Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, June 8, 1951 5 ' BASEBALL A Ottawa Singer Enjoys Career Dodgi Baseball Hotel Men Win First lers BASEBALL TORONTO P -Although she's just 22, Mari'o-Helene Chevrier hu: i'oi.-j a little of everything in No' Bums ft. , rr An upset game last night saw the theatrical line. Commercial win their flr't Tne duskv 4 NEW YORK it-U looks like seball 8ame this season when ginger has tried "straight the time has come to stop calling ey walked awaV w"h folir thmtrt' 'and opera. Thr(3 years Uij Brooklyn 'u"f " "erunie huh.i:; ,.. .si,a sm.nt Dodder noils.,.!- a season snmma: "Bi.ti. uuiuuu c Aliutinuu, liKht tpe4a in Vancouver with "Iheatie Under the Stars." But most i t all she likes sing- UUII1S. ' Tile Dodgers yesterday rang U' their sixth National League scoring 10-0. In a scheduled seven-inniiM' v;,.i,m, i , , ., '"E'ii. i;aie, yjoie was lieu in JOHN H. BULGER Ojifonn fri.if John Dnlqor Ltd. Third Avenue in wlth a band. " NATIONAL Pt. Louis 1, Brooklyn 2 Cinunnntl 5. Nv-w York 4 Chirac, 1, Philadelphia 7 Mttsburi; 0, Boston 5 AMERICAN I'hladelphia 3, Cleveland 0 Bo ton 0, Detroit 3 New Work 7, St. Louis 5 Washington 0, Chicago 5 Western In'eriiatimial Wcnaichie 8. Vancouver 10 Ul Innings L'li-m 5, Taconia 0 Spokane 1-2, Yakima 5-3 PACIFIC COAST Hollywood 2, San Francisco 0 "nk'antl 4, Lo Angeles 1 Seattle 7, Portland 4 Sacramento 8, San Diego 7. he qt uX Z'Zt n ""K-the seventh by G S A when Sun-TLV1 and lmit Bame lead elli base s hit. Sunbere had in- Thl-, .suinnier visitor; to will Maiie-Kelene with IN1ERNATIONAL WINNER The Canadian tug Atomic plows over the finish line for her second stiuight victory in the International Tugboat Racing Championship held on the Detroit River Capt. J. Earl McQueen ran the Amherstbura On t. erf ft close to U.e Canadian snore in an eddy current. -Compitltrrs jn the U.S. side had to buck a two-knot current. (CP PHOTO) ii ie league. . B)ed arKi glole gwOMC pnther the urcheUra engaged at a big mat six in a row feat was Warner then struck out Mar- city hotel (Royal York). Whlt L, m?" " and 8eherk and gave a "I hke l stag" says Marie- WasSon kn.r. " Buniet C&me Heenc' while it's work wasnington Senators 6 , to 0 to home when Carelll broke for sec- " fa a;su ' rull widen their American League ond, and counted his run before first place margin over the New . Carelli was thrown out. York Yankees to five games. Then came the big bloomer. . ff i Cincinnati's surging Reds mov- With three errors to help them,' V-ariWeel llatS ed into a second place tie in the two walks and a hit each by National League with the Red , Windle and. Morgan, Commer- Aro Poafi i Birds by edging the New York clals counted off four runs in I CdlUltU Giants 5 to 4. the top of the eighth and held ! Philad.'lnhia'. Phillip. tr.n.O & A down to nothing to wa'k1 TORONTO (CP) Biack "cart- Princess Gets Lovely Presents British Engine Story Filmed lineated the history of the development of these engir,.?s from th days of their conception and origin. The pictures were shown at the Capitol Theatre, made available by Manager Harry Black, and were projected by LONDON ffs A bouquet of Malayan and American orchids The picture story of the mak- ki, ii. , nu'iiv with tho u ii mo -1 wheel ' hats and hlaher hem- Chicago to sink the Cubs with Canadian and French roses ir.g of dits.'l and s.eam turbine . SB- L. A. N. Potterton. Rotary was presented to Princess Eliza- engines in England was presented President A. B. Brown was in the beth at the annual Flower Ball, tc ths Frince Rupert Rotary Club i chair and thanked Mr. Harrop Diute oimunason was leaning " ciui;u uic j.muio sixth place 7 to 1. hitter of the game, hitting three fas"ion show at the Canadian VAN('(IIVi:H VICTORIA Sundaj, 8 pm., CuquiUam lor six. i miernauonai Trade air. TllI'Mluy, 12 NoOH Ctuno.stili U.IIE AHVI, STEWART Al) POUT HIMI'SOS Seven infield errors by G & A It was the first time Israeli 1 royal opening of the Chelsea lost them the game. Commer- dress manufacturers have pre- j Flower Show, cials registered three errors. sented their goods before thej Other presentations were a Starting pitcher for Commer- critical eye of a Canadian pub- corsage of pink Prince Charles' cials was Don MacDonald, who lie. Tne show met with hearty : orchids, a wooly lamb for Prin- hurled three and one-third in- applause. cess Anne, a toy electric stove nings, giving up the only waik ' while there wasn't much orig-! ""ft two dozen toy soldiers in for that side's victory. Warner lnality of design, the perfect ! Guards and Household Cavalry Siuiduy, t'ainosiih, 11 p.m. Cellulose Surprising A revamped Columbia Cellulose team surprised the Rupert Radio's Wedni-Kday night at Gyro fork lo win the Softball leuuue flxiure by a score of 8-1. ; The Pulpmen crammed all their wgririg Into twa innings the ! second and the sixth when they scored four runs in each. The ! nly ftudio run was scored In the ! fifth inning. I Both teams came up with sev-iCial brilliant fielding plays but more solid hitting by the win-jnrrs and tighter folding in the ' clutch was the difference. ; Judging from Wednesday's game the Cellulose team will be , hard to beat from her- on in rop of Associated British Oil En- j Mr. Harrop has now about gines who ha berm here from completed the installation of the E.igland fcr the past six months; three new 808-kilowatt diesel , installing three new diesel gen-! units at the dry dock. Consider-erating units in the dry dock able changes were necessitated power house for the Northern in the dry dock powerhouse plant British Columbia Power Co. In including the erection of con-addition to jthe actual prnduc- crete bases for each measuring uon ti the engines, the film de- 13 by 23 by 8 feet depth. Boston Braves moved into a fourth place tie with the Giants with a 5 to 0 victory over Pltts-burj. Big Luke Easter drove In thive runs on a fifth Inning homer to lead the Cleveland Indians to a C to 3 victory over the Philadelphia Athletics in an American League game under lights. Do:n DiMagglo, hltitng In his thirty-seventh consecutive game, singled home the needed runs in to lead v'"c " icau the uic team i J uraDlllEr or the jikirtu tnr th'. unucrmx for Pr np. f har FOR NORTH OtH N (HAKKirn: inlands hi. Couuitlani Julie 8 and 22 9 p.m. FOB. SOI 111 t FN (IIAkioitk islands win. Morgan was catchinj. most part full -attracted audi Losers put in Krlstmanson lo ence attention. start the hurling, and he pitch Th gifts for her children were presented to the Princess on behalf of the St. Loyes Training College for Disubled Persons, In whose- aid tfc- ball was given Large black hats several of the afternoon 20 -minute auto wax , Comiitlam, June 1G and 20 tor Boston as the Red Sox ended ed two innings before being re-a live-game losing streak byllieved by Don Scherk, pitching downing Detroit Tiger 5 to 3 at five and one-third innings. costumes while huge flower cot- formal I More than 65 was raised for the 9 p.m. " FRANK J. SKINNMt Prln. e Kui"i-l Agent sages were noted for wear. When Scherk threw two wild 9?-no rubbindf college by the sale of flowers ueiroit.. New York Yankees surged from ones which brought in runs, Cornwell pulled him and step- rtiird Avenue Flume 508 One of the most handsome ! JT" T"' , ..,OTe at tne toD Price of " fi eowns was a velW taffeta behind with two out In th ninth inning to defeat St. Louis Browns i inl th? box hlmelf for Part i vasi, went to Elizabeth's table of an inning. Larry Mathews ning affair, topped with blac-k net and with a close-fitting 7to 5. It left the Bombers 4t. M m 1 black lace top. QUALITY STORE if hey have had a little time to' ! get organized and with the new I players they had at this game' are a greatly improved team. Saturday night the Hawks will make their league bow against the Firemen In what should be ' an interesting game. The Flre- motl fie., rvnm ... I 1 ' finished hurling for G & A in two-thirds of the last inning. Score by innings; R H E Com 130 200 0410 10 3 G Si A 010 310 10 6 9 7 games behind the pace-setting Chicago White Sox in the American League race. Bobby Brown drove In the tying run with a double and Substitute Catcher Ralph Houk drove in the winning runs with a single. U'ETTENUZZO'S 5!! Ft I.TON STItEKT Among the most unusual was a black evening-skirt made of black taffeta " petals." This outfit was completed by a white organdy blouse. Wearing an off-shoulder gown of gold brocade, a diamond and ruby necklace, bracelet and earrings, the Princess danced for nearly three houts with the men at her table. Longest dance cf the evening went to her childhood playmate and cousin, Lord Carnegie. "Wr grew uo together but this ir the first time for 11 years that wo have danced together, " said Lord Carnegie. HorkliiK late? Tired of cook- Oolug on a picnic? " wn wn 11 1113 gallic uguinab Columbia Celliume while the hawks are young and speedy and determine to make their debut a success. Wt have MdudH, cold meats, Christianity was introduced in New Zealand in 1841, or about 44 I years after the country was first visited by Captain Cook. tallation of an adequate bath k Rird:i!iin(! In SpaplieUl, of liorn0 For Help 0U t.'liiekeiw. ..MCll-.. li !" Wolf Cubs in Softball Game The Fourth and Fifth Cub ".'".id t, 7-J.;'r.Wii 1 I'lione 470 rounds Playg irtO'. ' on ...iittinl SMI iW" IMPORTANT AIM Scientists still se-r-k a protective vaccine against poliomyelitis, dread summer disease which may attack anytime In the year. J house at the swimming pool. Meantime, the club's principal endeavour this year will be to wipe off an indebtedness of $1500 still remaining on the original $10,000 swimming pool project. On Wednesday the club had a special Business meeting when S. C Johoioa Son, Ltd., firaaiford, Ontario. Gyro Taggers To Be Sent Into Streets Tomorrow Prince Rupert Gyro Club will . , Packs Wednesday night tangled in a softball game, the Fourth Pack coming out on top by one run at the end of a six-inning struggle. Score was 17-13. Rev. L. G. Sieber, leader of the United Church Fourth Pack, brought out his team to play, . . ... scend its taggers into the streets tomorrow as part of the drive to various internal matters were raise funds towards th end of j discussed. It was decidvd to have playground improvements. The tnt Nanalmo delegate represent James Oorman's Fifth Pack r rslL .m ' the local club at the internation (Annunciation Church) "just for Skiing has been booming in the southrrn Dominions since the war. In New Zealand progress has been particularly rapid and it now has considerably more ski tows, than Australia. New Zealand has higher mountains and much more varied 'terrain than its larger neighbor and the installation of tows by private companies, the government and many clubs has resulted in a rapid improvement in the standard. al convention to be held later this sumnur at Washington, D.C. lun but future games are being planned. I- t . 1 i 1 "Hospitality and Good Food" .s Our First Aim I'lmne 17 far Orders lo Take Out - president, Don Forward la in personal charge Meantime, the sunny weather of the post week prompted the club to open up the McClymont lark swimming pool earlier than was contemplated and it was obviously a popular move. On the opening day it is estimated that, at least 1000 youngsters disported themselves in the pool. Commodore Cafe that the standard in Canada is still much higher and facilities' fS i. By actual count, there were 130 in the water at one time. I Last night the Gyro C!ub in finitely better. No resort . in the southern Dominions, for Instance, has anything more advanced than simple rope tows. on lhi dvrtlSc).tm it not publleti or dKnljycd by (he Uquor ConMl ll t WJ S-L' - 'TT I playground committee, of which M. G. Gormely is chairman, was in session and decided that next year's cbjective would be the in- Display NOW!! FORD'S British Built CONSUL Ice skating, which figures on the Olympic program, is merely an outdoor sport practised on frozen lakes in the south in New Zealand, but there are one or two Indoor rinks In Australia. Chief competition In this and in ice hockey would have to come from Great Britain, as the southern standard does not approach that of Canada. Curling, however, Is extensively played on the southern lakes of New Zealand. Introduction of an Empire Winter Games would undoubtedly give all these sports a great boast in Australia and New Zealand. II THEY PAY OFF I ? IT'S EASY IT'S PROFITABLE 1 To Use 1 DAILY NEWS-CLASSIFIED ADS M'Nm IS AT few iff. wi r 1 - m. i: S'KW'r Parker. Ltd. : -5JFV. hi; it . Prince Rupert, B.C. i : : . :kM- TRUCK PARTS NEED DUAL DRIVES? v Hoslw mid Transfer ( nses IVI KHVVI'IO.YM. - IM'-ni.M. T Truck Motors all kinds, Transmissions Winches, Hoists. Springs, Axles, etc., etc. Buy With Confidence Save Time ond Money Order by Mall or Telephone LA. 7200 Credit Terms If Desired NKATTI.K TRICK IIKAIUH'ARTKRS ;s K. Miirelnnl wy HUMBING l -.cjg Seillllp, HushlnttiHi and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know pHONE BiinrjETrir's wmsafo 1 Number of Times Enclosed Please Find v II (3c per word per insertion- e.a. Number of words 25; cost, 75c. Six : j insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 50c.) i Name - j Address Phone No Jaiforing for Ladies and Gentlemen LING the tailor 20 Btxth St Phone MB ' na Alteration f, rth & Elkins Ltd. LONDOrj DRV GDR1S r. Box 274 Distilled in Canada and distributed by The House of Seagra This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Governme it of Canada. you ant to sell it, advertise