Don.iKhue buys l.UVC UltT lUTCllCDL UULbUl, IUU 'nave no idea how nice he is to all of us." , on Tuesday afternoon's plane. A photo of Duncan Munro of !f -O oz. I urn of Aylmer Ketj etfl i.i'icr as in a ' LONDON (CP London Jewelry Her royal highness was refer- Prince Rupert is Included Snip and !- p r Its niun.'V. 1MW ATTENTION MERRY MAKERS Coiuad Street School F.T.A. Ilniloi' e'en Hoe-Down . AT CONRAD SCHOOL Saturiay, Oct. 2 ' -VI" ION 5CC 9- 12 p.m. Oa:nt'S, D inc. ig. Prizes Refi'jfhments large illustration ln the Vancou manufacturers are cashing ln on ring to Sir John Weir, Mrs. Mas ver Province that features a tne royal tour of Canada by sell- sey s cousin Mrs. Massev said Piince Phi)D visit by Princess Elizabeth to ing gold brooches, modelled in the fhapc of the Canada goose. "fucked in B. C." told her: "I'm so glad to iKai" Shaughnessy Military Hospital, you. lovely Scots accent, The Princess is seen in conver- ' Then he a.ked me where I sat.on, convenient to the parade was born and a lot of other ques- , of veterans where the old timer Hons, but I can't remember what ' from tne nortn ls standing, all was said. It was just as " ' though I were ln a divam. I' will be one of my iife's FOR A SAFE AND SANE HALLOWE'EN 1 , - m ' Afternoon Teas make friendly entertainment yy Kinsmen Halloween Shell-Out Tickets Spread the good news from Urn ft! llelp Kinsmen TEA . To Help Kiddies' most beautiful memories.'' Mrs. Massey recalled that she told the princess she had seen her royal highness during the tour of the city. ! ' whs to closo I could have shaken hands with you.',' she told ueii-appa ens, io Britain's throne. "Why didn't you?" tire princess asked. And when Mrs. . Massey , replied: "I would probably have been arrested," her royal high-' ness laughed gaily. . i Mrs. Massey was born in Scot- ' land, and came to Canada as a bride ln 1919. Sire lived ln Prince Rupert until 1948. Her husband parsed away 18 months ago. One of her uncles. Rev. John Fleming, often preached to royalty at Windsor Castie. she said. Am?ng her prteed possessions Is a copy of a page from the July 21, 1891 edition of the Birmingham Daily Gazette printed on satin. It formerly was the property of Queen Victoria, and Mrs. Massey took it to the Interview Saturday night, but didn't get a chance to f how it to the princess. DOUBLE QUALITY 4 Epcol I ntercom System for with a flavor "siveet as cloven TV PAYS FOR WINTER ITSELF IN. THREE . MONTHS i- i mil 13 I; f r3r b I f vour work reuuires extra sturdy shoes, we've qot just what' you want. Come in todav and choose your well constructed work shoe bult for comfort and hard wear. jJ BM Cld!ifl' C ftnest tasting mrg- n ff'V ll'ii CVU nll i "JW.ill MoDtreal, Quebec. 7 LS 1 11 .1 11 I U? i sa teV J tonether uh t note 7 I S r ' .'" Pi"Tou,po...e! V & ...m'b ...yr?i- .---7 : 7 - V v - yv- ,. uctorics, etc. vo simple systems at surprisingly 'w cost. Attention V..A. of the Un'tcd Fishermen and Allied Wo: kers' Union DANCE Oddfellows' Hall October 26 10 p.m. -2am. 75c REFRESHMENTS t installed in a jQ.c timfc by having '-w hours. r NOW IN STOCK i Geo. Hill & Sons Freshness guaranteed by Kraft Exclusive iieiv blending of the basic ingredient perfected by Kraft makes Parkay taste even better than before! feme Electric Rupert', B.C. Box 1399 Ph. Blue 992 LIMITED Box 737 Phone Black 69