Page 4 THE DAILY NEWS 1g Noon-2 FP. & | BLAVER BOAR Pp j Appreciating what your balm has done for me, I should e opportunity of recommending it to others who may be similarly aff)..." é { : j ee ® Dear Sirs: 7 x“_~ -~—— ene ase ee : - ‘ Fire j : Lat Cees or the iast forty years I have had-a patch of eczema on =. A. W. EDGE OPENING DAY : pa s - 2 ar hand. I tried in every possible way to get rid of it—had treatment ieee ‘ —. Children free through rear _ see , doctors and tried innumerable remedies, but receiv a Comet DISTRIBUTORS entrance. | Tug-of-™ 7 on? if a remedy cased it or cured ‘t for a time, it always paenar cna - — 2m Avenue - Prince Rupert 11:20 Am. johnson Cup and 1 One of my friends is a great believer in Zam-Buk, so I decided to give Ane Parade of Indian bands, %c! 3 P. @. trial and sent first fora sample. You can imagine my amazement when «v.. BEAVER BOARD Ghiidren and Citizens staris from} Basehall eat Anyox vs this small quantity brought me more relief than anything I had ever b.:. Se.ond Avenue in front of Pr Prince Rupert used. 1 continued the use of Zam-Buk for two weeks, by which time a vincial Government offices: along| Bat ert by Aiyansh Bar eczema, although of forty ycars standing, had entirely disappeared. "Tt 7 Second to MeBride St.. McBride to/at «ports grounds was one year ago, and there has been no return of it. " sfbird, Third to Fulton, Fulton | r 4 P.M. . Yours sincerely, pba! ition Hall. Fy be sy«terma " Name of clergyman. from whom the sbowe letanr wer received. will be giver cpor requer: 1PM. : i sine P tS a : a penine { Haxhibetees 4:45 P. m. 7+ % aaa a Hs Un. 4 FR a ate) Ge Raley, principa jian footba -%, 4 ,Coquaiitza ladusirial School, Sar- 6:30 P. Mm. Send thus advert nem . idis, B. ¢ Zand concert by the Footba finals Play-off { eric ne . Greenville Baad. jmeGais r ° 1:30 P. Mm. j Foott Associat ‘a jren's Sports on. Becreaiion SP. mM. Grounds. | Basketba Prince Rupert vs ) 2PM. _— f Anyox oti ' Qa: Bescball Game, Teliwa vs. Pring] OO ie Band IS Still are trying sarounds by Aiyensh Band 9:30 P. m: ; to sel] If it hasn't the Beaver trade-mark it isn’t 4:45 P.M. Grand Masque Ball in Extibitiot Beaver Board ‘ Hall ; . Tug-of-War for T. H. Johns Hal ile ro ; their Busin § Finish of your mtic—paniion §j\¥P. 40d $100 prize. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF | Css of 2 r90m is the besement—put sew SP. mM. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS They have reduced al! the x s to a point where every article is bar Ee _? ro gainer. _De 5 wae |Harvey s Orchestra coneert in the TAKE 1 » thet Wiliam & Summons.[] next week some special offerings w be made of , sity hae ow yon cr Cot- iExhibition Ha w Victor, B. C Lcupeuh imspector, Ger rt ¢, for the club, = intends © apply for permissiua to pruspeci the sore orthe ofice— Beaver Board 6:30 P. Mm. te f was Cane eS aoe LADIES’ CoO S ND > tke i alee o- ; pe trotewmn -— : A A ia, a et and Footbali—Callies vs. G. T. P ” (ommencing st & post planted about) paper, groves seticrs wai and 8 P.M. forty 4e haims south of the mouth of | on - ore ran ‘, "Ore san- estes River, Grabam island; theare weet) That wi rove unus y attra ‘ itary, © rab'e jand Concert by Greenville Band] is eighty chains, thence south eighty / T. ine ~ wei news acter 52 in Exhibition Building. a . es inion to tel Ladies sheuld not fail to se $50 and #6 sts “yy — . a oe 10 P.M. past of commencement ; u ‘ jens the 8 WILLIAM E SIMMONS, . ma Save tae ing. per Albert jacobs, Agent ow at om -_— Sa 3 a . up SECOND DAY SKEENA LAND . DISTHICT-—DisTHIOT (Ff This is a genuine sale of genuine bargains in ladies’ wear and s! i ti 9 th QUEEN CHARLUTTE ISLANDS ‘ Exhibition opens at 10 A. M. . ouinasinasnon : © 4 10 Az. Mm. TAKE notice that A. Harper Mciiechnuie, adies of the erty =o : of Winnipes, Nan... occupstsos engineer, Band Concert on sports ground picnds to apply for permission to prospect NEW STOCK OF LADIES’ HEAVY PURE WOOL WINTER COATS, $50 AND UP. : -_ = at vil Geseribed isnds [fv i By Aiyansh Band). peirvleum .— Also Waterproofs in Leather and Fagcy Silk Stripe, Etc. 19:30 A. M. apenciDs st 4 post planted about two miles cast of the mouth of Coates Creek _ i ORK’ indian Baseball Game. which Sows into Port Louis Inenece . : i soulh eighty clams, thence west cighty Announced daily cgins, thence north eighty chains, thence 9 SELL 12:20 P. Mi. east cighty chains to the point of com- & me cement indian Football Game. A. HARPER McKECH Aut ; . . Per Albert Jacovs, Agent. i OV E Announced daily . _ July 14, 1919. As soon as this sale is ove: Goldblooms will again offer their business fer . Ve Anyox. Band concert ou eport«| 4) chains the point of commencement | @& following deseribed lands for coal and} fiesina. Saskatl be War ends t apply for : . a : evita J. PERRKTY | bet role ulia [permission t prospect ithe following Gs ON SALE AT grounds by Greenville Band. Albert Jacobs, Agent r commencing at 6 post planted on the scribed lands for coal and petroleum PHONE 55 . ; 5PM sly 14, 1919 | Sieneline of Port Chanmel, Mear ibe aiwule mmencing at & post plested abou} on - . —— —_—_—_—_—__—_- —_——- “a f Mace River, Graham isiand;: thence east two and © balf miles cust f the = 2 o- _ re or Ss Fieid Sports. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTMCT OF) *° wee thence south 80 chains. thence, of Cave Creek, Ingraham Bay, Graham is : QUEEN CHABLOTTE ISLANDS we 60 chains, thence north 80 chains + and; thence south eighty . teattis H Hop, skip and jump. TAKE podice that Walter Govan In-| the point of cx nt. thence east eighty (6 chains, thence _ ardadware Running broad jump. tian Head, saskatchewan, vccupation farm- JOUN MOFFATT. north ¢ighty (80) chaims, thence west y, . : Pp wT : er, intends (to apply for permusasum wo per 3 Ft Jacobs, Agent eighty (50) chains to the point of com SECUND AVENUE Standing broad jump. prospect aes “lowing @eseribed iands for| ated July isth, 1949 ihe OCe Bett y am F bd a Hiet si and petroleum aE ———_—__—— JAMES o0 LL. Phone Black 114 ‘eh 7.8 sae

reoceroert 8 P.M. oak pa CHALLE TE. IStsANDS 50 chains, thence east $0 chaims, thence | scr:bed lands for coal and petroleum eee som zip é Game ae E notice bert cCaubrey, of | south 60 chaims, thence west 60 chains Ww (fetpencing at 4 ost anted about one | Bo 333 908 Ave. and Cone ane, Band. Viewonio 2. a ¢. oe merchant, in-|the point of commencement. and one haif miles Same et the mouth of P.O. . we : _m. “e Lo appl o mission to prospect M L. SANDS, Cave Creek, Ingraham Bay, Graham island; Pool Room Pyreisahnss Dieplay ace” tesat = Steen Gescribed lands for coal and sae es. ane Jacobs, Agent | thence south eighty (30 chains, thence | 7 : : ; rop roieum :-— Date uly 15th; 1 6 ast ight « rh ace or th Giatad to olis Hill Commencing at & post planted about | ————— cee - \Siehty (90 Shaten taabeo went eight + 10 : os oF eke ee <. the Mouth Of |cxceENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTHICT OF | (89) Chains to the point of commence P. Mc , & ; Wenee south QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANUS tmeut. } 721 Third A Cod ee wing. | in dome te “ cance mouooury pana, | ve. S- thence weet clahis 3 af ~ ae | TAKE NOTICE that Joho Mair of Vic-| . per Albert Jacubs, Agent. | O ~ ike yl. Me es to the | wor a, &. (,, Cccupstion retired farmer, in-} _'’8tc July 120m 1999 “ - 5 . : ——— , : ppoBi CLOSING DAY—FRIDAY RUBLKYT McCAUBREY tends to apply for permission tw prospect) A the following described lands for coal and} SHEENA LAND DISTHICT-—-DISTRICT ©} The Empress Hotel Exhibition opens at 10 a. m vated duly 41, iene. a Lom peiroleum QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS . . el. i) ALS 1) : mupencing at @ post planted at the —— 10 A.M. SKEENA LAND. pistRicT—pistmiot of | 2*{s of Mate River, where it cimpiies ie ee ey ey — Dit Genaeh ‘ oa ~ ; : . mie lini, Vort Channel, Graham Island; twheace | ‘ ria, B. 4 cCupation retirea hote?! CIGARS SODA al ~oncert in Exhibition Hal! rah . pay ALA, Oy law th 80 chains, thence west 80 chains,|/*® per, imtenus to apply for permission 548 Po 2 2 . - » Cis ve v1 ¢ . Dene so), prospec eed c m ; by (3 enville Band. Alien intends to appiy for eftiaissivn oo ~y = - otek all dene i. “aeat ane ‘Goaiaaine —— Phone Green * . Two per cent. Beer 10:20 A.M. oe Se, ene described lands for JOHN MAIR, ominencing at a post planted on the P.O, Box 102 ff ss a Baby Show in Exhibition Hall. LomMnennge at & post planted about, tel 2 per oe Jacebs, Agent sh comes of Fort as Sens Lhe ths uth : forty chains northeast. «of the mouth of a TR @eenes west 40 chainn CA 11 A. Mm. Joseph Creck, and at the S.E. corner chi aoe ew Bb eA W S il ° Coal JOHN PELLI NO . os . » uo © ot ‘ . ence 2 . . ‘ Speed Boat Race, 12 miles, free|& & No 19149, Graham Island; thence| “ENA LAND DISTRICT— DISTRICT UF chetes to tae potest af demmanccmens ©: oa: speete ne an ae ror wnnmomnnooccoooooess| for ail-—tor Challenge € east $0 chains, thence south 80 chains, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS nobtht Some cane ne : eh ait — ’ or Unalienge Cup. therece west €0@ chains, thence north #4! ae or Alt i Ds, in dis io aah - oc | Chases to the point of comme FARE notice that Jamies ¥. Connell, ou . tt a saree Aone poceneren oo boat race,..... $50 $25/°"Ebwanp CHARLES PRANCIO ALLEN weed, anoumatiee madhech deter, of taaen EI. o bs . Launch rac “ - a ver Albert J * | wood, cecupation medical doctwr, of Kegina, , ; is UT a tace corewrere Bou $20 Dated July {5 seit acobs, Agent. | saskatchewan, intends to apply for per SREENA LARD Ds THICT DISTHICT OF} Coma ail ' : ~—<—_________ | iuission to prospect the folluwing described v~eeN CHARLOTTE [SLAs wo | ‘ “—o ae cieae ene suf SUEENA LAND pisTaey DISTRICT OF | Commencing = pure, * AKE notice thaf Isaac Waxstock, of} Sevetuam QUEEN € SLANDS C o oO" ISLANDS Com - & post planted about) yjc cori 7 ; aa a . est en-roomed house with 4 —~ CAKE NOTICE that Louis MeQuillin ov. | Wo_and one half miles east of the mouth a teria, B. C. occupation billierd room | 840 Second Ave! West bath and finished basement. Abs notice that Ester Mahelia McMillan | uy ation accountant, and C. Norman Dal-|°! Cave ( -ck, Ingraham Bay, Graham Is Pee intends to apply for permission | Newly painted. 8 : * Siitnipes, Manabe, ceeupation gfeter. |, occupation barrister, of Wisnipeg, | i404; Whence north 30 chains, thence west at aime * To vay_painted. 86h Aue., W. tie. ctowunldeatied tate ree tee, | aan. ie to apply for permission (|S? chaims, thence south 80 chains, thence |’ ccuuencing at a pes VEGETABLES to tollowiag seribed jamds for coal apd | prospect phe following desert lands fo, (east $0 chains to the point of commence: | pic Pe St 8 post planted about a 287 tr im coal and petreleum meit. tt) weet o the mouth of Connell Hiver, Wholesale and Reta! . ile eat ak the re, Panta’ about one | OMMAERCINE at & post planted about one JAMES V. CONNELL thence? west 80. chains, ‘thence north a 7 3 ‘ e “ . " : ? ce 2 ence h a0 . ; . Very. Easy Terms. Port 1ouss) hi ER, quarter of a mile from the mouth of Con A. W. SHERWOOD, Ghaies. themes cast gp ae tot General Contra , alge : on ; . seety - tell River, Port Channel, Graham Island: im Albert Jacobs, Agent of cofpmencement Mains to the point ; aid ‘ «rng + TE , Ga ciutib | thence east 80 chains, ‘thence north 50 _ bated July 12, 1919. ISAAC WAXSTOCK — DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND to the pom of Comme hcesent ve chains, thenee west 80 chains, thence . pee: per Albert Saceba *s : ; ; Ta ong oe suantle 40 chains to the point of commence. |SKLENA LAND DISTRICT—-DISTRICT OF Dated July tv, 1949 oe rt. B.t 23 Third Ave yy gv teent, iniues teibema nels QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS : : itd Prince Rupe! - ute ta,-4080 Louis LIN, ; —— NAVIGABLE WATERS PRO’ 4 ) Box 73 a © NORMAN DALGLEISH, TAKE NOTICE that James V. Connell ; S PROTECTION ACT Phone 547 eo. SS SKEENS, LANI : : al per Albert Jacobs, Agent occupation medical doctor, and A. “Leith, ==’ = myer tee ooae: EN. LAND DISTRICT—-DISTIN oF 2 oceupetion Meu:cal doctor, of Regina, Sas The M a > WUELN CHARLOTTE 18LANDS \SkKLB.... LAND «.5TRICT—DisTRICT katchewan, intends tw apply for permission Getorament of te 4. ge Seinen ‘ . a - ; P , *rovince f britist FOR ELECTRICAL WORK ‘pam potion aes’ Mees. lettene ai valk ic ae Ai eS tehey “ 2 o vspect , A described iands Columbia hereby gives notice that be i @o to Victoria, B. C., occupation carpenter, in-| Victoria, B. C., occupation rettred farmer,| Commencing at & ost planted about a oo OF the seid Act, deposited oer we ee Pie oe prosper intends to apply for permission to pros-| two miles and one half east of the mouth} the Wiaietae "at" Sle — ores and > scr ae "a » 7 p> : erie eee ands for coal af | Be ’ hae described lands for eval Slate. Sree. Sarge, See. Grekaee Is-| Ottawa and in the office of the Distries ¢ mouth at akan ata post Plauted at the Commencing at @ post planted near the | 60 chains, thence south 60 cheine, thenee oe ee, Land Registry District at meets es leele Creek, Port Louis, Graham | shoreline of Port Channel and about a mile| west 80 chains to the point of commence-|site and the plan ct’ peo ee eon OF the ‘slau; thenes south 40 cipins, themce east) Wes! of the mouth of Connell river, Grahat | met, CRtenSIOR of thy peraposed. renewal and a 60 ‘chains, thence north 80 chains, thence|Isiand; thence north 80 chains, thence JAMES V. CONNELL, Whart at P wa Provincial Government 336 2nd Ave, wane ) chains to the point of commence eee 00 Caan, ones south 80 chains, A. LEITH, of Waterfront Bleak =F” C., im front » ‘hains point of com per Albert Jacobs, A . » notice Phones ’ MARRY MeMAN, patna Dated July 42, 1919. gent — ~~~ that after the cxpiration of Block, Thiré avenv® m4 ACK 267 GREEN 354 in sane A. 4, B. BOOKEY, ar “ation of this notice the Minister ot Publ ae wy: as4 ; aa 4 , ; " ‘ ‘ otiee : : ~. soe per Albert Jacobs, A ; » ND DISTRICT— 1 ; “ice the Minister of Pubti« Phone ae Datel July 15, 1919 P - —- funn CHARLOTTE DISTRICT OF | Works of the Government of the Province el “— Save Money In Lamps. SHEENA LAND DISTRICT —pDISTRM: \ et a — ¥ et ISLANDS S Srition Columbia will, under Section 7 enngnenesnes™ poet? CUELN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS SWRENA LAND DIS®RICTDISTHICT OF | TAKE notice that John Wesley ( Pullin Cee SPBLY to the Minister of ty eoneees i. eee ° * a QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. and Albert 8. Lock, both of Victoria, Boe. | apie Works and the Minister of Marine | ; Ee - —~ - TAKE notice that John Joseph Fenerty,| TAKE notice that Kenneth Sutherland of |oceupation brokers, intend to apply for Of Ottawa fae tenet meee in. the wit ; TIMBER SALE X 1805. ef Fictoria, B. C., oecupstion grocer, in: |Winetpes, Man‘ occupation agent, intends |permission to prospect the following de plans i Te Mpbroval of the said site and : Sesied tenders will be received by the the fi fhowter"s Land cumasion 60 prospect ° apply for permission to ‘prospect the | scribed lands for coal and petroleum :— renewal ‘nd 6 te ree ae rice U euied at Lande ‘aot thee ann’ 1 oe , ee ne described lands for coal and ae described lands for coal and Commnenene at 4 post planted about Dated at Victoria, B hi f tL 002 6 ile etroleumn forty (40) ehains in & north easter! p » BG, Wis siet day ae a Sarre, Patty for the Commencing at @ post planted about two Commencing 41 4 post planted on the | rection from the mouth of Rest-ren deosk M August, 1919. , nN 96,000 feet of B Ses Healt fo cut 1,- | miles east of the mouth of Coates Creek shoreline of Port Channel, about two miles|Rennela Sound, Graham Island thence A. E. FOREMAN, EUROPEAN PLA oars oe ot ee ee, we mlock and Cos ar| (whieh flows into Port Louis) Graham Is-jeast of the mouth of Conpell River, Graham | south (80) eighty chains, thence west! De Public Works Engineer nd uP. pet 2 Q e om Shannon ra Mas md; thence south eighty chains, thence |/Mand; thence south 60 chains, thence west|ciatty (80) chains, thence north eight ept. of Public Works $1 60 per day ® Teo (2) it a ae Jistrict.| ast eighty ehains, thence north «\¢ 80 chains, thence north #0 chains, thence | (86) chains, thence east eighty (80 chains melt rie, B.C. F moval of timber allowed for re : eens, ens, Sass ay chains to the ae Se chains to the point of commen to the pane * commen ome nt, When } . ass care or. : ‘ : . ment, OM ; t por © res » ne ow, Vieira Bnet he, Citar Peres JOHN JOSEPH PENERTY, KENNETH SUTHERLAND, ALBERT SCOTT Lock look thr you Seve read’ the Rows FIRST-CL a ey Set strict Pewester. | oie ig Albert Jacobs, Agent 1 BE. per Alnor! Jacobs, hoont per Albert Jacobs, ‘Agent ; rough the classified column A La ‘*# Kupe » c. ! x . . ated July ibth, 1019 Date July 16, 1019 on Page 5.