rince Rupert Daily News Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, October 25. 1951 LETTERBOX British Parliaments Since 1900 mli'iit (l.niy newspaper ucraura io uie upbuilding of Prince OBJECTS TO EDITORIAL ray . . Reflects and Reminisces Dort mill Northern ana Central British' Columbia Nor do separate schools encour- I political thumbscrews attached age good citizenship and co-'and believe mc I don't v.ant to operation. ' be under them when they're Granting separate schools to ( tightened, the R.C. in our province would) The article referred to also be a step toward getting their j 'Continued on page 8) I , of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations i Editor, j Daily News, I strongly object to H. G. T. Perry's editorial in Tuesday's Aemblrd Dissolved Ministries Dec. 3, 1900 Jan. 8, 1900 LORD SALISBURY (C) A. J. BALFOUR (C) Feb. 13, 1906 Jan. 10, 1910 H. CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN (L) H. II. ASQUITH (L) Feb.1, 1910 Nov. 28. 1910 H. H. ASQUITH (L) Jan. 31, 1911 Nov. 25, 1918 D. LLOYD GEORGE (CLN) Canadian newspaper Association. S.NTER. MatiaKing Editor; H. O. PERRY, Managing Director jNews making a plea for sym-' suuouuriiun KAllsa: per wvek, 20c; per month, 75c; per year, .. by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. iKsT&S Pubiislied every afternoon except Sunday by Rupert Daily Ne ws Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. Feb. 4, 1919 Oct. 26, 1922 Vancouver brewers are on strike and, unless there is prompt settlement, less than a week will witness no beer In Prince Rupert. Go without it tor awhile! No one will suffer except in imagination. Perhaps il will be a benefit! H. H. ASQUITH (Ll D. LLOYD GEORGE (CLN( A. BONAR LAW (C) A. BONAR LAW Cl STANLEY BALDWIN (C) STANLEY BALDWIN (Cl Nov. 20, 1922 Nov. 16, 1923 fp STEAM IRONS Now R $27.50 t Them Generously Jan. 8, 1924 Oct. 9, 1924 pathy and understanding for , those desiring private or sep-1 arate schools. The Roman Catholic Church (not the R.C. people) of course is the main contender for the separate schools so that It might more easily propagate lis religion. Give tin; R.C. Church a finder and it grabs the whole hand. Consider what centuries of Roman Catholic supremacy have done for Italy, France, Spain and South America and Quebec. ; Has it raised the standard of living for the average person? No. Many of their people are ; l;K is much to be said in support of the case J. RAMSAY MacDONALD (LAB) May 10, 1929 STANLEY BALDWIN C Oct. 7, 1931 RAMSAY MacDONALD (LAB) RAMSAY MacDONALD (NAT) Dec. 2, 1921 June 25, 1929 About another week and Hallowe'en will be here. It really means Holy Eve but, as a general rule, there is more gaiety than piety and great would be Uie chagrin were it not so. Today, Halloween observance is RAMSAY MacDONALD CNAT) Nov. 10, 1931 Oct. 25, 1935 ie Ootsa Lake people who have sent their on to Victoria to protest to the provincial nent at what they claim is unfair treatment e Aluminum Co. of Canada in settlement for ijiicity which will be flooded as a result of STANLEY BALDWIN (NAT) June 15, 1945 STANLEY BALDWIN (NAT) NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN (NAT) No. 26, 1935 1 i-till m.'.unlc iinnxntnH what It's expected to be but Itj was not like this some years ago.! There was one October 31 when disorderly characters and adult! ruuglu gained the upper hand. I nhaku dam project. ! Rupert Radio & Electric Aug. 1, 1945 Mar. 1, 1950 Feb. 3. 1850 Oct. 5, 1951 WINSTON s. CHURCHILL (NAT) i Canada there is teven Um CLEMENT R. ATTLEE (LAB) the illiteracy among R.C.'s as CLEMENT R. ATTLEE (LAB I among Protestants. Have the LAB-Labor; NAT-Natiorral govern- separate schools helped them? ir the most of these people worthy pioneers Police action wa.5 prompt and (C-Conservative; L-Liberal; country-it will mean the loss not only of ! ro".-8,,nc thn- quaint ; ment; cLN-coaiition i . ,1. . ! pi , . and whimsical old festival is' r ; ir,es inn uifir meiinuuu as rancners. Many iback where It belongs. COME NORTH Northern B.C. bears are the As I See It Everybody's Talking About This Great Razor Bargain ! xp are old timers oeing torn up by the grass-.jnl it is easy to picture their plight and prob-iai (settlement, even under the best of circum- ,1 Th:it uolllrl 111" M KPI'inim m.nttm- f-.t mu hard-boiled kind. A 300-pound j ! grisaly kept on going for (id: yards after his heart had been Gripped apart by a slug of lead. ! This was in hunter's Basin, in land the Aluminum Co. of Canada and the iilleHegSSSS. This Dust Welcome Operation of Elevator ' ! Bringing New Business It was dusty today at the grain j elevator but it was a nice, rich I kind of dust and aiong with it around Telkwa. When excitement why travel ;ial government would be well advised to see j the region awfully adequate settlement is made with these the" COMPLETE WITH 10 GILLETTE BLUE BLADES IN DISPENSER! way to Kenya or the Congo? I Alcan can well afford to err on the side of riitv and benevolence. It would be eood busi- fWP'4'"" BIG $2.00 VALUE For Only Weather was almost frosty enough Wednesday to make a bo'li for the company and the government to ,; he most sympathetic sort of settlement pos- fellow think of a bloomand 1 1 rhiirchillV- hur I-M I ...( t Lap a few hot drinks later on. j came smell of honest-to-good-ness prairie wheat. A dozen or more railroad cars stood waiting for their turn as those before them gushed out golden kernels JJERE'S the greatest bargain in shaving history! It'i the new Gillette Rocket Razor and the amazing Gillette Blade Dispenser, now packed in s permanent Styrene travel case. This razor changes blades instantly, shaves like a dream. For tops in shaving ease and convenience, buy a Gillette Rocket Razor Set only $1.29. HARDLY A GAMBLE i GLASGOW I don't know i when a nnhlir mpptinir If you're puzzled trying to de- Frury in this case, we feel, would not' pay off . ... 1 m ill i ..i..ii.r pirn t l"Hi inn iin i'f nt- if- i , , . u i, ....... !CJUU 1 LIU. 1U Cejf Lilt icaoi Ul it, uuui tut; tuiu- the government would be runninc the risk into th pit. A city business man came out of the elevator office door, looking "good." "You know," he said, "you wouldn't think a few carloads of cioe which is the best way to ; , f f , , , make money, there's always one Hneclea me as much as thmg you can do. its always the one from which I have poisiole to move to Prince Ru-1 . pert and open a lodging house. .Just COme. t Or in a sen?9 a great deal of valuable goodwill. it was more than a wincl- iqe government at me ouvsei snouict nave made , . . . , grain would make much difference to a community. But this my third order. Yes sir, every mm tor a special arbitration board which ; the usth anniversary of Traiai- up of just another pohti 9 Instant Blads) Changing Real Shaving Comfort Double-Edge Economy little bit of business helps." rtfiave neen iree irom restrictions now imposed gar, uie Dattie mat estaonsnea ca camnaism Biitiih naval supremacy. Lord' .. rl e iitin W'.itfli Ant if a Tt(i-n1jf lilt And so on. Some 20 local men are receiving employment at the elevator and they're happy at their work. "The dust? We don't mind it. Smell that wheat," is the way they talk. ; ii kgh Time sIaTISFACTOHY that the city council's traf- Nelson did not live to reap the it,was raore 11Ke a Sltl r 1 reward that was his but his fs to a greatind loved old man, b"1 wnlle he ls sti" alive, not i descendants did until a few years ago. They had nothing to after he ha Passed along, i do with Traialgar but the name ' I gave them a good and unearned s TO Ithe cllmax ' Mr-livelihood. Churchill s campaign and he . made it a great one. PERHAPS SWAY BALLOT ! Sometimes you get an over-Today is October 25 date of Powerlni: feeling about such 'the British general election, and "e?lY.And the one 1 ot was . that tha tmio nf Vm....-.n e coilllllKlt't- ,s ul U r last trnrrirnr r nu-n tr hnci one cannot but wonder how Ul MWUM,,U Ui ---- - O t?---b w.f.l KJ .vi.-ii- "j gi'apiJlinjf with parking and traffic problems city. Certain bylaw amendments are Ions f. solf of them being so obvious that there iressity to enumerate them here. They have i'.ich under discussion of latp in tho eirv roun- wiaaguw pcupje were not Ju.st turning out to cheer the man many of the voters will remem-iber it was the Labor govern ment that relieved taxpayers whom they obviously think is irom the necessity of findina lni6 "I v" i ij ill surely i the great rstnans gather. In fact, it has been a com- , I est et Bruon Briton o of thLe these L times. May Reopen I'Jt'tt of talk for many a day and the wonder Mimt'thing had not been done already. All. while the matter of regulation amend-ie under consideration, it would be well and ?'that some resolve be made and action in- SUPER WASHABLE! AT LIVERPOOL and down south in England, Churchill spoke for only half an hour. Here to the Scots he spoke for an hour and 20 minutes. Tonight I was only a few yards from him as he spoke. I was Impressed by the fact that Mr. Churchill had gained not lost strength and confidence as the campaign has proceeded. Negotiations Possibility of New Dealing Between Britain and Iran on Oil .:! 1)1' u ttl'l'dt... A',v....nr.M4. .1 1 ..jl-.... SUPER SCRUBBABLE ! Rich as velvet. . . tough as rubber. . . newest miracle of research j TEHRAN (P Iran's chief oil cxpei t, Kazen Hassibi, was sum- He did not say anything real , v nivn-cmciit ui irt-fii aim uiiii't iiiuns. We realize that this is going to involve c .tcnsive and thorough traffic patrol and "fP without fear or favor. But we also fear Washington where Premier Mo-i- innmV S Pundf and Inpres- wUh ... . ... j ,, S , j slve conviction. He went to great Truman on the oil dispute. !.., pains , to convince his ,, ,.jf if something is not done, there is going to be 'ife and limb. In that consideration, we should ?tu0 much constrained by the possibility of I to expend a few extra dollars. I His departure aroused specu-j lation here that Mossedegh is ; preparing to reopen negotiations with Britain. audience that trade unions would get just as fair a deal under a Conservative government as under Labor. He was most emphatic that all political parties in Britain have now accepted the principle of full employment. He told the 'f it is high time that something was done I'l'i'hauling our parking and traffic regula-id f seeing ,, that they w as well . as the existing thoroughly and courageously enforced. Power Commission Mores Into North Power generating facllilties at Fort St. John and Atlin have been Investigated by the B.C. Power Commission. people quite candidly that the whole western world has learn ire tlio 4 ed a lot in the past 25 years. He cited the document pro (Continued on page 8) I Urtd!!l fc ' "iuate -aiiage fur Jotlaij Called a llftlp rhilri nnln him llnH Pt him in tho "l -St. Matt. 18:2. HAVE YOU A TRADE? 1 STEAMER ice George I SAILS FOR Vancouver !'l liilrrmrUiBte I'orts Eoch Thursday 1 ;'l H:15 p.m. lot KETCHIKAN "NIIHY MIDNIGin yes SqUezfXYfoer WILL AMAZE YOU! P""! iTTvT ' - TOOAV H MOST Nt 'XSNH I, MK AHK NPM'IAI.IMTH. (i)MMl my anil hilirtf hie Job opiiur-Imittirft an- to hp foil ml In the IHp-I hi mI AiitiiiiHitlvr I ntl ntrvt YOU CAN QUALIFY FOR THESE OPPORTUNITIES WITH NATIONAL SCHOOLS' MASTER SHOP METHOD HOME TRAINING! Mmiy of tMir un'ciiful Bru4uiit tiMik it thK triilnhiE when past IllllllllC IIRC NATIONAL SCHOOLS tif !, AiiKtls t'uliliiritlti, nat fntiih- MolllMl III lHr. . . . M lHIIMll'41 IMIlItT Dr(iirtii'iit uf t.autr rf()iilrfiin'iits In cii h 4 Hiuitlluii lrttvhif- . . . Ihih , IIhiumuimK uf mnvffn grail mile uiul .tudrnt In I'HliHitii. beautifully, in minutes oifensive odor. One t 9 Suj-H-T Kfin-'l'onc comes ready to .use. It nctxls no primer or uiulcr-coater . . . applies easily, jci lettly on wallpaper, paint, plaster, wood or metal. It dries evenly, SUl'EK I liuxu:y ut I.nui flnrt most sul fat es. Made by the makers of Keni-Tone and K.ciu-Glo.$7.85 PER GALLON. fur Reservations Write or Call ('TV Oil DEPOT OFFICE HUNCE RUPERT, I,'t II) H. nltlHMlt IMltttllR mi IHllItT il nv iilillKutltini. rti'inl you UliMrutnl llli-ruliliT whlrli ytm nill fliHl must iiitrrrNtliic. SIMI'LY MAIL THIS ( OII'ON 1 Seagram's Jke rfjircaie DL vt v v B.C. SHASTA WHtl j if . - .t tree KEMGIO NATIONAL HMIOOLH, lKPT. A 18 ! V.. llMMtliir ! VaiHnnr. II. V. You may ewnd. without oblipHtiiiR me In any way. the book and sample lesson of your course In Diesel, Automotive and allied mechanics. Nnme Address Kings Plate tiff' r. Th mirocl lastr cn-amal tor klttheti ad botrroom wollt. Looks and woihv lik tS baked natntit on yovr V uood Housekeeping . $S.29 gollon. Th original oil paint that mi wilh water. On gaHon, ihinntd with watvr, mok on and ont-ho oallo"- So your actual coit pr galkn U nly $4.20 nw refrigerator. $3.os Jpf these great home decorating aids quart. wmb !m, mm w 0T ScagvattV Sure The Canada Paint Company Ltd. The Martin-Sor.o-jr Company ltd. The Lowe Brothers Company lid. The Sherwin-Williams Company of Canada, Ltd. - Distributers and Dealers from Coast to Coast - This odvertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. J