Prinrc Rupert Daily News 1'tiuisuuy. October 25. l6i Your Club has applied ioi Uie Nortl: tin B.C. ciiuiupjoliiliipii to be held here in the latter part of February, HOCKEY - INI.. City Hunters Draw Blank Curling and Skating Rinks at Burns Lake j0US9 lifters - SCORES DAILY NEWS om Chills ' Difficulty Getting Stones Plan for Ski Championship BURNS LAKE. "Public donations, and donat-i Three city nimrods returned from a nine-day venture Into the wilds oi Ootsa Lake yesterday with a feeling that Prince Rupert has a lovely, hot climate. Harry Black, Fire Chief Earl Becker ana Aid, Harold Whalen felt sor.iethint like Robert Service's "man from Tennessee" who couldn't get warm ei.ough an they faced snow, ice and 12-above weather for nearly a week. National Boston 3. New York 1 Pacific Coast Victoria 4, Seattle 5 lucoma 2, New Westminster 7 Vancouver 0. Saskatoon 5 Western International Kamloops 5, Nelj-on 2. 1 mm THl 1 ROUBLE. phone 884 AND HAVE etJ lumber, amounting; to forty thousand feet, have made it possible to start work on the curling rink," said George Slesinger. It will be housed in a building Pi 160 feet by 32 feet and hoped to be completed in six months. There will be two sheets of ice. Member HOCKEY STANDINGS W D L F A And to top it, they did not get I their nriose. Total luck o:v,t! ship will be $25 allowing dues. "Hospitality and Good Food" That Is Our First Aim Phone 17 for Orders To Take Out Commodore Cafe THOM Detroit 4 Monti tilt 3 Toronto 2 Chicago 2 B :.!.!) 2 New York 1 1 15 5 3 IS 15 2 11 11 2 10 14 3 11 12 3 9 12 on the ALLEYS 1 goose by Aid. Whalen. and sev- j era! uukt by Mr. Black. j ' But. we did have quite an exciting trifi, at times," A'd. Whalen said U..'.ay. Working out of SHEET METAL LTD. 4,-ck Your Furnace gone ahead, and last year representatives were sent to Jasper, Wells and Smithers and honors were won. This year the the farm el a:. J. and E. C. Mohr, father-ln-iaw and brother-in-law of Chief Bocker, the trio ?. "I have had great difficulty 5 getting curling stones," Mr. Beck 3 said when seen in his store. "I couldn't get them at all in Eastern Canada. The 'rocks' teem ob-I tainable only In Scotland, where they are made from a special jkind of granite. Now, we are all j ready to go." 1 i251cij Breaking the .season's record in the Men's Five Pin Bowline Japanese . Junior Team Probable 1 lhe Kinsmen are going ',0 Prinee build an open air skating rink, forced their way down the lee-crusted Ootsa river in an outboard powered river boat. One nf thorn had to s'and in the bow, breaking the ice. "TIm weather was horrible," according to Aid. Whalen. It was snowing a lot, he said. On another eincdilian with Junior baslceiuail in eery 1, Lucky Strikes'!, Gordon ti Anderson 1. '" Division Shenton's 3, Ru-p'rt Radio 3, Comiuetoaw 2, Cook, a Jewellers 2, Toilers 2, Severn h Ave. Market t, Suniise 0 75 Taxi 0, McKays 1, Co-op l! Big Sisters 1, Manson's 1. Standings ' A" Division Lvons 18. Rosa Rupert will have at least teams, and maybe five, four next to the curling rink. The says 'lumber has been donated, and i League, Benny Wimlle or Man-lson's came through Monday ; eight with a toial of SOB, bowl-jing game or 302, 322 arid 18a. I He tied with, Harry ( litres'; oi j Bull's for high single with his 322. . I Both team high .single and his three and new highs for the Next Registrar Fred Caivroni, follow- i the labor will be olunteer. THINESE L DISHES Imported from England Children's Wellingtons High Quality Rubbers v WARMLY LINED i Lee IS. Savoy s 13, McMeekin's 13, Anntttnu 10 e. A...1 season fell to the bowls of Man- son's, scoring for the single ame j u L-kv Sirlkes 1 I a tractor through the fareut- lands. Chief Becker hail a ! "close call" when the vehicle ; he was driving slipped partly 1 off a narrow br.dge, then j hung suspended over lhe edge. 1 Took the men several hours ta 'ing announcement by Booth year, it Is hoped to build a cov-1 Memorial High School that an-iered rink. I ot her team Jupanese of Port; The Omineca Ski Club has Edward can be fielded. started work and is working on i And still another Junior team 8 )umP hill of 180 feet, and sla-'may be sponsored by tha high om hill, 1200 feet long, with a ! school, or by a city business firm. tow 01 1000 feet- "We have a (This indication is good, thinks t,abltl with stoves four mil.-s ;Calrieroni, "for our future bas- south ul Bums Lake on the 1314, and 3453 for three games' in Lhbh Primu.o ..... . of 1182 and Si a additional L Suey - Chow Mein fjll'-n G pm. 3:36 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE rf Vsnle Orders Phone 13J Skeena Grocery 6, Wrathall's 5 get the tractor back on the adi krtbaliers are todav's iuniois.'" Hh.SU.T8 I "B" Division McKay's 17, A League-Home Oil, 1; Ru- Commercials 15, Manson's 15 pert Butchers, 3; Manson's, 4, Shenton's 12, Cook's Jewellers 11 Moose, 0; Sport Bliop, 3; Fire-j 75 Taxi 10. Rupert Radio 10 Tollmen, 1; PR. Amusements, 4;ers 10, Big Mate., 9 SvventU Bulgers. 0; Cook's Jewellers, 2; Ave nut Market 8, ii incise a Co-C'NKA No. 1, 2: Thorn Sheet on 3 . "Funny what a nnn will do; Three junior teams legistered rrancois LaKe road, and a hiii 0.1 the edge of town, 500 feet long, with a tow of 300 fee:. This Ig floodlighted in the evening," Mr. Williams said. Since the war, the 'club has wnen nes not getting piUtl lor j so tar are Manson's, Am.uncia-1 it," reflect, d the alderman. j tion School, and High School, j Meanwhile, John Hewsick.i ' Call 363 r.n i i n . . . I holidaying with fi icndu at Van-' dei lioof cams in for several meals o iiio.j.0 meal. I ' They're taking them left and right down there," he said. At Ootsa, however, "(here was not a fresh track anywhere." Planning Building or Repairing I" 'T i !. '-. . j Remember when? , Chicago Black Hawks of the National Hoey League traded forwards Bud Poile and Georse Gee to Detroit three years a-$o 1 today, in exchange for forwards Armond (Bepi Guidolin anef Jimmy Conacher, and defence- man Doug McCaig. Chicago General Manager Johnny Gottselig I said the deal "will help strength- jen our defence" but the Hawks during the summer were still PLUMBING end HEATING Fight Card To Feature Six Bouts Matchmaker and trainer of lhe Elks Boxing Club, Joe Ward, lius reoutsslod four boxers from the Prince George Boxing Club for the early November card and Is now awaiting reply from Nich Metal, 3; Hint's, 1. "B" League -- Paramount, 4; Royal Fish, it; Can. Legion, 1; Northwest .Const., 3; Jaycees, 2; Kaien Industries, 1; Short Cir-cuils, 3; Bulkley Market, 1; CNRA No 2, 3; Co-op, 1; Coastal Painters, 0; Hot Shols, 0. STANDINGS "A ' League Manson's, 15; P.H. Amusements. 13; Spo.t Shop. 11; CNRA No. 1, 10; Thorn Sheet Metal, 0; Home Oil, 8; Bud's, 8: Moose, 7; Rupert Butchers, 7; Cook's Jewellers, ti; Bulger.?, 4; Firemen, 2. "B" League Paramounts, 11; Hot Shots, 10; Royal Fish, 10; Northwest Const., 10; Jaycee.s, 9, Kaien ' Industries, 8; Can. Legion, 7; Short Circuits, 7; Bulk-ley Market, ; CNRA No. 2, B; Co-op, 2; Coastal Painters, 1. Boston Wins From Rangers eajik trading in efforts to improve. NEW YORK (f -Boston Bruins 1 defeated New York 3 to 1 here! last night and moved out of j their cellar tie with the Rangers: FAMOUS EXPERIMENT Bmjamin Franklin's experi ment with a kil-j in thunder- $2.70 $3.50 Sites 7 to 10 Sizer 11 o 1 to loin Toronto Maple Leafs and storms, proving lightning is an Chicago Black Hawks in third electric discharge, was made in place. ; 1752. ': Schmeling, Prlncv George train-: er. 1 Feature attraction, of course, will be the challenge bout between Prince Rupert's Moue IMorrison and Miku Ratzo, Schnveling's pri7,e fijhtcr. ! Ward Intends to have "at ; least" six bouts for the .ir.ft Uux- The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith&ElkinsLtd. P.O. Box 174 Family Shoe Store Ltd. MITCHELL & CURRIE I MMITI'D f tiers A Contrac tors J ' MONDAY'S K( lll lll I K First CNRA No. 1 vs. Buds; Rupert Butchers vs. Bulgers; for KitcAeny CHARLIE ROBERTS P H Amusements vs. Cook's 1 ing event here !n more than . Jews'ltrs; Mar. son's vs. Thorn year. Box 638 Phone 357 Sheet Metal; Home Oil vs. Fir men; bcrt Shop vs. Moone. efc. 11 11 1. 1 j jiifiawiii m Second Royal Fish vs. Jay-f Hoop Benefit cees; Coastal Painters vs. Can Legion; Northwest Const, vs. Paramounts; Bulkley Market 1 M l Q TITANIUM , . . Xjr the magic ingredient Plan Adopted iort ; - Kaien Industrie: Hot Shots Ainu mime MHfK CNRA No. S; Co-op vs. Sho 1950 Ford Fordor I 1949 Ford Fordor I 1948 Monarch 1947 Willys Jeep -I Truck Values Cir-uits I "A most progressive step" Is : the Don Forward describes of way A meeting last Sunday Prince Rupert bowlers decided 'the action of the British Colom-th-at bla Basketball Association, at its less than five men on a , nm,a! convention In Vancouvei constitutes team at league games a -default'' The point had be- last in ra!lfy'"g p!ayers mutual aid fund which embraces come contenious after some learns had been allowed to bowi " Players of all ages in leagues embraced in the Association. with only four men. I Tne central fund thus estab- LADILS Tiraptrifiiu LEAOUb lished provides for benefits for lr. Ladies Bowling League, ,,1nwr rfp,,.pe anri easier J9 47 3-ton 176WB" 3-ton 176WB' wash better covering We must make room for new stock arriving Tuesday night, M Patrick of , lr; oflk.,ats who tU3laln injury Co-op, copped the high single the courge of ,eague pIay Tn ' with 277 and rolled three lor a and cnilu. adu,t premium ls $1 total of 609, as runner-up to high ren 50c tQ $M m be ld three of the night, K. Johnson, in lhe calje Qf rasualUes ;f (loverlcafs, whose three-game . , . . , , . The Pla" haS b;!en Worked Oltt , ..,. 9fii i total was Aan 640, onri and single, slmrln 202. thg fi c Buljketball Associa., Results tion and operated during the ; "A " Division Rosa Lee 3, An- past Ihree years along similar1 nef.e s 2. McMeekin's 2, Savoys 2, lines to that of the Lower Maln-j Stars2,CloverleafsO; Dlbb Print- land Softball League which pays ing C, Wrathall's 1, Skeena Gro- up to $85. 1 jV.'ISTERlZED AND TO DRIVE jl.EAUY :4 Parker Ltd. - MONARCH DEALERS irrfnee Rupert, B.C. Check Below For Your Nearest Bapco Paint Dealer Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. PENDANTS PINS BRACELETS -jc EARRINGS -) 1 hi. n j Sat IF Specials EXTRA SPECIAL 50 WATCHES OFFERED AT 40 and 50 OFF Yes! as in the past our policy has been ta clear out any watches which have been in stock for over one year regardless of cost. In this way you as our customer can always be sure that the watch you buy is really new and not one that has been carried in stock for two or three years. Sale Starts Friday Morning at 9 a.m. Wool-Filled COMFORTERS I Ladies . rIcH COAtT" fi-wsible. satin covering; full size. Silk VVHU '"d binding. Assort- IyI Iirvl k I JllQI- Batiste Interlined colours . . . Warm t 4 f C" 1(1 S yX ,J C, -Wind and showerproof. Navy, Grey, Fawn. "d light Si W J Men's sizes 38 to 44 " j. First quality, 51 guage, 15 denier . . . New Ladies' sizes 12 to 20 ... f f OF 95 shades, full fashioned. Evening sheer, by well ' ! mi 1 rnr " irriTiirri FEATHER PILLOWS '??"'':. AQ Boys' Fall UNDERWEAR t ainTf feather-proof '1? "S' CVPred E0d 7 Combinations, combed cotton, knee length, Mljiy snort slpeve. wintep j sUal valve $2.49 BOYS' and GIRLS' . -.6h, sizes 3o.m. Qg 'llORAL PLASTIC DRAPES S. Velvatex Underwear I wt"d colourings, 7 feet long, with val'ens 26 to 30. boys or girls 32 to 36. boys or girls Combinations. Very soft and warm, heavy . F'hvcen. , weight. ha"8 $1,79 $15.95 $17.95 $4.79 HURKISH TOWELS HEATHERTOME BLANKETS - Jlffi? $ Cro,trr CXtra ,aW Plain shade with fancy colored border. Size t " M I iAVH 6G" x 80". Heavy weight, & A fCi Black.' Z r I .69 reversible. EACH 4.98 each $2.95 'MA MS NT YOUR FRIENDLY JEWELLER Odd pieces of silver including Other pieces of some trays slightly marked. Silver at All at 50 off 25 off