th- WO Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, December IS, 151 RLD of SIP EST n the revltalizdi New York hangers 7 to 2 Sunday. The Hawks squeezed out a to 3 decision over Boston Bruir.s in Sunday's other game. The Rangers were playing their finst game under their new coach, ,Bill Cook, from whom much is exDected Thev skated won a'unanimous ten-round de- . 1 cision over Solly Cantor ,'f Tor Georgie Dunn Beak Cantor Red Wings Build Lead Store Two Week-end Wins Bill took Gives Rangers New Spark DETROIT (CP) Detroit Red Wings extended their National Hockey League lead over second- .1 ur:'o in an overweight match be- ure a full house of 3000. Cantor weighed 140,2 pounds'' and Dunn, 131'2. " jU MOKE SPORT ON PAGF, SIX on rne faster than they have all season 1 ' EDMONTON P Edmonton's and checked with exceptional Oeoraje Dunn, world's tenth vigor. I rankinsj lightweight. Saturday SENIOR BASKETBALL Elks Come From Behind To Win by Two Points ALLEYS place Toronto Maple Leafs to ! four points by winning two week-end games while the Maple Leafs divided a pair. The Red Wings downed the By ROALD FENNESS Saturday night's senior game saw Elks win 5'J 7 -:vl to 51 over Hansons in as close and exciting a game iXSViSn INTERNATIONAL BASKETBALL SERIES Ketchikan High School aa ims uungniea me ians tnis season., Some said it to 2 Sunday. was impossible for even some who were supporters Lcaf' took a'3 t0 1 ver- , , dlct from Chicago Blar:k Hawk, rf u rn u 1 1 .i 01 me 1MKS had Conceded the Victory to Mansons. Saturday, then were thumped by ill-iVS 5-riNJ.EAOl K ' Alley Cats wilh i85, while high tAiy;M is the scheduled slng:-j of 240 ,vus by J. Dewagd 'it in Uie first half of the sea- Iwith a hi;h three of 619 by R. i tiui also tire last night before I Walsh. 'rrWmas so the Men's Five Pin ! Dot Grahm of "Whip-Its" still League will hold its an-I holds ladies' high average w th 4ll tin key shoot, Three turkeys ,i?3. She also liar! holding high each division of the league. I three a 'HI high single with 500 r are rerent results: ; and 214 E. Mussallvm of Bud o 2(i Tp-m i.t.ri. m... it !.,. of lie. ..,.. vs liut, with 50 seconds left, Elks scored eight points to tie the game and go ahead and win by two points. The game started out at a I last pace with Mansons grab- vich and Morrison did a good fling an early lead. They lost it job, calling 15 fouls on the win- King Ed Pee-Wees Easy Win ' "i, ' - K ,.. . f if- n ... -I '. ' ::.,i ... " 1M" - 4 W" ".."":.! bparKr lire Ktiil nn th ton f 244 and 2b9. Buds had i sel'ion k. -....,'1 . .. . .l - vmtil.i; UV Ult I II II I 1 I. 1 I ill I IT IhrM t moo TTntll I. .. , . .. . inu 1 sineie wun iz7 him 1. r. .. . 'r "-. vuui uic itui, ners ana rour on inr losers. ' . . ., ..... .... r ..... rmcMii inn Line ar.u Irer- fi-w sei-iiiiiis ih KoomH hooi i .u. . ... .! tt. was an tnv vi-w " u-aiiiiiK .uueem jou, national.-, fed Z. .7: .:r L.V ! lor sorrm,! nh.r,. k. ..... . ... . vmr. w tames ol 1133, 11)47 and -,., ,. "" ocwc "P- out, uicn biq tscnerk nit tne wire behind 1 " u .-cuuui uvcr n.fl.V c.. MANDINC: the league-leaders reallv ont. th. i.iih.arH mc,Hr, tv, h-nrHell Divers in Salurrluv'x Pve- Sl.lirk H In , ... "ll.wl ... ' , .... . .. .. .. . . Wee .League basketball game at Booih MeiTiCrial High School TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12 CIVIC CENTRE Moin Game 8:30 p.m. Preliminary Game 7 p.m. I "A" DIVISION ! tluttlni. Line 2 . lli,p.(.rs 5 rti'tcu viMnrv " UrPrise Out of bound.. OUTVich gave the N our o. MuMotui 4. M"niac n. Ajiav 23 h'x.ih VM"MI. ball to the Elks and this time S. t,, oil a. Bud s 2 in,,ais ao. Miuppei, iB.tpm Hnds 17. Webster, ultn a high of 18 Scherk made the basket. Some 'U 'TuZtJi1'""""' ' ! Hnwl'.H ldHB,u.U',Trl,13. P'"ts' P'ayed flawless ball.lsaid this call was wrong and : 'Imu iniviiu 3. Thom Hh.vt ! " whl n" .f Eh 1 Dann B'l' tumed one of his I that Mansons could protest. gfl 4 2 i K Z ,1 . D, r G1'n" better Bames' 0'so" was simply! But Art OUon admitted he had u u 0I sit I. iiiiH-rt liutciicm 3 ;si ro,'K the high single with amazing, pulling down dozens of deflected the shot. So Manson's I "II" DIVISION - aim I enynian high three rebounds at both ends of the said it was a a good good game game and and Civic Centre. Score was 31 to 7. Game opened slowly with most of the scoring in second half. At the mid-game breather the count was 7 to 3. Scorers were: KING EDWARD-Lambic, 12; Mcintosh, 9; Hodgklnson, 1; Johnson, 7: F. Johnson, 2. Thom. that the Elks had won fair and ,jfr. 4. l.ot!l..ts 0 ' , H ,ii,milts C). C'NHA No. Two 4. Ladies' .. court. nign avvraee went vu, u.; .... . ...... ... square. .!,. ImHIMIll'S 4. Nnrtliwcst t'uli. I .T !n.n v. ,,n i.,.. ..... ... .. avM.tuwuta 4n wh. 0 ' ' " single or rirst three quarters of the game. '.,, ,v M-.rket 4 !t,,y,.i Fish n if1.8 B"'to M. Dowsley and also They seemed completely disor- c"""' ? : "ij." ,e ?f ?,44 ganized. very seldom being able MM'1- Moir of Ry!U Flh-Team hmh three was by CCC to make their olaiu stand Martsons Olson 8, Spring 4, Adams, Pierce. Pedersen, Irvine, Webster 18, McChesney 5, Bill 11,' B Johnson. Youngman, Arney 5. i HELL DIVERS Bowes. 7 D. Elks D. 8cherk 10, S. Scherk McLeod. Kelsey, B. McLeod, 6, Davis 10, Matthews 4, Sun-. Twailcs, Lemon, Lugrin, Kilborn, berg 14, Carlson 9. 'Forward. Stanwood. Reserved Scots 75c Rush Scots 35c Eouillae, 2035. 4 high single with 327. H. But in the last two minutes it WiHi T It i was a different story. Davis started the rally with a long , shot. That was all the Elks needed. Sunberg poured in four long i shots in a row. He was high for Catholic Adult Club Trundling T$md Manson's took high e,i 7M wilh gams of 248, i and 206. Mansons rolled high : uajiic of lliO and coupled nfimes of 1087 and 1092 gave 4 liiuh three for the night ia.uo. I "A" DIVISION .Mfi sli"p 1. M.tnwmii J. 2. I-'irPiiii'n t. 0 Kucrt Hutcht-r-s 4. 8lm-l I4rtal 4. I'NHA Nn. s 0. I' It Annmi-incnts " ,.- ' jj jr Jy ' 1 0 X the team with 14 points. Sid Scherk made a couple of beautiful "hooks." With th jcpnro titH anA The Adult Social Club of An- This Christmas mmelation Church met on Sun- than 10 seconds left to play, Don day evening alter benedition and Scherk let go a shot from away enjoyed an evening of bowling, out. Swish it went through the M 1 . I J , r thp Rame W!W h0P- -I"81 beating the final bell, j John MaeDonald with Roger St.! If Mansons, with their 10 point tlt Jrwrlli-rs J. Hnnif Oil 1 i IV DIVISION ....mug 4 cioie second, lead, had stalled, they might Refreshments were served nt have won. But Instead like good the home f Mr. and Mrs St. sports, they shot, missed, lost the Arnaud where Father MeNam- rebound and the Elks scored-in-ara led a lively religious discus- stead. Incidentally, the Elks' last . , ,, !l Points were made in five Next meeting of the club will shots from away out be held early in the new year. In the legal department Gur- 11 give her beautiful useful gift by Hlllll 1. Hot KhlltH a .mi Ugktll 0. CNKA N i -tt! Circuits 4, nulkk-y Mnrk-t ' j,, :1, Norihweiit CmRtruo -I . Iii'liiLirles 1. Itnyal h'lsh 3 VSIHNtiS : J .- llV.i,,M S.i il n-v J Mici'l M.-lnl 25 )' AmUM-iii;ls : - sll" 24 i on M nrviT? Rubber Jrwdlcrs Ha Nn one DULvJ IT 21 20 M HI 13 II Ilutrll. r Footwear For All the T ii- I ' M,,rl;,., 1A N I wo When you give lloipoim appliances, your id 21 it 2:1 'I ' prai tiial ihougli sent imciiial gifl alls her I'lil'i, IrlriH , Or, ulU 23 "imt-s 22 !l tisli 20 ..ill U'j;l,.n in plainer than words I hat you want to make her day-ljy-(!ay living easier, more convenient, more leisurely. See your Hot point dealer . . . and make your choice the liiiest money can buy llotpoitit! Family - Hv ' r i. list run inn 15 I H MIM A 4 ri.l l l OSK I Hie Weeds si 111 leading peints after bowling the I ' ! pi;r- te-ini the "Whip- f rht. hn.f of the Colum- ulosp "A ' league is tight- , ij up mure llian ever. 4vrNiuN;: :tmm :w. Whiit-ltit 31. Mir- , Slowpnkrf. 27. KOrik'- ' H -r. - ,-hln (i;imi 2; Hoik-- I i W IB. HnndlcHlw IS. HlPBin Jrts! Ml.'llrr 14. Skylarks 12. !' high average In latest O lialn went to Jim Reil of ..-MMH-lMM.i' V Fashion Footwear She won't linow how she ever did without it ... HOTPOINT ELECTRIC KETTLE The fastest modern way to . boil water . . . enough for t J 1 nrn CqQ four (tips of tea in 'iy2 (J liiinuii-s. Can't burn out if it boils (by. Il-nlf gallon capacity. Urilliant ( liioiniuili linish. 8 llu. .ii,f:..- e l,.... a l... h- )u - Gives her more leisure time HOTPOINT FEATHERWEIGHT IRON Slic'l! fini-li lirr iionin lastti ami licshcr Willi the lliiliiiint KraihtTwciglit. I l.ts 1 C50 extra large solc-plate . . . yet tvciglis only I Q lbs. rciniK ialiuc oiilinf and indii a'timi! "V li,. i.. ht-ai """ - . III,, ,. ,""l'n,.. " 5 I "Mil, She will (hanlt you for it every iiom'ng day HOTPOINT STEAM IRON It's l he new "Donblcjliily" Iron. It liangrs from Mtam to thy iioiu'ns at the touch til a butlon tints ALL the ironing easier, in less time. $2750 enjoyed by everyone but APPRECIATED r"a'r" ft by those c " NlC ""e -,((., , Dowar's strikes perfect harmony in any company on any occasion. Enjoyed by all . . . it is particularly appreciated by hose who are judges of good Scotch whisky. Before you lay Scorch . . . oy Df WAR'S Hew the fomily wit) optnocicito It) HOTPOINT DELUXE TOASTER cd elemcnls toast both who know F-Mir hi s eun ('.in, l"'U sides ot iw o slices ol bread' iillv- 'OUlf dl k;l l',nC'l (iniik. liui " it ally, $1750 it-m oil on .swiuli. In 1 1 1 Ol I1C. gleaming t Other mudrls jrom $ll.!)5 CONTtNTS I JviOI$. v ' JjfjJ I Cuts polishing work by half! HOTPOINT FLOOR POLISHER 4 ""'t' C and 7 (O safe 1,,' Ka"l. J "DewarsSpscial III 1 Hli tin just guitlc it it does the haul work. Makes -'"i'ljing Y in tlwood, linoleum, tile Moors really gleam. John DewarS- Sons t' filial!,. APPLIANCES Distributed by RCA VICTOR COMPANY LTD. $5950 Mm-? an I jjmr-L ' MeItA!E BROS... IT M'eriisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government ot British Columbia.