(U(FY (TP 'Coiiunuec1 trom pae 1) Prince Ruporr Dgiiy "Nr-vv Saturday, November i4, laol th WORLD SFGOT of n Old Country Henry Vins Heavy Bout NEW YORK - Clarence Remcmberwlieii? Wlliam D. Cox, president of ( the Philadelphia Phillies of the' National Baseball League, was barred from baseball for life by j Commissioner Landis eight years ago yesterday. Cox for accused of betting on games In which the Phillies played. He was succeeded as head of the Phillies by Bub Carpenter. Hockey Scores 1 decided the game. Such a narrow margin Is evidence that this year's league is closely matched. Arrow last Thursday took a two-point beating from Borden Street, while Wetaskiwin Beef For Royal Couple WETASKIWIN The . prinU-roast beef for Edmonton's state dinner for Princess Elizabeth snd Prince Philip during their visit to the Alberta capital, was supplied from Frank Ballhorn's Wetaskiwin farm. Four specially picked two-year-old Hereford stiers were shipped to Canada Packers Ltd. at Edmonton to be slaughtered and prepared for the dinner. ! King Ed lost by two points to ;0OTBALL HMIIIIAIX ASh N ( I IF I J ,rt Kuiiiirt I htanley 1. Chester 2. 1 ,'lUrv UiuieG 0, Wk'lurd 6. " I in. I'uii'Jistfjat Town .IT 1 , (j ( hcMeriifid 2 ' '"jia-iuti liiali AucK- rt! t 1 1 y 6 Carlisle Unitff! J Henry, squinting through a slit in his left eye, knocked out Jumbo Bob Baker of Pittsburg with a stunning left hook Friday night in 2:14 minutes of the eighth round at Madison Square Garden. Rjnry, fifth ranking heavy Parifie Coast New Westminster 6, Victoria j Eimonun 3, Vancouver 6 Okanagan Keniur Kamloops 6, Pentlcton J Wrstera Int.-Paciiic Coast ( Amateur) Trail 5. Kerrisdale 6 j At the end of the second quar-I ter, score was Regina 2, Ottawa 12. Ottawa caught Regina nap-! plug when O'Malley quick-kicked i to Maguire on Regina's 25-yard line. Maguire fumbled and the I ball was recovered by Ottawa, j O'Malley then tossed forward to Baldwin, and "the big end fell I over for a touchdown which was j converted. , At the end of the third quarter scoti stood Regina 2, Ottawa 18. iCummings kicked to a deadline j for one point Karpuk made a sensational catch of O'Malley's ! pass on Regina's 20-yard line I and galloped for a touchdown, i The gain was converted. I In the fourth quarter, Cum-j ming! kicked a touch-in goal for I Ottawa. Regina's Dobbs passed I tc N x and he fell over the line for the touchdown. Ettinger i converted. Helldivers in Second Victory In a fast game this morning;, Pee-Wee League Helldivers took their second straight win, coming up from behind to defeat Borden Street eager 17-15. The Civic Centre sponsored pee-wees practically repeated their performance of their first game when they edged out King Edward while trailing them in the third quarter. Today, Borden Street was going .Strons in the third lending Frank (Kingi Clancy, one of hockey's all-time greats, retired I'li'Jivers in the first, pee-wee hoop bill. Helldivers Forward, Bowes 6, Kiloorn, Lugrln, Kulsey 7, B. Mc-Leod, D. MeLeod 4. Borden Street 8. Wong 5, J. MeLeod 2, P. Warner, B. Dixon 4, J. Scott, A. Nlcker.son, W. Anderson, D. Vaccher, K.' Man, 11. Eby, I. Rensvold 4. weight from Los Angeles, weighed 185 pounds and Baker, 209'2 pounds. ' t 3. Ki-f.:im! T 0. ii'i'. as a player 15 years ago. He turned professional with Ottawa j Senators in 1922 at the age of 18-and went to Toronto Maple Leafs in 1930 in exchange for $35,000 and two Toronto players. Former! chief referee of the NHL, he now i eoaches Pittsburg Hornets of the ! ! American Hockey League. , ,''., Cmf.li a". F'rl Vp.le 1. ,y ,t:i:i:a li. Llllojlll City 4 J l,,n 4. Uurn..Ull 0, MUSICAL STIMULUS COPENHAGEN i R e u t e is ) Farmer Knud Eilersen of Falster i iiiu ii 4. Hhvl U BIwkiKioi 4. Btoke City 2 C.KlMsii 0. Hvstou Nurui End 0 llifi E D, rr,y County 2. Went Bromwich Albifn 1. . iulrtT.',fui(i Tiiwn 1. Buxnley 3 I !..iviiol 0, Mnnch'iur liriittKt' 0 j uic-,. I Pwrmmouth 2, TotUTihm Hot-pur 0 inilcrl:iia 2. f::iu.n 2 uv-l. ulV4Thaiti()lf)ll WuliileriTli 2, ClKirllon Ailiii'tic 1 iiiri, Mim;1, sw l;ny I. NrwcuKtlc Oult-i Ull 3 Seeiitnl ljvlslnii i Ramsley o Brent lord 0 (tli-i, Iiiiiekliurn Rf.vi-rs a Ij.-loeter c. 1, i I'.ury 1, Leeds-United J Cviwry '!iy ', H'l'i'harr.pt'ju :. Hull C'liy 1. NnttinuMim Forest 4-! Miton Town i, Rollierim United j 1 l Hi-1. ft mi 0. RxhUMe a. 1 Kr'-r City il. uijipnitf iumu Tuwu 0 lil 'd. i !sUiti J ( in-1 2 hlirrvt-nm y Ttwn 0 Hi Vfi. phwlrii Town ; last year started piping music j into his cowsheds. Now he claims his cows are the best in Denmark, their average output being the Helitliver 15-13. Two points each by Bowes and Kelsty in the fourth gained the lead which Monarchs Disbanded Then Glasser went through the middle of the Ottawa line for another touchdown. Ettinger converted. When Maguire fumbled Cum-mings' kick on Regina's five, Ottawa recovered and Charlton was rouged on O'Malley's kick. 4 - BASKETBALL TONIGHT This Xmas gi"ve electrically Be vise and lay away your gift now while stocks are complete. T . pi1. nuiuui rtryn u. 'i f) OKlhiUii AUiK-tu- 4. " . , A Mwrrv Tmwii 0 585 pounds of butter per year compared with the national av-erne of SM pounus. ! VANCOt'VER (CP) Kerris- 1 t 4 $ 4 t 4 "Give Electrically A. P.. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ALFRED L. BELL, C.A. Resident Partner Prince Rupert rtl V.Wluif l. buiion 4. . I tiiu-d &. OilliniihHin 0 ' .ilX i, i . i i i 0 Il4jiii UfinuuUi '':,, AlhlHK: 1. (uuiiiy t. CiaU'Hlieati 2 tl, M;:litdl i(i T'WI) 1 i Ut: I ., iaii 2. li-diorti Town 0 ii Alt1fT:h't 0 ltlf(. , i' rnU'ii d Hrunliy 2. , u j: i.cis 4. ir)l' 2 I u)i ! Halifax 0 , y iir:tUtrd 1 illr). i m,i imi I i.M.i i: ir-t tm t-ttiit 1 ii ul'.l! W:.!liJ( 1(TK 2 ivotis t.oimiy l. cardllf Cltv 1 itiei. yuceti s Piirlt Hani-era 0. t'lty 2 Sh'-mc kt Unlul 2. IJunoasier I. Hwiiniwa 'lown 1. Bhi-meld 2 Wi'htliam United 3. Everton 6 (tie). s ottisii i; lllltMOII "" AlKTdci-n 2, Kaith Rovers 2 (tie). AM'urti-oliltois o. Hioerntnn 2. fjinl 1-l.e 1, Fur lick Thisule 1 Itlel. Hearts 4 Morton !. Queen of thn Bouth 4. tie 0 "W . Stirling Albion 0. St laireu i, lund( o 1 (tiei. 6:45 p.m. Jl'NIOR Beavers vs Bulgers 7:30 p.m. 1TI:UMKI)IA1 F Hi-Green vs Merchants :45 p.m. SENIOR Elks vs CCC 300 j dale Monarch!, of the Pacific j senior amateur two-tram i league, ha bren ditbanded. i. I Owner Bid Hole made the announcement following the Mon-arehs' 6-5 victory over Trail Smoke Eaters last night. He said he had last more than $4000 so :far and that the minimum loss : for the full season would he be-Uween $12,000 and $15,000. ! High rink rental was given tv; the main trouble. NORTHERN BX. POWER Co.,Ltd. Z'iC Fourth Ave. East P.O. Box 1247 Ilesner Block Phone 216 Telephone: Red 879 Terrace Prince George Mission City Vancouver Prince Rupert, B.C. Stewart, B.C. I Thud Lanark 4. Month(.rwell 1. o v tv m m m v m "UUU U FJUVJ THANKS Thank You Merchants and Consumers for the Growing Demands for our AAanle Leaf and York Brand Products BRINGING YOU The Nation's Finest in Packing House Products QUIK- COLOUR FINEST IN QUALITY FIRST IN CANADA When You uy . . . uy The Best uy Mapie Leaf and York Brand Products MARGENE . . . TENDERFLAKE LARD . . . DOMESTIC SHORTENING . . . MAPLE HF.AL fciST ECONOMY YORK CANNED MEATS YORK CANNED FRUITS YORK CANNED VEGETABLES LEAF BACONS AND HAMS f YORK MAPLE LEAF ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THESE FINE FOODS NOW! PACK TED CANADA PRINCE RUPERT P.O. Box 1338 Phone 340