Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, November 24, 1951 llovet j-IOfjiaill III P-D-l I JloU Jlrra ji SMALL TAL1C with a traffic cop by SyiTis I Crnvr, If 90 Mlrrr fntwrpriM. Syndicate, let AnaatM 7-X - Conner AVY NEWS Drills, (lames anil Square Dam 1114 Display A special program by the classes of Principal R G. Moore, Paul Tapalian and Joes Goscoe featured the regular monthly meeting of King Edward School . 1 an 0 0 I r I i . rens ana manors join James Evan Love (AC1, Royal Canadian Air Force, second son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Love, formerly of Prince Rupert and now of Vancouver, was the principal in an interesting wedding cere s tw, . . , VN l v . , sz 1 : ... .Zzl.. u . jatham Rifle Shooting Parent-Teachers' Association in j the activity room of the new j school. The effort was well re-j eelved by the audience of over j 150 people. Skipping and ball diiils vjre presented by Mr. Moore's class, a basketball game by Mr. Tapalian 's boys and square dancing by boys and girls of Mr. Goscoe"s "O K Smiling Jack . . . Where's "This heap do &u . . :i paraon --. . . oui, i uuu i nac ...j. ... f Flint's liense?" me while I laugh . . ." era license with me, officer! hile the rifle range at HMCS Chatham is under auction, two newly organized naval rifle clubs J " f Prince Rupert J. G. Twist, J. F. W. Parker, J. Chuster, J. A. McNab, H. M. Craig, J. Stansfield, Capt. G. Do-cherty, L. M. Williams and Mr. and Mrs! H. MeKenzie, Vancouver; K. Cutts, Kemano Bay; T. M. Frost, Chemainus; W. Baker, Prince Georgr); C. R. Cunningham, North Vancouver; Shimo Komori, Tokyo, Jaoan; Mr. and Mrs. D. Beaton, Kemano Bay. E H. Dogue, W. J. McLean, F. Worster, L. S. Brice and W. James, Vancouver; J. Herments, Grande Prairie; W. Harris, Montreal; T. Wallace, Lebanon, Oregon. Rupert Man Tops Air Force Tests Aircraftsman One James Evan Love, formerly of this city and now resident in Victoria, has been graduated with honors from the radar and communications school of the Royal Canadian Air Force at Trenton, Ontario. The Ling the CNR range and the shooting contests class. In addition to seeing how ad 1 -p. ept the youngsters were at gym erdonalS ,1-oven very popular, says Staff Officer Lt. Noel mm, noting that the new reserve unit of Wrens nthusiastic as the seamen. . ireUtion awards, George Good Things Come in Small Packages mony last Saturday evening In St. Andrew's Cathedral at Victoria. The bride of this young man, who was born and educated in Prince Rupert, was Miss Frances Patricia Crossley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crossley of Victoria. Miss M. McKay played the organ .and Mrs. William Rogers sang "Ave Maria." The pretty bride, given away by her father, wore a gown styled with fitted bodice and long pointed sleeves of lace, net yolk and full net skirt, all over white tatm. Her veil of Spanish net was held by a coronet em-Droidered with pearls and beads. For "something borrowed" she wore her mother's pearls and carried a bouquet of red roses, R. R. Strachan was able to ; v jeweller, has donated l. ig cup for each of the Priest Brother Dies in Italy leave Prince Rupert General Hospital yesterday after having been there for several weeks for1 surgical treatment. j ' Harry Rowe, collecting data nastics, the program gave the audience the opportunity of seeing some of. the equipment provided by PTA in actual use. The basketball equipment, including the smart sweaters and shorts, was seen, also ping pong table and set and badminton outfit. Following the program came the business session with Mrs. Kenneth Hardy, the president, In the chair. Mrs. W. W. Bowes presented a concise report on the progress being made today in connection with the organization of a dental clinic. j; NEWS ,"y tiiS "Marl-vlllc" has I'e out of refit and will be if writer training schedule :.s and seamen. Mean- son of Bruce Love, former super I'VO HHIIIB UIIIKinua MIC for a special article covering this ' area and its latest developments which he will write for Popular Mechanics, has been a visitor in j iirive at Chatham by j:,2. for the use of sall- Louis Ainadio of this city has received word of the death In Trevlso, Northern Italy, of his brother, Father Vincenzo Am-adio, a Roman Catholic priest. He was 61 years of age and had suffered several strokes. The death of his brother leaves Mr. Amadlo with only one surviving sister of the original family. pink carnations and stephano-tis. Miss Rita Crossley, bridesmaid the city during the past week. i 1 fr I.... ..,,... V. - ... . . . f Squadron Leader C. H. Ho-, intendent of the city telephone department here, and Mrs. Love, now resident In Vancouver, passed first in his class with a credit mark of 82.1 percent. Prior to Joining the RCAF, Love served for a year and a half with the Provost Corps of the Army. season, RCAF, after a brief visit ; tec, Mrs A. Kristmanson report here on business in connection j with the organization of a new j communication centre, left by '. jided and reserve 0M1.S Ocuii?e Waddell has i,ted to Chatham from jjChippawa. In Winnipeg, 4. arrive here to relieve ,f;jni Thompson, now In I t..mias Sclieer reports he i : his course at Rivers In lijing entertaining iim'tive. read yesterday's plane on his return ; I ed 141 members. I Mr. Moore spoke briefly on the ' subject of salety after which it was decided to write a letter to the Parent-Teacher Council, bringing to the attention of the ers to Vancouver. Kure's a gift that's fun to give him. A Stetson gift certificate and a gay miniature Stetson hat . box with a bright little plastic hat inside. It's practical, too the durable metal hat box can be used for studs and cuff links. The gift certificate will redeem his favorite Stetson at WATTS & NICKERSON MEN'S CLOTHING 3rd Avenue Phone 345, Cash for old gold. Bulger's. 8.O.N. meeting Monday. No city council that a speed limit Is skirt over blue satin. She wore a tiara of blue beads and sequins, blue lace gloves and carried pink carnations and white chrysanthemums. The bridegroom had Clifford Robbins as best man, and ushers were Roy Chudleigh and John Crossley, cousin of the bride. The parents of the young couple welcomed guests with them 10 the reception held at the Connaught Seamen's Institute. White chrysanthemums In vases at graduating heights and four desired in front of the Civic Centre in view of the fact that four-tiered cake topped with rosebuds which centred the lace-covered table. Gerald Few- proposed the toast to his nliece. The couple drove up-lsland on honeymoon. Going away, Mi'3. Love wore a grey gabardine suit with red accessories, a champagne topcoat and corsage of red roses and gardenias. The couple will take up residence in Trenton. Ont. whpre Rev. Father Theodore Pryma, ! priest of the Greek Catholic Church from Victoria, is a visitor in the city to meet Ukrainians of j the Catholic faith for whom he will say Mass tomorrow morning, j Father Pryma. who has been here lor the past week, is a guest at the Priest's Home wihle In the city. 1 i Officer T. Elworthy of e George, is attending iih the ship's company am as his schedule per vember 26, 8 p.m. (276c I Dance In Valhalla Hall. Vikings, Nomas, guests and Bards. November 24, 10 p.m. (275c) Winners of the I.O.D.E. raffle, preserves No. 954, doll No. 531, contact Green 503. (ltd Whist drive and tournament Saturday, November 24, Moose Temple. Everybody welcome. (275c) many children are attending after school classvs there. Yellow lines at Eighth Avenue and Mc-Bride Street, it was advocated, would cut down the element of danger for children having to use that Intersection. A pamphlet explaining the work that is frying carried on at the public health unit was dis lighted white tapers flanked the the groom Is stationed with the The Ideal Christmas Gift il! IKS i irulge. industrial arts 4 r at Huoth Memorial I .not. is giving valuable 4. m at the Wednesday Xmas Toys and Decorations ... A VERY LARGE STOCK Regular Moose HZV&A met,tl"K Tuesday, fcH? November 27. Initi m in metal lathe tributed and Miss Lucas of the health unit was introduced to the meeting Mr. Hewitt's class won the prize for the largest number of parents present. The meeting closed with Mr. Ooscoe giving instruction in ation of candidates. (277c) rule, Thursday nights m" nights for Captain i Cadets, which is also &4i The Lutheran Sunday School irnrpr? JuvlUDLb jIU for reserves under, is providing transportation be- square dancing, this being much p of Fred Hubrr, Booth j ginning this Sunday for children enjoyed SHOP NOW Dejicious relrtslimriits were seivcd by Mrs. W. IMcr-son and her helpers. WHILE THERE IS STILL A GOOD SELECTION Hwh School music in- i living across the bridge out Seal 1 Cove way. For Information : phone Black 610. (275c) company Pr-Chrlst- j Thb Sund 10:30 a m at he drill hall e Navy Mass wjl, bc sald , tne Catnoc -(I t be fvfnt ! a popular c..,,, ,,, ... o,,., , , , ijv 1 1 vr 1 1 i .tJt s. it 1 ji ui vvn uvi ..v .111. Committees, are JOHANNESBURG ( Reuters 1 The missionary of South Afrie'ii largest" church, the Dutch Reformed Church, is considering the choice of an African language as the country's third official llanguage. in nuke this an enjoy-.t to which the public is Proceeds go to the s Chustmas Tree fund. rittmm m.. m.rr and Fifth Avenue West) for the Ukrainian people. Father Theodore Pryma who is staying at the Catholic Rectory will be in the city for some time in order to meet Ukrainians of the Catholic ' Faith. dtp. PL 1 Capitol Theatre Last times j today 7 and 9 p.m.; "Mr. Belve-drrc Rings the Bell " with Clifton Webb. Sun. Mid-nite and Monday 'J 111 Pru I tll'tll iifOll Matinee 4 p.m.: "Lady on the Amazon." "The Heart of Virgin- Special Announcement for Persons Not Registered With B.C.H.I.S. or Persons in Arrears of Premium Payment II 154.50 fe ! J4. mnnnr,T7,.K7T.i.r,irT. It Legion card party la Mon. nd Tues.; "Dick Tur-'' 511W 12 tables in play ; pln Ride." Patrice Median, Ruth fullowing winners: 'Haywood. Tom Tully. Cartoon, f Mrs Hill and i News shows 7-9. "y A.sloria. - A J Crawford and '4-. Amoth. ..--Mrs. J. Judge and i-n. 'imcnts served were In of Mrs. Pat Anderson, '' K is.-urn and Mrs. Rae AVE 50 on fuel bills HERE'S WHAT YOU GET AT NO EXTRA COST with your tmeoth-ttilching SINOCIt Featherweight Portable Smart lungase-lype carrying case, finished in durable black leatherette . . . with grin handle, spring hinged clasp, twin locks, band)' tray for sewing accessories. Basic set of attachments for yoar new SINGtR Complete 8-lcsson sewing course at your S1NG1 R SEWING CENTER SINGER Warranty of manufacturint perfection ONLY PORTABLE IN THE WORLD WITH ALL THESE FEATURES! Weighs a mere 1 1 pounds, 2 ounces . . but does a full-size job t Operates smooth!, silently . ideal for use in small homes or apartments Sews a perfect lockstitch, forward or backward ' Hinged foot sews easily oer pins, docs awajr with tiresome basting e) Tension adjustment, automatic bobbin winder, adjustable stitch length a) Toe touch foot control lets you sew at any speed Folding leaf gives you extra working surface Backed by 100 years sewing machine experience 1 Service always available from anv of the You mav now qualify for B.C.H.I.S. benefits after 14 days from date of payment of current premiums undsrthe following conditions: Pay 6 months premium for the lost half of 1951 nn 6 months premium for the first half of 1952 AND Agree to pay your arrears in rcqular instalments of $4.00 a month starting bv December 31, 1951 The acceptance of these terms mus be made before Nor. 30, 1951 HOW TO ACT U In y!ir n-anit fi C.ll.l S. Collection Officf or to the office of any Govermnenl Agent to make tin- neeesiiuy arrangements OR fill In the form be'ow and send it with your remittance diiect t; the Commissioner, B.C.h.I.S., Victoria, B.C. HEMEMRE11 this arrangement must be conplcted before November 30, 1951 and that utter that dale it is the intention of B.C.H.I.S. to ENFORCE PAYMENT OF ALL ARREARS ill any munncr permitted by the Act, without further delay. INSTRUCTIONS RE FORM: Complete this form and mail it to the Commissioner, B C.H.l S.. Victoria, together with a cheque or money order for one year's premium, jv im covrraue up to June 30, 1952 ($30. for a single person, $42. for a person with on( Mth Ihr nrw impruvrd palrnlrri "BOOKER" ' '"i' showing 4 models of OhKR heaters or furnaces "ii request at and City Builder's Supply 1 Phone Blue 821) 'MiBrid,. Slreet iii mon; cn peiuicnisi. it you nave noi previously registered or do not. kmw your registration number, write to B.C.H.I.S. for a registration form. You will be eligible for benefits 14 days after you make your payment of one year's premium. The foregoing is the result of British Columbia Hospital Irsuroncc Inquiry Board recommendations. 1 hundred SINGER SEWING CENTRES from coast to coast Specially-designed table also available, to hold Featherweight Portable. Remove sliding panel ' machine fits snugly into place. Put panel back use the table for bridge or buffet. Smooth wooden top. Sturdy folding legs. Only 28.00 Matching Stool 17.00 ' Budget terms available, if deitred. Handsome Sewing Cabinet of carefully selected woods. 4 drawers, top drawer fitted with handy catch- ' II for needles, spools and small accessories. Makes a wonderful end table or night table. Only 36.00 Also available on budget terms. Ttwta Mwh TMC WHCBft MAMUrACTUKlWU COMPANY BRITISH C0LUMBIA.HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICE for Christmas Kcficsl for liislaliiieul IViymcnt of 1 1 1 is i t t I Insuraiiec Preniiiinis llnspilal Insurance t'mmis iioncr, Victoria, B.C. "Buy Hera gift of lasting beauty" ..Ho.'pilal Insurance No. (print, full name) of B.C., hereby make application to pay my Hospital (print full address) Insurance premium as follows: Hi Payment of one year's premium, amounting to $ Is enclosed herewith (see abovo for ralesi (2i Payment, of nvy premium arrears will be made bv me in regular monthly instalment.' of S4 00 each. The first instalment, will become due on Dec. 31, 1951, and subsequent instalments will be due on the last day of each month following. (3i I will bT notified of the amount of my arrears and will be sent a schedule of my instalment payments. USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN NOW! ! GEORGE COOK JUK, j ..... PRINCE RUPERT and TERRACE SINGER SEWING CENTER 639 3rd Ave. W. Phone 864 ' comb in I JOVAY"' Dat3 Signed