I UKAVEShNU, tliglanu if' i I Ever since childli jod, 29-year-old Crince Kuperr Daily New Monday, December 10, 1951 i D -' i Letterbox Timely R i Ruth Kingston wanted lo nurse ! ecipe .lepers. Next year she will do so . BEEFOPJD, England CP The 40 years' silence. One of the h"'.ls at a colony in northern Rhode- j historic bells of St. Martin's , at the Worcestershire County ! fl V WATER SlPl'LY Church nave peen restored aiier cnurcn is aaiea izoi. ' I ..... .a., TIMELY RECTPEAS .... E SALMON FKITTKKS What harassed housewife, tired from a day's Christmas shop-lng, wouldn't welcome a suggestion for dinner that is both . an address on Thurs-iinK. t-x-Ald. Doug Frle-!,. mention of the com-ni quality of the tyater a'.lans Lake to that l :th L.ike. His .statement t and true. Woodworth s by far the better doit ;it'-r as this analysis, i l!M3, will prove. ! i, w'. u. iwiKtiy. Depnrt- ii, Pi-nslont: unu Nttlional .. J A Ki l.io. Director In-:,il liauomtoi ics, fcilmonlon. nutritious and time-saving? This quick and easy recipe produces a meal in minutes and Is sure to please everyone. Canned salmon is the main ingredient, combined with read-mix pan-; cake, batter. These golden brown :,Salmon Fritters ure wonderful served with whipped potatoes, green beans and buttered car an insult to the Intelligence of the voters. I am Inclined to wonder also, sir, if your editurial columns would be quite so biased If the B.C. power Commission were .paying for good-sized ads In your paper. But as for that we cj kiio wnat a wail would go up from ihi exponents cf the profit system If public monies were spent In that manner, and the shouts of "Unfair Competition." It Is no secret that publicly-owned utilities in other parts of Canada have meant considerable savings to the taxpayers In those areas. This is true of Tory Ontario as well as CCP Saskatchewan and, If we in this province-had some of the lush profits now going into the coffers of 1-ower corporations going, instead into the provincial treasury, maybe we could afford a srnuli subsidy for our badly abused oderation IS 'HIE SHMN STRING running Tiuuiunn the , PEARL-CHAIN OF ALL i Part,', per Million ) mmI m t'l'l Ii MiitMinliiim ( : rots. . i lb. can salmon Ready-mix pancake batter Boiling fat Tartar sauce easoning !. v Vil i'j.u I i Flake .aimon, strain and save iitiuor and season to taste. Pre 7(1 'HI pare a pancake paste and add the salmon liquor. After mixing thoroughly, put In the flaked salmon. Take a heaping tablespoon of themixture and let it fall Into the boiling fat for fritters. Drain and serve hot, with VIRTUES JOSEPH HALL r , ' ""1 tartar sauce. Serves 4. ma Ii Tne-e h'i'pltallzalion adieme and not i have to pay the exorbitant pre- ! niliim rates we are now saddled ' wiih. , As to the weighted aspects of the plebiscite, I guess, Mr. Edi- ! tor, 1 am pretty dumb for I fail to see them. As I see it, it is just an expression of opinion ! and Is not binding on either ' parly but only opens the doors ' to future negotiations Instead of, tjriiig ourselves irrevocably to'' one company. ,' Let us use the same line of t reasoning for the other side that ! HAEIfNGS. England Wi One of the fishing boats that Ml this Sussex port to catch herring, came back instead with a six-foot bottle-nosed shark. 1 .! iliejlouseopeagram :'. ti LONDON (P In the biggest single shipment of motorcars irom Britain, the steamship hoperidge left for Australia with cars valued at 400,000. MEN WHO THINK OF TOMORKOVV PKAlVJ'll'K M 0 DURATION TO HAY ThU rHvrtisemerit U not published or displayed by the liquor Control board or by the Government of British Columbia. I is now being used by the op-1 p.inents of the plebiscite. It must necessarily follow that, If we vote "No," we are giving a clear mandute to the N. B.C. Power Co. to carry on with the type of service they have been giving us in the past and to to right ahead with their application for an increa.se in rates, and the Public Utilities Coni.iih-.slon will have every reason to believe that the consuming public is behind them and is quite willing to pay the shot. This is a matter that will af Ear.y E'.idako Days are recalled in these pictures belonging to Misr E. L. Tester of the interior lailway village.- At top Slim Williams, celebrated dog musher of a quarter of a century or more ago, who paused at Endako on an historic trip by dog team from Alaska to Chicago. Middle picture Is of the Annan Hotel, historic and stilt popular hostelry there. Seated is the late "Sandy" Annan, knewn and esteemed for many years as Mine Host at Annan Hotel. 'Wings ever the Interior' M-iipcfation with Dr. 1 (lie Health Unit, the ii p.irtniciit endeavors to ciilDiinati'm of our do- . ,rer supply to the min-Water obtained from .ins would liave to be ;!oiinated to combat or-; matter, especially in i and that of decaying during the spawning! 'I he Department of ., would under no circs adow tills spawning '. closed. i . Jans Lake has been for .as a great summer pic-rit, for the people of Rupert wno have very Proposed Preventative Dental Program All parents are requested to ftil in the form below for inclusion in the proposed Preventative Dental Program of their Grade One qnd pre-school children of three vears or over,, and forward same immediately to F. L. DERRY, Secretary pro-tem) Dental Clinic Committee, Box No. 1088, Station B. DENTAL CLINIC QUESTIONNAIRE i PLEASE USE BLOCK LETTERS) Name of Parent r wv - i ' ;, . S ' ! " -I fect us seriou.sly for many years to .line so let us not sell our birthright for a mess of pottage! W. II . BRET T. i Christian Namesi I i Surname I Street and Postal Address Mame(s) of Grade 1 Child(ren) : .. i s of beauty to while ! n il- leisure hours. Using for domestic water Mil definitely eliminate ' i irom the use of tnis i : ulv such purpose. L. j. GO'S I AFSON. : Water Dept. Till: OT.IKK SIDE LONDON Cf A baby welfare EECKINGHAM. England (P magazine advised companies ' Besides winning first prn:s in a making rattles for babies not to potato-growing competition, fill the toys with lead shot. It J Charles Searson got. a bonus, suggested macaror.t as a safe j tTndei oh'e of his prize roots he subject to produce the soothing found a nest of four young rab-rattle. i bits. School Attending - Name(s) of Pre-school Child(ren) Theft of Drift logs Charged Committed for tilal at Masset on charge? of theft of drift logs from T. A. Kelley Logging Co., four Masset natives were brought !o the city at the week-end by Consfabl.; Wlemken, RCMP. Bail has been set at $2000 in each case and the men will appear in County Court for election as soon as crown counsel has been named by the attorney-general. Ihe accused are Charles York, George Storey and Rufus White, chatged jointly, and Matthew Abrahams, charged separately. A. B. Brown is acting as defence counsel. ro Terrace dally lo Prince George and Intermediate Points Three Doys Weekly To Kifimaf and Kemano Daily Except Fridays from TERRACE Crawford Moore, Agent Piinre nupert Terrace Phone Black 907 Phot.e 133 Age(s) The parents are asked to pay $4.00 (four dollars) for each child registered, to meet the exDenses of this program for each school " year. I am agreeable to particpate on this basis. Able Unable Date , , (Parent's Signature) BEST WISHES Commodore Cafe on vour renovated premises GROTTO CIGAR STORE .-iced gratifying to kno-Hi' troublesome times, oiganUuuun i.e. Ine ki t Co. has gone into ! welfare work in this the extent that they are ; considerable sums oi Ill: j minify lo :ie poar peopie here In i.f v ;t'.ng properly on a I !' oi.scit:.' on December ui r( be indeed thankful e ;ire in tile world such is 1 1 if kind-hearted g"n-nl liav Street, Toronto, Wall Street, New York? j interest.-d in our Welti ile thing M. Editor Is. ne least, nauseating and OVERSEAS STRANGER LITTLE CURRENT, Out. (CP) For the flr.st time in about 13 years an ocean-going freighter 'tetin'rt-dtJeitei was tied up at this Maniioulin Island dock recently when the j 2.500-ton Ascot from Oslo pulled j 1 hird Avenue WcsV In to unload a heavy pulp-drying machine for a paper plant at Espanola. The Norwegian vessel continued on to Chicago. Phone 3T2 Congratulations! COMMODORE CAFE ON VOUR NFW PRFMISES Announcement ... COMMODORE CAFE (Now Completely Rcnovoted) t RE-OPENING Thomas McMeekin & Sons Ltd. Wholesalers Funis anil Veselables Tobaccos and Candies in f; ." . 3 ., . - .15 The Management of THE COMMODORE CAFE . is to be conqrotulatcd on modernizing, the premises. r im m A VV , Try this "lit test" y in your living room csz S ! room. Wher- ( u -r in in i the ch.tr 5 Try reading in every C ondi. .j ever you have difficulty re. G.K T J tion of lamp,; also M J I J lump bulb, where necessary J , 5 Buy your bulbl from your local u j I Agent' jK- --j-t-r ' KEAYS & CLARK DEC. 10TH PAINTING CONTRACTORS J as