News of the District College Picture Good Schools At Burns Lake Theatre here. ! Asainst an entertaining college background and with a cast peopled by attractive young folk, the picture deals with the snob- ; Many Activities Make i BURNS LAKE It is always of ! vital Importance to any com- In Technicolor A trvrh approach t;i a controversial ilirm' is eft. -red in the pictu:j "Tike Cue uf My Littie Girl." technicolor offering, which is brine, featured today. Friday and S.ut.rdny at the Capitol Getting New Post Office . ni , imunlty that the housing of the UlirtlC I nlf HICQSQll W ''.school population should be of a fhigh standard. Burns Lake Sen bishnrss of college sorority nie. Jean Crain takes the role of the daughter of a Greek letter society member who enters a mid-western university idealistic about the membership in her mother's sorority but becomes disillusioned by first hand learning of its inequities and infirmities. Dale Robertson, raucher turned actor. Mitzi Gaynor and Jean Peters have principal supporting roles. ior High-Elementary with the new. building viiu went up in Februaiy leaches Uim desirablj By EVANGELINE VANN ( HUltNS LAKE. Out of the bright confusion of ideas that is Dui-ns Lake conies evidence of the regu-laterl running of manv societies and clubs, for the ' BURNS LAKE Postmaster; ' McKenna inspects the apart-! : men! bl sclc across the way hope- ; : fully each day, to sjc how the new home for the post office pro gresses. The roof is gtanda cl. The High S' hool building has at present 91 gins and boys. There is a total school population ot 257 and a stuff of eight. Room one, which is a science laboratory and classroom coin- now nowsiaiieu. started. . " I ti,,,f tQ "Clil at 49,59,60?" Kan, You're Crazy Vmrt your nee ' '1 linuyantlii ire pyppy t W. Irj " l.iilnii i.! ''i .r:ii:i to ,i io for wtK. rmiliyn !,!. n due finely to bum's lary ol in.n mmy r in. ui.l w.mrn call ""flcl " Try IMrei I. hi r 1 ..1.1c:. nr rT- o'lnier tfylnj. tH y -ry iIbv. Ni-w i-iir.,irittl" alia wily 6U4. Bur lala at ail Irug yuicta veo wiiara. land weather permitting, it is l.UH'lll 01 Uie Community. II OV ei -ui goi ..., characteristic of many communities with growing The first British trading post in India was established at Madras in 1611. hoped the building will be com-p e. u in a couple of months. Oth"i tluui th! pest office there will be thirteen offices upstairs. ; and living quarters downstairs lor a family. bined, is fitted with six modern practis-; I found the Glee Club nine pains. I was fortunate, th' jtmhout a sinks with waU'r. There are ri nf The Pirates of Pen- typical week, to be invited to "1B Pa . it., ttoii rwiupr nutlets nronane gas. a Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, October 25, 1951 7nce in me uoiuniuiiifcy- r r - and members of Hie PT.A. at fume closet, with a fan fot draw-:,i ,.,r .nrt trettiniy ready for Ine out fumes, and tack boards. attend some of these meetings and to see the public spirit in llir uui" -- . - . . ,,.,,, ,i,v. ol,. ellOIl Ol a lie loom la "lieu y ii.ii a.ion-- is week, the Board of Trade met, t''ir m r'"g, . . ' ,.. ; ' t the ,e next next day. day. Utst : year, unuer I ooara ana is nuuim-iiiwi. nine UIIIOI LUliait iy coiiiciuiiit: vyiin a ..Klo able rOMrtllf'TnrsniD contiuciorsiiip Ol ui A. . 'r "'f "UiKr lut ftri " dint ict.c j "L . . . , ,;1P ',le ; meeting of the Twecdsmulr Rod , , vhA tne Giee Club window space with nearly full L r, :nd Gun Club. I attended the -i y o Di.,(nr. onrt Innfftn U"l ,iMnli' I Tie riullii Is ilpll I ,Q FASY TO StRVE ... . U neitormca n mo. ru't r- . , i ..a,., tit ...uv. a ,rhl OOA-ii-att 1 1 h t u In Rendezvous for Old Mariners WINNIPEG CP) A group of old mariners gather here every Monday night to .spin tales til the sea. sing a sea chanty or two and occasionally "splice the mam brace." Called the Cutty Sark Club latter where subjects of general interest were discussed ialorm-ally as there were many members absent. I understand there i.s a large and enthusiastic membership. I was told that at the Board of Trade meeting, among other SHF. S DADDY'S GIRL Ptl. Michael Redmond xu ih aircraft carrier Magnificent in far-off Malta ta,7 year-old daughter Sandra Joy was struck by a cat at H' ' severely injured. The shipmate of Rcrimor.d a u, Dental Corps, collected $500 to fly him home T"? operated. When he arrived the child was near recovered sufficiently t-o give her father a big ' 5 National Defence! as a mm wm w wm yy tliis year ii is nuueu " ... production will be Riven next frosted globes. There are two spring Mrs. Long of Palling was other classrooms with lockers and at the piano. comfortable chair desks, equip- The Village Commission, ped with a drawer below, branches of the Canadian Le- in tnp. wash rooms, hot and pinn, and Kinsmen, are co-oper- I cod wat,.r, paper towels, liquid ating lor the benefit of the ROap, and every modern amenity ' communitv. Is supplied. . t a.ja U M oiLsiness discussed were the j after a famous sea clipper, their j 5lep8 which had been taken to prefer to call it, is appropriately PA Wonderful get a resident aentist. 10 iur-' ine o"ii , i, uinuiusiuu, m an dier this aim they had written ' Burn. Lake Elementary-High rooms nnrj, when the tempera-to the College of Dentists and looks after the interests of the ture falls below the setting, hot a suae m tne new apartment school children, and In Boys and Water is automatically drawn in-block has been set aside for the Girls Athletic Clubs and the ; to the circulation system. When use of a dentist. ' journalism Club provides for the temperature in the skive At a well conducted and well i their recreation. j drops, more coal Is drawn Into . : ih.VMns cum attended PT.A. meeting one A Recreational facilities for i the furnace from the hopper j adorned wilh sailing gear, j Models of famous sailing ships of the pie-steam era, pictures, j rope bords and various other j seamen's articles are displayed. One cherished antique is a seamanship manual printed in England in 1783. There now are 30 members of the club in Winnipeg and 40 ; ethers in Australia, New Zea-i land, South Africa. Dcnmar!;. yy s the subjects under discussion adults are provided by the So-was how best to encourage the 1 ciai and Bridge Club. The Omt-school children to bring suit- npca gkj club, and Badminton able lunches and if it would be ciub xiie building of the Curl- ffk iigX W possible to provide thermos bot-; ing aiic skating Rinks, a corn-ties for children who hadn't mendable voluntary effort, will For Real Hot water is heated by propane gas. in an automatic heater, with a pilot light. The furnace room Is lined with fireproof material, and equipped with automatic sprinklers. There is no danger of enthusiastic students being locked in overnight as the outside doors, which are locked from outside, are fitted with crash bars. the United Kingdom United them add greatly to the enjoyment of residents of all aRes. i The PT.A has been instru- Shoe Comfort for you ! Only KeNonfi's give you this guarantee: "Double your money hack if you don't agree these Bran Flakes are frrsher'" (Mail empty carton to Kellogg's, Dept. 4A, I.nnrlnn Ont 1 . Tasmania. Until eight years ago, ' mental in gelthig an orthopae-only old-time followers of the;dic travelling clinic of three ; trade winds were allowed in the ' doctors, and two nurses to visit l.iuo. However, since their mini- Bums Lake, and also in getting ber has decreased, any sailor- is tne village included in the Cari-ailowed to join. bu0 Health Unit, which tormerly More Power Burns Lake See Six of the original members had stopped at Vandcrlwof. William Kyle o f Pr. Georae Shot of the club still are alive. One i BURNS LAKE "Owing to the ashion footvec increase In demand for power ; William Kyle, manager of irom the mills and services, we! Canadian National Telegraphs are having to install another ten j at Prince George and formerly cylinder 312 Vivian diesel," Mr. stationed at Prince Rupert, was n M Witt, chief engineer said seriously Injured at the Interior a he showed the foundation town last week when a shotgun which was being made to take he was cleaning accidentally tl.j additional plant. discharged. N " " A i - - - - Dunne the week. 1 looked in i at the pre-school and well-baby clinic, and found Don- ! aid and lay Rlassen of Tche-sinkut Lake getting their regular check-up. with Miss Facchiim in attendance and every modern convenience to ' assist her. They were getting j their regular check up first, and then were due for smallpox vaccination. - Miss I'ac ih.i,n has oMO square- milrs of territory, and travelling i ti.ffkult in winter. She is then assisted by two married nurses living on the south side of Francois Lake. At the colorful Installation of the ollicers ol BPOE when tail v Only Kellogg's makes man-size tiakes, so dchciously crisp in milk! What's more, thry give you extra bulk to help keep you "regular"! "We have had to make an ad- The charge entered his chest j dit'.nal 12 feet, onto the original and narrowly missed his heart.! plant. Wc hope the installation The accident occurred in the I of them 87-year-old Charles' Stankcy of Waskada, Man. is 1 the only .survivor of the first ; Cutty bark crew. j ESTABLISHED BY MAYOR i It was a model of the tea clip- , ; per that inspired the loi malum-' of the manners' club. C. F. Gray j ' of Victoria, a lonner seaman I l and mayor ol Winn. pes;, saw i i model of the Cutty Sark in a j 1 Winnipeg store and formed the club oi retired sailing men. Ihe real Cutty tiark has been in a dry dock on the Thames ' Kivcr t,i England for the last 40 cais. Built in 1870, she set many speed records on ruin from China and Australia but after the inauguration of steamships could get no cargoes. Alter a mixed career, including nmt.nies and ever-present iriction among her crew, tin-clipper was sold to a Portuguese liim in 1895 and lehrisitnt :i t'erreira. She roamed the seas for 10 more years and then was turned into a naval training will be completed in six to eight garage or his home, weeks. We haw at present two ; He is reported doing well in -cylinder. 125-kilowait rating. Prince George Hospital. X iLI tAV VV&'pE GLAD ; c esel Vivians, and one, 10-eyi- i i indcr 312 Vivian. The original i sw.Lchboards will have to be en- , We- switched to . -m JTS another cubicle, and 1 r i. ... ;,j i vaiiol i larucu to ' also the feeder panel will have Ruler, the Ladies of the Royal ti.,r.i o .vo nf thpir iivii sun- ! "e ciiwii, Ships ond Woterfront FS. Are.tis, K.ank Waterhoosc tanker, Cupt William B ni e. docked I hit morning w ith 18.000 gallons of napthn gasoline and 150.000 gallons of dlecl fuel fur Imperial Oil. F'ir Sandsplt, the tanker carries 18 000 gallons of aviation gasoline. poi t, aj is done in the women's auxiliaries of so many of the organizations here. The building has been up a little over two years and the land around has been laid out In lawn and flower beds. (CbNOMi H oi I I looked in at the newly form- " -1 ed Goodwill Club, whose object i is to raise money for deserving community efforts, and to wcl- - hlp. Try This NEW Ihe landlocked members of come new comeis io uie uwnri. , Ready To Build I New Station The pL driver is expected this ' Club no loii'cr 'alter orjjeci is a welcome ' the Cutty Sark V. sisin, as there are many new families arriving who do not know ! 1 anyone, and wno will not know week to prepare for the founua- the many amenities or tne vu- ( Wo o( tne new fully modern, have an opportunity to see a lull-scale version of their namc-i-aici' because they are thousand., of miles from coastal waters. However, they have their models, thew pipes and their memories. Every Monday night the nostalgic strains of 'Shenandoah" flow from their ship usually followed by a rousing ! chorus of "Blow the Man Dbwn.'' lage- j two-storey CNR station, and the "Have you come to listen to contractors are expected shortly, j the Glee Club, or to mark the ! It is hoped It will bj finished by , old clothes?" I wo-s asked when! the end of January. ' j ervis Washinj Machine with pump Inle; national Harvester Kefriserator 3-Sprrd Radio ( o'lihiiialioii (l 0,clou from C hestcriicld Suites rum Conso'euin llS iu. double-strength POWDERED BLEACH . Wht an amazing difference Ptrfex Powdered Bleach makei to nylon or rayon lingerie to wool-lent I Like magic, it aafeljr reatorea that freah, new look to theae delicat fabrica. Now DOUBLE-STRENGTH, odorleHii . Perfex Powdered Bleach , h twice aa good. Softene water makea mote auda aavea aoap or detergent It'i guaranteed ! a 1. - Trilitcs (iurncy Ruck as lUnee (iainailay Washer i ' . 2 For e Thrilling L:s Spooky Specials Legislature In Session j VICTORIA 9 The special ses-, sioii of the Legislature opened i today wilh indications it will be I brief. i The Speech from the Throne said the session had bc.'n called ioi the specific purpose of dealing with legislation to extend benefits of old age pensions to persons of lower age brackets and to make other modifications in existing old age pension laws. Supremacy Itifriccrator Dinette Suites Talle Lamps 4 Shad" I I HI !'alJIHll!Ji.fJ.T.rl.l from Chrome Suites, ' MMMMMMaM I I I l B j . -, .U ,li.laili' i or " J k sri IHE ROBERT SIMPSOl H"'--jj 312-3rd Ave. W1IllllJ ' powdered bleach far WOOl . RAYON . SILK NrtON hi' ;J ' Matured $5 fW and L ff Bottled in Ejv royal navy DONALD GRAMM ' MAXIM ACCnvr'',"" BARITONE 8:30 p.m. CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM ADl'I Tti Reserve $2.50 - $1.75 General $1.25 Conrad. Ms Season tickets (20 off I may be obtained from: Dr. R. O. Largv. F. . ..., U in'- , r'i DEMERARA RU.M Daily, more and more people are enjoying the fine, uniform quality of this delicious salmon! It' processed within hourly of catching, to retain the rich flavor. Buy Challenger today; i Store, Mrs. E. J. Smith, H. S. Pluym, E. D. Forward, Fraser 4: ', p0rt ElaI Vance's Home Arts, Kaien Hardware, Family Shoe Store, L. Stanwoot' Store, and the Civic Centre. Tliis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor ; Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ; Produced by Fishermen's Co-operative Federation, VANCOUVER, B.C.