Prince Rupert Daily NVwS tiaturtluy, tyou-mlX'r 24, 1911 8, CARPENTERS PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS (CLOSl'RB TIME IB a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notici 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage ai:d EnRaxement Announcement 2.00. . SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. WANTED FOR RALE VANCOUVER VICTORIA Chllcotin 8 p.m. November 11 and 25 Chllcotin mldnluht. Nov. 18 Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coqultlum, II p.m. FOR NORTH Qt'KEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS November 23 ps. Chilrotin midnluht FOR SOl'TH Ql'KICM CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chllcotin, Nov. 16 and 30 midnight FRANK S. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent if Third Avenue Phone 568 JOHN H. BULGER o, ilomtlrisl John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Chinese I DISHES Chop Sucy - Chow Mein Open 8 p m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 13S PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLER'S STl 1)10 216-4th Street Box 643 Phone Oreen 3b9 Prince Runert Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY 'PERSONALIZED See our large selection of Holiday Cards in imaginative designs Dibb Printing Co. BEHNI R BLOCK 1 J . ailorina for 15 a i jj Ladies and Gentlemen LING me lanor j 220 Sixth St. Phone 649 S r CREATING When you pay life assurance n estate of f is available can take as Vhy not create JOHN Box 855 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE Jlava H nf pmr liwi i4 f'fk un our prwinion machine. jlHiJ Mwhmiiriilly ururii joint- irm intt. riiuK mm4 ellim. fV PRECISION SAW FILING 1345 PHiCiOTT PLACE Box Kill Station B (Audit: Bus Terminal) lerrnce Builders Supply John F. L. Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs.: 10:311-12:30, 2:00-S:00 Eves : by appointment only 21 - 23 Be.sner Block Phone 111 tie 442 scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT fames Block 608-3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. "hone 347 P.O. Box 374 Colussi's Music Store Agents for ttre finest In Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th Pt Ph. Black 389 GEORGE RORIE&CO. ACCOUNTANTS ft AUDITORS Bustier Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204-4th fiireet Phone 655 WE RENT TRUCKS, COMPRESSORS, CONCRETE MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heela and Worn Soles Box 774 8econd Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C.. MESSENGER For Prompt and Courteous Service Phone 678 214 4th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dawes, Sid Alexander Train Schedule For the Past-Dally except Sunday 8 p.m. From the F.ast Daily except Monday 10:05 p m. AN ESTATE .. . thm firrt premium on a $5,000 policy you tmmtHliutely create S.V0O0. If you die the full amount for your family. If you live you long as thirty yean to pay fur it. your estate today? T. FOWLE. MARGARET OPTOMj-rp, Room 10 BLUE 593 Po.Boxna ELECTRO! it E'S and Sertit, k- w.coui Phone Bhitffifj R for Reruiiw m,,, . P'"nc or writ? TERMlNAi MESSENGER Phone I'M All deliveries fully it Phone K. SORpr-Blue 899 alter S; Brick, Stone and B; . Tile Setting and Pi HANDYMA HOME SERVi; GKNERAL COKTMr Kuilding and impair kinds ROOFS - CffiE OIL BURMES PHONES: P.O. Box 1C70 MATTSON: UPHOLSTERS Phone Blue 126. P.O. 234 3rd Ave t Prince Rupert. E H. G. HELGER LIMITED REAL ESTATE S INT Phone 96 Evenings B. Oil Heatina Sc LAWRIE MACKAT Blue 187 - Bat Complete service in a burners and supr KUwp ttflltf'r.l. P'T Eddie's Beauty 1 and td 739 2nd Avea.: riiONEREDS P.O. B 5y CHIC YC'j yi.'.-.. .4: j1 RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject U Chanfe) (JATURDAY PM 5 00 CBC Sport Page 6 :io Eric Wild Orchestra e uo CBC News ti:05 Hockey Broadcast 7 30 Organ Music 8 (10 Bold Venture 8 30 Dance Orchestra 9:00 Music from the Films 9 Ml Concert ol Europe 10 00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Trocadero Orchestra 10 30 Dancing Party 11 00 Weather Report and Sign-off SUNDAY A M 11:30 Sunday Morning Recital 9:00 BBC News 9 15 Music for Meditation 9:30 Harmony Harbor 9 59 Time Signal 10 .00 B C. Hardener 10 15 Just Mary 10 30 The Way of the Spirit ! 1 :00 CBC News 1 1 :1I3 Capital Report 1 1 30 Religious Period PM 12 00 New York Philharmonic 1 30 Critically Speaking 2 no Fiddle Joe's Yarns 2 so Jake and the Kid 3 00 S9 Marigold 3 15 CBC News 3 20 Ask the Weatherman 3:27 Regional Weather Forecast 3 30 Vancouver Symphony Orch. 4 30 Roll Back the Years 5 00 National Sunday Evening Hr. a ;io Little Symphonies 6 00 Stage '52 7 00 CBC News 7:10 Weekend Review 7 20 Our Special Speaker 7 30 Music for Strings 8:00 Showtime CBC 9 00 Red Skelton Show 9 30 Vesper Hour 10 (10 CBC News HI IS Nova Scotia Folklore 10 30 Collector's Items 11 00 Weather Report and Sigu-olT MONDAY A M 7 00 Musical Clock 8 00 CMC News 8:10 Here's Bill Oood 8 15 Morning Song 8:30 Morning Devotions 8 45 Lit tie Concert B 00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Music for Moderns 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:50 Dorothy Douglas Show 9 55 Recorded Interlude 9 59 Time Signal 10.00 Morning Visit 10 15 Barrv Wood Show 10 30 1 his Week's Artist 10 45 Musical Kitchen 1 1 :O0 Kindergarten of tile Air 11:15 Roundup Time I 1 30 Weather Report 11.31 Message Period 1 1 33 Recorded Interlude II 45 Scandinavian Melodies P M 12 00 Mid-dav Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12 25 Program Resume 13:30 BC. Farm Broadcast 12.55 Recorded Interlude 1 00 Attelmoon Concert 1 45 Club Clinic: Commentary 2 00 B C. School Broadcast 2.30 Records at Random 3 00 Tea Time With the Stars! . 3:15 Musical Program 0 3:30 Pup Tunes 3 45 Solo Guest 4:00 Sunshine Society 4:30 Tales of Friendly Creatures 4 45 Stock Quotations; Interlude 4 55 CBC News 'Wings over the Interior' FLY lo Terrace daily To Prince George and Intermediate Points Three Days Weekly To Kifimal and Kemano Daily Except Fridays from TERRACE B.C. LTD. Crawford Moore, Agent Prince Rupert Terrace Phone Black 907 Phone 133 Mr i IfREEXEl Bob Parker Ltd. FORD - MONARCH DEALERS Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 83 WANTED - TOP MARKET PRICKS PAID ior scran iron, steel, cornier, lead, etc Honest grading Prompt duv-ment made. Atlas Iron St Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. 13. C. Phone PAoific C357. (tf) iCASH for s-rar cast. bra.s.s. Con ner. Datte;:es and radiators. Phone 543. Call tj-'y 6th Avenue West. City. (tf) WANTED Small arc welder, alo small paint spray unit. Phone Black 739. (275p WANTED Twin bungy In fair condition. Apply 517 7th Ave. West. Black 890'. (275p WANTED Good homes for four beautiful kittens. Phone Black 924 (275p ACCOINTAXTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax specialist. S. O. Furk. Storip Building. Red 593. (20ml LOST AM) FOl'ND LOST Ret of tools on highway. Urgently required by owner. Reward.' Phone Black 956 or 111 7th Ave. East. (275p) AITTION sl K Tl in Iter suit V.nsfil There will be oflerpcl for Bale at Public Auction, at 11 urn. un Pri- rtay. Di'ccnilier 2Bth. 19M. m the offices of Ihe Forest iiumrer, Queen Charlotte City. BC. nie Licence X5:)il, to cut 3 6:15 000 fbm. of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an itl'ea comprising of vacant Crown land situated on the east arm of Dawson creek. Queen Charlotte island Lund District. Four vears will be allowed for removal of timber. ' Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid " Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forests, Victoria, BC, or the Diatrict Forester, Prince Rupert. B C (N24.31I TGI? K EL TORKEI.SON. otherwise known as TEIiKEL TERKE1JSON. DECEASED. NOTICE Is hereby given that creditors and others having claims attalnst the estate of Torkel Torkrlaon. otherwise known as Terkel Tcrkelson. deceased, formerly of DodKe Cove. Dieby Island, near Prince Rupert. British Columbia. are hereby required to send them to the undersigned executor at the Be.sner Block, Prince Rupert. British Columbia, before the 20th day of January. 1952. after which di'te the executor will (lis. tribute Die said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he then has notice BIGMtIND SCHJESVOLD. Executor Brown & Harvey, ' Solicitors. (N10.17.24.D1 1 GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT iSection 27i NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO TRANSFER OP BEER LICENCE NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 3rd day of December next, the tin-dersltrnrd Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of Beer Licence number 9270. Issued In respect of premises being part of a building known as j Savoy Hotel, situate at 6IB Fraser Street. In the City of Prince Rupert, In the Province of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lots 11. 12. 13, 14 and 15. Block 33, Section 1. City of Prince Rupert. Map number 923. Prince Rupert Land Registration District. In the Province of British Columbia, from Willis I,. Woods to Hart Investments Ltd., of 420 Standard Building. 510 West Hastings Street. Vancouver, British Columbia, the transferee. DATED at Prince Rtiert, British Columbia, this 6th day of November, AD, lDfil HART INVESTMENTS LTD. Applicant anil Transferee. By: Max Osten. Esq.. 420 Standard Building, Vancouver. B.C. Its Solicitor. (279c) PHOTO WRATH ALL'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGING EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Green 13G Box 478 STEAMER Prince George SAILS FOR Vancouvei and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGW Luxury at Low Cost For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, PC. ANNOUNCEMENTS Registered Nurses' Association dance, Friday, Nov. 23. MIDLAND PIN'ES closes November 2B. until further notice. (2a(Jpi dt. Peter s Fa:: Bazaar, Nu-"ember 29. Catholic card party, Nov. 2D. U.F.A.W.U. W.A. will hold a dance November 30, Oddfellows' Hal!. Dancing 10-2. Job's Daughters Scotch dance, Friday, November 30, Armories. Lutheran Fish Dinner, Dec. 1. Salvation Army Home League sale and tea, Dec. 5, Solvation! Army Hall. i United Chuich W. A. Fail Ba-raar, Dec. G. I I'MliAI. NOTICE GRAHAM In the citv Th.irs-fiay, November 22,, Jonn Granam, use 71 years, of Victory Cove. B.C. Rev. F. Antrobus will conduct services at Cirenvilie Court Chapel at 2 p.m. Mon.iay, November 2i;. Interment to follow in Fairview Cemetery. B. C'J Undertakers in charge of ar-j rangements. i ltci i PIUSO.NAL ! WE DO gold stamping on Christmas cards, wallets and fountain pens. etc. 24-hour .service. McRae Bros. Ltd., phone 6. (279c i I i . VOUR Rawloimi Agent is at your di.spii.sal with phone number Green 129. i27(ipi PHONE 18 vour Northland Dairy, lor daily delivery except (Sunday. Bv looking alter vour milk vour milk will look after you. Keen it cool. Ail milk miaranteed. (tfi "IF vou must move to the Vancouver Area contact Robert E. Montador at North 297G in North Vancouver for honest and courteous solution to vour housing problems." ihi UNWANTED HA1R--Permannt-Iv eradicated with Saca-Peio The most remarkbale discovery of the age. Saca-Pelo is guaranteed to kill the roots of any hair and contains noj drugs or chemicals. LorBeer j Lab, 679 Granville, Vancouver, BC. (Hi MALE KELP WANTED MECHANICS. Marine Signals, Grade 1 S2232-S2508, and Grade 2 $2668-$2904. Depar-ment of Transport, Prince Rupert. B.C. Full particulars on posters at National Emnloy-ment Service and Post Office. Application forms, obtainable thereat, should be filed NOT LATER THAN 15 DEMEMBER 1951, with the Civil Service Commission. 6th floor, 1110 W. Georgia Street, Vancouver 5. B.C. i ltd SUN PAPER BOY wanted for downtown route. Bus Depot. Phone G40 or Green 77. (277c) WANTED Reliable .man as Rawleigh Dealer. A fine opportunity to step into a profitable business where Rawleigh Pruduct.s have been sold for years. Exocricnce not necessary. Write Rawleish's, Dept. WG-K-16G-1G3. Winnipeg. HELP WANTED FEMALE APPLICATIONS in writing are invited for the position of receptionist. Civic Centre, immediately. Please state age, business experience and names of references. Applications to be sent to General Secretary, Civic Centre, Box 340. All replies confidential. (275c) HELP WANTED, M ALE-EEM A'i.E WANTED Full time messenger boy or girl with birvele. Apply Canadian National Telegraphs. 273c I WANTED Experienced grocery clerk, preferably female. Apply Skeena Grocery. itf) EXPERIENCED arocerv clerk, female. Apple Biain Bros, (tfi SITl ATIONS W ANTED WANTED Work for man and chain saw. Clearing or cord- wood. Apply 933 1st Ave. West or B. C. Messenger. (27Gp.) RELIABLE girl desires bahv sitting position evenings. Green bbJ. I27.ipi RELIABLE mother will habv sit, board, or mind daily, children for working mothers Seal Cove, Box 243, Daily News. (280p) FOR SALE FOR SALE Remington .35 calibre autoloading rifle, good condition. $75. Model 1895 .35 calibre Winchester. 25 rounds ammunition. $30. Write P.O. Box 1474, Prince Rupert. (tf-nc) FURNITURE for Sale Bedroom rugs, radios, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterfield beds complete cribs, etc. Lowest possible prices. B. C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tf) NATIONAL Machinery Co. Lim-llcd. Distributors for: Mining, Sawmill. Logging and Contractors' Equipment. Enquiries invited. Granville Island, Vjinrouver 1, B.C. FOR SALE-Five-pieie beilrooin suite, radio, wasning machine. Frigid aire, Fryryte. lamps, waiton. Owner leaving town. Blue 275. (276e BOYS' and girls' sweaters and ski pants Boys' pullover V-neck sweaters, attractive shades, all sizes, $1.75. Al.s ) boys' and girls' ski pants at reasonable prices. B, C. Clothiers, Third Ave. itfi FOR SALE Fawcett nil heater, good condition. Red 232. i280pi !FOR SALE Easv washing ma- chine, detachable ma n g e 1 ironer, bedroom suite, Kilciien range oil burner. Winnipeg couch, leatner chairs, granc!-father clock, wasn tubs. 142 5th East. (280p' FOR SAIE McClary oil stov-, excellent condition. 1305 1st Overlook. i275o FOR SALE "Sunshine'' butigy. Apply 735 Fra.ser St. 1 275i FOR KENT FOR A NEW HERTZ U-Drive phone 530. Bus Terminal. 2nd and 2nd. (283p FOR RENT cieneral Electric floor polishers. SI npr day. Phone Blue 992. Pacific Elec- i tric. Of) 41 U-DRIVE CARS. Phone 41. 711 Grenville Court, (tf : FOR RENT Room to share. Red 471. ' tf ROOM for rent. Red 232. (276pi : ; WANTED TO RENT ! j WANTED Small room close in, suitable for light housekeep j ing. Phone Green 3C7 before : 1 5 p.m. 1 277c i WANTED TO RENT Furnished or unfurnished 3 room suite or small house. Working couple. Phone evenings after 3. Green 911. (ltpi WANTED 3 or 4 room apartment or house, unfurnished. Couple. 2 children. Phone Dan Hopkins. Rupert Hotel. (276p WANTED For 4 or 5 months, by government employee, furnished house or suite, 2 bedrooms. Rent no object. Box 237, Daily News. 279p WANTED TO RENT Tw o bed room furnished house or . apartment for six months. Caii Mr. Pliner at Columbia cellulose. (275p) WANTED Housekeeping room or suite bv December 1. Box 241,, Daily News. i278pi REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Four room house, centrallv located. Phone 57. O. P. TINKER & CO. LTD. (tf i FOR SALE Industrial lots 48 and 49, block 17, Section 1. Next Imperial Machine Works. Lots are cleared and filled. Analv Standard Machine Shoo . H LISTINGS WANTED FOR "top Market Value" for your house, list it with Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342, Black 197 evenings. (277c) CARS FOR SALE CERTIFIED - USED CARS 1950 CHEV. TUDOR 14,000 miles. Sparkling blue. Radio, heater, etc. Only 2135.00 1949 METEOR COUPE One owner. Radio, heater, fog lites... 1G95.00 1948 MONARCH FORDOR New paint job. Heater, seat covers 1395.00 1949 PONTIAC TUDOR New rubber, heater, nice maroon 1725.00 BETTER N WALKING 1947 MONARCH SEDAN Lots of miles left ... G25.00 1941 FORD TUDOR New rubber, heater, for lites 875.00 TRUCK SPECIAL 1949 FORD PICKUP Yosemite green, 14.500 miles. Reliable transportation 1550.00 ALL RE-CONDITIONED, WINTERIZED BOB PARKER LTD. Phone 83 or 93 for Prompt and Courteous Attention FOR SALE 1947 motor cycle.! Keal buy as Is. $75.00 cash Two new tires, few tools. See Nelson at 1425 Graham Ave at ar. (275p I FOR SALE 1940 Dodie, A-l condition throughout. Cash or terms. 18(15 7th East. (277p) r" TV NEWS ADS get RESU1 If you want to solve your transportation problem see our used cars . . . these cars are older models but they are in good condition . . . and most Important of all they are priced so that you can afford to buy. 1947 Austin 8 Sedon 1950 Prefect Sedan 1948 International Pickup in very good shape 1939 Plymouth Sedan 1938 Ford Coach For good transportation a 1936 Chrysler Royal FLOOR SANDING Rent a Sander ... or have your floors sanded by experts Phone Black 837 COMPANY OF CANADA Service Ltd. Phone Green 217 Girls Will Be Girls! ' CAN YOU HOLD THE UN6 A FEW r. f,p- 'C. minutes, rJLlSuRE . .. - r GREER & BRIDDEN LTD, 215 1st Avenue West Phone 909 Baptone Basic Toner In 10 deep base colors that make modern decorative color schemes easy to obtain. Superior Auto Third Ave. W. ii - BL0NDIE ' ' ' I ; (SOUNDS GPAND-- r I'D LOvF r...VsLTCSEEr, OH, SLOND,E, KllVjOQlSC 1 BOUGHT THE vfT'ciL,"'''-" CUTEST HATA? Z TODAV ITS WALL LST-i FELT TPlMMFP WWtfXfi i. 'nA MM. Thompson Hardware Call . iL ;,i MTTiTT Mt s ifc r . til IX..J If you want to sell It, advertise it, News classified,