Prince Rupert Daily News JCAF Centre Defence Here ! g g e m g Ckltcll I Saturday, November 24, 1951 As i See it fL if I Cimore Saturday Sermon n Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian "ress Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. 3. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. O. PERRY, Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By carrier, per week, 20c; per month, 75c; per year, --to $3 00; by mail, per month, 75c: per year, 88.00. -- ' P.ince Rupert has been chosen az a "filler centre" by the Air Defence Command, Provincial Co-ordlnator Squadron Leader C. H. Hoseason told city council last night. Council granted use of an unoccuuied lot behind the I fire hall to Department of Nu-Jlional Defence if needed for a I) I R K C T O H Y vnim In till cfcHn ut II .ih. unit ::lw p.m. Min.luv mIhhiI hi (4:15 ifHt 1hm- tM.I II AN (Mill OH l. 4th Aviv W. at DuiiMiiuir .St. lioiv CiimminiUm H ;iu u m. Simcluy Schixil 2:00 pin. Canon IJusil a. KwKtcr. It 4 . BD. Rrctur I Blue 701) I Can UN Survive? Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avemre, Prince Rupert. building to house the filler i By GRACE HUMPHREYS, South Bumabyi "Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim." The hymn, "Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim," was written by Charles Wesley. It first apjeared in a book published by the Wesley brothers entitled "Hymns for Times of Trouble and Persecv.. tion." This hymn, which was under the caption "To be sung in a tumult," is the best of the o.' in the book, IT HIS SPEECH of Ko-:ntr, Hoseason said defi.i- i . .. i .. r.. Srt- W Pz-Jdn'r K.I A rrrr UV-MO ' Ap.W.. ,son said r.Rht lmui EDEN, when he made his first jwhat many ordinary peo-sueech ANTHONY to the sixth assembly of the United !ple have increasingly , '!!: it plans in this connection would be forthcoming by February wh.'n a nationwide press release would explain ihis particular activity of the Air Defence Command. Meanwhile, he stre&ed the necessity to the council that the property must U' available -in a- we ii-t1 it." When the hymn was written England was in a state of great turmoil. Therefore it fitted the Jh;j'';h i feared: That the United i.ion-s Organization ;;;; Nations, made a characteristically British contri-;;;; bunion to its vyork. He did not announce any strik-iny; change in British policy, resulting from the Na-ma v duty to" Publish abroad His won-ueriul name." To political alarmists Wesley replies "His Klnn-dom is Klorious, and rules over all ' One verse usually omitted from the hymnals explains their spirit !!!! change of guvei'nnient, nor foreshadow any shift in pot survive. m-T meuxi 5tll A..' CI ut Vul'UK Hi Ut v. Kit! AmruiU5 Kiiwn HV1) I 11; VI I'HI'NIIV'I'I RIIV i mil iw.iiui' i:;i..i. Bi v. V.. A Wrfelil, nn. ICr ill WU. I mvt i vnm (Lit (lull AU' Wl'..t li.-v 1.. O. hi. wx lOm-n lilaj SWllo A H i V Pi :-r si wi CO.: Mi- I .tvi,. l-.irff UynU-yh Mum'uy N litiul a :t3U l m lIlliK'k 2M) ST. I'll l.'K I I TIM K Mil Aw ut. M. llflil.' Ht. y.UM-: lo-v II. o. iW,i Hilar 01 () ST. ITIIK WI.I M t -Ht'lll CnVI' R.'iU.r: litv II. (imllnv Bird ijullliny Nili.M.1 II IHI mil. I Blue 827 1 UK. I l.U IIO'IIST CM Clh Av... K. UlUf HU3 Trygve Lie recently hinted at throuiihout. this lime of tumult:' Sponsored by p,,' ray.. Reflects and Reminisces "When devils ennauc, the t.llows arise. And horribly rage and threaten the skies: Their fury shall never our steadfastness shock the same danger. It is be?omin; more and more clear that the world tension is reaching the point where it must either make or break the UN. If there is enough statesmanship on BOTH sides or the Iron Curtain to settle the gravest im tunes well. Walpole, prime minister until 1742, had been frtend- with Fraiuv. This wan the , power to whom the Roman Catholic Jacohites in EiiKland oulj took for help. After his i -lunation England went to war ilh Franc . This outbreak was caused by the sudden allanee of '.ederirk of Hussia with France, .harles, (,'rantlsoii of James the iecond, planned to come to Eni;-and to dethrone George the 3oeond. W!u n he landed in England h? met with brief smucss Mnil m, the policy of the Western Powers. But he made a sincere and strenuous effort to bring a fresh spirit into the assembly, or perhaps rather to bring back iiii an old spirit the spirit of restraint, moderation, WW tolerance and courtesy. !!!! It is a curious and depressing sign of the pres-!'" ent time that it now requires a certain courage to '"r stumps j,, TB SI M. (0MMT ' A Prinw 1: The w.jikesi believer is built on a ruck." declare in an international assembly, as Mr. Eden did, that all men are fallible, or that in no dispute in' Pusmr: lf-v 14hiiuh-i1 A '1'lM.rp1 mediate diflerences, that very j settlement should "make" UN I Public life in Canada is becuni-in the sense that UN should ; ing a caret'r of contrasts. One then be able to work as its day you're making a fpvech in lounders hoped it would work. Ottawa. The next, you're near ' But if there is not enough the front lines in Korea, lislefi-statesman.ship and .goodwill to ing to shells bursting. settle the sharpest outstanding j quarrels then the end of UN isj More people are re-discovering only a matter of time. ! Prince Rupert. Many, here for j tho first time are quick to com- THE QUESTION of who killed i ment on how surprised they are Cock Robin is premature when j not that the ci'y is not larger the bird is still alive. (and more advanced but that But on one point I want tojuiat this northern centre is as ST. PAUL'S but as shortly defeated. ! It stvmed rather stranse that ihe ardenk Protestants Charles ' ar.d John Wesley, should be suspected of being in league with I'm is one party completely a black villain and the other llil snow white. These are, of course,simple and self-evident truths in the British way of thinking. Bui one of the evils of totalitarian diplomacy is, that ;;;; it tends, or deliberately attempts, to force its own .;!!! methods on its supposed adversaries. Because its III! own chief method is a kind of totalitarian offensive IN VAiC()lJV.;i; me an AUSTIN U DRIVE lor I.owl VmhI ht Hour, mt, pt raise my voice against one o: i well developed as it is. But wait in the fields of diplomacy and propaganda, it forces .the implications by Mr. Pearson, i unt! you see us next year, or the i diaries the Pretender. Becausv ! I oi this suspicion they met vio- j ' lent opposition wherever Uiey went. All kinds of missiles were thrown at them. Occasionally' , I they wvre wounded. They were j ! constantly interrupted w h 1 1 e ! preaching, a:.d were even hauled I ' before magistrates. Undaunted they continued! their evangelistic work. They "The United Nations remains j , Vlr after LUTHERAN CHURCH 5th Ave. at MeBridr SI. liev. 11. O. Olsun You are Invited to come and worship at St. Paul's Lutheran Church "The Just Shall Live By Faith" si'nii. v sikvk :s NOVLMBER 25. 1951 Murnini! Service H 0U a.m. Theme: "Frayer." Evening Service 7:30 p.m. Film: "Abraham's Faith" We invite yiu to come and receive blessings from this Christ-centered sound film. 'our last, best hope for peace."! BROADWAY U DRIVE 11 1 he says. "But the emphasis isj I' its supposed adversaries in the direction of a kind of 'totalitarian defence which, however, is inevitably somewhat rigid and monolithic. If a'l the commissions, nrobes. BAyview 6161 Broadway shifting from BEST to LAST." l surveys and investiuations of the i I notice that the words three years were put into land LAST are underlined, exact-;onc we would still have to win ! ly as above, in the official re-. lne war ; lease of our Canadian sixikes-1 , There is then the danger that there may be such a I hardening of the two opposing diplomatic fronts VANCOUVER 9, 8. C wvre striMiR in the strenpth of j the Lord and Ix lieved that as Servants of God" it was" lh-ir i that no single international problem can be treated mans speech. The obvious in-! PP(Crai members of Pariia- ' nifn havo fiv.'n ftirthf-r rnnsirl orsolved on its own merits, but each becomes indis- thinks that if the UN. folds up,:mUon t0 the proposal that the Sunday Sc!.k1 12:15 :or splits, world war is inevitable. jWHn ..Dominlon.- bc expunged. " ' - I ?ut 15 thLs so' .. It should, instead, be "Canada." Firsf Presbyterian Church THE TIME FOR SAVING IS AlWAYS "HOW IS I am not at all sure that a The projected change was given FIRST UNITED CHURCH r 1 S clean break between the Com- a h pits,a,,(, .Dminion.. hil, ; 63e Hixlh "v' A,mu, " " Wrst I imuiust and non-Coinmum.,t ,: ff.. r,. ,.,.,, , u,v" .... ........... .... : r-rnif-e k uoeri.. ti.i.. . li , ( : parts of the world would bring tn a world war. I Year after year as I have ,iury, ana appears just as correet r(.v, Lawrence G. Kieber .and P(,Jlllur as evw- 'll:0 a.m.-Morning Worship i watched ihe UN in action with Seattle was a hundred years; 'Russian and the USA dele?a- 1 M -Ms m,mth. The first winter ; Sermon: "As a Man Thinketh in His Heart." Children: '-Sharing G'id's - uons lacwig eacn oilier nice two wa:; CKic and stormy. Settlers ; hostile armies 1 have asked i,,t -hiefiv r.n Th.i hmi ' Gifts." myself whether there would not nc i,rea(i or .an v.'Ketabii ori Anthem: "All Things BriKhl be a better breathing spull to Ir'vl fj,. little 'buildlniis i-treiv B'aiU;ful ", - , organize tne world if the two a cnurcn and a school. BTTi8a9.7:: P ni.- Ev.mlnx Worship camps apreed to stay apart. there was a prosperous tpwn.j Prrmon: -Only One's Life!" f' Wnat UN nas been in tne Pst Fire wiped it out-from scratch.! Anthem: "Abide With Me." io.'N- - , ! 1 'A M solubly welded into a world-wide pattern of conflict between Russia and the West. If once this stage is l eached, then there will in the end be only two ways out: either world war or one single comprehensive settlement of all outstanding problems. And by that time the second alternative would be most difficult to achieve,' even with the wisest of statesmansbip and the most genuine good will on both sides. Mr. Eden, .however, contended that differences eHuld be resolved step by step, by gradual and suc-cwsive stages. For, in disarmament as in political Problems, each step forward, even if not a great oitc, creates the international confidence needed for afurther greater step. If ihe United Nations can fjflL'ahead and work its proposals out in detail, Soviet iZussia may at some stage see their value and decide h ".co-operate in this work. -i' Were You Missed in 1951 Enumeration? uuuiiiiB uui a gi- 0nc aoain Rpattf rebuilt kit's Soloist: Mr. Rowland Miles. gantic sounding board for the been a long and a hard-battfe. dl Ui WUIU3, i. 4111 J1UL. nil ( sure that we would be as clase The Progresslve conservative i i world 'ar f a,r,e ff the : Leader in the Senate. J. T. Ha I ft. arr, J COME AND WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOLS At First Church: Beginners and Primary at. 11 a.m.; Juniors and Older at 12:15; at Conrad United Hall, all at 1 p m. . ivitMian uill iiau waineu out L..- We extend a cordial invitation id visitors to worship with us. 231 Fourth Ave. Ea:;t. Knlstfr: Rev. E. A. Wrmht. D D. Organist : Mrs. E. 3. Smith, John Curric SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 25 Murnmi! Worship- 11:15. Sunday School 12:15. Evening Service of Praise at 7:30 o'clock. "Rememher thp Sabbatii Day to keep ;t Holv" speaking of the possibility of war, said it was his opinion Soviet Rus;ia would invade Cartada from the north. One might ' question if any attack would be by way of Bermuda. Venezuela or Labrador. 'and stayed out, and the two parts ot tiie world agreed to live : entirely apart. That sometimes : helps to keep the uneasy peat:e between bad neighbors who are better kept apart, j Hence, even if the UN does ! split, I would not agree that ! world war becomes inevitable. i Hepre.'nlatives Richard Sephton. District Atient, 475 How St.. Va ' R. E. Mortimer, Representative, Prince Rujiert. BC. Will Robinson (E. T. Kenney Ltd. I Representative. T: 'H. C. Webbv-T. C.L.U.. Bronch Manager, 475 Howe St., Var LEICSTER, England ff Auth- llhe shock of the split would be:0rities here are trying to avoid NOTICE OF MEETING .severe in laci, the spilt useii power cuts this wint.-r by dividinir The Daily News check on the 1951 census, which is being would be the proof oi the aw- the city into five zones, with challenged for its shoil count of 8.465, is revealing established : I ul gravity of tne world war '. eaeh zone stopping work one city residents who wei-,- missed by the enumerators. j dangers, but if the world kept j morning a week in rotation. They are fiom all parts of the city. Iils n.ead ut lnilt lir'st moment j Overtime will make up for loss In People who were missed are being asked to communicate the!?' crisis the next stage of his- production. omission with as little delay as possible so that basis may be mJil "T ZlZn " t,ve-. A ' the , stHhlisheH fm- ,i,e ,(,i,.,,t, 1 1,,.,' v. .,!,.. ,h ! , . . . . man said, to build -a federation Full Gosocl Tabernacle 302 Cth Ave West, t Across from Armouries i SIM) AY SFKVKHS: 10:30 Sunday School 11:30 Morning Service 7:30 Evangelistic Service 7:30 Monday Men's Fellowship Meeting. 8:00 Wednesday- Prayer Meeting 2:00 Thursday-W.M.R. 8:00 Friday: "Christ Ambassadors'' Calling All Men:. God re- ouirrs you to lead the way to t lie House of God. Urine your Family to Church (Ircen S31 Pastor C. Fawcett " -' TtA.i '"ii u .n.nUl1 ni.iib. ui mill nni nur r dm e i n ui t t u dwa (('( you have to have a federating THE SEMI-ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE COMPANY v ill be held in the CIVIC CENTRE Prince Rupert, B.C. FRIDAY, November 30th, 1951,'at 10:00 a.m. fOUIlt. to face. nower. To date there is nn real "federating power" to push THE ONLY sure road to world t through federation, for instance, peace that I see is for the as the great Sir John A. Mac-western democracies to begin to'donald pushed through Confed-bulld peace ' from tne inside ; nation in Canada. Olit, i Mnf Avon fin A fit tVm Hii-i Thwm ...f Regardless of Russia's atU- founders of the UN U.S., Ru.s-'i UnriUr I Airl k rhnrmnn r Muliia MariHO ndlMnCei DAILY NEWS CENSUS CHECK A federal census taker did NOT call at my ,..,home and I have checked with each member of my family to make sure. There are persons in my family. (signature) . (address) rn i i.i n mm r t I'tuiiicii i'iuiiiiu iwt" ioi t, tirAnr R C Phone TA' ' l"e western uemocracjes .sa or Britain has backed the can either iorm themselves into UN, first, la-st and all the time, an out-and-out Atlantic Union; Even now if the United States or, better still, they can lay the! were to be converted to the foundations of actual world gov-1 support of "the UN the whole ernment. They still legally lead , UN, and nothing but the UN," at least two thirds of mankind. : the whole picture could change But. as a great French states- j tor the better overnight. SHERIFFS SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT OP PRINCE RUPERT, i HOLDKN AT BMITHERH Notice to General Pubk EVANGELICAL . FREE CHURCH 4 1 f 51 h Ave. E. SERVICES SUNDAY Morninr; 11:00 a m Evening 7:30 p m. .Sunday fichool 12:15pm. WEDNESDAY Prayer Meeting 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY YounR People's 8 p.m. Pastor C. W. fiinclair Phone Black 3'J3 "How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?" GENERAL i ELECTRIC Due to the misundorstandinn reqardinq increased taxi rates we B F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY OP CANADA I.TMITFD. UNITWJ STATES FIUKMTY AND OUAHANTFIB COMPANY, and THE W. H. MAI.KIN CO. LIMITKIJ Plulntiffs. Aiininat: P. N. DREtnriER (somctimeB known as P. N. Drlertimr), lefend:int. Under and by virtue of Wnrrants ot Execution Issued from tne above Court and to me dlrectud asamst the gofids and chattels of the defendant, P. N. Dnedncr, Kometimes known as P. N. Dreldner. I have seized at the sawmill camp and IntsKini; operation ol the delendant at BINTA LAKE. County of Prince Rupert. 1 complete sawmill. Including platform head saw. trarks. onhlea cnr. but we ore wish to announce that there is no rote change as yet ncreose making application to the Citv Council for a taxi rate i Now on Display "NOMA" XMAS LIGHTS Shop early and avoid disappointment Many new novelty decoration sets from 1.35 up Rupert Radio & Electric will l due to the increased cost of operation. Any rate chan0es lanes, belting and all acoeasorles; 1 only Chrysler Industrial engine Type 251. serial 63410-60; 1 only V Ford engine and log haul complete with transmission and chains: 1 only post drill; 1 only too! Expansion of Watson Island published by the undersigned. P.R. Taxi Owners' Association TAXIS 653, 123, 80, 112, 65, 537, 32, 77, 70, 456, 646, 235, 75, 67, 555 ..u iuiav;i;iinueuu juri.s; x only starting motor; l only haclc saw: 1 only lumber scale rule; 1 only grease gun; 1 shed beside sawmill; 1 only camp house: 1 boom logs In water sealed at 2f.6 logs; l;:s.3!H BP; 041 logs tut and bucked In woods. Sfl.sSB feet; 1 blacksmith vise; 1 only I E L. power saw; approx. I6M FBU 1 inch rough lumber, random widths and lengths; approx. 7,5(10 PBM 2 Inch lumber, random lengths and widths; And on Tuesday, the 4th dav of December. 1951. at the hour of 1:30 o'clock In the nfternoon, at the COURT HOUSE In the Village of BURNS LAKE. British Columbia. I will offer -for sale by Public Auction all the right, title andinteresl of the defendant in the above goods. Terms of Sale: Cash. And this sale shall be subject to the Social Security and Municipal Aid Tax. Duted at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this lfllh day of November. 1951. The $2,000,000 exapnsion Job at Watson Island In connection with Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. plant continues to make steady progress. Foundations are reported completed and, with this done, concrete which will double the capacity of the filtration plant is being poured. As material becomes available ther,? will be extensions to the recovery and digester building. Wiiitll''l(l Ride in Association Cabs I.ouk for Ihe stickers on the M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert. (N2I.24,28.D1)