, iveikmking the junction ot Uie't.ti.n- CL-..,t, r,i,,l TinltU., -i, : 0! Va;; 4 Prince Rupert Daily News7 famous Mi.s.sicm Point is again i Knu ab As I See It I ray nrnvidint? needed metal, as ; nnwht miika .l as some of the most tuperb'b'iy Inherit,,,, :ed tin ...ltu?t. i,.. Monday. December 10, 1951 views in a .scenic province. Victoria Report . . . by J. K. Nesbitt Premier Johnson 61 Years Old Today Has "WAC." Committed Political Suicide? evy copper m , Reflects and Reminisces ct boukmakerr-' Turning over in the grave is merely a saying but, if the In independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central Britith Columbia. Member of Canadian "less Audit Bureau of Circulations i - .(Lint or BOSS' BIRTHDAY. This Monday is Premier Iron ore from British Colum- Johnson's 61st birthday. He marked it in Ottawa u tl&ndco on business for B.C. The whole province wishes him baok ln the form 0f steel worth well, even his political enemies, including those super- mmdredj of caMto doi- Tonight of 7:45 C F PR Why Shoot Now? SURELY the time i enthusiasts in his own party, those youths who like- wniie wondering what to taiK has' . u) unit anu inaKe neaonnes, uiue imjuinc-in. wm.T cv thpv u'liuld rilnwr thu Premier out of office. ' Tn date. United Nations ca.s- Harold Whalsn ualtles in Korea total Hff.Bil It wa.s another anniversary without counting 212,544 South CCF and the Coalition a poor Korenn, gome yPars ttR0 an or. third. anni'i-itiiin known afl the Leamio Candidate for Mayor Bat It's this observer's opinion of Nati(mg was fUnded but dl-J j5" unusn tuiumoiuiis uuo i minis not last long. The chief casualty was a man called Wood-row Wilson. much of Social Credit, and never will. Nobodv understands it.s Hear H. M. DAGGETT come to end the farcical "military-man's" negotiations in Korea and to legalize on a real "cease fire" based on exchange of prisoners. The dividing line ha.s already been drawn, incidentally, much more favorably to the UN forces than was suggested last summer when Mr. Acheson told the world that the p.S. would accept a peace at the 38th paral-el. Yet for months the world .saw the amazing spectacle of never- ending ring-arouncl-a-rosy arguments over a few miles of territory uf only minor Often a dash of Judt!i'nt Is better than a flash of for the Premier, too the fourth since he was elected leader of the Liberal party which automatically made him the Premier. This wasn't done by the people's wishes, but by a vote of a political group. The people didn't get a chance to endorse Mr. Juhn.son until June of 11(41. Then they did, and definitely. Mr. Johnson hasn't had an easy time of it. He has had to walk the pver-tiyhonlns. tightrope oi Coalition. He has taKen great care not to hurt the feei-ini4s of his Tory mates more care than they have taken not to hurt his. He's looking furwjrd to the Rotfu-r ile Bouie is produciin-i tungsten concentrates. Tlic 'Mountain oi the Rolling Stout-" theories. If that's what they're called. Underneath, a lot of Social Creditors are nothing but disgruntled Tories which is certainly what Mr. Bennett is. However, perhaps the tide v.'!!! turn, but don't bet on it. Perhaps Mr. Bennett, a slick hand at explaining, a good tub-thumping orator, will now be able to explain exactly what Social Credit l.s and if enough people fall for It he may gel .somewhere, perhaps a few feet. MONDAY, 6:15 p.m. , I end of Coalition, like everyone EARLY in October the London j else connected with it. He takes Surely Mrs. Tilly Rolston, Mr. v.!.,,, ,Z t., ' J ,.H rv;ii,iim i W,' Bennett's companion in Coaii- " ., ':";" .. . 7.. ... r', .Z that it wouldn't L. be honest lion rebellion, isn't going to! WHAT'S WRONG WITH BUSINESS? ANSWER: The People In It! Writ ... Gl ORCE S.AVyC0HPVY Witm Dlvial Ml mt SlrM, Sm framci t, CaM. litt blUh.4 mi and If Korea is to be divided there to them to break the govem- . commit political suicide too by Joining Social Credit. Site's slicK . at explaining. tx), but it'll take j more than her slickness to make l is only one line of any impjri- ment now and call an election, ! ance on which that tan be done purely for political purposes. ELECTORS At 7:30 p.m. Monday. Dec. 10, The Power Company Brigade will he bombarded from the- By "OLD GEORGE B. Listen in ond Hear The Bombs Explode namely the line which was ! There are those who say Byron 1 cros-.sed when the aggression be- Johnson isn't tough enough to J gan. be a successtul Premier, that he Social Credit popular enough to pet any seats in the British Columbia House. Editorial Opinion WELCOME the letter to the editor today WE from our pood friend, William Brett, former MLA and ex-alderman. We are glad to see Mr. Brett come out with an expression of 'opinion on the power referendum. We respect the honesty and sincerity of his views on thl matter which, we believe, is of such importance that we expect more people will, through our letterbox, have more to say t bout it. But the point of our comment on Mr. Brett's letter, and again we are sure that hi is sincere about what he says, is his wondering "if the editorial columns would be quite so biased if the B. C. Power Commission were paying for sivh good-sized ads." "' We had hoped that we would not be accused of bias in our comment on the power referendum which we would have been making, advertising or no advertising and are sorry that Mr. Brett should have questioned our sincerity on the matter any more than we question the sincerity of the letter he has written. Unfortunately, there are many people who seem to be of the opinion, that the editorial policies 'of newspapers are influenced or slanted because of advertising business which they may receive. That 'is, no doubt, what is at the back of Mr. Brett's honest mind when he makes the suggestion contained in his letter. But we would like Mr. Brett, and other good folk who might be inclined to similar views, to know and believe that the day is pretty well gone among the democratic and .independent newspapers of this country (even though they have to make a living for themselves and their staffs and keep going financially just like any other business) when editorial opinion is influenced by advertising support. Speaking for ourselves, we would like our readers and friends to know that we do not expect and would not, indeed, wish them to agree with all that . may be said in our editorial columns. It would not be much of a democracy if they did. What we are deeply concerned with, however, is' that what we may say on public issues is accepted as sincere, reasonably intelligent and, at all times, having in mind what we consider the best interest of the public, regardless of advertisers, politics, religion or any other considerations. Many people, as we were reminded by a correspondent a few days ago, even consider it a duty of a newspaper to take a stand, when it is firmly convicted, on important public issues. And, if a newspaper takes a stand, no matter how impartial its assessment of an issue may have been, it cannot coincide with the views of all. It must of necessity incur the disagreement of some. In fact, the discussion that results from disagreement is a. very healthy thing and, if this newspaper may have provoked that discussion, it will TO THE ELECTORS OF PRINCE RUPERT On Si'ptenib'r 11 Inst, I appealed tn the rlerioi ; of Pr iijunt t.) support my randiilaturo as Mayor ot thi! ' The Times argued, therefore, won t scrap, and sup down nis that the. only way to test Hie enemies. This may be. Perhaps sincerity of the Communists was he's not as much fun on tin: to agiee to a cease-fire, and hustings as .some of the nun.' then .see what happened. If the bVim'K.yant but there's no Communists intended to renew doubting the record that th:s; the'war in any event the loca-' province has gone forward ttv- xion of the "cease-lire" line a mendously since Mr. Johnson few miles one way or ihe other became Premier. ' would not be of much import-1 And so, happy birthday, Mr. ance. j Premier, happy birthday to you, : i and may you long sit in the top I THINK history will vindicate 1 government seat in the Victoria! the sudden decision taken by where you were born December j President Truman when he or-i ID. i89J. I dered U.S. forces into action to , help the South Koreans resist POLITICAL SUICIDE. W. A. the original aggression from C. Bennett has probably corn-North Korea. ! mitted political .suicide by join-But, as I pointed out at the ling Social Cerdit. He was in a time, this was an action wBich I strong position as a Coalition embroiled the UN, in a way tmn ; rebel. Lots of people liked his i UN had no right to be commit-' fight, his independence. HEAR HON. A. D. TURHBULL f - ' - in. tiic unexpired term of three months. 1 have r.ow th' th'e: niorths, as y nir elected Mayor, and hivir.f arain reou -sted by a large number (if taxpayers 4 (.'ill to a'low my name to ro before the Frt. r.tte :. fii:t!i-o.nii!K election as a Mayoralty Candidate. I conse.itcd lo tin so. .Mv rvaf.mi for rnnsetititiK to do " is that ihk City timing ir.to ils un, insofar as prioress and upanw jc umrrrnrd nl proirreskive adminMration i, I ruiiiiretl in civic affairs to hcrp pace with Midi tw siit. Wlin I took office thi-, City did not have one yard ot si i.n liniKl lo tio much needed work and repairs to our f Tiirmifh rr.y of forts, and I was nppo.d In council lor: sc, we mw liave on hand and stockpiled suffiwK r tc do next year's street Jmo: ovemems Aid. when tiwt cP pus out' of office, I am howful that the gravel s nihil il! havj been fully paid for. ted under the terms of the Char- showed up strong in the recent ter. j Esquimau by-election, when his As Senator Taft says in his candidate came second to the new book, the U.S. actually j . . dragged the UN into that Ko- ' Nevertheless, it was a good, "C" MpW HICIHUGI Aipmhpft f) VI I thine for the whole world that someone had thp But.; tn "draw I Fire Department j the line." The Communist pow-: ers had to be taught that any ! future attempt to extend their! Two new appointments have B C Minisl-er of 'Health and Welfare Speak on the important subject "Better Health for B.C." CFPR 10:15 P.M..MON., DEC. 10TH r i ;na viiii.iii.n ami has hern )utr in U vin.rrl hotli the Federal nd Provinrinl (iofernmn ( itv and we have, by hard and nnitent 't that houses a're a desired necessity, with the mi llm' u. have cleared 22 lots in the seition J area. 1!!' zone of power by force would be j been made to the city fire de- j met by counter-force. By ac- I pa: tment William' Parsons, ho : ! cepting the challenge to fight j until recently has been vngagrd a little war, President Truman in trucking, and Gilbert Trum- ; may have averted the danger of ; pour,, who has been with the! ! having to light a world con- ; Northland Dairy. ! ' flict. j Parsons and Trumpour sue-; 1 ceed John McLean, who recently ' j THAT MUCH can be said in sup- became assistant fire chief at! 1 port and praise ol U.S. pol-; the dry dock, and Delmar What- : 1 icirs. Americans have palu a , tarn, who If ft the department I very heavy price, in lile, limb ! service recently. In the Mth Avenue area, and 16 lots on 5th and awmiev fast, up .11 which will be built new hms. hr.ie that ht fnre the end of this month tenders iH called by the (internment roneerned tor the er"1 id the-e new homes. E i iv.ui. ri,,f,ilr-ft p-ieh and every stall mvnt I rr.ane te and treasure, for their Presi thre .short months ago and. if circled at the forthc THURSDAY DEC. 13 at the : dent's decision. I But not mucn eise can be said j in justification of the high-level American bungling thus: 1. By declaring a "prote;to-: rate" over Formusa and tieim; up with Chiang Kai-chek the? intervened Illegally "and con- trary to the UN Charter in the internal affairs of the Chinese republic. Both Britain and Can-I acla condemned this action by declaring formally they -were not parties to It. (Yet we all suffered its consequences.) 2. The U.S. twice ignored In vjvic venire eleC.on, I will do all in my power to see that the ,r,-( f Ihe City ore u'.'vays siift-Ruarde.l. and. In max. watement, 1 wi h to say that I am most .sinmKly as ,v!l n iv. disposniB of our City Owned Telephones t.. tl, n. C. Teh ph'ine or any other company. TtiM-orlv Ulilitv the City has tliul is pniduelnp, a reveru let us liiil.-l it for, if we sell it. what has the Ci: ' derive :ecrniie from other than taxes? Vim kr, n.y stand on the domestic water system tim City and also on the power sitnat."". i-.feren.lum presented to you at the commit etc. tec- fullv assured (hat vmi the F.leetors will have the nucsti.m siifficiently and inlellisent r""";n,v yui du not need my advice to tell you to vole or "NO." Tf I s-curc your support as Mayor at the f, tion on Dccmbcr llm 13, 1 pic-due to you I " d. ; I U. i d, 1, Ihe next, two years, what, I have str.ve.1 ,n.l the City in the past thi'.-e monllis. and. wM p in uiiiid, let us do our utmost toeellier In Huperl a l.in.cr mid hetler City. H. F. GLASSEY Mayoralty Candidate I George Douglas Frizzell for Mayor dia's warning that the Chinese government would feel compelled to Intervene in the Korean war if American-forces (running interference for their ali.y Chiangi should come too close to the Manchurian border. Even after the crossing of the 38th parallel and the capture oi the capital of North Korea, Britain and India had the stage IMII K Ni:V .MANACF.MFNT all set for a peace based on the understanding that the Americans would keep their troops at least 40 miles from the border of China. General MacArthur made a ha.h of that by his famous "home by Christmas" attack. have rendered a valuable service particularly here i in Prince Rupert where it seems nothing short of a : ! bombshell will cause people (except for a very few 1 1 who keep in the limelight and find the policy profit- , i able) to rise out of their lethargy when it comes to ! expressing themselves publicly. j ! As for the newspapers and their editors, we i think the most of them are more interested in hold- I j ing the respect and interest of their readers than in any other consideration. For that matter, looking at it from the long range, the newspaper can best give its advertisers the fullest service through' being able to command that respect and interest, indecently expressing itself as it sees fit and in the public interest, let the chips fall where they may. Kditorially at the Iaily News, we are concerned above all else in holding the respect, confidence and goodwill of the ordinary citizen, one and all, be they Bill Brett, Tommy Black, John Doe or anyone else. That cannot, of course, mean that we are going to agree wkh them all the time. As for the power referendum, we are in complete agreement with Mr. Brett that we should take no action which would prevent opening the door to future negotiations. We also agree that this is a matter that will affect us seriously for many years to come. To repeat the thought expressed in our editorial, this is no time without being in possession of the full facts, to dismiss the power company or to commit ourselves to the Power Commission or to shut .the door to bargaining with any organization but one. These are the sincere thoughts we have in mind when we suggest that this may not be the best time to go so far as to give the city council a definite mandate.to negotiate with the B.C. Power Commis-; sion to come in and supply our power. SAVOY HOTEL ...n.s with "ath Prince Kuperl'i only modern phor Fraser Street tf1' THE WORST feature of the events of the past few months has been that every time "cease fire" seemed near some American upset the applecart. Rut Vl VOTE PROGRESS Vote for the construction of Sewers lo replace septic tanks and nightsoil collections wherever urgent ar"; practical. Rebuilding and paving of city streets, particularly 3i Ave. East to Cow Bay, 4th Ave. East, 5th Ave. East, 8th Ave. West, Fulton Sheet and others. Reconstruction of Water System as suggested by our Hydro engineers over a period of time. Regaining complete control of Woodworth Lake Water, to provide adequate, healthy pure water for our citizens. VOTE for an ABLE BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION City Business is BIG business, and thorough overseeing is necessary for an up-to-date administration. VOTE ADVANCEMENT Encourags our Basic Fishinq Industry to ex pand; Encourage the fishermen and families who have left our city to return. Help the establishment of additional industries and business. VOTE NO' on the Power Referendum VOTE YES on the Telephone Referendum VOTE YES on the Faimew Cemcterv Referendum VOTE YES on the Water Bylaw George Douglas Frizzell for Mayor Phone 95 FRIZZELL 5 COMMITTEE ROOMS 330 2nd Ave. West '. For Information or Transoortatiort Phone 95 One instance was the sensa rwRITMA tional announcement of alleged : "prisoner of war murders." Another was the amazing argument, after the "cease fire" line was drawn, over whether XSL RECOKW the UN forces should shoot only when attacked or whether they should keep on shooting anyway 3 t AH poPular Albums, Bing Crosby, etc. presumably just for the fun of it. I listened to about a score of U.S. radio broadcasts on this matter and the more I heard, the less I understood what the shooting is for. ! Rupert Radio & 0 The White House at Washlng- ton has been the home of American presidents since 1800.