Prince Rli ctt Daily News Monday, lieccnilx-r 10. l!i:l Academy Award Picture Here ; he M ilt her impassioned love let- ml , iters In the name of a youn( ' ' inarticulate soldier she thought romc , 5' W' she loved and who ' wooed her part f , I' with Cyrano's exquisite poetry Prince I, b'1 ' - M ri Along FRONT JJOW AT POPUUrT if. An Academy Award picture, the noted "Cyrano rte He nerac," comes to the Tolt m Theatre here as thv feature ol ferine this Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The picture won an Orur for the work of its star, Jose Ferrer, as the lone.-no.sed poet, swordsman and philosopher who made life hum In Seventeenth Century France. The picture is adapted from the. famous French play surrounding the romance of the de Bergerac who loed his beautiful .uid Kltimal is now t;etuni; un- ! dor v. ay and i.ill mil .inv u.m.i I ihj vva-k or r.o. The IVin- I c.-s.s Louise ariivcil at li o'clock' (hi; pi.iiiiini;. Luc had ninety-, iilif- 'a .en-;'r.i lor Prince Itu- l-crl and L's tons of freight. Out-i 1.011.1 i c: r,,o, h"ii tne vc.i..-l ha. I; at l'j r.m. oh lit; return !' li. i;i;lu1cs a considerable T1 -J , 4 I JOSFERRER ' O' For THE ONE Who Counts! t'assiar Ili-ads for Alaska hrniano Exodus Kcpluciiis M.ikinc her first, voyage on Hie new joint fortnightly In-h-nl .crviee which will be lininUinird curing the winter by th; trunk Lint unci British Coiumbiu Coast Steamships .Service iCFRi. ireit;hUT Caesar, Cacl. William Gk-csoii. arrived in port at 2 o'clock yt'stciday af-t ni on from the south mxl .Siiileri at 10 p.m. for Ketchikan, .Skauway anu .AWu ijoniis. Coming north, llie Cas-,siar had called at Powell finer quantity o io tiicluifs bein v Award l0 young cousin with all the ardor i i! o.t by l,;:'ai wholesalers Kcmuiio. .K" Winner oi a ureal iieari diil, u r his distiKiirini; nose, never made tvkien.i River Tile Driving Co. this love known to her. Instead, 1:; fi':;aRrd now lu the mil Unit iul " T' muvii,,, " t ; w l ' wh,h,4 I j ! I . .word thrust, home- f fill I '?om" diei. . f tf If I I I oman thrilljrj7 J ol n. w lJci).,rlmriit of Transport; oa tlii. lm-al waierfnuit. I Taking Island to newsprint, fur Ketchikan l,,ulv,'.4y between Armour Salvage and Juneau, at Kemaiui with Lo. and Canadian Pacific Hail ll U 1 MANPOWERS Prince Souih machinery and equipn.e for Alcan construction and at VVat-: .in Island witli cargo for Columbia Cellulose. The vossil is due hack here early next week .s sui hbound. You'll Find St At WALLACE'S Of Course r,y Only Ti iiiiulary I'ali him; I'.cimr ilaile wl lliK Hole at lry IKk Here way docks lo vcphu-e the former i.oats wnieh lutu been gradually .i.stnt ;,) luinjj and which linal damage in recent gab s that swept the waterlronl. A complete Job is being done : l.n lint; fioin the cmcrete fool-m,v up. Pouring of concrete is now in progress. Todoy to Wednesday Eve. Shows 7-9:05 p.m. V Cf T nipoi-iry jvii.-hiv;; is underway at the local dry dock on the' British Columbia Steamships: A a , total , i 7", 'T I freighter Island Prince, which of 1.0 jU construction ;whs ,tIul y! ramm,, p;l,uy Rlink b ' "d. '"'"Pany olI.ciaiS,n f,sh hll;lt M,,;,r Ulv,c , will ! brd.iifiil. out from KillmatJ u ... LINGERIE HOUSECOATS HOSIERY HANDBAGS UMBRELLAS GLOVES TOWELS BLANKETS TABLECLOTHS DRESSES SKIRTS With ("apt. John Hotlen :i'-k in command after taking vacation in Vancouver, Union steamer Camosun arrived in port at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon lrom Vancouver and waypomis. She sailed at U p.m. lor Alice Arm, Stewart and other northern points whence .she is due back here tomorrow southbound. Passengers disembarking rum the Camosun at Prince Rupeit were Gordon Wasend, J. Kerry. C. Anderson, E. G. Ryan and I Mr. and Mrs. Slova. i,-,, r - ween, imi loo vv.i-i win oe I U,e c"rl,sll's towed to Vancouver tor pcrnian-h h t .:d.iy season. Two eiclal trips,-. . rl.,,..r will be made hv a CPR Some of tlic cargo is being probably the Piincess Kathloeti' VALLACE S DEPARTMENT STORE I tne lir.s. I3eccnih. r 17 n,.H D.o taken out of the Island Prim-rand some will be taken back Miond Divember 2!). Return south. .sailings will be during the first" HMlM'r INMM b j he vesst l was taken on the ii in January. j $U4JUiF n On:t. I frankWaterhouse tanker c. , Wllll,m u H Union steamer I A Two Shiploads FENTION Caot. James Hunt-T. arrived tr. in port at 9 o'clock this evenin-from Vancouver. pou ai o:i last, evenni!: inmi pontoons at the dry dock at. the week-end and a RaplnR lo by ! 4-loot hnlo was found on the port bow under the walerlhie i It is expected she will be ready j to leave by Wednesday or Thursday. A tuy Is cominn north from Vancouver to pick her up. Caul. William Owlon. First. Masset Inlet points ana sailed ,u OfVVheatHerei; I o ciproc p.m. lor Vancoiivi-r :n..l u :w- 'uints. Lighthouse tender Alexander Mackenzie returned to port yes-tevdiy alter a week in the Gardner Canal area where Capt. Nermati MacKav and lifs ere :" r 4,v . .v-u .; it '"C a ' .4' Nfate James Galbraith and Chief KiiRinerr H Da wo are sailine for MOTHERS! Don't Ic-t cure of Ihc children stop you from votinq December 13th. Simply call either o' the two numbers listed below and book a :-itter on. -J trensoortation to and from the polls Moke vour reservations as soon as possible bv calling: W01 lii.stailitii; Ushts as part f Vancouver on the Princess Lml- TOIUV I., HIDNKSU... - ;e S.i.m ;,h Nisbt-' jjW!CitC'i'iyncittt!tT1.-fJtttWt,.. I A MAN'S CHOICE FOR CHRISTMAS tonight. in-.' pruur.iin ol iiriivutiim airi .N'b 'man Wiamnlf. murk. ; ii , specialist for the United states Department of Interior Fish and Wild Life Service at the fisher-it's products laboratory at i i-cmkan, sailed last nifcht by the I a.ssiar on his rem n north. He '.'lad been here since last Thursday looking into frt-i.tlu i.ues lor transshipments from Canadian National Railways imita through here. He also vUiled ise,:.-' - ,i Eros, reduction );;; ! ... Port Edward with a view to set d-ing one of Lie! s-It oin the Ketchikan laboratory 'hereto study methods. Prince Rupert elevator now contains about enough wheat lor another twr shiploads. A Japanese vc-sel is booked for the local house in Deceryber but its identity has not yet been revealed nor just when it will be here. , Grain is moving steadily into the elevator from nun hern Alberta. Five hundred and twenty cars have so tar been delivered .since the movement started, Oil having been unloaded, and 7(3 ears are now on the line west of Jasper. With one vessel having loaded 315,437 bushels at the elevator, there are now .580,581 bushels in tne house. iO0 Vk 20 ! Terrace Civic S Centre Folding i TEKRACE. Terrace people j continue an indifferent attitude ! toward the future oi their Civic j Centre which lias fallen upon 'evil davs flnanclallv. " J& 1 r3 -Zli 'S' ' " - r THIS SERVICE to BF PROVIDED IN THE CIVIC INTEREST Bv NORTHERN B.C. POWER Co.,Ltd. to navigation to the new A1-. a:i port oi iieii.i.iui. Three li-hts were,iii,( hi that area within a.s many da; s. Terrace Seeks Better Service ILIiKACE. Claiming that l'Hiie local officials have not artequate consideration -to the claim, the Terrace and District Board of Trade Is to carry its case lor more adequate liiflit and express handling fa -il.tie.- at Terrace direct to the p.c.ioont ol the Canadian National liauhvays, Donald Gordon. Particularly a .nod i :n. .-eased fieiptu and express vts'iious-: .spa.-o. The brief , being txv'.A ap Unit) days, however, to giv. Bernard Allen. British Columbia itt inauer ol the railway, opportunity to consider the matter further following a report from C. A. Horner, divisional Some $50110 is needed to put ; the building In shape in coin-: pliancc with lire and wiring I regulations and also to pay o!f ; outstanding obligations, A poorly-attended meeting of ; citizens was held last week to i consider the Civic Centre crisis but no solution was reached so It looks like the establishment i ' will have to be closed. j Tile director, John Simpson, ! mm JU r. i n PEROW Frank Waterhous" .-elshl.-r C liiiliwiick. Capt. Ciorficld P, ii-peily, was in port during the week-end loading 41115 cum ; ,,f .salmon lrom the Canadian Fishing Co.'s cannery here lr do-liv-iy to Vancouver. Coinin;-no th. the Chilliw.tek dt livei-oii 301. .CCD feet of lumber from Pou Alice to Kitimat and. before ai-rivin,; here at 10:311 Saturday morning, had load-d .,. Ions of salmon oi' at N".-l,oa Bros.. Port F:dw; -.1, th cluv eylir.d:-rs at Wntsou Islam. NOTES Po row is literally "in tin; dark" those days since the tuts Iruck has been unable to cross the bridge at Houston to deliver gas here. ha.- quit. For hc slippers i wort's. . . Don't Mrs. J. Fontaine has Rone to Edmonton where she will enter hopital for surgical treatment. The Forsylhe imiily from liiiinar, 'Sakatehean. have taken up re.skten.-e at Perow. our comfort-gi'ii Harvey Forsythe has returned to Quesnel with the sawmnl he purchased here. selection. Geo. Hill & Sons Ltc l'riiicc Kuport T. M. William.s. J. Moloney, C. Petersen, J. Souter, Bert Har-wood. J. Lagos, J. Berry, L. Kar-mel and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. ivloigun, Vancouver; F. Molin and J. M.ickie, Watson Inland; Nc.s, Hansen, Seattle; C. Ncw-hupr, Itobin Edwards, W. Osborne and K. V. Holland, Terrace; J. t stokes. Victoria; Pat. Dttvis. Iciracc; T. Rune. 11. vvii-.e and Mrs. J. A. Cormier, .mihip ;; .j Uolloway, Calgary; 'ai'..: lloleoinlio, Prince George; i ;r! iin K. Ito'iianc'f, B. Fre-stad and 'Ii,m Y'oik, i : ; c. , Gates, Hazelton; E. ju- uvt i-.ii..t i . VI. l eniold, Lir.nont ;n, G. L. Sim!).,o!i, city; c. H. D'-ake, Mi -I'i,:,- Con.sti,b;e Weimkcn, Ma; j'l; Lnnie Uobertsou, Prince (ieor-.c; M; t. A. Cri. t and lani- i James Griffiths S' r-:itn -iiiji Co.'s tug Mogul and barge :ti: iffeo were ai. Watson Island .Saturday and Sunday , with- 15(1 tons of liquid chlorine for Col- , nnibia Cellulose Co. It, was the. j monthly, voyatjo north of the t.jt Tit with this material fjr Hit ' pulp mill. Phone Block I Box 737 11 - f- 'a nitefr I J o.i wan; 4 sell , a-'vertise : V' lhiM!j.Vl cla..sillll. : T " '. i:i i .No Motor transport l.ned up at il-.e Caradian Pacific Kailways dt ,-k toaay lo m-.-et Ci'H steamer Prinres.s Louise, Capt. John Campbell, and whisk off to titi-foil Give nir busr- a ven'v-thrrr- ilv. Mas.iei, C. W. Swansori. , workers from Alean ronstruc- . : Vsvn,- - , , i ' 'Aa I ! l on at K"inno Lav who ho:i d Bull-dale; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stone, Burns Lake; H. A. Mac-i 'oii'; and S. L. Simpson, Ma.s- sel. f,ttcee.s.sivc extra' llirhts of Canadian Paeif c Air I.iiM for delivery on l.:i Van:-ouvr-r. The pre-Christmas exodus Ir un Kemaiei 1 switched to Marvelube for correct lubrication f ' V ' Va indoor, ond h wiflw - fc ,.) ri 'j I'iF rd h""" ""' 'or :: 1 )" ).',tt more engine protttlion under all is-i t-' a''waM - -I'i ... ., ... .nu""" BO 3 At hut, a fMt-cutting chain w imi e. ; without ovr-working! The new McCulloch wngM " pounrJn, yet develop a fuU 3 horaepower. driving tonditions with Marvcluhe ' the l!eay-I)uty motor oil that meets tar manufacturers' spetifaations for torrett lubrication. Manclul-e is ;. detergent motor oiL Ii .Tit ot.Jy lehriiates it i leans. A tleati engine free from gum, sludge and abrasive panicles I.ims longer and gives you more inn-Me-frce performance. Let your . Imperial lisso Dealer protect the investment you have in your tar with his "Cart-Saves-W e;ir" servke. And look et these feature to peea up mtic cluUh. buUt-in chain oiler, ipecwj m"8" ,of ,ytypj Rich, Interior flat finish. recoil tarter lor eay aiariuig, vyw" wood, and McCulloch gasoline engine tht operai i-itny,w i yi til i.. OH i'i .llir . 'i- 'JmmiM- W Tke the work out of woodcutting wun Mar!in-Snour flniihe ofl.r a wondorlol choice of ilylei and colon 10 meet .v.ry docoroling need. They are exceptionally economical have oglitanding coverago and hiding qualitiei, Hand up to yean t 4 MODELS .AVAIL ABIE'. Spare' all McC I I I ( Wc carry Parte fr Authorized Sales and Service wear and oothor. Bo tor. to Me u, for the complete Martin Senoor line pgintt, varni,fiot and enamels for every job. the sign that soys to stoo for Gordon & Anderson Pacific Electri Prince Rupert, B.C. 13" Phone 46 Tb. .dvertufment i. not puhli.he.i or hy the Liinior ('0107 Lfd. -v i use uevernmeat 0( Uriluli Columbia. Ml