'.old men and women, though be WU1 'corning fj-wer, are still every- down """"ire, ww?fcta was ho L. Prince Rupert Daily News As I See It i wli-re in B.C. Writes Bruce (WpH tin. . i Hutchinson in his "The Fraser"; ! Louis tJ ? Letterbox ' u.inrt GONE FOR AYE! Friday, November 30, 1951 fence Me In'at at i h J h's lust ray.- Reflects and Reminisces Among them the most notable,! thev they -.ru mu..h 1 until his untimely death, was ing history nt u ' Z ii dependent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince ' " .. Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. While hi, Louis Le Bourdais, the telegraph "" iivi.n ;. "'wi. traveller .a.'Very operator who became the painstaking and unpaid historian of ?raph Office'""" h r'-.t-llwin TTi utitm-rnrl of fl-..f In Hut..- . . c imr vut.".'". -. h... ...... .... wfc ill.Tl, ...in ii ui he .... . hand all the lore of the gold are gone beyond "w 7 lember of Canadian "tss Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. -' HUNTER, Managing Editor; H. G. PERRY, Managing Director V SUBSCRIPTION RATES: - --arrier, per week, 20c; per month, 75c; per year, fggfife I $8 00; by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. ' in danger of lapsing, that they , can whip up enough interest to( do what they might have done years before? j At the same time we do notj want to buy a pig in a poke, us it seems we might well do by! this plebiscite. Aid. Krueger has a very Rood argument in his letter of yesterday throw "the negotiations open to all inter-; ested and make the best bar-, rush but, being elented to the tContinn te' THAT POWER ((VESTION Editor. . The News, It is to be hoped the public will be able to make a reasoned decision on the merits of the forthcoming power referndum by some means, but certainly a won't be from any lead supplied by your editorial of November j 28. The slant of the author of 1 the series, "Who Will Supply Our Power?" is fairly obviuus. Whie it is possible Prince Ru-pert will experience a beerless Christmas, it does not follow In the slightest that the season will be cheerless. ..... u w Page j. rwinv v 1 Peace Unions Coming George was per- Credit Business When King milted to rise EISENHOWER GEN. it did not mean rince Ruoert J 'ft i'.un we can. Lets snop arouiui P . . ii th, Mimli u,'lt.h nrescrin- is usuaily the best way oi ' ' ' That "ettinp the best lor the least. W. II P. Bowling Alleys Mi lions ami sojrjiiii .iui s in. will inhale ocean air and tread the deck of a battleship. Early in the siinimer he will go on a cruise. The breiy Atlantic, before Ihis, lias been found good medicine, as well as tonic. The Dally News will probably have more to say about tut-power question before releren-diim day. Ed. I but what does the Daily Nev.s think of the matter? One had been led to believe that a newspaper should take a lead in such public matter and, to a certain extent, provide some guidance in questions of great public interest. But there is no such tiling shown in the editorial mentioned only a very balanced summing of pros and cons which leaves the reader just about where he was befo,e lie started perusing it. During the following hours the alleys j available for ooen bowling; i:vinv vv i.i.k iiw WI I.NFSIIAV KVKNINC fri.m 4 W MS U U:U p.m. says he has been converted to the idea of a single European army. The American Congressmen, sent to the 'Council of Europe al Strasbourg as "observers," say they are most deeply disappointed at the .slow progress so far made towaru a real "United States of Kiliope." General Kurt Meyer - the convicted Herman war criminal whose S3 men murdered 18 captured Canadian paratroopers--but wim now opi-UiU hU weekends at home in Germany --.says he will never again serve in a purely German army, but hints -troruj,ly he would do so in a 'fc.urope.in a: iny." Ignoring the mystery as to how Meyer knows he is going to be freed to erve in any Kind ol uniform - all these are straps in Uie wind. PEOPLE who want to understand what is rapidly coming to the fore these days should KATl ltKAV fn.ni P-ni. t U.4 8 FKW SPARED Pilii-e Rupert, when far .smaller than now, had a quickly solved rat plague. There chanced to be an abundance of poison in town and this was lavishly made use of. It worked so well that the disposal of remains w is quile a job in itsell. Doj.s did, as acII. Eu ry ISntisii Columbian, if he succeeds in reaching old a",e, could tell plenty of good stones - tale.s that, are true, uniqti". inlorinative and each with toe rugged background ol a land i-t I'.i.u; oi it u.K Editoi, Daily News: I would like to read of somebody who voted against the power or any other referendum because referendums are dishonest and savor of slippery politics. Men elected lor oltice are responsible befoie God and mvn fur tin- making of decisions, lie i hey "yes" or "no " It would be nice t be able to blame either l Iv,- electoiate or the Depart menl m Municipal Al fairs tor every -thi.-i",. but is It go.id enooj-h? HASH. S. I'KOl'KTER Come and enjoy a healthful recreation ormd pleosont surroundings CONDITIONS change and inflation reduces AS the purchasing price of the dollar, making it more difficult for people to find the cash to buy the rpods they want, credit granting becomes more of a problem. .Careful credit granting can solve a great many of the current ills in the retail business. Why credit granting? It is primarily to enable those who are financially secure in the future and whose credit is therefore good to enjoy the use and convenience of goods, often merely for reasons of convenience, and defer the payment of cash ? But credit granting should be businesslike. Careful credit granting attracts, holds and records the safer class of permanent business. It is a compliment to those who are accepted for credit and is an incentive to achieve and maintain such acceptance. Careful credit granting combines the advantages of cash and credit selling to the satisfaction ultimately of both seller and buyer. There are two prime objects of everybody in business: 1. To increase sales. 2. To increase profits. that breeds adventure and hazard. But the trouble Is so many aie unaware of this. The material i.s there all rigid, yet this angle ol the situ.it am pr.oaos in a lileUme will not o.cur I t the person po.-v,es.iiii". it. T'ne.sc 'Some weeks ago I here at-' pnared an editorial on BrltiVi Columbia separate .schools. There was an example of the kind of ediorial we need. It took courage to come out with a defi-! nite opinion like that and suggested means of .solving the problem. Whether we agree with the arguments i.s another mat- ter entirely, but at lea.t It 1., shown that, the author lias mad-- ' up his mind he's on one xtiie ol the fence, not trying to balance half one .side,, half tin-other. Reverting to the imi)..iuiur-, ; plebiscite, I don't think the citizens are greatly influenced by whether the power will be supplied by private enterprise or by "socialist" B. C. Power Commission. (What a paradox! A "socialist" department of a government which mast assuredly s.-, any ever was.) One does not any ever was-1 One does le.ii require a long memory to recan examples of pretty poor service on the part of the power coni-; pany, and their present threat I to "freeze up" on expansion ! plans if the plebiscite carries j may be a natural reaction, but it -also has the appearance id a club. Why did they have 'o I wait so long before proceedhu; i with su:h plans? Is it only now, when they see their franrh'si- keep clearly in mind that there are three different plans of international union now proposed. These are: i 1. The United States of Europe plan, in which some of the now separate nations of Europe would form themselves into one iederation. roughly comparable GOOD WINTER CLOTHING SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES MEN'S TKE SHIRTS While. Regular 145 Nw MEN'S SHOUTS White. liegular 95c Vu MEN'S. Hit ESS SOX Assorted shades MEN'S WOliK SIIIHTS Grey, all sizes . (Prince Ituprrl) Tom Wallace, Lebanon, Ore-' pon: G. T. Rolph, Smitliers; G. J. Manson, Mrs. M. Robertson, IV Pederson, 11. G Burns, G. V. Tough, R. p. Love, O. Luiulen, G C. Garside and S. L. Hewer, Vancouver; .1. A. Eors.-yth, New Westminster; Mrs. P. Hutchinson. Powell River; M. Diwson and F. L Shonkwiler, Montreal; C. F. Sargent, Rock Hill, South Carolina: J. A. lnglls. Vernon; J. Per son, New Westminster; M. Berg North Vancouver; A. E. Webb Victoria;' Olof Holm, city; Mr Credit selling along proper lines achieves both these objectives. t Overprivileged Youth YOUTH problems arise not only from squalor and poverty but also amid conditions in which life is made easy for youngsters. Enjoyment often appears the main objective. Concern for others is secondary if not forgotten. If children receive only a material scale of values, nothing satisfies. Meanwhile, parents who try to set constructive with the United States of Am- , , i erica. ! 2. The Atlantic Union plan, in which the USA., British Commonwealth and similar democracies would form one vast ' federal union: The World Government plan, which would transform the present UN organization into an actual law making body. Under this plan no nation would retain the veto over police action against aggression. There wonld be an elected World Parliament to make law, courts to apply it, and a world poi'ice force to up-I hold it. Yet each nation would i retain its own identity and in-I stltutions. All they would give BOYS' WEAR ROTS' SOX Re (Hilar 50c BOYS' SWEATEUS- Sizes 28 to 34 Rig 275 HOYS' SVEAT SIIIHTS Long sleeves Ro? 200 KOS I.A( EI KIKBER BOOTS Ri milar 3 00 BOYS' OKIl KOV PANTS Sells 900 Sm Not! Noa 1 Not ! i aw' Mrs. T. A. Stewart and son. city; R. E. Davis, Beaverton, Ore-1 gon; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Eyford, ' Edir. .nton; Dick Moqtiin, Burns I.i.k Me neckwear Diaiiuai u.l iui Llicil vjllliuicil, tu lliljjurt w list hdlc- guards, and require a contribution to family duties uvf mrlp in iiimfinr h:n-rlhp;i vrti1 nvprlxr uti-ir-f arul up would be the "right" to attack other countries. HOYS' S( IIOOI. PANTS All si s COYS' HT.NMBUCAKERS-Ail wool Less than la-tory price Priced l.h MEN'S IIRESS SIIIHTS -Perfect fit Now IS h MEN'S TIES Handmade, big selecliim 9t MEN'S IH'ESS SI'SPivNDERS Large selerllon Ceh MEN'S DRESS RAINCOATS Ail sizes, per f.-ct tit. Sn MEN'S DRESS JACKETS Full zipper, all sizes. perfect fit ' MEN'S DRESS PAN1S Lan;e ch-jice NowMtUI MEN'S AI.I WOOL HEAVY BLACK AM) RED CHECK LINED COATS -All sizes. Sells 16 95 ..Sl Were You Missed in 1951 Enumeration? The Dally News check 44a tlie 1051 census, which i.s being challenged for its short count of 8.4(15, may prove useful as a basi; , in any new count which may be made to find city residents who were missed by the enumerators. ' People who were nnssed are being asked to communicate the omission with as little delay as possible so that ba-is may be established for lh.? contention that there was a serious short count. The city has enlisted the co-operation of service clubs in a ; new count. I -m-w " ' iiiuiiiivui .vuj u ,,.1 1 Dki 11.1,) Mini "old-fashioned" by parents who neglect their re I THINK some sort of United States of Europe will likely be. To titke a lond off liorsiV shoiihlert and tb ir nuitris' minds ii li;unt ssm.ikrr ill (Jnl.it io luil dic!iiif d Iiiilsc- (llll.OH il!l iilllVVl lljll itlllllH- HUH) h.lltics. T Ui (i)inp.iiiy is just ntii- of mi r Hunt in dm. ida who, by iii.iiiid.n :uiie'4 .iliiiniiniiii .mi-1 1( s. in.tk' life t ,isii 1 lut 1 - i -01 te v. 1 11 1 It, is In i .11 1 y ' 1 ' in. SoKr this is one; 00 -ill ' i 1 r lilt- VMltlil, it 1111 .ins inulr mil mole people uauiiti .iliimi 1111111. VvY ig dm. ill, 1 .ite I'HIii-11. ,0' 111 li.iwni r It- u.iii 1 j Hi-.s t r 10 -;i III I .III rid it i ii to tii.il sponsibilities. This is not to say that the whole problem of ! formed in the next few years. ; Maybe the big boys in Wash-; j ington, USA, will have to learn ! the hard way that the U.S. of Europe idea just won't work. It'a too small it's sending a boy on a man's job. The difficulties for forming a U.S. of Europe are just as great as those of forming an Atlantic juvenile delinquency is one of "delinquent parents." There are social conditions and family misfortunes that impose heavy handicaps on the most well-meaning. There are some youngsters who remain a mystery to the most conscientious parents. But along with the duties of society and of parents, youth must awaken to a share of responsibility in this matter. The Christian .Science Monitor. DAILY NWS CKNSUS CMVX'K A federal census taker did NOT call at home and I have cheeked w ith each memlx-i my family to make sure. iny of .iliiiiiiii'ipi lut 1 hi 1 m !' I In- ii I ol I lie ( 1 1 r Be Suro You ARE IN Ne.t Tu Royal Hulcl. Is .mil VM.lt.l. 1 ( :mh- ') Aliiiiiiitiiitl ( miip (l.i. I. ul. (I1.111;. There are j Union. But the benefits from j formation of a U.S. of Europe i (if any) would be puny as com-i pared with those which would j be produced by a federation in-' eluding the U.S.A., Britain, Canada and all real democracies of ; western Europe, ! In the first place only a small I part of western Europe would !!i;,iltli:iiitj;hL!!ii''!lil !ti ;:; V;''!;''! "H i,nhii:, :i li,!ii,ili,iMiiii,iM. i.i persons in my family. (signature) . (address) GENERAL ELECTRIC be tree to join a "U.S. of Europe" ! at thLs time. Even when formed the organization would be just as dependent on North America as the separate nations of ... r CITY OF PRINCE RUPTRT Now on Display "NOMA" XMAS LIGHTS Shop early and avoid disappointment Many new novelty decoration sets from 1.35 UP Rupert Radio & Electric There Could Be No Better CHRISTMAS GIFT Than 0 Subscription to the Daily Nuns OTiCT Europe now are. ! i ALL OF the arguments for the i merging of defence forces, j trading areas, moneys and "i courts parliaments of the western European nations apply with even greater force to the combining of the United States. Canada and British Columbia. The U.S. Congressmen who are telling Europe "you should1 i unite" would be in a much (stronger positition if they said, Introdueituj. . . WE .should unite. They .should get Uncle Sam to lead us not to try to push Europe. Besides what is Europe? I.s Russia too not part of Europe? ffl a fine old whisky Yet the whole drive for a U.S. of Europe is to checkmate Russian expansion. Special Christmas Offer (Ends December 31 1 1 Year's Subscription . f $ 8.00 14.00 2 Year's Subscription PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby (riven to Ihe electors of the Municipality of the (;iiy (if Prin-e Rupert that I require tin pre.icnce of the said electors at the Office of the City Clerk, City lla.ll. Fulton Street, on the sixth day of Ix-eembcr 19.r)l, at ten 1 'clock a.m., for the purpose of eieetiiiK persons to represent them as Mayor, Aldermen, .School Tnisli-.s and Park Commissioners. The mode of nomination of candidates shall be as follows: The candidates shall be nominated in wril.inp; the writing- shall be subscribed by two electors of the municipality as proposer and seconder, and shall be delivered to the Returning Officer at any time between the date of the notice and twelve o'clock noon of the day of nomination; the said writing may be in the form numbered 3 in the Schedule of the "Municipal Elections Act," and shall stale the names, residence, and occupation or desci Iptlon of each proposed, in such manner as sufficiently to identify such candidate-; and in the event of a poll being necessary, such poll shall be opened on the thirteenth day of December 1951, at the Civic Centre, .corner of McBride Street and Second Avenue, of which every person i.s hereby required to take notice and govern himself accordingly. , Given under my band at Prince Rupert, this 2!Hh day of November. 1951. R. W. LONG, Returning Officer. Prince Regent G &W "Special" will shordy be replaced byt "Pbinci Recent", a mellow, golden' . . 1 ' i r f. .i ' JPli II Prince 1 : II Regent if - V ihi FOUR hundreds years before the white man came to America the Red Inian Six Nations formed a confederation which for centuries kept the peace, absolutely. Yet formerly those nations had been as hostile as the Big Powers of our own time. Washington, Jefferson and Co. welded 13 colonies into the mightiest nation the world has yet seen. In Canada Liberals Joined with Tories to put through Confederation. Our job in this century is just bigger not harder. 3 Year's Subscription (New or Renewals! wniHity oi supero quality me nnesi product of Canada'a Oldest Distillery. ; G00DERHAM & WORTS LIMITED o Established 1832 Thi advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. f 4 A GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING EVERY DAY Take Advantage of This Special 0' UNDER 'EV MANAGEMENT . , SPEED LAND CLEARANCE PERTH, Australia ( Reuters) Land clearing in western Australia will be speeded up by a locally-desimated seven-ton mechanical rake, towed behind a bulldozer, which cuts a seven-loot swathe through scrub, roots and debris, leaving the. land ready for a preliminary sowing. SAVOY HOTEL Prince Rupert's only modern rooms with bath Fraser Street Phone 37 II 0M V rff?T