Students Gi Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, June 8, 1951 ve ' i ow Culmination oca . - - J1-"' o learn ing in home economics classes was featured in and PERSONAL New Pastors ': For District The settlement committee of the B.C. Conference of the United Church has ratified appointments of ministers and charges as from July l. 1951. The following names appear In the Prince Rupert Presbytery list; Hazelton Rev. H. I. Hare. Kitimat Rev. Ross G. Con-nal. Port Simpson Rev. T. C. Col-well (one year)., Smithers Rev. R. H. Woolam. 1 ' 1t iQn : Cathedral Sunday School assemble at Digby Island ferry yesterday afternoon by Booth Memorial High School girl students. Dressed In colorful ensembles of various designs some 50 students paraded across the stage of the Civic Centre auditorium, proud of their accomplishment in making the dresses thev Salt Lake Ferry running every Sunday starting at 12 noon, weather permitting, (tft Dr. R. G. Large returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's plane from a trip to Vancouver. Sidewalk And Fence Cedar Al Attractive Prices PHONES: 116, 117 or 58 Ibert & McCaffery float, 1 p.m. tomorrow. Bring lunches. Parents welcome, (ltc) Miss A. Burton, after a short visit to Prince Rupert, returns to Masset tonight on the Co-quitlam. Mrs. M. Liddle and daughter Ruth, having visited friends Prince Rupert, are returning to their home in Masset tonight on Japanese play, Beauty From Ashes. United Church Hall, 8:45 p.m. Sunday. (135p) I William Priest of the Queen I Charlotte Air Lines left on today's plane for a trip to Van- j coaver. Come and see The Queen's Carpet and other films at the ; Civic Centre, Friday evening at the Coquitlam. Miss Freda Hilton, public health nurse of Prince Rupert, and Dyke McMillan, social worker, leave tonight on an official business trip to Masset. ib.ju in tne Common Lounge. vore. Miss Marjory McPhail, home economics teacher, explained why the course was taught ! Not only did it give the students satisfaction In completion of their .project, but "it gives them self-reliance and confidence." It teaches them familiarity with materials and equipment, she said, and she felt the students this year had done "a specially good Job." "It's a lot of work to make a j dress," and Miss McPhail asked Jthe audience of mothers to "remember this when you see the models." Grade VII students, taught by Miss Isobel Rogers, displayed j white kitchen uniforms, their I final project of the year. They were designed with adjustable shoulder straps and hem lines for fitting as the wearers ad- I vanced in growth. A. V. Clarke, manager of the Arizonian Phoenix Brewery, is a passenger on the Princess Louise, I i in making the trip to Skagway. He ked Keg en I will return from his holidays next sailing of the Louise. JPrairie Qir( j deride J- Jere Wedding vows were exchanged ;May 31 by Olga Elsie Tymchuk land James Graham Laurie in their marriage at First United I Church. The bride Is daughter ;of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tym- nlor went of the Wora-1 . Moose Is Mrs. C. H. Election of officers took dnesday night. Others jre Vs. A. Marshall, lent, Mrs. Lugrin, chap-, R Armstrong, record- (134c) S.O.N, whist and dance Friday, June 8, 8 p.m. Dance 10 to 2 a.m. Music by Mike Colussl. Refreshments. Everybody welcome. (i34c) R. H. Robertson, general superintendent, Canadian National Railways, Vancouver, arrived in the city on last night's train in the course of a tour over the line and will return by tomorrow night's train to Vancouver by way of Jasper. Barry West, after an absence from the city of about seven years, is spending a few weeks in town and is renewing old friendships. He' has been living in Alberta and, after leaving here, expects to proceed to X root r Pl 1 Vi WHITE 100 LUVES 1 1 j vp isOGV CAPITAL COLOR Blaze of color of Dutch tulips on Parliament Hill is big attraction for artists, government workers, tourists and civilians. Art students Gale Farmer; left, and Joan Kealey are caught by Malak of Ottawa trying to capture something of the scene on paper. CP PHOTO) s. 0. Tweed, treasurer. criun, oi uiiDerl Plains, Manitoba The groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Laurie, formerly of Prince Rupert, now reside at New Westminster. Given In marriage by Charles McNab, the bride looked charming in a Duchess satin gown of lace peplum and floor-length veil. Her Queen Annp noflriina WOOLLEN SKIRT SHOW Woollen skirt show was presented by 20 students of Class 30. Fitting was perfect and the skirts featured such materials and designs as flannel, glen checks and gabardine in straight, single piece styles, pleats and fancy pocket designs. Grade VIII students nrpspnterl . . . Housekeeping . . . SPINACH, THREE STAR VEGETABLE, SUPPLIES ALL VITAMINS REQUIRED This advertisement ie not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. ,;tee members will be j later. ial service committee, :-s R B Skinner, raffled led apron which was Mrs. R. Wilson. Mrs. Jack name was drawn In q box but she was ition of officers will ; e at the next meeting, ;t new candidates, ac- the last meeting, will nn on 1 u etnenli Sninach. the three star vege-1 ed radishes and sliced green table, receives one star for sup- onions served with french dres-plying needed vitamins to our sing with a little blue Roquefort WE HAVE IT FOR YOU, NOW At Catholic Hal., tea and home ;the biggest display with three j classes showing summer dresses i in cotton and rayon. Most popular among these were the plain and checked cotton with slashed ( j neckline or square yoke. Grade IX students' projects cueu., me secona star lor an me type cheese crumbled in it. ' eooKlng sale, June 14 commen- v &w ' n IS a ronlno in- a ng at 2:30 p.m. In evening, final spinach casserole from home economists: was adorned by pearls and she carried a large bouquet of roses. Bridal attendant, Miss Esther Jarvis, was gowned in a blue brocaded nylon and head-dress to match, carrying a bouquet of carnations. Oroomsman was David McNab; the ushers, Ken Laurie, brother of thj groom, and John Tymchuk, brother of the bride. Reception was hela at the Broadway Cafe where the toast to the bride was proposed by Rev. L. G. Skber, who officiated at the wedding. Gifts were distributed and there was danrlncr were oi a more elaborate styling featuring inset pockets, flared skirts and different collar de I the tinesf ben Iooki and i af MEDIUM price serving of spinach, and it rates its third star because it lends color, variety and good eating to any meal. Mrs. Homemaker, who is watching the family budget and saving money for a vacation trip should select vegetables that are in abundance and consequently are more reasonably priced. Home economists tell us that spinach is one of the vegetables in good supply right now. They also state that from now on signs. j Class 20 show introduced evening dresses, mostly in taffeta with wide V-neckllnes and flar-! Ing, "swishy" skirts. R 3 U II, SPINACH Sl'RPRISE 1 pound trimmed spinach (l34 cups cooked) 1 cup diced, -cooked meat. V2 cup grated medium Cheddar cheese 2 cups hot thick cream sauce V cup buttered crumbs. Cook spinach until tender; drain well and chop. Place, la alternate layers, in a greased .ournament card party, prize-jiving and mffle, commencing it 8 p.m. Past Mistresses L.O.B.A. saie jf homecooking and candy, June Girl Guide Tea and Sale. Annunciation Hall June 16. Queen Mary l.O.D.E. tea. June 21. Mrs. F. Thornton's, 400 4th est, 2-5. Canadian Legion Auxiliary tea, homecooking sale Legion Hall, June 28. Women's Coordinating Tm Sept. 20. write! like pent coating twice a much. Fast -filler ction. Four lovely colours. Genuine Qrtaninm nninl OUPPLIANCE ILQ& SERVICE Y Choice of nibt, fine to broad. Come in GAS AM) ETIUIC RANGES Iwe Blue 9!I2 and try the new Each parade appearing on the was introduced by a commentator from the class, who described the design as the models displayed their apparel to advantage. Following the fashion parade, parents were invited to tea and refreshments prepared and served by Grade X "home eck" it n Parker "21". i will try to tell homemakers what ' spinach, then the diced meat fruits and vegetables are plenti- and tnen the remaining spinach, f ul each month. Naturally, theie i Add grated cheese to cream ELECTRIC , pic Catholic Fall Bazaar, October McRAE BROS. to the music of Andy McNaugh-ton, Mrs. Mike Bomak, of Manitoba, the bride's sister, attended the reception wearing a navy blue dress with white accessories. After the weoai.ig tri-, on which the couple left for Vancouver and Victoria and Jasper, they will return to Prince Rupert to reside here. The bride's going away suit was of grey gabardine with wine accessories. The groom Is employed by Canadian National Railways. will be some specific fruits and ' sauce, stirring until cheese is vegetables which they will be ; melted. Pour the cheese sauce able to deal with very fully; but I over tne spinach and top with i ana 4. Rebekah Bazaar, October 20. Cathedral Bzaar, November 17 (153o)' with many others, they will at ; Buttered crumbs. Bake in a hot least be able to tell which ones 1 oven. 00 degrees F., until crumbs If are brown, 15-20 minutes. Yield: rresoyterian Fall Sale, November 22. (153c, 4 1-cup servings. For NEW CONSTRUCTION I Prairies Have Varied Weather are plentiful. Spinach is grown in many areas in Canada and when mature it is packed into bushel refrigerated cars and speeded to the furthest destinations in three or four days. BI3 PRC W SOAP Now 59c Stork Shoppej i I UlfTligifmTjA 1 SYDNEY, SYDNEY, N.S. N.S. . . (CPl-r.-cpara-tions CP)F.-crara- now are untior way for an- and REPAIR WORK see . ; GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. WINNIPEG Frost, rain and ACHING BACK? Why auffor with backache or painful taints? Many find quick relief by takit Dr. Chaae'a Kidney-Liver Pitta. TMa proven remedy treau two conditions a once; contains special remedial ingredients far both kidney and liver disorders which often cause backache. Dr. Chase wml When buying spinach, look for other shipment of rails to the young, dark, green leaves. Since j Labrador development from the spinach grows close to the 'Sydney steel riant. First ship-ground, it is likely to be sandy j mont of rail.; anl ac plates fo.-and must be washed thorough- the now 3;j-mi!e line to Ungava ly. It may be washed piece by ir.n ere d.-pis't, wa made last piece under running water or, year. it tmu ho .iwishprl arnnnrl )n a . ! snow marked western crop I weather during the past week. I Temperatures fell to 20 degrees at some Saskatchewan points but light frosts were reported over a .wide area in the west. Grain I crops, although set-back, will i recover. Reseeding of some flax ... I 215 1st Avenue West I Phone 90!) P.O. Box 721 J a name you csa depend oa. 49 H, Packing Cratinff Wnj and General and Storage pan of water. This washing in j . Reliable and Effi-Also aEenU fnr acreage may be necessary as a result of frost damage, according to the weekly crop report of the department of agriculture of the liquid Air Co. Ltd. . Acetylene and all : supplies. gAY'S CARTAGE Aft 1 mm . . . PORTRAITS films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE HANDLER'S STUIHO JI6 - 4th Street Box 645 Phone Orccn 389 ' Prince Rupert wat LIMITED Canadian National Railways. I Seeding of all crops Is rapidly .Hearing completion in Manitoba and Saskatchewan and good headway Is now being made of i coarse grains In Alberta. Good rains occurred in most southern sections during the past 21 i hours, with heavy snow reported Park Avenues "hones 60 and 68 iresh water should be" repeated until the spinach is perfectly, clean and free from all grit. Never soak greens but always wash them as quicly as possible. To save all possible goodness in the spinach, cook it i:i the water which clings to the leaves from the last bath. Cover the saucepan and cook it until the leaves are wilted, no longer. When cooked and seasoned with salt, pepper and butter and perhaps a little lemon Juice, vinegar or even some hot frencn dressing, spinach is a family favorite. The wise meal planner ofter turns spinach into the main course for luncheon or supper, by serving it topped with a poached egg or with a cheese or egg sauce. Greens such as spinach may tt's hen! I adva:.:z1 v ' " the griatest M iS' W' j ..u-S If fjs' S A A N I C H PLUM B I N G I ! L-A S ' in southern Alberta. In the Okanagan, weather was dry, windy and cool. Slight damage to tomatoes and potatoes at PHOTO WALL'S FINISHING (Rutland Is reported but will led !INO, PRINTINO Urging 0SURe METERS !ATEUR SUPPLIES, make little difference In the general crop situation. Light rains fell over the week-end. A complete estimate of the apple crop has not yet been reached, but it is expected this will be known in about two weeks time. Generally, the season in the Okanagan appears to be a few days later than last year. and HEATING tf i 5 !i ? X See our display of I be strained or pureed and used as the vegetable base for cream , Chop 5uey - Chow Me in Open 8 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 rtn M Box 478 soups. Cream of spinach soup served with cheese croutons or with cheese sprinkled on top is a very tasty dish. Homemakers should never for 1 ' ' N GORDON & ANDERSON Nl 363 21-Piece Breakfast $ Sets FETTEB . . . 695 895 32-Plece Breakfast $ H'onning Huilding or Sets get the place of raw colorful : greens in a salad. While lettuce in a salad Is very colorful and shredded spinach lends that that beautiful dark green color and that crisp texture to salads which no other vegetable can surpass. The home economists of the Consumer Section Canada Department of Agriculture suggest trying a spring salad bowl of shredded spinach, slic-. 21 -Piece Bone $ 15-95 repairing China Tea Sets ; Make your choice now r(" """ "1 from our larqe stock of j 'XOsv : i To Vancouver (Wednesday) P. Swift, P. L. Clark. R. L. Rogers, K. B. Araki, D. Sullivan, V. Ale-founder. Mr. Arnott, A. McLean, William Priest, G. A. Mahlberg, P. Wurmllnger, R. Barker. From Vancouver (Wednesday) L. Crampton, Mr. Kilvert, T. Lowe, F. Hanson, O. McCoy, T. li. Parker, K. Hanson, Mrs. Mart. Mr. Crump. Mr. Jones. From Vancouver (Thursday) 1.'. Llpsett, H. Ward. N. Law, Mr. Slekovick, Mr. Hanson, Mr. Andrews, Mrs. u. Wilscn, Dr. R. G. targr, W. J. Wintlrum. From .Sandsplr (Thursday) j". Spcntcl, Mr. Mooncy. Mr. Bell. E. Eddie, C. Shea. To Vancouver J today) J. Mc-Kiniey, C. Qulnn, C. Bushey. N. McL'.od, H. Knox. J. Christie, P. e'rembiski. O. Claneey, P. Chapman. C. Egelstad, G. Miller, W. Shain, Mrs. P. Grunert, H. L. Hanson, N. Hogge. j To Sfindspit (Thursday) P. , Stevens. lovrlv Ladies' Shoes! IKi Dinner Sets, from Aff 66 pieces at .:. t I '' (Including beautiful Wedge-wood and Couldon King's Plate) SPECIAL English B'ne China t'l'PS AND SAUCERS at 68c ulld 97c ri'NCHlunvt. SETS 7.95 MANSON'S China Shop m HICHELL Let us see to your car's needs, through, regular check-ups on Tires, Battery, Radiator and Crankcase aSJo . Sunerior Auto prvir a Jtrreft fabt A Coni'slcfc Rir"s of Colors ond SiicJ r - vBv LIMITED IMiti; ul... . losiiion footwear " Com, STUDEBAKER and AUSTIN DEALERS Third Avenue at Park " Green 217" ractors