W A Mexican Diplomat Presides 17.IV. Assembly Prince Rupert Daily News FHday, November 30, 1951 i 1 I'll mi mini 11 .im.jnuw.irir n l ME EXPERTS Saf . . . CHARMED BV I Intermission, a red rose corsage (Continued from page 3) was presented to Mme Kanazawa i by a little Japanese girl, also in superb. When critics gay she does native costume nine-year-old not only act Madame Butterfly, Setsuko Omori of Port Edward, but is Madame Butterfly, they The artist wore the corsage are right. In colorful Geisha girl when she emerged on the stage costume, she captured the mood after intermission in a striking perfectly, her voice was always fusdiia gown, sute, rendering pathos, sorrow,' u 1.-. .rentes were the Misses coyness and lusty happiness in ' V.argaret Giske, Burba a Moore, simple and honest lnterpreta- Louis' Wood ai.d June Piket. " ' lion. lnere was no doubt, though,! $ 3w? i . --X' W ' f , ! CITY'OF PRINCE RUPERT BY-LAW NO A HV-I.AW TO RAISK THK SI M OK ONE . HI NIIKKI THOl KM IIIII I.AHS (SUMI.IIIMMMI) FOR THK PIKPONK OF K KCONSTKl ITIMi WATK.K MAINH AM' Kt'l KCTISfi RKPAIKS TO A ROPOI.I8 MIX KKHKKVOIK. WHEREAS It Is deemed necessary and expedient to construct an eight Inch 8"I Cast Iron Water Main, replacing the existing eight Inch (8") steel water main, tor a distance of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven feet 11.887 ft p commencing at the westerly boundary of Jeffery Street on Seventh Avenue and extending In a north easterly direction to connect with the existing cast iron main: AND WHEREAS the estimated cost of constructing Cie said water main Is Fifteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ((1S.5O00OI: AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to construct a ilx Inch 10") Cast Iron Water Main, replacing the existing eight Incb 8") teel water main, for a distance of two thousand four hundred and twelve .cut (3.413 ft I commencing at a point eight feet (8 ft.) east of the westerly boundary of Fulton Street and westerly along Fifth Avenue West and Borden Street to Blggar Place and thence northerly on Blggar Place to connect with six Inch (6") Cast Iron Water Main extension on Third Avenue West; AND WHEREAS the estimated cost of constructing the said water main Is Twenty-One Thousand Dollars (21.000.00): AND WHEREAS It Is deemed necessary and expedient to construct a six Inch (8") Cast Iron Water Main, replacing the existing three Inch (3") urwi mix Water Main for a distance of one thousand three hundred and that this stiiking personality with "t'.ie voice" , iulfllled her; promise Jo the public by her -oio beginning with the sophis- t ca, .d xcs Fines de Cadiz ' and ' tnding w.th the tantalizing, a!-' most naughty "My Dear Mar- j quis." Schubert's "Ave Maria" 1 wa- sung in piety in the original! German but a quick transforma- ' Si A I By KAY REX) Canadian Press Staff Writer FRICE BATTLE ON Manufacturers may look on it as an unhappy omen. Store-owmers may winder where their customers have gone. For Canadian women '-ov- heenn dieging in on the home front in the battle against ..mi Dices. Initiated by one of the leading women's organizations, the National Council of Women, this move to combat high prices with thrift has already received the support of serious-minded housewives in all parts of the country. At Ottawa recently tire Local Council of Women was told that a successful thrift compaign would be more effective in curbing inflation than price controls. Further, it would save the government the cost of subsidies. "We are not asking you to stop a'l spending." said Mrs. O. D. Finlayson, first vice-president of the National Council. "Just slow-it down." X ! i 6 ;vJ V tion was made by her next num-cei in the gaiety of the "Amer- I I twelve feet (1.312 ft.) commencing at the Junction of Seventeenth Street 1 ST - 1 V lk I lean Lullaby ." i.er encore was ; la Jananen folk sonir of a re ligious litual on the island of Matsushima. 1 he program ended fittingly , ' ',S ! 4 r and Atlln Avenue and northerly on Seventeenth btreet to uranam Avenue, thence westerly on Graham Avenue to a point approximately at the centre line at the Junction of Graham Avenue and Van Arsdol Street; AND WHEREAS the estimated cost of constructing the said water main is Nine Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ((9.500.00); AND WHEREAS It is deemed necessary and expedient to construct a six Inch (6") Cast Iron Water Main, replacing the six inch (6") wood stave water main, lor a distance of nine hundred and thirty-four feet (934 ft.) commencing at a point on Fourth Avenue East approximately eighty-four feet (84 ft ) east of the easterly boundary of McBride Street, and Easterly ou Fourth Avenue East to a point approximately opposite the boundary line between Lou Forty (40) and Forty-one (411. Block "I," Section Six (6); AND WHEREAS the estimated cost of constructing the said water main Is Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (7 .500.00); AND WHEREAS It Isdeemed necessary and expedience to construct a two inch water main, replacing the present one Inch (1") and one and one-half Inch (IV) water mains for a distance of one thousand and four feet (1 004 ft) commencing at a point opposite the centre line of Lot Twenty- ana to much enjo merit 01 me audience with duo selections from popular musicals, such as Jerome Kern 's "Showboat," and "Rubena" and Romberg s "New Moon." Here Mme. Kanazawa and Mr. Curzl teamed up to give their brst in duct with familiar "Only Make Believe," "One Kiss," and "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes," ending with Lehar's "In Marsovia" (fiom "Meiry Widow"), and the rollicking "Street Song" from " UHf I Ehe said women must learn to two (221. Block "G." Section Seven (71. and westerly on uvenoos oireri. id cuf ou tne non-essentials, defer line of Lot Forty-six (46), B)ock "O. Section the centre i pomt opposite repiacements as long as possible, "and WHEREAS the estimated cost of constructing the said water main and give careful thought to their is Seven Thousand Dollars (7.ooo.oo); needs, rather than their wants. AND WHEREAS It is deemed necessary and expedient to construct a lx Inch 8") wood stave water main, replacing In part the existing six tAl, JOINS men (8" wood stave water main for a distance of one thousand five rj.ne J2 000-member Canadian feet ft.) commencing at the existing inch . , ' mndred and twenty (1.520 fix Association , f OI f rnsumers consumers has nas 6") cast Iron water main at a point opposite the lane between Blocks Forty 0) and Forty one (41), Section Five (51 on Ninth Avenue West, and lent its support to the campaign. Ii utherly across Lot Two Hundred and Fifty-one (251) and up Mount jn the latest issue of the C A C. :.dfieid to the lower dam; bulletin readers are urged to "Naughty Marietta as an encore. Following the presentation of "Madame Butterfly." just before .. if 1 AND WHEREAS the estimated cost of constructing me sam water main --- --- - - - MEXICAN DIPLOMAT PRESIDES UN ASSEMBLY The Sixth regular Session of the United Nations General Assembly opened in Paris on November 6 and Dr. Luis Padilla Nervo, Permanent Representative of Mexico to U N., was elected its President. Here, Dr. Padilla Neivo takes up the gavel, symbol of his Presidency. buy the best quality, at the best price. ! I The C.A.C. also gently chides women buyers for chasing bar-' gains. "No purchase is a bargain if we really do not need it," it says. I Finally, the bulletin introduces a few economical recipes as one s Nine Thousand Five Hundred Dollars (9.500.00); AND WHEREAS It Is deemed necessary and expedient to construct a 3ix nch 18") Cast Iron Water Main to replace the existing three inch (3") .ood stave water main lor a distance of three thousand two hundred and uur feet (3.-04 ft.), commencing at a point approximately at tne centre laes at the Junction of Graham Avenue and Van Arsdol Street and westeny ii Graham Avenue to a point fliteen feet (15 ft.) south of the boundary ..e between Water.ront block "U," and thence westerly and parallel to this 'January line to a point opposite the western boundary line ol tne Prince upert Fishermen's Co-operative Association's Plant at Falrvlew Bay; AND WhEREAS the estimated cost of constructing the said water : i.tn Is Ten Thousand Dollars (tlO.000.00) ; Local a Series of Social Evenings Planned A series of social evenings for 1951-52 season Has been planned by a Joint entertainment committee of Oddfellows and Rebekah lodges, first to be held next Tuesday in the form of u cribbage and whist drive. The committee announced today that the socials would be held monthly and would Include sucM formal occasions as tlio two lodges' joint birthday, roll call and memorial celebrations. n practical way the housewife can AND WHEREAS it Is deemed necessary and expedient to repair and nrnrttrp Vhnt It nrpnehp! d PERSONAL Mrs. John Cloarec is home from the hospital in ReRlna. She Is recuperating nicely after her operation. ,f:' 1 j J)nsta(fati ..abllltate the reservoir on Acropolis Hill, as per specifications as recom-nded by Mr. W. R.Bonnycastle. Consulting Engineer; I PEANl'T-STl'FFF.D PEPPER'S AND WHEREAS tne estimated cost of repairs and rehabilitating the , .. U reservoir Is Twenty Thousand Dollars (20.000.001; I Ingredients: six green peppers, AiiLi Vvx-.ErtEAS It Is aecmed expedient that the cost of the said repairs one tablespoon melted fat, one- the reservoir and replacement ol water mains should be a charge against half Cup uncooked rice, one-half minced onion, olTJ-half ANU WKLK2AS the above estimated cost of the aforesaid projects have CUP cup i en approved by the said municipal Council, subject to a b,-iaw to raise chopped celery, 1 ','2 teaspoons ; wav of a loan the required amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars salt, one CUO water, two cups M00.000.oo), receiving the assent of the Electors; cooked or canned tomatoes wUh ..t .. ..ii....jAS u u deemed desirable and expedient to borrow the (..I-. -hn-oj t,itrf u of one Hundred Thousand Dollars 18IOO.OOOOOO1. which Is the amount JulLe' one cllP cnoppea sailed . t.ie debt which Is Intended to be created by this by-law: peanuts, crumbs mixed with AND WHEREAS the amount of the assessed value of the taxable land melted fa (to sprinkle over the on ! Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chorney, ! Aggregate prizes for card tour-w th Utile Bonnie and Marilyn naments will be given at end of of Dumas, Saskatchewan, have season K-'!V! j . Zrtt ' The (pul.luu.ihi 0r,MaUsul. I 1 ' "' ' I J0 ' l-.:lho) IM. ' (herein Ollll coiin- cu 'o .s;e. :l :ne wu- top of the stuffed peppers.) Kris Soremtii cclcV raU.il h'.? fifllolK KirlhrlT., nil Wrrl iMV Committee members are Mrs. L. Brain, Mrs. W. A. MeLenn, Mrs. J. Delorme, Miss Betty Hood, Fred Green, Charles Vler.3 and Joe Delerme. : 1 ii improvements witnin tne Municipality according to the last revised :.ssment Roll, being the Assessment Roll for the year 1951, is Eight I lllon Seven Hundred and Eighty-three Thousand, One hundred anu '..iiy-su Lollars ita.183.ixe.00i; . AiD Wi.LREAS It wilt be necessary to raise for the payment of the ! Kr.mo fif his fr lnrU nnH nni(.li- Prepare peppers by cutting off stems and removing seeds. Cook VJ-', bor- were in during the evening. ' . 'f j , , If'""; t - '" """ '"' Mr. U.kwI "ScrUnd-. J , f if tll..wt.,ulhtk. kuU . 1 Tl ;,.,( . 1 Oriul. V , - i t " '$34.75 ' ' 'm-:; oiS A Joint installation of Prince ; Rupert Elks and Order of the' Stan Warren and Art Patter-Royal Purple Lodge was con- s"n of Vancouver have be-n vis-ducted at the Legion Audi- ""'' at theuncl) of Mr. and torium kr Barr.ell. They' did some , water. Makj stuffing by combining in frying-pan melted fat, rice, j onion, celery and sa t. Add water Is'owly as mixture begins to cook. .Cover pan and simmer five to 10 Coil 363 FOR BETTER . . . Planning Building or Repairing In charge of the ritbal were nununfe. but v.e e unsucc.'ssful. i Mi:!: i ttninfrt t" jrwfi"Vifif . .Ultil, tf(lti. vprnon Tav fir ritstri't rienutv minutes. Add tomatoes and juice $33.75 grand exalted ruler, of Burns LaKe, and Mis. M. Robertson, and simmer 10 minutes longer until lice is almos' done. Add mi. aiiu iviia. nnuy ui;uaiu il.e leaving this evening for Vancouver where thev will attend th? marriage of their daughter to Leslie Ronald Kelper of yal more liquid if needed, then stir fepsty supreme honored r ir 'he chopped peanuts. , t lal'' .' v,anojiver ' ' .sective years, the amount as follows; 1 War I'rlnclpiil luterit Totnl 4 195J 'i.260.00 13.250.00 1 11)53 (8.000.00 4.432 50 7.432.50 i ' ' 1954 3.000.00 4,287.50' 7.287.50 ' 1S55 3.500.00 4.151.25 7,651.25 ff -J 156 3.500.00 3.993 75 7.493.75 ' 1957 3.500.00 S.KM.'6 7.336.25 V.." 1953 4.500.00 3.656.25 8,156.25 1869 4.400.00 3.453.75 7.B53.75 ,, 1160 4.5J0 00 3.251.i5 7,'i51.25 - 1861 600000 3.03750 8.037 50 1 ' j 1962 6.000 00 2.812 50 7,812 50 ., ' 1963 5 000 00 2.567 50 7.587 50 t 1964 5.500 00 2.351 25 7.851 25 ". ' 1965 5.500.00 2.103. 5 7.603 75 ' 'ft 1966 6.000.00 1.B45 00 7,845.00 . 196 1 6.000.00 1.675.00 7.575 00 'VS, 1968 6.000.O0 1.305.00 7.306.00 ', 1969 6.U00.U0 1,035.00 7.035 00 HI,' 1970 6.500.00 753.75 7.253.75 '' 1971 6.500.00 461.25 6.961.2S . ,, 1972 7.000.00 157.50 7.157.50 ";' jj'f "V tlOO.000 00 t53.347.50 tl53,347.50 Of the 18 chartered mcmons JVt' File the' this stuffing into of the Royal Purple instituted U i -irpellent. na-mit fin k , lccr hinJ. lunnfiom luj, .liurtprMl, crvul )iuNk rtiow (, Mcci iMtk. Lxpftruiuo bfKErtct. $63.50 peppers ana s?r. ,nem upngnt :n Wednesday nr lit by Mr?. RVj- a pan. Muffin-tins are useful if ert.son, the foilowin- executive they won't Ptand upright, members were Instai.ed: Sp.inkl. crumbs on top of each M s j Anderson, honorPtl pepper and put a little hot water . : . l M Mcintvre m the tin with each pepper. Bake ,L J E. Musto of British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service w is In the city Wednesday on his way to Terrace on business Ir. connection with the transfer ol the Red Cross hosnital trier t-. 30 to 40 minutes. net Hull, royal lady Pick, leadiii1' lady; $47J0 mis. viliui tne conmumty of Trrace Mrs. Art Mr.i. T. A. Mrs. J. L. Parent returned on' THRIFT HINTS Murray, chaplain; Newspaper can be used for Mosley, secretary; AND WHEREAS it will be necessary to provide during the currency of the debentures authorized by this by-law for payment of the debt and for payment ol Interest in the respective years, the amounts as set out in Section j'We (5) hereof: jviro. . j. r nc OeurK? Wednesday Mrs. M.:l after a six weeks' holiday in ) a kindling. A sheH of newspaper Gurvich, treaurer; li iwortiJ the Municipal Council of th city of Prince Rupert, ta rolled im tiRhtlv from CO' ner to HolKe.stad, pianist; Alii. Dou.; Ante es and points in th- south. MITCHELL & CURRIE SL THESE AND OTHER LOVELY "SEELAND" WATCHo IN HANDSOME GIFT BOXES Priui frem Ji.50 I $75.00 AT LEADING JEWELLERY STOKB open meeting wmoied. enacia as follows: !,nm0, cuird: .. fhon t,ic ielun. inner ,.irs Hjp- l, Tiiat lor the purpose and with the object aforesaid there shall be , . . " v",v-" 141 "l 'J . . ,r, ,,.H. rowcu upon the crcaii ol tnu inuinciaity o-ujci-v vo t.n- u.m.hh i,. a better fire-lighter than kind- ms- gaaia, iviis. - er.joved a reunion with a brother who has sine pone to New Zealand and Australia. borrow let.u.naul-Governor hi Council given upon tae recommendation of the ling wood Three or four Wilt Ward, conductress; Mis. U, 1HI ..luljLcr Oi tnuniclpai Allairs oi t.ic rovl..cu ol drlllsn lOiuiuulu puid lent an onen fire nr Itltrhpn man, aijuKlan; Mr.5. LMl LIMITrD . ilern & ( oiilrat torn Clapp, Mrs. Eric Janseu and Mt tc. Itn! IGHN BULGER, LTD., Jewellers Gordon Root, public relations officer for Columbia C"iiulose Co. passed fhroiii-h the city on Wednesday on his wav to Tor- j, Ajjjcadi;, tru.)tee.j. Mrs. Rotcrtson presented tlr lod'e with a ceremonal refjaiii vj Lie "olty ol Prince Rupert Refunding Act 1935," the sum of Ons liundred Tnouand Dolt&rs (IOU,ouu.ou ) aiiu ueOcitarco anan ue no.-. biieieiur In deiioiiiinatuons of not less than One Hundred Dollars (100.00) and ail such ueuciitarus snail be scaled with the seal of the City and signed Ijy the A.avor and Treasurer. i. The said debentures snail be dated the first day of June 1952 and shall be payable as follows: on the first day of June 1953 13.000.00 on tne ltr.it aay oi June lwb 3.O00 0O On tne first day of June 1955 3,500.00 On the first day of June 1958 3.500 00 ana sno.te of tne be.ievo er.t laCe where he will attend the work of the E1.--S and tae n ceremony lonint oi trariMer-rin? the Red Cross outpost hospital to the community of Terrace, i Finally, don't use up thoss fruit baskets for kindling. Sell them back tc your fruit store. Rotarians Get Census Request A city request for assistance in sT7 .fi S E elated women's lodge. ia.i.. wore corsages of white chrysanthemums and purple r.b'oon, given to them by tne Elks. ELKS Assisting Mr. Taylor In th? EIks' officers installation ;t;:c- on tne first day of June 1957 3,500.00 On the first day of June 1958 4.500 00 on the first day ol June 1959 , 4.600.00 On the first aay of June 1960 4.500.00 6.000 00 On the first Qi.y of June 1961 E'trrv M. Craig, representative of the North Pacifk: Shipping Agency, J. Mitchell, superintendent of the Canadian nievriorun o. Ltd., and Hector Perry, whose company had lh loading contract, sailed last pit lit bv the Pr ii-e Geoi.-p nn their return to Vancouver after r K ing been here in connection with the I ;ariin of the grain shi ) Kiyckawa Maru. On the first uay o. June 196J ou tne first day of June 1903 on tne u.!, uuy oi .juiie ioi On tne InsL uuy of June 1:165 On tne lllot i.ay ol Ju.ie 19ob lu the llr.st u.iy ol June 19ti7 On the first Uay ol June 196a On the first cay of June 1969 on the first t.ay of June 19 10 On the first day of June 1971 Ou the llrst of June 19 12 6 .000 UO 5.000.00 tt.OOJ.UO 5.500.U0 b.'JOO.UO b.000.00 6.000.00 6.000 00 6.OO0.00 6.500.00 'l.'JOU.UO another cenrus survey was re- mony was Gordon fuimall, a.,-,o f erred by Rotarians at luncheon 0f the burns Lake loae. O' .-yesterday to directors. GeorE? cers in:lalieu were: Ait mui.h , Mitchell said it looked like a big exalted ruiti; trie fcpe.i, l.y.u job and thought directors should knight; J:ime3 Bitmiitr, leaJ.n; Code on it. knight; David Stone, lectu.m, 1 ( i- Norton Youngs said a knight; Don Scherk, chapiaia; j'name" census might reveal Nick Pavilik s histniian: Vp.-i The said debentures shall be payable both to principal and "Olllte a few" nermlh hurl nnl i j. ,.onual. in the City ol K.ontrcal, In the Province of Quebec; li the City , " C0UnU!(J- l 0lhn Bervico MXlellan, tylcr; S. J. A-IUCSU,. f Toronto, in the Hroiiice oi Ontario: in the city oi Winnipeg, in tnu cluts supported a re-counting, secretary; Mika Budnuch, tieas- oviiicc oi iwanltob.i; m the Cities of Vancouver, Victoria and Prince he thought Rotarians shnnlrl ,,t' r,o .,.,.,.;,. l-,i vupert. In the Province of British Columbia. . "t'iJ- Martin, pianist: N N. ourrtn. X 11C BAIU UtUCUllirUS Snail nVR RURPnHI t tho.n l.n,,n..n. 11... . . . . 1 1 , payment ol Interest at the rate oi four and one-half per centum 141 7) per , ounKs als0 reported that Victor Pick and Eddie Clapp, .nnuiii payao.e haif-ycany on tne ln..t uay oi IX-ctinoer and the il.st uny a variCty concert in ajd of Can- trustees. .1 June in eacn year during the currency thereof and the signatures of the aae. s blind, would be held De- Refreshments were served by a r.nmniit.t.pr nf ivir C.ann . nlnted vu,ur nu neasurcr wj uiu saw coupons may be either wiltten. stamped, cember 9 in the evening. 1 yteaafjm V or lithographed I & TVi- ohnli , 1.....J Guests at the luncheon were ap-.ers and 'ihjmis' UenUy. u. nine oiian ue ilvicu ailQ TSlsefl flllrlnir Ihn f.,i,i.. 11 .ii John Bowson, Gordon Tod, Dave .ebenturos by rate sulnclent therefor over anrl Hhnvp all nih t ilirara Walked all .he rateable land or land and Improvements within the municipality for lie Radford, and E' nle Carswell )ayment of the debt and for the payment of the Interest In the resiectlve of Vancouver. I p d.vorco nas been g antou 1 1 i Vancouver to Loiiame l.uml.ia K.'.rcicr of New Westminster. ! from A ex'indfr Thomas Mcrclcr oi South Hazclton. Classified Ads Pay Special it, ear 1952 1953 1964 1965 ' 1966 1957 1 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 i 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 City of Prince Rupert only In the event that this by-law bcln? submltto;! to the electors of the Municipality and receiving votes In favour thercjl not less than three-fifths of the aggregate valid votes polled In the Municipality. 7. This by-law shall be cited for all purposes as "Water Rehabl ltatio.i By-law 1951," Read a first time the 16th dny of November AD 1051. Read a second time the 16th day of November A D. 1951. Read a third time the 22nd day of November A D. 1951. Received the assent of the electors the day of 1931. Reconsidered, finally pased and adopted the day of 1951. . I'riiulpul M.000.00 3.000 00 3.500 00 3.500.00 3.500 00 4. 500.00 4.500 00 4.500 00 6.ooo!oo 5 ,000 00 6,000 00 6,500 00 6.500 00 8,000 00 8.0OO.O0 6.000 00 8.000 00 6.500 00 6.500 00 7,000.00 I10O.OOO00 I liferent Totul 2.250.00 $2,250.00 4.4:12.50 7,43250 4.297.50 7.297 50 4.151.25 7.661 25 3.993.75 7.493.75 3.83626 7.33625 3.65625 8.15825 3.453 75 7.953 75 3.251 25 7.761 25 3.037 50 8.037.50 2.812 50 7.812 50 2.587 50 7.587 50 2.361.25 7.861.25 2.103 75 7.80375 1.845 00 7.845.00 1.575 00 7.675 00 1.305 00 7.305 00 1,035 00 7.035 00 753.75 7.253.75 461.25 " 6.96125 167.50 7.167.50 53,347.50 1153.347.50 VANCOt'Vr.K Vir l mo i C o-iii, mi 3 p..n DcecnV.'er 9 and 3 anioiiun Mi'!nieht. December 2, 16 and 30 Tuisdiiv. 12 Noon Camosun illl'f K1. -IKWHttl' A.N'K FORT I"l'SON Sunday, Camosun, II pm. ytut vi'i-'i it ii i. ni Mti oTTK rsi is Dcemher 7 and 21 ss. Coquitlam midnight ('Oil .MH'TII Ol nt niARLOTTE ISLANDS sc. Ccquillam November 30, Doc. 14 and 28 midnight nt.ANK J. SRINM K Priner Rupert Agent Third Aven'ie Phone 588 CANADIAN WHISKY Mayor City Clerk Take notice that the above is a true copy of the proposed by-law upon which the vote of the municipality will be taken at" the Civic Centre, corner of McBride Street anct Second Avenue, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m on Thursday, December 13th, 1951. . R. W. LONG, City Clerk. Control n' This adverlisement is not published or displayed by tlic Liquor Govrrnmciil of British Columbia. 6. This by-law shall come into effect and shall be binding upon the i