Prince Rupert Daily Newb Monday, December 10. 1951 n I) " 1 3 ? JOHN H. Hi-Green Too Good .Merchants Neyer llud a Chance Juniors play t'luse One (CLOSURE TIME 10 a.m. on day of publication) Classified Advertising Is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 3c per Word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards vf Thanks, Death Notice. Funeral Notices, Marriage Ri:d Engagement. Announcements $2.00. , SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE. FCK KENT ,:; '. -r : ''" , " 1, 4 t -- .! , - ' V ,it I. 1 ,( V -"!' e :, i 0 I ROOM TO RENT Lady onlv. Box 2,'vl, Daily News. 2S'2c ) ; ROOM FOR RENT Working! couple or girls. Kitchen facilities. Blue 304 alter 0 p.m. i2U2pi FOR RENT -Three rooms and bathroom. 533 8th West. i288p FOR 'KENT - Single room. 233 6th West. (28Hp KOR RKNT General Electric l:oor uoiLiliers. Si Der uav. Pnoiie iJiue iW2. Pacilic Eiec-tric. ROOM FOR RENT-Fur gentlemen. I Central location. Phone I Reii tlio. (2oiyl I I 41 U-DK1VE CARS. Phone 41. 711 Orenville Court. (ti) WAXTKO TO KENT MIDDLE-AGED couple, no children, require two or three mom .suite, furnished preferably. References. Box 255, Daily News. (3tpd' WANTED Business girl wants nice room and board in pri-vatt home lcr n-xt two weeks. Plume 72 or 37. l28!d ItO.iKI) ANi lilHUI !OOM AND BOARD for gentle-Red man. lt.'2. . (287'' TAXIS 1 70 SEVEN-O-Radio 70 1 Cabs 24 Hours Daily Service I Chai tvr trips to all points ASSOCIATION Mt'MBERS JtEAL KSTATX FOR RALE - - Four rrom house, centrallv located. Phone 57. G. P. TINKER & CO. LTD. 1 1 f i FOR SALE Two lots, corner oi 5th Ave. and Fulton. Al! cleared ready to build on. Suitable for apartments, .store or residence Pnone Blue 549. ( 291c) HOUSES WANTED TO BUV WE HAVE buyers for houses, U5UIC35 V CARPENTERS Hv all of ftiHT tmwt AU4 on our reriHHa marh m. Mrrhanfrnily actinit joint-tnir, flbntf mm 4 Htinf, They'll yt cImimt, trur, fMlT, PRECISION SAW FILING 131.1 PKHiOTT PLACE Box 1C11 Station B ; Aicent: Bus Terminal Island City Buiidets John F. L. Hughes, D.C CHIROPRACTOR His : 10:30-12:30, 2:00-5:00 Eves : by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 scott McLaren CIIARTIOIiED ACCOUNTANT lamea Block 608 3rd Ave. W. 1'ilnco Rupert, B.C. ?hon 3'i7 P.O. Box 374 Colussi's Music Store Ai;ents for tire finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNKD AND REC'ONDI'UONED 210-4tn Rt Ph. Black SHU GEORGE RORIE & CO. ACCOUNTANTS AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Ueuuty Culture In all Its branches 204 - 41 h Hireet Phone AM WF riENT TRUCKS, COMPRF-S.SOR3, CONCRETR MIXERS By hour, day or month Phone Blue 939 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles Box 774 Btcond Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL B.C. MESSENGER For Prompt und Courttuus Service Phohc 878 214 4th Street Proprietors: Ed. Dawes. Sid Alexander r- i j j s PHOTO WR A THAU'S FINISHING DEVELOPING, PRINTING ENLARGINO EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Creen 136 , Box 4:h STEAMER Prince' George SAILS FOR Vancouver and Intermediate Portg Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WMlNIiSDAY MIDNH.HI l uxury at Low Cost For Reservations Write or Cull, I CITY OK IJII'OT 'L OH OH' H ICE E fV riilNCE PRINCE RUPERT, KIIPURT J' C. 4T 4? Call 363 FOP. I!I'TTi:il ... Plcnning Building or Repairing i i AA III Hh & CURRIE LIMITI'D Builders & Contract-ars PLUMBING end HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know PHONE For Repairs and Alterations Smith &Elkins lid. P.O. Box 274 'PERSONALIZED pssr mm See our large selection of Holiday Cards in imaginative designs Dibb Printing Co. BESNER BLOCK BULGER Ojtlontelriil John 8ulgcr Ltd. Third Avenue tiKOIK.E DAWF.t. AUCTIONEER Phono Creen 81J and Ked 17 Chinese DISHES Chop Sucy - Cliow Mein Open 6 p.m. --3:36 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders t'hont 13S WELDING Government Certified Operators ' Hijb Pressure Tanks lierrigeraliun Stacks and Fire Escapes INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. J--l: E. vy.nm Green lr' or Ladies and Genilemcn LING the taiicr 220 Sixth St. I 049 HI IN BETTER USED CARS These cars are older models but they are in good condition . . . and most imoortant of all they are priced so that you can afford to buy. 1947 Austin 8 Sedan 1950 Prefect Sedan 1938 Ford Coach 1950 Austin Sedan with radio 1948 Thames Van 1937 Tcrraplanc for good tronsporta-ion VOTE DEC. 13 Superior Auto Service Ltd. 3rd Ave. W. Ph. Green 217 PROUD MOTTO The state motto of West vir. glnia is "montani semper liberi," uiouinaineers uiouinaineers always always free. free." t . 'I rr': - MARGARET McLEOD 01yrOMTRlj;T Rwim 10 KTOHE I1UILDINQ PHONE BLUE 593 P 0. BOX 1184 KI.KflKOI. iiv I'-i and Sernee R- W. COLLINS Phone Big,. 970 Bx w WHU; at)(JV(, TERMINAL MESSENGER Plume C40 All deliveries fully lnsuied Phone K. SORENSEN Ulue 8!i!l after 6 pm, Hrick, stone and Bluck Work i he bclllni; and Plastering HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GhNKHAi, CUNTilACTOliS Poildlnt; nnd H'-pnIrs uf ill kinds RfKJFS -, CIIIMNni' I OIL BURNERS PHONES: P.O. nix ic7o Red tH MATTS0N S UPHOI-STERlNO Phone Blue 120. P.O. Box m , 234- 3id Ave. E. Prince Rupert, BC. JL H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED REAL ESTATE Jt INSLHANC? Phone 90 Evenings Blact BS Oil Heatina Services LAWKIE MACKAY, Msr. Blue 187 - Box 687 Complete service in oil hralin? I burners and Milipltfs Stoves, Heaters, Sluvt RrU P.O. Bo FINEST OF COOKING RADIO & APPLIANCE SALES & SERVin CAS AND ,.. ir BNfiES PACIFIC ELECTRIC I'hone Blue - By CHICYOUNS , VIA, in - Possession January. February j u Mrr or . Wucc m.'mb.T or March. For quick sale phone mto. i.,sue(i ln re.-p.rt of premises ARMSTRONG AGENCIES)' ,"","f "s .aoy Motel, .sittaite at 618 Fraser PnOne 342 Street, in tlie City of Prmee Huperi. Province of British Columbia. np i im DlaCK y evenings ;i'in lite lands aismbfij as tits ii. V 'l 288C I ! n' 14 " 15. Block 33. Section 1. City of Prince fiupert. Map num- ! l"T Baa, Prince Hupert Land Ke(;is- WAiVl'ED Itratlen I)i tri t. m tne Province oi By ROSS INGRAM Merchants never had a chance I Saturday night as they dropped ; their sixth straight Intermediate ; League basketball game, the vir-timi of Hi-Green on a 47 to 13 ' ! count. j Webber, Becker, Ford and San-key were superior marksmen. ! Webber's shooting eye was particularly good as he netted the sphere five times in as many : shots in the first half. i For the losers Jeffrey and Frickson put up most of the fight. The Greens we minus Krist-! manson, Rhodes and Peneff but Ihey had a couple of the top, i Maple Leafs who showed they! were good enough ball handlers i for intermediate company. Clark sprained his ankle in jlhe first quarter and Morrison i look his place at centre where he played particularly well on the rebounds. It was in the first Quarter that ' Beck.'r and Clark started on a shoot itiM spree to pile up an early lean lor me ureens. In the sec-, ond quarter Webber simply couldn't miss the hoop. ! Count was 11 to 2 for III-i Green in the first quarter, 12 to 4 in the second, 15 to 4 in I he j third and 9 to 3 in the final. THE SCORING: , Hi-Green Webber, lfi: Becker, 8: Ford, 8; Sankey, 8; Clark. 4; : Morrison. Stuart, Wood, Sliep-i nard, McAfee. i Merchants -Jefferies. 6; Mc-' Farlane, 3: Phipps. 2; Brown. 2; Stacey, Erit'kson, Leighton, Wa ters, H.'dgewick, Wing. Jl MOK I.EA(ilE Manson's made it a fifth straight, win in the Junior I League as they edged the Maple i Leafs 26 to 18. It was a nip and jtuek affair from start to finish. With two minutes to go, the Leafs threw a couple of bad passes and blew their chances for the win. High scorers were Hodgkinsin and Webber for the winners and Stuart for the losers, each with eight points. i With a tie in the first quarter, iParnell played outstanding ball; for the Leafs, scoring four of the team's six points. The Lr-afs took over ihe lead in the second quarter which ended 12 to 10 in their favor.! Stuart did some good shooting. ! Hodgkinson and Webber -combined in their third quarter to give Manson's an 18 to 14 lead. In the end Maple Leafs could not overcome the superior shooting of Manson's. Scoring by quarters: First, Maple Leafs 6, Manson's 6; second. Maple Leafs 6 Manson's 4: third. Maple Leafs 2, Mamon's 2; final, Maple Leafs 4, Man-son's 8, - The scorers: Manson's Webber, 8; Anderson 4: Black, 2; Barnes 2 Brcntzen, 2; Mostad, Helin and Husvik. Maple Leafs Stuart, 8; Par-ne!l, 4: Shenton, 2; Morrison, 1; Dinaldsnn. 2; Forbes, Nelson, Strand, Brown and McKay. HOCKEY-SCO RES NATIONAL (Saturday I . Detroit 3, Montreal 0,' Tortno 3, Chicago 1. (Sunday i Montreal 2, Detroit 3. Toronto 2, New York 7. Chicago 4, Boston 3. PACIFIC COAST , i Saturday i Seattle 6, Tacoma 4. Vancouver 4, Victoria 3. Canary 2, New Westminster 3. Edmonton 5, Sa-skatoon 5. (Sunday) Calgary 3, Seattle 2. W ESTERN INTERNATIONAL (Saturday) Trail 1, Nelson 5. OKANAGAN (Saturday! Penticton 6. Kamloops 5. WKSTKRX INTERNATIONAL (Saturday) Kelowna 1, Spokane 2. (Sunday) Kelowna 4, Spokane 6. PACIFIC COAST AMATEUR (Saturday) Kerrisdale 2, Nanaimo 11. Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General fartaje and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Cimadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Pat It Avenues Est. 1910 Phones CO and C8 ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Card party and drawing of Gram! Tin key Rattle. Dec. 13 Pre-Xmas dance, Chatham Drill Hall, Dec. 11. ! I'KKSONAL "Mr. FIXIT" Tvi-wrlti-rs !r;ui-U and Hi-rvli-id ; " H Hiiiim-is liikkwiiik r:ii')ciiiii inK (Km ; I'linm- Ou-t-u 77:1 UUHH le MAGNUS? KN I 1 171 l;u k v,'. ( :i;t l J) j PRKCISION Haw Filing" wUh to announce that you may now, I, aVf uui .saw.i al l.siand Cnv-builders lor daily pick-up and speedy service on al! types of '.saws. We have modern automatic mai huHTy and can guarantee oar uork to be ex -el.ed i h i 1 1 1 of Vancouver. I L'l.lic I R. RAMMER Painting. Interior Decorating Paperhanging Phone'Retl 110 1 291 pi FOR your Christmas trees call ('40. Terminal Messenger and Cartage iT.M.C.i. I2!i3p WE pick up C.OD.'.s (T.MC.l Call oil). l28Upl i r.Lil.K 11 EM' W.I.N ;tei WANTED MhiiiTunas iinwli it'll Dealer. A tine op portunity to step into a profit-' able hlisii:e.-s where ! Products have been sold fori year.'. Experience not, necessary. Write RawleiL'h's Dept. Wu-l-lf-iB. V'innipeg. HELP WAN! EilFEM UJE REGISTERED nurses, eommene-msr I salary $20(1 00. For B.C. registration Modern 10-bed hospital. Full maintenance. Private room. $35 00. Sir.iisht euht-hour shift. Basic fare rt funded after iirst vear. Apply Mrs. Newmmser, Si vreta' v. Trrrnre and District Hospital Association. 1 291c ) WANTED -Baby srier at' 1033 West 1st Ave. Call to make arrangements. (233pi WANTED -Relia bit babv sitter! Good wa'res to i.sht person. 1023 2nd West. i239p ' HELP WAXTI I), M AEE-FEMALE BOYS OR GIRI.S-0;inii7n7 for ! bays or giils on Daily News routes in vario'is parts of eitv. i Apply at ofikr Special bo-, inises far good service. ill) , Edit S'M.K FOR SALE SALE -5-tube -5-tube O. O. E. radio witli record player; one Quebec heater, cheap. Apply 813 Fra-ser St. or phone Red 543. (tfi FOR SALE Fawcett oif range! No. 15, Be.sner Apartments. I290oi FOR SAI.E-Muskrat coal, size 14. Perlect condition. $250 00 cash. Green 'J14 or 75. 1 23p FOR SALE--ClieidT-rfield 'tlire!e nieves, oil put burner ranee like new. plunt'oiiv; e(uipment. i;!iimi)er's tools, carpenter's ton's, jule.'tric panel boxes. '-:," 'drill, small sander. larsje sand-er and ed-er, $250. "and paper dinette suite 8 piece oak din- ' in room suit o, ether articles. Phone flreen 400. J. II. Mair. t r i FOR SALE Cedar. kiiiillinjT. coal, ( nil IM(, Terminal Mes-senser. (T..M.C.) 293pl FOR RAI.E-1 heavy duty sin!e drum winch. Chrvsler entiine See it workintr. Pen's Wrecking. Rupert Warehouse. Mr. DesRoches. Savoy Hotel (tfi FOR SAI.E-1 52 HP. Grav-marine pas eimine, comolete overhaul. $450.0(1 cash. Phone Green !Mlfl or . write Box 771. i292pi FOR SALE Gendron babv carriage, practically ' new, $15 00 Phone Blue 137. (289pi FOR RALE Cedar, kindling, 'coal. Call B40, Terminal Messenger. (T.MC.l (288pi FOR SALE New 10-ft. row boat Equipment with two pairs cf or.s and oar locks. Phone JUreen C63. (289p) BOYS' and plrls' sweaters and ski pants-Boys' pullover V-ncck swea t,e r s. attractive shades, all sies. $1.75, Also boys' and pirls' ski nant.s at reason-able prices. B C. Cloth-iers, Third Ave. tf) FURNITURE for Sale HeThrn rues, radii.!, chest of drawers, airtight heaters, chesterlield heds eomniete cribs, etc Lowest possibK; prices. B C. Furniture Co. Third Ave. (tf) FI R REPAIRS EXPERT fur repairs and remodelling. Fast service and low cost. Fowlie & Ruttle 3 'ri Phone 522 (t'l ACCOUNTANTS TUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Income Tax sneciailst. S O Fork Slone Hiilldintr. Red 5!)3. (20m) RAD.O i;iAL CFPR 1240 Kllocvcies (No'ijcet U CbilllKF) MONDAY 5 :() Hiiwhidf 5:15 InlerniKioiml ("unity, s:m looversitl lleciuliitii.ll uf Hu mull Rillt.s ft on !SU)I(T MTl'lllUlC (:15 Talk by H. IJiityctt U M Niu.'ilcal Varieties 0-45 Sliulv Hunieltc Slluw 7 00 C'BU News 7 IS CHC Neus rtutmUup 1:M Talk bv (ieixe Casey 7 46 Talk by H 8. Wliuleii 8:00 lander Awhile a :io NaLluilal Kalin H:uho f'urtim Vr,iw,.iu.-r SMrM"ttV Pre!, 10 (10 CI'C News 10:10 Cue News WIS l'rmnu ial Allans - O iS )siiK'r 1 0 :Ull Uixielatal .1.,:: 11 .00 Vvtather Kii'uit lout Sl:a-efl TURSDAV A M 7 (HI Mu.-ieal Cliitk 8 .00 (IK' New.s Hit) Helen lail (t,i,l 8:15 Morniia; Wuiit; 8::!0 .".baiiiiiK De,aiee,s 8 .4a Little Cnieelt, II 00 Hlie" News ami Ctiininent ary il:15 Music l,,r M.tiieru.s il.M Jsunrise Selenade :50 llerolhy Ueu:. las filmw 9:SH Tl-nc islor.ii 10:00 Woi'uiliy Visit IO:lr JVl, truing Mt-imiies 10:30 This Week's Attea 10 IS lnvitareai (o the Walt 1 1 :00 Kin(lei.';a'tni ut the Air 1 1 : 1 .- rt'HUKlup 'l'llne , 1 :;) We,,! in r Ki'iiiirt 1 1 ::il Message Hetiuii 1 1 :ri l(ecil(le(l 1 II I :Tl t itin 1 45 H,ainllaa iau Me;, lies P'M. IJ.00 Mi,l-(iav MiOudns 12:15 CliC He 1.25 eTi ii;riiln KiMltae l'J:ao. lie. tarn, llioade ".5 l:eeadid Interlude 1 :()0 Altel'lKKin Cuiieert 1 45 Allison (Ijiiiit : (amity. 2 :00 H C. Si nnol lauiidea-.t 2 :.')0 Keeuids iit lianauin :i :00 The Musi,' H,h II : 1 a Me.sicu! Freirani 3:30 Cue I ian) or 'l'wo 3:45 Novel Tunc 4 00 Kuiiliiue tfeeictv 4 ::)() Advemnrei a jolm Tanner 4:45 Mtoek yu.jtatiohs: Interlude 4 a.) ( 11C News ClOVEIiNMENT LIQUOH ACT iSeettoti NOTICE OI-' APPLICATION FOR CONSENT To THANE ER OF Bl'.EK LICENCE NOTICE is hereby tOven that on the 3rd day or ijecein a, a next. th un- .i,,,," ;,;. ,!,,,, ''- .. .. rintrai Col-ainina from Willie L. to Hart Invesiin",,, Ltd lii) htiiridard Bailtiimi. 5ia Wi : Hustings Street," V'uncouver Britli Columbia, the transa-ree. DATr'D at Prince Rnp, rt. Brit I ai Colombia, this 0th day of November. A .1.1. J!i.')I HART INVESTMENTS LTD. Applicant and Transferee. By: Max Osten. Esq.. 4-M Standard Building, Vancouver, B C. Its Solicitor. IN BE ESTATE OP ALBERT DUFFY ' DECF.A.SED. INTESTATE. t TAKK NOTICE that, us Adtnlnis- I trator duly appointed by the Conn, o! the estate of Albert Duffy, who died at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, on the 4th day ol September. MM. I require all creditors mid others havniH claims against the l sind estate to tend the name to a"' properly verified, at the address men- tinned below, on or before the ;ll .t, : day of January, VjWl. after whirh j Can- I shull proceed to distribute tne estate to those entitled by law. hav- I "'K rei-urd only to such claims of win. h I .- hall then have been nolllied 1 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE' that, all persons indebted to :,ju I ''"' "''' required to pay their Indebtedness to me forlhwtth DATED at Prince Rupert. !! C, this 7th day ol December, lstfii. (KJRIXjN ERASER FORBES. ' ntieiai Administrator, Prince Rupert. Be lDfM0.I5.17l ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MEANS PLUS BUSINESS FOR YOU For New Construction and Repair Work . SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. Phone 9fl 215 1st Ave. W . For the MEAL that REFRESHES BEST OF FOOD WnAU'?XiDu-,'I?:,P MARKET ii on. j i i isrn. ei'uuei. read, noiiesL mailing, riaaiui trav- metit made. Atlas Iron fc Meials Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. B. C. Phone PAcific 6S.i7. (tfi CASH for .sirao cast, brass, enn-pr. batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call 629 6th Avenue West. City. (tf) CARS I-OR SALE CERTIFIED USED CARS 1950 FORD FOR DOR Seamlsl green, heater trim, lings, etc. Only 2115.00 1049 METEOR COUPE One owner. Radio, healer, fog lites . .1095 00 1948 MONARCH FORDOR New paint job. Heater, seat covers 1395.00 BETTERN WALKING 1941 DODGE SEDAN Lois of extras. To go at . 800 00 TRUCK SPECIALS 1939 CHEV. REDAN-DEL. New rubber, etc 075.00 1919 FORD PICKUP Yosemite green, 14 500 miles. Reliabht trans- portal ion 1550.00 1919 FORD PICKUP Clean, givy. Lots of miles left 1250.00 ALL RE-CONDITIONED, WINTERIZED BOB PARKER LTD. Phone 83 or 93 for Prompt and Courteous Attention FOR SALE 1951 Prefect radio heater, 2200 miles. Contact a' Olson, Red 594. (288pi FOR SALE 1941 Chev coaclr radio, heater, anti-freeze' $di0 00. Phone 410 between 9 and 6. (291pi LAPPS' HOME Lapland is the name given the Arctic territory inhabited by the Lapps, covering the north of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. FOB TAKE OUT OKDKKS THONE 2M BROADWAY CAFE PORTRAITS Films Developed and Printed PROMPT SERVICE lllAMU.FK'S SllWIO 210-4th Street. Box 645 Phone Green 3t3 Prinee Rupert NEWS ADS get RESULT I iii BLONDIE M-m-m. Are You Sure ' - - -l!t r .PEovou) 1 rrw Tl A(VF. VOO . Mir I Ami inn t rr. WMJi' I V ' 'w,B-iA-( T PATCHING ? - l ANWW. VOL'PE J? ' ', l'-y 1 i Sf & Hi ' Hl f . MK iiw'jg' '"4 txMxjgJi 1 Lf'rjMhO in x VPfc 1 uMr