1 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, October 25, 1951 Central Interior TRAVELS . ... ji v I Housekeeping . . i , mY CANADIAN APPLES BY Jariety AS WELL AS GRADE ceive today? The greatest percentage; of apples are sold today by grade as "Extra Fancy," "fancy," and "C." This is a recent change In grading as formerly these grades applied to apples sold only in boxes. Now It applies to apples packed In barrels, boxes, crates, hampers or baskets. When selecting armies t.ho ftrt efine Uann'i 2)iara Cvanaeline Ho Polishing! Glo-Coat waxes blankets, only safe place for It when seas rough. "Listening in" at meeting of "Rod and Gun" club, such expressions as "He was a dandy," and "He was a whopper,' very frequent. Said a clerical fisherman, "YouTl be able to go to Ootsa, and get whales if It's logged off." Absence of President suspected because of someone "size of two bits," who had "knocked him over for a row of beans." Mailed letters at midnight. Bank clerks still working seem dreadfully long hours. Thought if streets black topped and vil-large landscaped, with better Decided food In Jackets, like renewing nine o'clock curfew-boiled eggs, and bananas, best i and that local library now a year your floors without a stroke of rubbing. food for outraged stomach. Bet In Prince George pool. It shines as it dries! ter still .acquired own private store. Fetched tin opener from laundry where found Yosie Le Grand from Paris managing washing machine most efiici-. ently. When vitaminized apple Was shown over new house of Mr. and Mrs. Ostberg, five rooms and bathroom, with super stove in basement, and every modern convenience. Saw Mrs. J. s. Brown's deep freeze unit enn- and most Important point is to select the right apple for the right purpose. Some are dessert apples, others eating, while still others are better for cooking. Know the purpose the apple is to be used for before shopping. When Mrs. Homemaker buys these crisp, colorful balls of flavor, she should look for firm, juice, duly opened, feel tumbler llv,i i... - , - I hniicfs hll t Qiirns Tolrn r,..M w i -i,! i tttiijuiE vauciv or ioons. a tar," wmu hoWing ThMfluW:NalIIy fHrom clays when batches 0f North.' me, Uke hotel, "Pride of the file excellent for spreading cu' ."e'v aKec, were put Guest across way kept me cheese and butter. Verv popular ! ln P'cft at beginning of winter with F. F. who' had fetched! "We're so thrilled at these ! awake wlth hacking cough. friendly fly friends to Inspect ! trains which come in every day weu-matured apples with no diseased or bruised spots. Immature apples may be good for cooking or jelly making, but for good flavor in an eating apple it must be matured. While there are hundreds of apple trees in Canada, there nr echoed from two other layers of hotel. .Fortunately sleep with notebook by side of bed for such occasions like psychoanalysis patients who record ureams,. on waking. ,v j Hat, 3r. v 'I Z"l I ' W'-J. !.rmj M '$ larder. i sala Mrs- H. C. Francis pr- In conversation -with Walter ! paring mint sauce for dinner Wilson learned many new houses ' Party, afterwards telling me having to be built outside vil- ! how five hundred dollars had lage limits because of proximity j been raised for the hospital by of Indian reservations. ; a tag day, when "everybody went Saw excellent photos taken by I hither and yon, and the sehool-R. J. McKenzie from de Havil- girls went yon, and hither." Her ..tilt around the ieaves have left t! ::o-.ts have with-, lr0s' and all the vr. goi lrm the i j ,tp. on the table i of this i i r,-n:imler T.,arv.-:;t, shiny, red , i, iiiiR to bp eaten. : ; .i.rtciv and choice 'J rniit 'in the mar- : i .v.d !""'! work. ! i.r.ncl ul expert- i gn.l Scientists .it.rd a-nl patiently j ,.' !it!;.y"s extensive! 1 i Even the poor- j .unci !i the mar- J ini improvement j 1 ivrinent apples : ,i iown in ancient; the Third Cen- . . (l to have known ' aiple varieties' . f::st Euro- -tnie to America, j 'le varieties were 'lpinal Mcintosh 4- inn tound in the . lli. ss over 100 me historians tell ' nis Delicious was j ,81 lr, Iowa, t$r earlv apples, as . jl'i are probably, J to humemakers, : ,,!hcrs which may fi!.(-.v!i Many con- ; : ifc to bov these varl- ! J 'h'-v don't know especially good , hundreds of ways to use and j cooking. When consumers don't buy certain varieties the shopkeepers won't handle them. The '-suit Is. that some very fine newer apples which Canadian growers have produced, have to take a back seat to others not so gocd. It's natural that Mrs.: Housewife Is not anxious to buy something she doesn't know about. For this reason the home economists have sent us some Information about the various varieties in good supply now and what to use each variety for. In the West the best eating apples on the hiarket now, and which will be on for several weeks are the Mcintosh, Jonathan and the Wealthy. For cooking the Wealthy, Joyce. Atlas or Lobo are dual purpose apples, that Is, they are good for cooking or eating. The Wolf River, Baxter, Gravenstein are excellent cooking apples, the Jonathan. Mcintosh and Fam-euse are fine for eating. A relatively new feature Is that most of the apples sold on the market today are sold by variety, so buy by variety, as well as by grade. Of course, not every variety Js available In all places so, the homcmak'?r should become familiar with the ones sold in her particular part of the country. Many homemakers have visited fruit packing plants where women were sorting and packing apples, but did this sight bring to thvlr minds the amount of care! ul work entailed in picking the high grade apples we re serve the trult of these trees. Canadian homemakers should use them often, DENTAL SERVICE OSLO The Standard Telephone and Cable Cuinuanv. mip land Beaver on two wpekly tr!n i lie or the lettuce for dinner to pay Alcan employees at tun- Party which had to be wrapped , of Oslo's largest Industrial plants, nel site. j cotton wool and kept in bed, j has opened Its own dental office, Communicative citizen dlvulg- i when sixty below, reminded me first of its kind in Norway. Stated Victorian relative's dislike of ! f Precious gift of whisky I fed by two dentists, the office his visits, as he didn't discard j brought from Australia for Can-1 will operate as an adjunct to the Burns Lake habits on entry to aclian cousins, where between company's medical centre. For the MEAL that REFRESHES ni t I unar nn nnri nn BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING uniifbu uii anu uii; biitti. city wneie me pavement are rolled up and the gates! taken In at nine o'clock. Told ; me story of temperance lecturer, j showing Irishwoman how alco-' hoi harmful to living organisms, j illustrating by killing "wogs" in j glass of water. Declared Irish- woman "I'll never touch water again without a drop of whisky." j ' Delighted to hear of Inclusion of Burns Lake in Cariboo Health j Unit, and of possibility of new i dentist coming shortly, and of j offices available for him in new ; apartment block. Hear P.T.A.'i have discussed desirability of ol hand or for ...even after you've damp-mopped it again and again with clear water! t e hh;o l son in IlialMl, daw FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS PHONE 200 BROADWAY CAFE v " 'v v 'x x 1 Mi Objects To Fireworks t.T. Sees Danger uf Explosives Dental Clinic Possibility of a dental clinic for pre-school and Grade I children and the problem of "indiscriminate" sale of fireworks to children in the city was spiritedly discussed at Monday night's meeting of the Parent-Tf aeliers' Council. Dr. Duncan Black, city health officer, who outlined procedure to the meeting of setting up a clinic, said dentists here were willing to set aside a period each week, to attend a clinic. Th Council decided it would investigate. Alarm uas expressed at the ' indiscriminate" sale of fire-woiks to children and city ( Juncil will be written in this regard. Members held that fireworkr were a "great potential fire hazard and personal injury" and It will be suegsted Mens he taken by city to curb the nale. Those pifSt-ni, included President R O. Mooie, Mrs. D. Gomez, Mrs. R. E. Mortimer, Mrs. Bjorn-sen. Mrs. K. Hardy, Mrs. Logan, Mrt. J. Marchant, Mrs. J. Bowman, Mrs. W. W. Bowes, Mrs. M. Hansen, F. Derry, P. Downing, W. D. Griffiths and J. S. Wilson. To glamorize cream sauce, add a little cheese. You can use Canadian Cheddar, or for a change. Canadian Blue-Vain Roquefort type or pimento process. " ' - k',v 4 mmtJ&H" I I.!HM) ( KKAM rilKKSK Fl'IKiE 1 i t . -hi' '-4. i . $ t ft. .'fv 'St! ; .... ' !-? ,:!'' i 4t ,1 ' ' It '' .4 :n cheese :;n c :r.f''Ctioners' Ja.mond flavoring r,it QM almonds in a bowl and f"se "ft and smooth. Slowly blend the sugar Into It. Add thj almond flavoring, salt and chopped nuts and mix until well blended. Press Into a well greased, shallow pan. Place ln the refrigerator until firm and cut Into squares. W PACK AT YOUR GROCER'S T3" BlOvjinG his , I f ' f Jlfpy " "1 l n BLONDIE-) M LI- 1 7r"J' I STOP ASKING ) I 7 ; I j7l I 1 jm. (sZb), ) lA -Ir M V ftfH?& I ' ' ( HURI?--I CAN T WAIT 'TIL I ' W-i- r-j n' 3 lIMiF1 ' - f II 1 1 THAT'LL BE TWO DOLLARS- W NOW 1 WANT TO FIND I ' rt 'TS THE LITTLE ' ' V VZL. i APyEGTlSlNC AMAZING WHAT A QUICK BEASLEV -SJ i -J -14 CAPO I SENT OUT-MP FIXIT-- ) ( (?SPONSE 1 GOT FCOM IT tr 1 BBS rfSsg WHV ALL THAT NOISE ITS A NEW ) I M'eiLLIONS OP PEOPLE ON " ( NOW 1 FEEL fcWW ON THE WHISTLE WHEN ) . t WHISTLE MV WIFS S THIS AI?TH AND 1 HAD ) , BETTER , ""-A,. U FJT THAT CAPD fS r GWE MERKMV iS TO GET BUMSTEAD - 1 S ifcfefj i i" h -V ..... ' I v r, 8sh from the vine! sweetest, freshest inirp. Pit fit h ., u i p pressed from juicy ripe "I That's Libby's Tomato ll Nothing is added, ef l'pt a little salt. It takes ' p'M to fill a tin the "gentle T lthh way, and you can ; difference. Reach for s Tomato Juice. The new l from the vine, is at your J grocer's now! pAed flavour THE TOMATO JUICE WITH THE