,i fore the Christmas recess but, as ture Citizen' rv Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, December 10, 1951 I I I reported . In the Daily News, Fu- held until later i, 1 not 1 , uijanuai-y Loca V n IJaycee Prexie Briefs Students This year Future Citizens' Day project war canied one step further Friday with an address to the High School students by d PERSONAL R. W. Long, busy with the forthcoming civic elections, Mr. Hill briefly outlined the procedure to be followed by the students in electing their own mayor and council for this day. Voting will be carried out as closely as possible along the lines of the regular civic elections in order to give practical experience in this re-, gard. When elected, this council will then approve applications from the other students for the various positions available. The election will be carr.ed out be Sartorial 7 Troops Local CNR Men Retire Two well-known and popular officials of the Canadian National Railways, having reached the age limit, retired during recent days. They were Robert C. rViuiHsm M'hn hac hppn riivi- ''A By DOUGLAS HOW Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mazzone and family left on Saturday's plane for a visit to Vancouver. Rev. E. M. Peterson of Terrace sailed last night on the Coquit-!am for a trip to Vancouver. William Sim ol Porcher Lsland anadlan Press Staff Writerl Jaycee President Geoff Hill. The students were given a brief review of the background of the project and the manner In which it is carried out. It. was explained that the underlying theme in the program is to acquaint the younger citi ' '.! VITH THE CANADIANS IN :RMANY P Ladies, the army " nil ncnnlp is stealine vour slonal engineer here for the past J 'jnder in th-a hat line. I eight years, and Harry Long, ' indeed, now that this trend who has been foreman of the , Jf ... h received the official sanction bridges and building depart j jno less a military deity than I ment. Both have seen over 30 -u n. Eisenhower himself, it is years' service with the railway t to report that never has company. zens with the political and economic system under which they liv. and to give them an opportunity to meet the civic and business leaders In the community. Mr. Hill expressed the appreciation of the Junior Chamber , rvh a surge ot rasnion made i ai appropriate iuncuons ui-''till felt in the army's ranks. I low employees gathered to honor . Vs one soectacular example, both. is in the city. Mr. Sim has been ' identified with fishing in the j north for many years. Mrs. W. Perst.om of Masset, I after a visit to the city, sailed on the Coquitlam Fjiday night for her home on the Queen Cliar-lottel Islands. ; 1 1 I Mrs. Gordon H. Jollify , of , Queen Charlotte City, following a I trip t. Vancouver, sailed on the j Coquitlam Friday night for Port Clements enroute homo. Gordon Wasend, who ha-; bfeul on a trip .0 Vancouver, returned! to the city from the south on the Caiiiosun, yesterday afternoon. . j C. V. Evitt, who has been 1.1 Prince Rupert fort he past few days on a business trip, will be returning to his home at Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, early this week. W. D. Vance sailed last night on the Coquitlam for Vancouver to attend a convention of police magistiates. E. D. Forward left on today's plane to attend the tame meeting. Dr. Duncan ' Black, public health director, and Miss De-lisle of the local unit nursing staff sailed Friday night on the Coquitlam for a trip to Masset on official business. Miss K. MarteU jl the Columbia Cellulose staff left on today's plane for her home at Kimljer-ley in the southern interior, being called there on accent of tae death of her lather. James Stuart, son of 1 C. Stuart and ti e lafi Mr.. S'tart, "fcho has been in hospital In Vancouver since last year, has been making steady progress and is much improved according to recent advice. , Major W. C. Poulton, Salvation Army, is expected back In the city on Wednesday night's train this week after havinj been in Toronto attending a divisional commanders' of Commerce for the co-operation received from the teaching staff at. the High School. In the absence of City Clerk ,-Hht Canadians arrived at an c. A. Berner, divisional supcr-- icers' club in Hanover one jntendcnt. made presentation to , . i ,ht. recently in eight different Mr. Davidson of a travelling set iidr or shades of headdress Vr? rurtorial offensive is and smoker stand. Mr. Long received a well-filled purse. Mr Davidson has left for ' doubtedly a good idea. The ny. long an anonymous parade khaki: is going to offer far Sm.,w. where he will make his re color than either the navy fnt,lrp hnme i.- ."ttiV-air force, a fact hardly calcu V AiMOU VK R V IO OKI A Cequltlam 8 p.m. December 9 and 23 Camosun midnight, December 2, 16 and 30 Tuesday, 12 Noon Camosun II.1CE ARM, STFWART AM) PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Camosun. 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUIKN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS December 7 and 21 ps. Coquitlam midnight FOR SOUTH QlHi.N CIIAIUOTTR ISLANDS S3. Coquitlam November 30, Dec. H and 28 midnight KK.NK J. SKtNM.lt Prinrt Rupert Agent fhlrd Aveti'ie Phone 568 Mr. and Mrs. Long have gone to Vancouver to live. In neither case have successors yet been appointed. 13 George Feyer, of Masset, after a brief business visit to the city, failed on the Coquitlam Friday n ght for the Qireen Charlotte Islands. ed to maim recruiting. v ifhc Eisenhower blessing came ?'; the big Rotterdam ceremony' T't which he took the 27th Bri-j '"'. '"'le int his Atlantic Pact forces. I " lere he looked down upon a I ' ' of scarlet, tha berets of the i. Infantry Battalion, and he t . ( Jd in the most stimulating way "' J it no other soldier had better i.-..-ned the. right to a headgear of Sold Peanuts For Kinsmen Dr. D. E. H. Whitmore left oil Saturday's plane for Vancouver enroute to Trail to attend a conference of the field statf ot Consolidated Mining & Sine. tiirr C 1. .I'luor l'oolr Tbia ftdvertiMment U not publi-tlipd or dilH.vrt by the I Bord w by tbt (jovtrnmcul ol Itrituh Colu own choice than the Cana-" i infantryman. -HTE A VARIETY Vhis firmly entrenched tha Kinsmen Club benefited substantially Saturday when alert lads of the Conrad Street pack of Wolf Cubs took- to the streets to sell peanuts for Christmas Cheer. With Bill Long in charge at hpada uarters. Cubniastcr Len . let beret the soldiers call it ; cherry beret in its position the extreme element in this .hion movement. Its lesser Sykes directed the lads in their ! Stipendiary Magistrate H. Mc-Dougall of Masset left cy plan; at the end of the week lor Van-' !couver to attend a magistrates'! convention. 1 Mcdern ma:hncry is :'cprted being purchased for the gkerna Silver Mines Ltd., in Cmineca, adjoining tae Westell Umniuiii holdings. The mine mumge,-. William MeGowan reports an ,n-, teresting o.e showing, and slate, Ihe dianio:;d drilling pr.;gra,.i j will be mteusifie :!. i lows ar. the green berets of ; R.'uv Battalion, the Glengar- s and Balmorals of the High- canvassing, being assisted by Scout Raiph Sykes. The boys were Harry Pedersen, Henry Pedersen, Lloyd Quast, Harry Turner, Al Hunter, Jimmy Rus-seH, Dale Turcotte, Ken Mur-lay, Arbid Hardene, Don Mur-rnv Rohin Cameron Charlps ' iH E.ittalion and the navy blue , f'-etc coming in for the other J 'I'" such as engineers and sig- r 4 n aaauion, me miers nre .kinp toward to trv day when Downing, Gary Parkin, Allen r ''K.,''V can abandon thvir khaki Mulder Frank Stevens Dpnnis .;'! j'ets for work hours and don Griffiths and Bob Bussanich. MS, new peaxer, uwAU-iiKe cap t Ul LCU C.UIUUg ill. ..,5ut the officers are the spear-; id cf this dress development. .A- ey dress up at night now either , Shops May Stay Open Evenings VANCOUVER The Vancouver lie-tail Merchants' Associa khiki rr-rp nr the tight-fit- n Tn , -1 .. I Free Book o Ar.rit.s And Rheumatism , How To Avoid Cripplin; 1 Deformities An amazing nely enlaricl 44-page book entitled "Rheumatism" will be sent free to am-one who will write for it. It reveals why drugs and "medicines give only temporary relict and fail to remove the causes of the trouble; explains a specialized non-surgical, non-medical treatment which have proven successful for the past 33 years. You incur no oblisation in sending for this'instructive book It may be the means of saving you years of untold misery. Writ-- , , 6 navy uiuc nu. i uicsa anu m ,y top this off with splendid -ietv in hats. tion has announced that shops ,.. 1 UK LUC eiIH. UlllLTrS aillV- may icinniii wn , ' at the club. They boasted a du ing th week before Christ- . J.roon airborne beret, a scarlet mas and also on the half holiday ; flet, a Glengarry, a Guards- if they wish. However, they f ' 4 . . n's hat, the somewhat similar must close on Christmas and I' . 1 dress hat, navy blue and Boxing Day and on New Year's fft-.ff tided, a blue wedge cap, a Bal- Dry. . ' "I'ral and one brave If obsolete .'"tionalist. In khaki If vou want tn sell it. adversit-e. today to The Ball Clinic, Dept. 5217, Excelsior Springs, Missouri. 11 a ror 1 m, to your ; 1 1 1 1 , '1 I V APPOINTMENT SUPPUERS OP "CANADIAN CIU" WHISKY . '.''SSt I TO H.M. THE KING ' ' - ' ' ,? HIRAM WALKEP. I, SONS LIMITED i j ,J I IP I . i m I f f ,r'"T' oiimiEii of iini wHimiti unci mi 11 ' al j iswasoffJiGSIEL Hundreds ot everyday uses for Nickel Iiave been developed ly the Nickel industry through a il.iniicd program nf lescMrch. Tod.iy a large share of ('.aiiad.rs Nickel production is hcing diverted from ptocetiine uses into chaniiels for preparedness. So the Nickel mine futilities, y;rcutly exj;tndccj over the pusl ilecade, are again heing operated at pCx cii)acity. There is actually more Nickel now being delivered by Canada to the free world than ill any peacetime year. ' Tilt tvfH vf thf triwifrtt stn!ft fountain nd urnmm cahi-Ttft tire a l funnily nukrt alloy samUiry, rmt-pnntft JlCIIEl m Frazing evils Jar rrjrigera- ' Sum and ice cream jrertrrs ure made oj corrosion-resistant nickel alloys, A'tciiel alloy containers pro tect the purity anil flavor oj Jruils and syrups. 1ABIAF1 "The Rrmanri 0 M'F m ftO-iMtr htfi fulh iwi-iratfd, will bt stitt ter f rt 1 1143 i to anjvn tnUmifd, THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED, 25 KING STREET WE'T, TORONTO This advertisement is not published r or displayed . by the Liquor Control Board or by hjt uuvernmrni 01 Canada. 1 '- ;