1'iiiice Kuoeit Duilv N-w, Friday, November 30, 1951 i'iin a uih is tTtT 10 'Tort Worth' Exciting An rar'v episode in Hie early i life of the now great Tvxas! city Is the basis of the story in I tile p.ctine "Fort Worth," show-ling this Friday and Saturday at the Capitol Theatre here Run-idolph Seolt, David Brian and Phyllis Thaxtvr have the leading WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT MORE k im Blankets Ayres Blankets Far Sleeping Comfort flu. 'roles In the technicolor film. k - f-.r " . . . Unwinding the siory of Fort Worth's early struggle to combat, lawlessness of roving bandits and corrupt politicians, the film .if . " y - rivirt-TTsw-rT-- V H p;ss to buy frond biai'ki l,s. Vcais nf st'l'vicc and ii p i: ; pleasure make a lUlleivnee. Thr PTire '.-) (.' Fcr The Brands Yau Kwm ft jtiWR. kvsi .LACE'S DEPT. STORE: j presents Seolt as a gunlighter-turned-publisher in an elf'Ht to restore order In the town. However, when his crusading edit nils cowardly murdered, he reverts to the force of the six-gun and only then the people of Fort Worth rally to his side. David Brian makes his western film debut in an unsyniputhelie role while Phyllis Thaxter provides the romantic Interest. - IS,, i" ' ., r , a -t r ' a r k ij r h u a rs a b fi a m k. a :-t s a m i m t. . mm -; t V: live. Shows 7 - 9:011 Sat. Matinees - i:".0 I If you want to sell it, advertise It. News classified. Human Inspector Tends Cats, Dogs VICTORIA (CO Ben Robert M-.IRKS. newly-appointed SPCA inspector here, inherited a fondness lor doss and thinks nothing of getting up in the middle of the night to' tend a sick dog or cat. The 43-year-old former pilot in the Battle of Britain has had a lifetime experience with wild iinimaU in zoos, and this served him well on one of his two escapes from German prison camps in the hist war. When he and three comrades escaped from one camp, Nazi guards set savage dogs on their trail. The men were treed In a fore.vt. As the dogs bayed at his feet. Maggs spoke soothingly, inched down the tree and made friends. The three dogs came all the way home with him, trotting beside the wheels as he and his companions pedalled stolen bicycles to Calais. Men and dogs :-c:i ;i mhled aboard a ' borrowed" i niotorboat. ("Always meant to' return that boat, but never gol' around to it," says Maggs.) They chugged two-thirds of I the way across trw channel and rowed home when the gas gave nr. i i om; F.xri:itiKN( e Moving to the United States from his native England, he went ; tr work in the San Diego zoo when 13. Later he went to Belle! I land roo in Detroit in charge ef carnivorous nnimals. and from there to Hollywood as humane inspector charged with preventing cruelty to animals u: ed in movies. ( Generally spvaking. nowhere-n the world do animals get better treatment than they do in ; Icily wood," he says. Five years ago he came to Valeria where he married. ! ii" 'v I' rv.vcr "out to sleep" any animal if it can be kept .!- and happy. "I reo'csent the animals In Shis town," he says. "They can't i ik for themselves, so I'm .oiii? around speaking for them." RCRs GENERAL STORS-Just one hur from front-line slit trenches th'j and Battalion of the Royal Canadian Regiment is upciutliifc it.-, oii ,uuci Kcuei.ti .-tine. Oil sale are most items a comba'. soldier might need. Sa'.e.Miian behind the counter Is 1 U . Norm Wriuds of Verdun. Quv . while his customer is Pte. Bill Cozier of Toronto. it'P lrom Nallonal Defence) ftf1tf!,THMHri''!',V1!?P!?1!'TI'''M,!1!"rM!Mt,r,1f,l'Tl VTf'1?"'' r1itttititf imhiiiimmiiLiiiiiMimiiii.iiiiiiiiiiMihMUMi 'iiiimii.,!, I A CELLARETTE FOR CHRISTMA 4 s S i fv.. Terrace Hospital TRADITIONAL AND MODERN STYLES jir Mnclo of sliced Walnut X F'ull-out scrvinq tray with block Formica! Storage compartment with lock fa 26 piece cut qlassware martini iug ice tub large and sr tumblers, cocktails and wine glasses V Extremely convenient arranqement of eel': ette makes glassware readily accessible a ill .-c;i;rmii s o j iu the water test. Water, Transfer TERRACE. Important event takes place in Terrace tod iv with the formal taking over this evening of the Red Cross outpost hospital by the local community which has formed the Terrace Hospital Society. The formality of transfer will be conducted by S. L. Hewer, assistant provincial commissioner of Red Cross for British Co plain or sparkling, reveals a whisky's true, natural flavour and bouquet. Seagram's "83" A. MacKenzie Furniture Ltd "OUNCE OF PREVENTION" ! Promotes Your Child's Lifetime Foot Health Poorly fitted shoes during childhood olten undermine a child's general health. ..cause nervous-1 ness.. .retard scholastic progress i .. .interfere with health-building : play . . . cause lasting foot ills in , later years. Our X Ray Fitting Servic leti you i thai your chJd'i hoe 111 properly . . . thai they will aaiat naturn develop nor- '7 Excavate Hear Historic Spot TORONTO (CP) Water mains and sewer lines are being built in old Fort York, but the historic graves of the fort's fir it burial ground are not to be disturbed. For 150 years and more the bodies of British soldiers and early citizens have rested beneath the little park alongside the railway tracks, known as Victoria Memorial Square. The first interment in the old burying ground was tiiat of Katharine Simcoe, the infant daughter of Sir John Graves Simcoe, who died at Fort York in April. 1791. That was the year t'ili'r York county was given its i..ime by Simcoe, the first lieutenant of Upper Canada. A steam shovel is excavatin.; along a northern str.p of trie .'"liiare, deeded to the city a year a'ro by the federal government lor the extension of Wellington Street. Civic officials gave assurance that the old graves will not be disturbed. They include the burial place of the three-year-old son of Sir John Colborne. once lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada, and the bodies of Bit -ish soldiers who garrisoned the lort until 1S70. Only a score or so of grave "A go id place to buy tiv-r a quarter uf a tesimf 327 3rd Avrnue Phoac Sure cU eanratus, This advert i-ement is not published or di:p!cyed by liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. lumbia. George MeAdams, chairman of the local hospital board, uill receive Die documents. To start the society oil in operation of tiie hospital, a drive ior funds was made and the KiU-.iaclory sum of $4000 raised. 'Inis afternoon the local hus-P'lal board was in session with Mr. Hewer; E Musto, repre.setit-i:r; the kritUh Columbia Hos-p.ial Insurance Service, and U neon Root, public relations officer. Columbia Ccllulo.se, to iron out final problems in connection i willi the transfer. Interior Snow Stops Flights T tfi r.iai, ne&iiny luei, iwty r v3 v 4 pliant bones and mua-v f. 'W cioa in proper align m ATTENTION Women's Au-;ilinrv United Fishermen's & Allied Workers' Ui DANCE Oddfellows' Hall - Fridov, November 3C 10pm -2am. Rcfreshrr; ment. Vve make no charge lor this "ounce ot prevenlion". Use it freely.. .wbether you're ready to buy or not. 7 i' Tti! i ; TERRACE. Drizzly snow I caused the cancellation of all flijht" in every direction from Terrace today. Unfavorable visi-b'llty conditions were reported lrom points east as far as Prince George and south in the Kitimal n nd Kemano area. footwear FASHION B5?araS!WWBBBasm stones remain .standing over die I For the MEAL that REFRESH 'ww'tBWwrr "f ',ii".'i!;ii':,l""!ii,l!iii ' roughly 40U graves known to ex If you want to solve your transportation problem see our used cars . . . these cars are older models but tl'.ey aie in good condition . . . and most important of a'l they .re priced so that you can afford to buy. 7 947 AvsHn 8 Sedan Trcfect Sedan 1948 international Pickup in very good shape 1939 Plymouth Sedan 1538 Ford Coach For good transportation a 1936 Chrysler Royal Superior Auto Service Ltd. llliil;,;i.-ili;..iili,il(i;ilH-!'.:li:vs.,li liuMi, i,!i'.;i, ;'il : ist in the historic plot, and tut years have made many of tiie Inscriptions illegible. Looking Into Hewer Fibres f'peaklrifi recently In Vancouver, Harold B.ancke. Columbia 1 u! m- Co! Ltd.. said that for j.iir th: C'el'snce Coiporation oi America lias L.'en conducting i.v.aiih into newer types of i. lrmical f l;:es. i:" M'M'St f( FS ' Oi:'; i jtiueil i:o:u oa';e 2 1 At the opposite end from Uie BEST OF FOOD burial ground are believed to the bones of the horses of a mm Kilt TAKK ARK OCT OCT OK OltDUtS PIIONK British officer. Captain Batters-by, sent out to command a provincial corps in the War of 1B12. On being ordered home at the end of, hostilities, he ordered tht horses shot and buried, In - a ;-. i the Ictirrt nUrt. I hrn PRO ADVVAY CAFE OUT-OF-TOWN TWIN SPECIAL WE PAY POSTAGE An "dcol Christmas' 3;f;- . . . mailed to you or to vour friends oil crty specific dae! Third Ave. W. Phone Green 217 ne was unable to take thoi imiiie with him. Attention Leqionnaire: McCULlOCH M many trA-r nf 1MK HKls. Tl AN hill-NCt: MONiTOK Irll tiie Kdilor htw mu li ihry enjoy litis djily world-wJn if WApaprr. wiiii uih com-nirnta : "Th Monitor is ihe most carefully rttitrH nirv paper in the U. S. . . "I'ntunbfe aid in teach n, . . .- jivs thtU is comftlctm nnd fair . . "The Monitor turety if n teader$ ' necestity . . . You, loo, wilt find the Monitor in formative with comilrt5 world new . . . ant. ii nrrrs. Mry u your HUME TOWN paper. Ve this coupon for Special Inirniluriory tuhmriplion 3 MONTHS fOK ONLY $3. I tiie men who rave them to him. jre long since (lead. I i Cease fire In Korea! And no'v.i l ii't.i hope, comes Ihe happy pro-! i -.e-j oi cleaning out tiie barrel j I :f n il ri.'ie and poll-hhig the : stuck. L.iier en in life, hang it : iv .-!' tiie hearth! j There does not sei-m to !) in Prince Iiupi-it today the inter-: est there used to be in St. An-i rirew's observance. In earlier j days a banquet was a favorne form of elf oration, attendaneel taking up all possible accommo-1 I rlation, with feasting and a i j lengthy list of .speeches and I I song. j intKil Christmas Tr. C children (under rv raJ for,:!( , 1 toiAmtmwt of members of Jft. 1 Canadian Legion wet : ' iJ-Uirf be Id in tl'.e Navy brill r. ;,. s mm z v m- u f & 1 lh Bov of Chocolates hy Debrett O 1 h Box of Sunday. December 16th, Names and age of children 5f; .11. J .It 1V Wk I V i & I Nut Mouse J Special Mixture j WILL DO rcgi-dcrd by December 3rd cither Dy names in the Legion office or by phoning or Black 609. V J WILLIAMS, Sccrctary-Manogcr. Th ChrMlUsj SrUftr MoMrttr On. ,.rwr SI., tWos li, Mim., U.S. A. PIctM end in at tilriiliKlrr tolMrrlp- mi i Tha 4hrMilta Scwac Msl J iilMt, 1 tKlM )3. (mm) frtl) (iMt) (!() PBfl i includes Cashews, Mmond.s. Flitorts. Pea-lu'.s. Brazils i. BOTH FOR ONLY $2.40 Pll S 7c TAX (Postage Paid) OWE-MAN POWER SAW for the FARM C0RDW00D POSTS TREE MAINTENANCE PUIP and SAWMILL TIMBER CONSTRUCTION Here's the saw that's designed to lessen work and raise income on the farm. You can take it anywhere up hill and across swampy land if necessary because it weighs less than 25 pounds. And cut anything heavy timber, limbs, hardwood, softwood, frozen wood because it has full 3 horsepower. Many other features too make the McCulloch 3-25 tops on any farm: automatic clutch, built-in chain oiler, recoil starter, and full-power operation at any angle. . It" Use 4 MODELS M.W.,. AVAILABLE Vf w.e. 1 5 bow miw . his Xmas vs f !: &wJlL SI mm 1 i 91 --rJi-'r-i III ", ' t . I. rJVjr . , "i-"-'" ' t i.ii i-li-'TfTf.,. - r-"-" -'-'- ...-'-".--1 Fresh From Our Spotless Kitchen Order Early! Order Now! GIVE ELECTRICALLY Be wise and lay away your gift now , vhile stocks are complete. "Give Electrically" Coffee Tables, End Table SEE US TODAY FOR A FREE DEMONSTRATION Authorized Sales and Service We carry spare pails for all McCulloch Saws Pacific Electric Prince Rupert. B.C. Box 139 Phone Blue 992 THE ETC. NUT HOUSE & See our lame? selection for Christmas gi DEBRETT 234 E. 14h Ave. Vancouver 10, B.C. NORTHERN B.C. POWER Cojtd. J GORDON & ANDERSON -Ti Phone 46 Besner Block Phone 210 I'rinee Kuprrt. ft C. TliU advertisemeat is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or bj tht Government of Brilih Columbia. Hit-i Stewart, B.C. !ii:iwlilln'!!l''l1THll!iW " ItlllilllllllUliiltiiiUiiililUiJlllliiiliililiiailiiltliai.at.iidll.iiiiiiiiliiillli:!'!-!!1