OVlNCIAL 111 vi: ORMBS DRUGS I DAILY r NORTHERN AND CENTRAL. BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER U v V CABS I Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone I,,iitllsrATC llllt VOL. XL, No. 275 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1951 PRICE FiVE CENTS DELIVERY 81 IT? H plus uuould kmmi Weston I ran owing Treasury Ahead i-jn I So Far Lai Vf year Newfoundlanders Vote Second Time Nov. 26 Vishinsky Not "Angry But Rejects Acheson's Arms Reduction Proposal -The federal bud- climbcd another I irplns ( I ... A 4. II uciuocr w minis 000 the total for the f-iO , months of the cur- ST. JOHN'S. Nfld. (CP) Newfoundland elects: Even Premier j Is Surprised With Magnitude of Government's Mandate in Ontario I lection TCHCNTO (CP) The size o.' t ha victory yf the Frogressive-Jon3enative party in the On-tar.o election Tnurscay was a surprise even to Premier Leslie frost himself. He admitted that Ine had noi expected re-election to ollice with such a ma.gln. It Alia (he greatest majority ever f- v v v 2 (."V ... .... .... i ! w "' :v a year wmcn Began i,-f v.,f .... n rn.,i. ..Mr, PARIS - Foreign MinLster re- ocv-uuu Suwiimciii as a aiiamau jj.uy.i.vt i vishinsky of Russia today hurl 'il speech last xectern c:carrr.amcr:t , vember l:b, but it may be two or three days bciore injected Jnaniv Minister Douglas f, -east a surplus of only i lor the year ending ! learns officially what party has been returned j Slow returns are the outcome ; !of the island's 1913 Election Act! A. ; which calls for the collection of IJ KfOtSStS Russ Attack i0!jei increase compar-:, intmi.se of $11,200,000 mbrr, said a monthly ; j :epuri Issued Friday. ballot boxes from all polling sta-: tions and their delivery at 25 j district returning offices before I counting starts. In the event of proposal as a plan "studiously designed to circumvent" arms re- , duction. In a speech" which he said was made "without anger," Vishinsky dimed a contention by Secretary of State Acheson that acceptance of the plan would make r. turning point in history. Vishinsky submitted 12 "serious" amendments which he said . would make the western disarmament plan acceptable to Russia. The amendments had the effect of transferring the west's plan into the plan Russia sb- :raft PARIS (B The United States today accused Russia of attacking "without warning" a United Nations plane over "international waters" near Korea when it was more than twenty miles from the Russian coastline. accorded a party In the history j of Ontario, j In the landslide, the heavy f vote smashed the Socialist CCF. '; which all but disappeared, and : weakened the Liberal party al-: though the latter becomes the official opposition. ' 1 lv.' fiujl standir. as c.impi ed last night, with flgues after the i 1 948 eiecton also shown, was as Collows to Hit water transportation becoming icebound through severe weather, it might be weeks before some isolated areas' are heard from. Premier Joseph R. Small-wood'a election announcement, coming when the legislature's first legal term was .only half completed, caught the Progressive Conservatives with only a skeleton organization , and brought a fruitless protest to the lieutenant-governor on the surprise move. Fifty-six candidates were nominated November 16 for the 28-feat assembly. Twenty-four seats Grey Cup General Assembly two weeks ago. f midartl Set for Prince ii.Uiifcmver Travel Progressive-Conservatives Prog.-Coris., 79 (53) WESTERN LEADERS Anthony Eden, left, Unit d K.ngdoin foreign minister and leader of the B; itish delegation to the United Nations General Assembly meeting in Palis, looks on while Dean Ache;on, centre, United States foreign secretar, and ivader of his country's U.N. delegation, shakes hands with Hon. L. B. Pearson, Canadian :f.cretary of state for external affairs. This is a United Nations photo taken at the Paris General Assembly. (CP PHOTO) Liberals 7 C. C. F 2 Liberal-Labor 1 Labor-Prog 1 Total 90 H3I 121 1 I 1) I 2i 80 1 Rupert people have ! jp.mK a preview of the of convenience ' ,;ort which Is being pro- j direct air travel bell :e ami Vancouver, j . CPA luxury Land- ' i-passfiiger amphibian ! :M an enthusiastic re- Salmon Arm School Bd. 'Appealing Ottawa Winner TORONTO (CP) Ottawa Rough Riders won the Grey Cup and the Canadian football championship today, The F.'usl administration obtained 49 percent of the vote, the iiighest percentage since the JL,loeral' 51 percent in 1937 when are being contested, Liberals having been returned by acclamation in the remainder. The acclamations leave 24 Liberals, 22 Progressive Conservatives and six independents in the election fight. The Liberals were returned to Arsenal Blast Kills 18 onnesjio"$u I Re(jS Oil i 0 Terrific Terrific Blast Blast at at i m citizens who in- iViil:nell Httcourn was having his i x Mowing arrival on Denmark's C'aoital Port I SALMON ARM. Salmon Ann i board of school trustees will ap-j peal to the Supreme Court of : Canada against an order of Mr.-I Justice W. B. Farris in the Brit-: ish Columbia Supreme Court WASHINGTON. DC iflPrn- power in 1949 with a wide ma- beating Saskatchewan Roughriders 2l-14 in Iieyday, The Liberals got 31 of 1 hursday's vote and CCF, 19 perj cent. j Wnile the result left the Lib-' orals' seven-man representation ; as the olticial opposition, of more i interest to political exerts waa t he smahlna defeat of the CCF.! . lulil from Vancouver , 4 afternoon and from, j i ens who made a fan ; . .s niiimins. s i IW of three similar 1 :h will raise the stand- j 4.iiiiialt travel on th Cushy Voyage For Soldiers COPENHAGEN W At least 18 sldent Truman Friday ordered i jority in Newfoundland's first firemen and sailors died last' an end to trade concessions for provincial election. They won 22 night when an explosion of half soviet Russia and Communist-! Seats against the Progressive the East-West game ! requiring the board to reopen close tne schools which it closed down toi ui mum au uic uauuu runroiana. ne aiso airecr.ea an Conservatives' five One inde- Saskatchewan made it oecause i ; ,n?, rT"?i nH J! lrJl"eal ''"JT5 f vei; Pendent was elected. Mr. Small- wttT two rnwrted touchdo,! r.eral g0 j Siipcrt-Vancouvcr run -j. ile parly's leader of nine years,1 i I" mlit car to stream- ; t-, b. Jolliffe. lost his seat. CCF Bv DOUG HOW CanRciian Preas Suirl Writer . ,ijhb "i luia iiuui ivuaaia ailu wOOQ Was alreaay interim pre-'ln tho final nnartcr hut. nttawa '11 UI nuances. Others possibly possibly were were blown blown Rert Rert China. China. ; mier, appointed after confedera- tonic over with Bennv Mat-Don- i Education Minister W. T. stalwaits fell right and left. In only one industrial riding audi i li s'.atus It is replete , inline facilities for ease ! :urt and pleasantry of j HANOVER. Germany P ijan- " - i-n. naruor or sun may oe muci i5 cuctuvc oauuaij tlon had ended a lb-year period nen cracking the line for big required to reopen the schooU ariian so (liers mnvlns to uer- lyniK unuer a lanRie oi concreve a or commission eovernment it. o n,,ia.: in or. 3 largely pold-mlnlng nor. 4 them scat did the Socialist party ! many are finding there is at ana meiai aeons. i v.mK.? w,,i oe requnea 10 Ktoictu TO to of tlme before Ottawa tocked!na and this tms coulQ De lamea W borrowing. elm candidates least one place w here there is s?venty-nme ethers were in-; c",'lv- cawsiiu.imj w.b. By aissoiuuon, uoerai ran.s QOwn lne Konora, In the c(H)d too mucn to eai, ana wneie uie jurea. . ..v.,,.--. -v. ,mu uccn raiutcu iai iuuiuc annrovinn eovern- i ' Rriht uunnv ikie " with a nin rnent SIm of PreCr Frast-: price of cigarettes and beer is Unofficial estimates set the m m. Jt Quinton a hgh7 snowfaU House Passes in a sharp six weeks' campaign ; ow . i'.s aooara uie snip u.w.g- damage arouna si.wu.uuu. '",",,. -,.ivu u.c i.u wag tne settlng for Canada's! he made only the one promise mg tn.rn nere. windows were matterea , iwscaucn .aiaiu. i greatest sports spectacle, and a I i . , 1- (hmnrrhnu) tho tne pitu i I Resources Minister Edward . , . . ... j I the electorate reiected that dui; They are facine the hazards mrougnout city. Russell became an independen out of Pension Boost these oceanic oases in the best People were knocked than 27,000 watched the ureyi their beds. Census Satisfies New Westminster aii.er cmimuig oe couia nu pu fjnajs longer support the government's M h end of the flrst ter oolicies. Drov- economic -Samuel i x.. OTTAWA (CP) House of Com- er, fired from the party when tL,l. l.lmcns 8ave Preliminary approval ' the Icadtv of the Liberal party. Canadian tradition but some-Thomson, who failed to win a, timer it seems more than a man scat himself, promised more so-: can bear: six meals a day, tax cial services of all kinds includ-; iree beer at 15 cents a pint, string contributory hospital care vants to make your bed and plan and general reduction of serve your meals, taxalon. Tnp transfer of 5.500 men of Ijr Premier Fost. 53 year old ,hp 27th mfantrv Bricade and he accused the government of , "T" ' 0 i to W to? inrea" NEW WESTMINSTER pensions of disabled war veter- I u the public picas- ; j jrrl'iriiiance was com- ; J ay the operating per- : I A the familiarization ! xi about the smooth -4 1 I've ever had," said k is Nan Hardie of Van- . 4 1' tJi her first, am- j 4 :ii!lit and her first visit f Kaput which she Its, II MINi IES i l'ite and blue air- ! t Vancouver at 11 :05 i 4. iiiurning and, flying ! ar route by way of Port I 4 iiid Saiidspit without ; (tan, reached Prince ; 3: IS p.m. There was ; I1'. ii-hliic leaving Vancou- i 'm'sliip hud to drop in j wlf ana low cloud to K iw a strictly navl- ' I Iteln throughout, well j fluids after they were iCity of New Westminster, after i ".5, ?tv, t I tawa scored a touchdown when I checking against the list of elec- P Tumer br0ke lo0se ar0mld tne mte Bay w later welcomed :tri light accounts, has acknow- fh L..iL right end and galloped 69 yards ledscd the correctness of the , 1'..,. J. .1 .if Regina's three. McDonell Grain Ship Due Today Japanese Vessel Arriving At local Elevator This Afternoon nrn hm no -r poncne nnttnr f rr rho . . 0 1 plunged over for the score. for their policy of :" . .. mandate eit; of between 28.000 and 29,000. jrantinn rinllar nimranlooc in Lind ay lawyer, it was the first, thpir equipment across the At-campaign as party leader. He ; ,antic wUl eost probably $1,000.-tookover the provincial mantle j n()0 Just or transportation. As ciollered by Oeorge Drew whcnlfar as t he soldiers are concerned, the latter became national head! lt.-a wortn eVery cent of it. of the party in 1949. j Qf sevpn shiploads crossing at Of 17 seats in the Toronto i intervals .the Greek Line's Can-area, one of the province's most. arr i (l,tin thr-ce She' nm. i There ai-a about 8000 light bills lndUi5trisa, grou mostl Euro. :and each bill represents about , ( iL,m., ; ans by an average of 33 h'3. I Members adopted a resolution j .0 ths bill providing for the in- creases and then gave first read- j lng to the bill Itself. I The legislation increases the 1 basic pension for a single veteraa I with total disability to ,125 j from $94 a month, the basic al- j lowance to a totally disabled 'pensioner's wife to $45 from $31,. i allowance for a first child to $20 i from $19 and a widow's pension j to $100 from $75. ' The lncreares beccmj effective 1 3.7 people, it is estimated. (Continued on Page M Five Day Bank Bill Approved j started here. i The opposition, while not ! against the scheme in principle, j urges careful investigation Oe-! fore pledging the public credit Leather ctenscly populated sections, all i vi(jing a passage that would Biggest shipping news for this uui uoe Mai, rm iu rivi cmi.c- aro, lse tne envy of tne average wateriront in several years win f"fmti.rvnt Ivp fa nrllnsites The OTTAWA P The House of finally approved I to support private groups. fly after arrival, the j exception was Toronto St. An veteran. There are no hammocks be made this afternoon on arri-jammcd in the holds, no queuing ya) of the Japallest, owned 10.000 Commons has Synopsis tni'uwn oncn for Dub- Campaigners in this election , legislalion t0 allow Canada's The cold weather which has January next. lor loio, no luai ciuwuuig. drew, where the Labor-Progressive (Communist) candidate, Joserh Salsbcrg, was reelected. "the ton motorship fieighter, Kiokawa Awt!ut P f'lf I banks if 3agH" to close on Saturdays Thedm 500 or trlp I h el " u, '?! graphical difficulties which de- J?ejS1S--rhu. between white sheets. .w; Maru. '"u first ship of several to load fi'PPf P"! I ; ,hev they want want to. Third Third readinB reading was was, Alpha House was the winning made, sleep ..... , - - my eieuwuu leuuiua. 1.11 iiinuy , 0 ivwrl .h Kii, tne Dili onri An o.nvo ctni-m io aP nn. ...ji.. j , given authorizing the . house at Booth School in the i roadless corners of this island's 11011 and a number of 4 vaili-rl themselves of ;tiimty. I : Hie suest flight thi.s ne Mayor H. F. Glas- Clerk William Long, T. vice-president of proaching the coast. There are ;ooo-mile coastline, they have' gale warnings issued for the I to use motorboats or even dog banks to operate only five days a Civic Centre canvass with week. The measure now goes to! Gamma, Betta and Delta finish-the Senate for approval. i ing in order. . . There usually are four soldiers to a cabin. They leave their beds Owred by Kowasaki Kisen Kai-to be made by Stewarts, buy a sha, Ltd.. of Kobe. Japan, the pint of Canadian or German beer "Maru" enters port here direct from Japan sailing the Great or a package of Canadian or Anvvrican cigarettes for 15 cents. Circle Route. Before press time, and generally enjoy all the fa- she was expected to dock here at northern coastal waters and rain from the disturbance will spread ' ipeil r hamher nf Puni - Huge British Motor Merger teams to contact the voters and one Progressive Conservative candidate is riding around the remote Labrador hustings in his own plane. '"'H Hill, president of w Chamber of Com- along the south coast tonight, j Cloudiness is increasing thrnnt'h th interior and tem- rilities of a tourist-class pas- a J- m.. accoruiug 10 naiuui jvias f,r Uilliom Vm,irhon . .... .. , ? 1 w Scott, Pastmaster ierk. Frank Rkinnpr .T . I iJ? a ill. Fred Adames, E. D. BIRMINGHAM. Eng. (CP) Two f 0. A. Hunter. 0f Britain's bigRest automobile 'i t'Til McNeill and j F.-0ducrr.s-Austin and Morris V ar.ca Wilson are pilot- I yesterday announced a mergci f iiMWiral flight with i whlch m set up an industrial Iran to Have Election Soon TEHRAN (CP) Premier Mossadegh's government announc .v " ie and Pegt?y rolossus turning: out almost half ; V vannnivnr gIuuiqM- i 4 I "ipai'y officials are J. T MWllllendent nf 011- Y ed today it would call immediate national elections and challenge parliament's decision to delay them until December 18. sae- nubu. peratures win De generally mua- EXf 'ELI.ENT FOOI I Meanwhile, an advance party er. Snow flurries In the northern There are dormitory-type in connection with this shipping, sections will change to continu-cabins down in the hold but they arrived here at 2 a.m. on the 0us snow this evening while in are not used. st amer Chilcotin, one of whom the southern valleys there will But it's the eating which tops was Capt. George Docherty, pilot, be rain in the western sections everything. Aboard the Canberra whr left this ttiorning to meet and snow in the eastern portion l s axiomatic that the human the Maru off Triple Island. tomorrow, boinfe should be fed six times a Harry M.' Craig, representing Forecast day breakfast, 11 a.m. snack, North Pacific Shipping Agency, GALE WARNING tunrh, afternoon snack, dinner, general shipping agents for the Gale warning continued. Rain jvoning snack. Maru line, also arrived on the today, cloudy with showers to- Lunchcs and dinners are five chilcotin. Along with C. R. Cun- n.ght and Sunday. A little mild-ccurFes. Steaks, chops, beef are ningham, department of agricul- er. Winds, southeast (30), in-Fervod twice a day. The food not ture Inspector to approve the creasing to southeast gales ( 40 only is endless, it is good. Small ship's loading facilities. by noon and shifting to south- wonder that a good number of Tne jan;inese owners' repre-1 wC5t (30' tnis evening, decreas-officers and soldiers are gather- sentatjve shjmo K0mOrl ac-' lng 10 20 tomorwy. Lows tonight ing copies of the menus to stl- companied the group as w'el, as and highs tomorrowat Port mulate their nrernpries in more j Mitchell superintendent of nardy. Sandsplt and Prince Ru- cf the country's motorvehicles. The deal is worth $850,000,000 at current market prices. Together, the two firms produced almost half of Britain' current output of 5O0.0C0 cars a V w B".ih Columbia dis-I1111 Norrie, sales aild W. A. Chambers. i li fill! TH1 1 J n l s , Tit 1 ,13 4 s 1 m 1 1 ? siipi rintendent of traf- f Passengers came nortr '"iin'iioon and a slmi-J-w were aboard when T 0,i at 1:30 this after-f Hit return hop RHINE IS SINKING BONN, Germany (Reuters) The Rhine, western Europe's big-jest international waterway, is sinking. In some parts the water level this winter is so low that the bigger barges cannot take their full load of 700 tons. 1 n year-thc balance being spill mainly among the Rootes group. Ford and General Motors British branch. A statement from Austin said the merger, handled by setting up an overall holding comapny, is aimed at "more efficient and economic production" and as a benefit to export and foreign assembly business. frugai days aneaa. or to prove Canacllan stevedoring Co ' Ltd. pert, 40 and 46. f w fondit Princess Margaret Has Gay 'fatal Home "IVIiR aijames Rox-"yw-old confessed "r. wtts sentenced Fri- month. riPfiito o.-., Gratuity to Be Tidy Sum f"S ICSS a tlnv iivlnfinit their point when they write their and representative Hector Perry, womenfolk at home ,! whose company has the loading Meals are served by waiters In conlract white jackets, on tables with ' four-piece Meanwhile, some 300 000 bush-orchestra whii-j cloth., while a plays soft music in the of wheat at the grain elevator wings , here awaits loading, wnich is cx- Pected l be completed within They might have been a bit taken aback at first but towards , three or four the end of the voyage it was a1 Upon arrivaV customs officers common sight to see privates have first call on the ship for from Flin Flon or Stewiacke ur- clearance purposes. banely scanning a waiter's tray of , : , hors d'ouvres, making their se-1 lections, then turning graciously ' TIDES ; applaud something from Bee- thoven. i Sunday, November 25. 1951 To the old term "Officer and High 10:17 19 8 feet Gentleman," the army is ap- 23:01 17.9 feet pending a new one "Soldier and Low 4:01 7.6 feet Gentleman." . . .1 16:54 5.8 feet la,e" Borstal Home. rth , Night Doing Paris Rounds PARIS 0" Pi incess Margaret, kicking up her high-heeled shoes in gay farewell to Paris, danced until 3 a.m. today in two of Paris' smartest night clubs. The vivacious Princess started the evening with a dinner at Maxim's. Then, accompanied by the Duchess of Kent and a group of bluebloods, she led reporters and photographers a merry chase. Dressed in a white evening gown, she danced the rumba and samba with Prince Nicholas of Yugoslavia and Compte de Robes. The party nyank champttgne at $16 a bottle. . va i-.vaacQ guilty to 7 t m ' a $2200 robbery r'iy branch of th-e OTTAWA (CP) Gratuities to be paid to Canadian troops serving in the Far East theatre will amount to 50c a day for each day of paid service, the Army annminm nl ils juinnlementaTV I Fifty veterans of the United Nations forces in Korea representing 19 nations, are welcomed at U.N. Headquarters in New York. Men 'm of Canada on rDanions !l'(i l L Raymond j from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Ethiopia, France, Greece, India, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand. Norway, j the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, South Africa, Thailand. 1 Turk'r. h Urv'tH Kinfflem a'ld the T'SA. are ill (he line- up above iu front of the United Nations' 59 atory Secretariat buildinc.' ," "lid .. . Charles Stu grant of one week's pay and ai- 2 0 Ponded guilty, lowances for every 183 days over- "'lll'fd November 30. i seas.